HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.20.00City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Thursday, January 20, 2000 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 2200 Oregon Avenue from Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for Arbor Lakes, allowing up to 432 multiple family dwelling units and 40 single - family lots. TABLED ON JANUARY 4, 2000 Tax Parcel Nos: 32- 19 -30- 300- 0160/016A/0170/0190/0200 -0000 and 33- 19- 30 -300- 0180/0190/0200/0210/021 A -0000 Representative: Dwight D. Saathoff 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2727 Country Club Road for the purpose of a church. TABLED ON JANUARY 4, 2000 Tax Parcel No: 34- 19- 30 -012B -0000 Property Owner:, Family Worship Center of Seminole County Representative: Christopher Cubberly 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 315 E. 'lo Street in a GC -2, Zoning District to establish a One- Family Dwelling. Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1201 -0010 Property Owner: The Affordable Home Center, Inc. Representative: Mary L. Hilliman 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2904 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District to establish an Automobile Dealer Sales Establishment. Tax Parcel Number: 01- 20 -30- 512- 0000 -0500 Property Owner: Ball Family Partners, Ltd. Representative: T.B. Ball, III 5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 601 Celery Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District to establish an Automobile Dealer Safes Establishment. Tax Parcel Number: 31- 19 -31- 506 -OCOO -0010 Property Owner: Lee M. and Elane ' B. Esty Representative: Gary Ware 6. Consider the Site Plan for Mid Florida Tools, a proposed 6,500 square foot office /warehouse on Lot 28, Sanford Central Park, Phase 11, addressed as 1 051 Central Park Drive. Tax ID: 28- 19 -30 -5N R -0000 -0280 Property Owner: Sanford Central Park, LTD Representative: Dick Holsombach - Canterbury Concepts, Inc. 7. Consider the Site Plan for Street Wize, a motorcycle repair & parts store at 2484 Sanford Avenue. (Conditional Use approved on September 2, 1999 subject to Site Plan approval) Tax Parcel Number: 36- 19 -30- 542 - 0000 -0210 Property Owner: Lou Venturello Representative: Robert Zlokas - Street Wize 8. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 9. Reports from Staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. NIINiJTES P G AND - Z G C MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2000 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMEBERS C11 I L' . 91 O "q RMA MBERS PRESENT: James Valerino Carol Dennison Otto Garrett Michael Skat Kevin Hipes Ross Robert Bobby VonHerbulis NWMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Kutz Timothy Hudson OTHERS PRESENT: Robert-WA , CitYEngineer Russ Gibson,. Land Development Coordinator Eileen R�fcI3owell; Land lopment Inspector Mr. Valerino called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item -on the Agenda was to hold - a Public HeariY to consid a request to Rezone property_lacated at 2200 Oregon Avenue from Agriculture to Planned Development for Arbor I,skes allowing up to - 432 multiple family dwelling units an& _ ogle Family lots. Dwight Saathof� 255 S. Orange _Avenue, Orlando, stated that a revised plan has been submitted alongwith showing what project will look like: On th northern portion of the propert�they_are tryin�to construct townhomes. On the Burke propertyere will be single family; detached homes: Thar are h��to maimain some balance between the need of flexibility and being consistent with what Staff has asked for and what the code requires. Aft- - Saathoff stated -the y have taken out the nx�mber of waits on th site data. They are not asking to commit to a certain number of units but that they_are committing to density, per net acre` Th - not - he - taikg - army density - from 4U wetlands. Tlh kv#e also changed the ma ' - building height on the multi- ifanily portion to - 45': They - have substantially decreased A_I !Z194 M PLANNING AND ZONING COMIVIISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2000 PAGE 2 the densi ofsinle family to:5: the northern bounda� they hive added the general location of the access to the north of the multi-fa portion. A secdndary access point is on OrigBon to the and the , simile - familyportion has - own access�pq t. The project has been designed so that it will not imp act the wetlands that are at the entrance of the project. There is a 25' mturaibuffer He a.sked - the - Commission consider 50' wide a trade offto_provide the natural buffer. Other landscape buffers are along_the eastern boundary of the multi - family property and the bvunrdary line between the sin le_famil�r comonent of e project and the multi - family component now has a 5 0' lan.dscap a buffer with a 6' wall. M - r...VonHerbulis state - that - he - is - - concerned - with the - width of the - lots -t1,at are a to S Maywood. He likes the 25' natural buffer and thinks that the buffer on the north side could be left at­5 0': The natural trees , on the site - are large and would like � Wngke sure that this development doesn't g_o in and rape the land. As many trees as possible should be saved. He stated that at - the � northeast corner - of the - prop er ! where - there - is a - 90 ° turn, .p o sss`bly therecould be some some kind of a corner clip so that the road can have a more free flow radius to make that turn more feasible. Vincent Howard; representing Alan.. Shoemaker; stated that they - are -le ` g toward the 3 -tier proiect. They_would like to see 60' lots on the south side. They do not ave any opposition to a reduction - on the - north - side: Regarding the traffic - flow, there � will be a roximately 10,500 cars per day that will be put onto the arterial roadways. with the additional Orojects going in in the area. the traffic -- flow , should be - careful Mr: Howard stated t the would also like _.Y to see a tree survey, especially of the older trees. Mr: Howard stated they are agreement with the 60` lots on the south end, and that there is no ob1ection to the 45' height limitation on the north edge. He asked if a portion could be rezoned as single family low densityand rezone top 2%3 as PD. This 1ru1d give the developer the flexibility to plan the townhomes without infringing on the zoning. Alm 12 S wood P. idle,__ presented , pictures - with - notations.- H stated that the smallest lot widths in Kaywood are 6 wide. The PD zoning is too broad. He asked what would be the lot in the - cut= de"sac that. to his property. Richard Miller, 130 wood Ridge_ Trail, stated that he is concerned with the trees. He would like to see the - trees - kept -- all - around , the lakes He requested that - the Comma 'on keep an eye on the project and insure that the developer do not cut all the trees down and p a y a fine. June - utter; - - 110 ge = Trail; - - stated that she - would - have , a , full � vi w of the row of homes from her back yard. She asked the basic price range of the homes that would be built behind her 111ilvi TTF.S . _ PLANNING AND ZqNING CONIlVIISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2000 PAGE 3 home an& if apartments be . set . aside. She would like,, a fence, possibly a wall, behind her home for security reasons. Alan 2785 S - Oregon Avenue; -- was , concerned with how the road come out onto Oregon Avenue. He stated that the entryway_that is 390' south of their northeast corner would put cars coming - out - of their subdivision - 'directly into the residence that he owns vreg�on. He requested that the roads that come out of this project be a distance of 60' off of ether his northeast - or northwest corners: He stated that there - are - some ma cent live oaks on the property and asked that they be considered. Bill Burkett - Burkett - Fn eer n� g; stated that the wetlands around the ="gs. being preserved and they will be providing - a . 25' natural, . undisturbed buffer around the Other buff include a 5' buffer to the north of the; prop erty; - 3 5' buffer onre,on si a to the east, 5 0' buffer between the sin lie f n*3l -and a 25' buffer along the south between Kaywood and the single family ,partio�r - All �of trees: ._ems are currently the process of having tree suYvey�completed. There will be some floodplam that encroaches onto the_propert in - all likelihood; � out the �wetlands;possib4 even outsisi a of the 25' buffer area. There will not be affordable hausg aYlyportion of this prop The pricing of the single family homes - will - be driven - b�y - the - market. - The price - of the land is such that it is anticipated that the homes will be in the range of 130 to $160,000. Mr. - Burkett - stated that - road � access - has - been � discussed and - a traffic stud s ongoing. The current access locations are conceptual, they_are not final. The property is intended to be marketed off of Rinehart - Road: The� - provide - adequate - sep aration from - other - dr v s. He stated that from his experience, when a fence is required in a natural buffer, more buffer is estroyed than preserved. He would mm end that - fence not be put m. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved to approve the application with the City's comments and also add to the ca s�that�ztate that - as - many - trees - as possible - and also with �69 lots on the southerly portion of the smglq family_ aspect of this PD zone and that the applicants work with the City on dedicating , additional 0ghv-of-wq3r as needed for - the , imrprovements on Or on Avenue. Seconded for discussion by W. Skat.. Mr. Robert stated that a change_needs to be made to the 45' height. Mr: VonHerbuiis � - amended - his - motion to � include 3 5' on - the - resident l p ortion and 45' on the multi - family portion. All in favor. Motion carried. New on the Agenda was a Public Hearinrn� to consider a reguest�r a Conditional Use for property located at 2727 Country Club road for the purpose of a `church. PLANNIN AND ZONING COMNIISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2000 PAGE 4 Because the applicant has requested that this item be tabled further, h j�. Robert moved that the tabling be continued. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was a Public Hearin&to consider a request for a Conditional use for property Tocate& at'3r : =rte uregtz��-one fancy dwelling. Mary Iii1liman 200 E. Commercial St., was_present. She stated that is will be a 1,404 square foot, concrete walled home. The City of Sanford has cited them for the trees and shrubs recommen ' g that they come out. B -ob Burks, 1006 S. Palmetto, _stated -that he is co ncern w d�aslo. house would look like. He stated that he is not sure that this will be an enhancement to the Ifstoric District. Mr. Hies moved on approval-per staff's recommendations. Seconded 4y-M-r. Vonherltulis. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for ; a Conditional Use for property located at 2944 Orlando Drive to establish an automobile dealer sales establishment. Tam Ball, 213 Shad Oaks, Lake Mag, stated that there will b plenty. _ _ landscaping, heavy li htin _ adecLuate customer p art ing he views this a s very p o s tive for the corridor. The only cont*gency on the lease is this conditional use. The lessee does not ha a any problems with stafF s recommendation that there be no repairs, maintenance or ser icing _ofvelucles of any_ kind on site. Mr. Robert moved for approvalper staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. Next was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use fog property located at 601 Celery Avenue to establish. an automobile dealer sales establishment. Gary Ware stated that he has done some improvements to theprvpeey and if he can get the conditional use he will make more improvements. He stated that there will not be any r airs done on site. He is anticjpatzng having 10 cars in front for sale. There wipe some cars stored in back but will not be for sale until placed in front. Mr. Skat asked how does the site meets the justification in Setti a copditional use. He stated p y that he is concerned with the adjacent properties, a day care center and residentiaL and the �U 1-Z � PLANNIN AND ZONING CONMS SION MEETING OF JANUARY 203, 2000 PAGR 19 degradation of these properties. Mr. Robert moved to approve. per staff s recommendations and in addition an acceptable site plan within 6 months be offered and 6 months subsequent to the acceptable site plan that the improvements be completed. Seconded by Mr. Tip es. Mr. Skat stet 4 that he cannot see how this can be approved without its meeting the requirements for a conditional use. This is a huge detriment to thi area. Staff did not check to see if this site complies vk& conditional use requirements Mr. Skat stated that he drives the area daily and he agrees that this corridor is not redeveloping, but this is not, a good use for this redevelopment corrid r. Used car lots are the only . ones that come in without the Proper information. Mr. Robert withdrew his motion and restated it for approval as per staff s recommendations with 90 days form acceptable site plan with 6 months from the approved site Plan for improvements to be completed. Seconded by Mr. Hip es. Mr. Skat and Mr. Valerino in apposition. All others in or. Motion carried. Mr.__Skat..wanted to go on record statingrthat this should have never. been presented to the Commission vkhout the information. J The next item considered was a site plan for Mid Florida Tools, a proposed 6,500 square foot office/warehouse on Lot 28, Sanford Central Park Phase II. Mr. Cxi`bson stated that the applicant, H.D. Holsombach, submitted a lever asking to express his regrets for his inability to attend tonight's meeting. It is their intentions to comply with staffs requirements. Mr. VonHerbulis asked if it is allowed that the 1' drainage easement nn_4he north portion of this pTop such as Pavinor Parking. Bob Walter, City Engineer, stated that as long as there is no structure above it, there can be parking, curbing, ,@s loll & there is no structure. Because of the two parking spaces shown in the northwest corner, Mr. VonHerbulis asked if there was a 24' width clearance to get around to the back of e parking. Mr. Cn`b son stated that the alternative sug&gsted to the applicant that they be able to make parallel parking spaces for the two spaces on the north side of the site. One concern toy Mr. VonHerbulis is the width of the driveway noting that there is no room for tractor trailers. Mr. Robert asked Mr. Walter for his opinion on the floor elevations in the area. Mr. Walter stated that the requirement is 16" above the crown of the road, basically two blocks. The developer here has a selfinYposed requirement of 1 8" above the crown of the road. Mr. Robert moved for approval per staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. IA — 11 1 T 1 PLANNING AND ZQNING COMIVIISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2000 PAGE 6 Motion carried. Next was the consideration of the site _plan for Street w ize , a motorcycle repair and parts store at 2482 Sanford Avenue. Bob �lokas, 2484 Sanford Avenue, stated that the only thing not on a plan is the irrigation. Mr. Skat moved on staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. Mx- Robert moved to app-row th s of December. 16 1999. ,.ended by Ms. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat asked what is�g oing on with C - Lane Automotive. Mr. Gibson stated that staff has not had the opportunity to check on this. Staff will have a response at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Jrls Valerino, Chairman