HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.06.00C ity of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Thursday, January 6, 2000 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Proposed Amendment to c hange the existing Future Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to that of Medi Density Residential - 1 Dwelling Units per Acre for property located at 2201 Oregon Avenue 2 . Hold a Pu Hearing to consider a Proposed Amendment t change the existing Future L and Use Designation from Low Density Residential to that of General Commercial for property located at 799 w, L ake Mary Blvd. w ;. -nc. f or;":�:th. r N O . ..... owners ,:- has reauest x ran ra s Qm4 t bl x unt _ ::.. ...v......vv ................... ry . ment� n...v.n.n.n .... n n .:::.... M. nv. v� have hard a� Marne to revis t... «.. n n:.. � The He �w ...... :: � ..... ...., advert 1 3 . Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a PD Rezone for property l ocated at 4 750 CR 46A from A - 1 (County) to that o f PD, Planned Development. Tax Parcel No: -19 -- 300 - 0120 -0000 Owner: Myra S. Dou Re presentative: Doug Doudne . Hold a Public Nearing to consider a re quest for a PD Rezone for property located at 22 00 Oregon Avenge from A -1 (County) to that of P D, Planned Development. Tax Parcel Nos: 32-19- and -19 -- 300- 1190101A -0000 Representative: Dwight D. saathof 5 . Hold a Pu blic Hearing to consi a request for a PD R ezone for property located at 1801 Rinehart load from AG, Agricultural, to that o f PD. P lanned Deve lopment . Tax Parcel N: 2 1 506 --0--0230 owne / J ames and C arol e M cC a ll v. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional use for property located at 2215 Oregon Avenue for the purpose of development within 500 of a City wellfield. Tax Parcel No: -19 -- 300 - 0240 -0000 Representative: Michael Murray 7. Hold a P ublic He aring to consider a request for a Conditional UBe for property located at 4251 Orlando Drive for the purpose of retail sale of gasoline and related products. Tax Parcel N o: - -0- 300 -A -0000 Owner: Scott Torrie Re presentative : D avid R Haines P.E. AGENDA P LANN I N AND ZONING CO MEETING of JANUARY 000 PAGE 2 Hold a Publ Hearing to consider Use for property located at 2727 purpose of church. Tax Parcel No: - 1 -0-12B -0000 Owner /representative: Christopher a request for a Conditional Country Club Road for the Cuerly 9 . Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 3 791 W. 1 Street for the purpose of a reduction in the requirements for the frontyard landscape buffer: 25 rewired, 2 0 1 proposed , a variance of 5 Tax Parcel No: 2- 1-- 506 - 0000 -0140 Owner: Leo Trepanier Representative: Alan Shoemaker n�:mm. M.... .' m e: :n d that n.x .�. nt. .„ n :.:: :..:..�: ... .. � .. . aus o' t h e v av� °mm � °�� ra . ' .. � i v nar the site 1 hd 1... .11 J no`t - : , b nded . The H`:: :x n..:' advertised . 1 . Consider proposed conditional use permitting chances to Land Deve lopment Regul for Temporary Day Labor Servic Day Care Facilities for 6 or more In dividuals, R esidential Ca Facilities for 15 or more residents, Non- Commercial Amusement F ou tdoor, Church, Retail S a l es and S ervices - Outdoor Displ New Merchandise, Community Resource Facility, Pawn Shop and Bail Bond. 11. Any other business iness from floor or C ommission M embers. 12. Deports from Staf . ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing,, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City o f Sanford FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate In any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office A DA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 #ors 1n advance of the meeting. MIN PLANNING AND ZPNING COWISSION M OF JiIiTARY 6 2 7:00 P. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS C IT Y HAL L, f ANFORD, FLORIDA II f MEWBERS PRESENT Otto Garrett Ross Robert Kevin Hipe s James Valerino Michael Ska Andrew Kut bb y Von He rbul i Timothy Hudson ABSENT: i Dennison, excused OTHERS PRESENT Jay Marder Ru ss Gi bson Marion Anderson The ha rman - - ailed - the meeting orde- t 7:00 P . M. The f i mot. -item., aansidexed, - a. prapQaed a e d 'nt. to c hange the exist - - Future Land Use - design t n - fr om. low dens residential to that of general commercial for property located at 799 W. Lake Mary Blvd. A t the request of the ap IL Mr R t m o t table until . Later - date . - S e c anded. by., Mr. - Kut z .. X1.1 in f avo r. Mo t ion carried. The - next .. it em - considered was a S ite Plan for the ropers d century Ati mLal- Bank.. lac,ated, at. 3791 W .. t, . Street Planned Development Rezone app Ordinanca - loo - . 3497 on Aix S t 9 1999). Dean. S e .l e . was - e t. #... Due to.. peraaaal., nvo ement with this item, Mr utz," Mr. skat and Mr n.He3�oulis abstained. .r. .-. Shoemaker ke stated that . the plans have all .f the revisions th - staff - - as k - f. r . The re - wa - .a td =� about a turning lane, on..Hiq ., .. The-application is at DOT well as with the SRWi Their relininarr commen - have men received and revisions have been sent back. Requirements f r setbacks were MIM _ PLaNRING. COMMISSION M EETING F JANUARY , 2 Pm r-.7. me so that -- a variance is riot n d -. Th ms s. in marble s ign will be taken clown. The bank sign is shown centered on the property and- the. - sign.-company will check for t e best locat ion. s 1 . *6. RQhezt moved, far p . val.. p r.. staff's recommendations. S econded - - by . - - Mr - . Garrett. All in favor 1 `oi n carried. The next item considered was a pzoppsed amendment to change the e i s t r ..future 1 -and - u-s e- de.s i nat ions f c� . density ezi- lent!a L t. - that. off- me&Lum density, resAdential, 10 dwelling unit - s - - pe - r - - acre - , for - prop .. lo at e l at Oregon Avenue. Michael Murray,. 1399 W. SR 434,. Longwood, was present. He stated that t i -. 5 - a c r - - ar e ice.- ddit ire -tom the 8 0 - - ire s th at we re a . c d - at.. the.-last me tinq., .. It. has been annexed. He has met ... x _a�t.. . �.. - Oaks — �e a meeting of the minds. Mr . MurraE - stated.. that theme. have. - mov dl e .. r a entry from the .so uthaide to. the, ao th i d .-He, ., agreed to ' nice brick wall to­ buf e - r - - - the Nettle's ro erty: H .. - has - mgt wit s the Mayor and Commissioners re q r dinq . Derby, Park. They, will p in hi biscus to tie .. sout.l will stub ewes.. a , water ...for.. ;,bathrooms to the park. Th - wa . s -... no - .on els�e pre s ent to s peak , in - favo .� of the request. Ron Howar d aske d if traffic would come onto Oregon Avenue, Jim. Brad r Pres ident - o f - Mayf r - lea questioned the 8 . 1 w all - #. Ru ss, Gibson explained that the City. of Sanford's L and Devel pment­ R egujAt ±on - d - a 1.1ow -- for --wa11s- - Vp - t o 8 1 in height . M r.. Brady .asked what inapt would an 800 housin "unit have on the water. -supply- wells - hat will- sit rightnext to it. ,,- X= ay %tated that the. s urrounding - . homeowners think that it is- a.' o idea t - have - the - 8 - wall . There . was - t . - .t suppprt the units being, constructed close to the' wellfiel d. It will- ] - a dr s�s-e , i ## n.. Item.. #'6. The.. traff� : . .. - was completed and. it . waa f that.. the traffic from th:Ls . ; odect would not hinder traffic on Oregon - : .5e�min�o uires a traffic light and the developprs of this project gill ' put it in or contribute-to it, P LANNING - AND-ZONING CMMI I N 5 M EETING OF JANtARY 6. 2 RAGE - 1 an .- - ett - que - s ti n- - t hie e ntr n . e .. r g moved from add4cent Mayfair Mea t adjacent h property. Mr. Murray stated- that they.- are ..tr.in .. - Duffer. - - . an =try for both . t._ s.... r... Nettles stated that he r ldr ` t be able to get in o x­ out, . axis - SrQper .. if the nt - I me v 5 M Nettles also asked that consideration be given to the height of the wall eing another 2'. Mr - Murray s tat ed- . ,t.. ±s .. .- on - .. . t ,., portion of the pzoject Me entryway., will,. be .8.0 to 90 1 Ewa . f r om Mr. Nettles. There wi - 1 not a� rol lem -- with .. a-. .. or w ,�Ll to buffer the entryway. I r . Robert mowed on---4p prova -1 . - amend he Fut zf� Land Use Plan .. ftom l w. de ns-It residential . to medi density residential - 1 -- dwe - lip -. - units ..per -. acre leas - ed .. on- .. simi1ar Bore land use die i,gxxa,t! nas -. iri tom. di ate . area and -the deve loping character o t - e - re d o m,ent -- within the - rea, M skat seconded .l. M .. Zutz stated. that. axe, feels. that it will be a nice . roj - et -- but that- - it i:' mach too ... dense - . Al ip favor. Motion carried. Th. ...n. xt item onsid: - red - was- . ...re t.._ fox­ -. C itional Use for rQP.rt y,. 1e.d t . 22.15.. G.reon Avenue for the purpose o f de e within - 5 of .., a- City we 11fie1d . Ulch &e l- g ray ., 13 9 9. W. SR 13.4,. - Loxxqwo od .rep .r esented this r gue.s e ... t at. d -- . t ... t. he re -,axe 5 wo 11 - on . SCpbox Derby Park giz u s .� Q a =s. occur. when y u %et..dowxx 10 t:o 12 ' . He has reviewed th . i . s .... with staffs - Mayor - and - Commiszione' s and they have r. mmended approval. This proj Will not ooze close to aff Ling the wells. Neal Hile'r 141 SR. . 4 - A, and - Mike , .-Sims'' PE; 1 W. New Y ork Ave # Lake He len,. were also present. Mr . Sivas ' started that the tat e - - law. - re uire s -. that .. there.. be .a. 5 0 0 ' .. radius... round wellheads. S tomwater retentiaa ameaa. are what is looked, for regarding this type of structure-- Thies ro... - grill - have dry -- , ..retention ponds that are shallow. They rill not out into the ,rater table. They will not e.. within. of. -any wells... Main'tenaRce facilities, q, leaning facilities, or community car wash areas are not allowed w thin the basins. Mr onRembul asked - - if provi :Lon s - - - h av e been made - for - monitoring MUTES_ PLANING All - BONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 6. 2000 PAGE 4 o.r... te around th - itq, in c as e -- th . - t aminat ion that i fit- t e .- e.l1 .- and asked how will this be treated. Mr Sims stated that the City - f - Sanford Utility Department is x: e qpj. zed to.- test- well.s.. moriLthLLyO If.. a a , nt aminat ion is found, th City - w±11 cut the -- we off and - - fix , the r. em. The l ri-s- that. this. he dxe. .. The. City.. wells are 57,E 1 to ' deep. Ca s' were - ut,''down-, at.... 3 - 5 0' . Th t the aquifer is appr.oxima 130' ... lach. retention fond Will have to be oertifie -. by Tater Manager*zt District . J im, .B ad .. Q f , 1 a�.f a ix Meadows ... , s Pp. l e i rx oppp s it ion . He a s ked what would be -- done when - it - -- rains and .- the - hi. ghwat er ..moo - ds back up into their- streets %..-He asked how the Plannimq Zo ningr Board can take a n -- ch ance - on - water­ supply. w jy wa - a -- 500 - zpu e­ nst alled by the Stat -e. a yw& . There. has . to be. a reason - this.- fo tatge was put into la e . Mr -- - - : Brad r - tated­ that -. thi - is - about b31*-.. bucks and high derxsit , Sirxqle f pm; l } homes a one thing are three story , artm nt ~.. -.. h gr�; . vill impact the area tre end usly. Neal' l r stated' that ' the minis = firnished" fl o elevation will a. t. V above_ 100. yeaz. flood levatiQn,_ This. has been reviewed by the'' City State .. anal Fed - ral Government - Final-.. ejcL .ee irx hBLs a t.: � axx. let d ]z.. mo ray. stated that the weir and disposal system'' th there . now -- - is - - over_ 4 and will , dot be opened or affected. ' Mr 1 a -e-r . .t ate -- .that the en in�eer,. .. -IWk sound and aantial as fax as wellild protection issues are concerned. He st that a intere s is - o the low - 1 _ a sites will be p rotected - regazdless. of. the water Man ageme nt em nt Dis riot r Arm Oo - f.. rn -ems.,. Th.... Cit�...will �, ..��ting closely at this. l r , Hobert mo ed t r c = rid a ~ royal - to c suburban type h i .. d - sto wa.te , d.ralnaq , facilities and arking and related - ed - f &cil - wit - in .. - 5 - -1... o - - the City' based on e vi, us ,. , app o 1s _ tox developmexxt activities. aid the testimony - re - sent d - tonight --- axed .. the .. onsist n ... ith the requirements of the, - it , of - SarLfoxdl s.. Lard Development egul-at ions . Seconded by Mr-e- . Skat for dis usalox . Mr . H - s - a if „ a , 5, accu ru lation of th .e. type, z lie ts, .within, 50..x , a wellfield Could cause problems --- with the we11s - . - Mr - . - - Marder - stated , that - he - did - not ICTTE PLANNING AND - Z N IN COMMISSION MEETING OF JAIMARY 6 2 PAGE see this be nag an i. x ., Mr Kut .. -.. �. -a th existing we e.&d. .. c s uLd he dam ge d . , if. something. like. an - automobile i s out - control. Mr'. Marde explained that -- the -- wells are enclosed in chaia .1 1ak . fencing that are some distance from atual wells. All in - fay or Mo carried . Tb, t rie xt item . con sidemed was.. a. re. ue.st . fQ.r a P D Re zone for r e.r y located at 4 75 R --- I A from - -. A -1 ( County) t o that of PD, Planned Development. Dwi Sathoff Attrnqy 25 ran Orland stated -O that. this not a eqpe. .t to, inure s e . dens ; it a 1 unitz -- exr a r+e This -- ro ex y . - will have - the ­ ax�e deli t ation fix . added. to City.. Theix plaza aLre to. bda ically tie this piece in - with - the . southern half -- o f - t he px ig; ti PD-' and provide one aacess. point. to. a jeot.. 1 units.. p.e . a . . are reasonable The request is consistent with Corn Play and is, compatible with 5 a i m. r er.tie .. They - w ill oily. with th6 46 G ate w ay orridoz rdin noe - Significant - buffering - wi b provided. 5 5 i' x. *. aat of. . stated that they, .ha re. the support of the Hills o f Lake lam - and the­ a4j - oinin _g­pro er ­ owners., 0 and N ancy . He as.- ed. that-the. the. C .mission, consider that note 2 on t ma - r - - lane - sa th t ... the d elgpm -ere all set back a u . o . 10.0 from single l-y, esidential properties o thee e st d maintain a... 5 - 0 - 1, - l an ds c ap - b uffer. : The word Site develapment. should lae cha7aged to buildings., This equates to a 1.0.0 . active - a -si e buffer; Th ., first . s a. z a.. -butter -amd tb,e rLe t. 5 0 ' is an active . buffe.r. wtxich means.. t t there are n bu�i - ld�i s - but ... there will - be arkin .�. Ever `t ling �: hat was done in the first PD has been specifically rewritten int this one. Doree - Fre'eman, 7 X35 lie - lion idle Av en ue, stag} that she is c, ed, a t alb deve1oRment. qoinq,.irL ox x- 46 and asked when would the widening come - about and -- if ... thes e - de �prne�nt would 4 acme. in, before. t e. wid.exx. -n q.. N .- Ma de.r stated that the widening i.s.. -.a.. emin Count r j - e - ot . The ri ht�o has ,been purchased and the widening should start this year, completed in 2002. ! Hies moved.. to.. a r v .: er aff' s rode ions. Seconded by... r kat -1- . . l 4- ut -stated - that. .1 , ni to p er . acre are - viable density and asl e6 that' cons±deratioy -- be - given - to net density . MINUTE COMMISSION s MEETING OF JAN 6 2 A r"P. tabulation­ on - the - plans All- - in. favor.. won carried. t. oo de-ration, was a x ecLuest for a. PD Rezone for property located at - 2 - � Or on Avenue, - fr .. -1 =ty, to that of PD, Planned Development. Dwight aatho ,- 5 -5 -: Orange Ave -. , O rlando, r-W e .. . x e cLu . t .. lie noted that there x.e . two -ezxars 'the Master Plan,, There shou - - ... 4 - 2 1 o t - and no O a n-d :t e _t5'... density changes from 5 .22 to 5.48. The maximum building , .eit gill he 45', This �Lan is t-,r itionip . .. 1, nd...us.e and r wl na gement . They ame Q2jM % f om the. hLgher intensity- land u. - e.s to ..the north and to .. st .. f .. d _t n'rr . ..- - -.fie .lower density 5 to the s outh and so uthe as t. . Ton erhul.is. as-} ed... if there were a . - rel * * o e L . . guesses - o ...t e, site l rx- that. would demonstrate the 42 lots, diff unit sormethin - l ook ... - .; - He has . . hard time with not seeing some ]rind of a plan because of the north portion of the property. B±11 Burket 2 Orange --- Ave rlando st4t.eA each pr,oj - type, - rill bLave. a seLp-axate access to Oregon Avenue Single family being ro o at­32" in depth a ,5 ' wide. r. VonHerhulis asked that they consider ' a% ad lots. Wallace Deg lin developer stated th y wou� o abl �Y. b&Ve an, association. for th condo The .. single. family homes wi ll be totaall ....s arat'e from' - the .. condos and­ the vartme, is . There will b-e,.axL entrance. fo r the sirigle .family lots.. the .. d s will have a se arat errtran _ the - ce went_ ,.. i_jl - Zp entrance where Oregon wraps around to Rinehart. Three separate" entrances. ec au -. he , felt there - . wa not enough -- - i formation to rezone, and au e . tax . applicant. n- d tot hr . in- om . � f an idea for hht r setba and re'striotons Mr me o. , tal e , - uxxtiJL anuar - . Zotla, a nded by Mr. Hudson. Mr. Robert opposed. All oth�e .- . in -, f vor. blota on parried. The. next . item. .orxside ed. was..a . r. e est for a. PTA R ezone for . 1 r e.r- � . -1 - ed - a - 18 0 I - :n , ... Ro -. - . �gr i cul tu r a 1 t o that of PD, Planned Development, Phil Hol 1 i s Ho11is Engine - e - r ing 6 . 05 - E . Rob inson S t . , Orlando, MJM TES. PLAN1 I G AND aO I1 G COMMI MEE OF JANtARY 6 PArR. 7 state - h ro t _. is direct-1 . ao .... ,rom the Mall on K3n ebLzmt, Road . WbL t . the, re ques t . is all about ' i s annexing int i ....of. s anfo Th e ... a in ... for the - same... z oning as it is now zoned in Seminole County. Mr nHerb.uli-. s stated that h has the same c on cep:a - as . tom. . _ xecLues There. is. n to. re zone to. When rezoning to a PD - , - there ha - to something .. mind -- fo , .ghat - tanned development. Right. now there is. no, plan., There is nothing that can a rezoned­ a.:. rxued evel m t � - - }s concerned with the secondary access to 46 through Elder Road.' Mr Hol-l.i .... stat that" - the --. e qp 1e that' have been-.. talking to them a.e pos. 1), 30 acLua feet, f- retail, a factory outlet; one free sandix htel rih two orteri�. onting ,R eha R , . and axe u oa d t to four story a a tment oo le -. - Th not buy int o... the Iccess rop rty because it i_ not in the City limit and does not have to Prater and sewer. Ann Alexander add o�in�ir� - arc er _y own�ex, a ] e l *at would she be loo kind ,apt i she was s itt in 4 .in he front yard . " She wants to know what- she- will- . 13-vi- ne door t n can sell her property. Doxeen ]` e'exn n 7 Mellon il e - Avenue" a T ed.- - d ro ext 4 be rezoned that is not within the C she asked why does... the- property.. have.-to.- be.-rezoned- - t .. P . and. of agricultural. Gibson . ex2lained t.bat.- . the, roilla . IS-. - obi the anr�+eatior f hie Ann carp - .c�pmpleted without the rezoning. The property is being annexed into' the City. Mr. . Robert moved.. to.. reco -... oro al,, b these are ap ti o ri to u pe,.r sta f,l s rec ommendations . seconded by Mr. Garrett . - M ;- - Roberti - M -. Hudsop� arid Mr -. Hip es ... tia . -favor. . Iii . o22psition were Mr. Valerino, Mr. . ut , Mr. skat , Mr, VonHerbulis and-- Mr - . ' Garrett . lion failed. 1 �- sk at, moved.. t. . deny, Qn the. basis- of. 1 a k of. i formation and t�h it... k - too - bro d - - o , f - - qpe� ulat �ive - resi n... to z one . S econde d b . Mr. Kutz M r. Skat amended his motion to include re c on mendat i n.. to waive ... the - f. e.s... it - the. - ppl ant resubmits. MI iE , , IANN NG A _ZONING COMMISSION MEETING O JALIAY 6 f 2 PAGE S-ejc_amd-ed-_b Kutz�. 01313asi-tion.. re-Mr -,H�pes, Mr. Hudson and Mr. R obert. All others in favor. M carried. The- next i" em. cons -id r ed. - was. a r e gue st for a.- Cori � t i rtjaI . U s- e toy. p.o..rty. located, at.. 4.2 1 Orlando Drive for the purpose o f retail s a - 1 - e - of - - - g a:s oIine and re 1� eo p rodu ct s . David Haine 4 29 E,, Adams St., Jacksonville.. and Rus sell Wa lt houLZI, 9 54 0 ... a nedy..Blvd-. Ja c ks onvij)- e, wekre pre s ent . Mr, Wallthioux stated. that Gate. Petroleum--is- a c onglomerate and was t xt+e ... a- .. an ind end nt­ oil qo=San ... There a re a j pro imatel r 1 stations from Vir inia o Florida The - ori of th e.... s � ions .. are. in- -- Jacksonville. - q � ��h la.rLd.. a iaL sL,s, .. .r - t . d c onczete business an l primarily they are - -- in - - the - oil, ga - s -- - - and - c onvenience... sip business. Mr. Kutz moved for approval pp r staff' omment that inc lude s the­ 15' - igh of - S-e-corded - y . Mr, V.naT:L rk l i s . All in favor. Motion carried. Next to bye n idered wa r+e. ue'st - for - a-. notional Us e for property located at 2727 Country Club Road for the purpose of a church. Du , e .... t lack -- .o.f.. re r , ent'ation Mr Skat moved ... to - ..- � .Ie � nd ed . b y Mr, Kut All in favor Mot carried. The next - - it - ern .. was .the- .. cons iderat ion - of .. thee, - Proms s ed conditional u se. p tt n. Land , to. d. v elo erit. Rem ations for tempo - .da ' .. ] ' .. s. - r i . s.� - day . - r - f. ili s for 6 or more ind :Lv_ dual,. Les id ent laI- care . f ac illtle s. for-. 15 or more re - s­ nonl ommexoia - l - amusement faoili outdoor. church tail. a al a.- and, services- - outd .or display, n w merchandise, orrrmunit --- resour a fa ility; pawn----shop,.. . a%4 bail bond. Jay t a d r . stated . that- the i ian inc lode ' s e ve ral changes. Synopsis­:­ Temporar day ... 1 bor service wilL - e separated out from the, prof es s i o-n l of fi e. rat y, and wili have its own a go.rW.. -in... thee: - ermi d - use ... t�a je nd... _, ,. l - b conditional . ,.. Day.. a - _ facilities for 6. or more in ividua s - changing f rom _oermi t d - to conditional . use­ in the ae ial o r ial z one in the, d watowxx Residential. care. fa ility. - 15 0 more residents will­. change. from - p-e tted to.. -: con - l , us E in, a SC 3 . zone. ■ Nonornmeroial - amusement , facility, outdoor, and churches, retail MINUTES PLA MINr ... TEF'. _ZPN ING COMMISSION M F , 2000 PAC_.P s .ie.s.. nd... e rvi ­ outdoor- di l.a .. f. n w­ m �ndise will also ch ange. .f. om permitted to, conditional, use, ire the' SC-3 zone. The co mmunity - -- resource - - f oilitie re i pus l r _ O wn - ,s social service 5 benefit facilities „, sppcifically,exclude churches and social s -ervIce ame nel .. - of f i ce. , Pawn - s h . s -and ... a-4, bQnds..axe, new ca teQarles,. Separation. standards .have been provided t o insure that, t , . won....t..- inundate any given neighbo mod or area. After suggestions recommended chanqes include: - 1) Day care with 1 clients1child en-- _ � di e ... to.... pond -i for a1- u - zone; 2 o i l /me.di l.. cli - c hange, to. conditional use in - �on u Hot�e /motel changes .-to conditional - .us -- �, in - 3 zone; Funeral hone - ch n to conditional use in - 'zone; Crematoriums. ­_prohibit in.... C- - - zoned. Te t lab aerx ices.- l s .. paid. at, job- site” iii l f ait ions ; and 7 rega - rding . - ... the - -ooMpat±bi-li r ... tandards respw e facilities - or it the words "if necessary" to mandate that a development plain be s Bruce Wit lianas - o -- the salvation - . Arm ,. 70 - 0 - ­0 _24- treet, asked ed that, it, they. had any . u sti n . after . tom , meetinq would they have an opportunity - to­ rals questions' at the C ity -, o fission meeting. David. Kelly,, -.. ZI Magn 1la Avexxue stated that, this ordinance is vex - much needed­ s o ... that everyone -- will know e a , _ , what- e dealing with, Dome - en­ Freeman 7 0 - Me lonvilll:e Avenue toted that it is vague wbexL rzefermimq ..t the C y. res-ource, facilities. Sh stated that she is - on - rnee - th - at -- eoa rigt's - m a restricted if aLativi.tl . axe . wit . �. parks . g . the.. temporary /day labor s e - coon .go. .ls._. could be - met­ . by• how,, many ,.p j can .. tw � in . Laid . - she feels it discriminatry to have provi'sion for of day labor­ - &ncr -. xaot another. Steven Myers, 718 Oak Avenue, c ommended staff 'on the work that was done. . ,Diane e toq,- - M gn li.a.. Av nu(* Joe an , t 714 Magnolia RV e =e jL . 1 a - .. I ly - o.s . Epi s copal - Church, elm elma Mike Good amarit'an 'Horne', and Jean - 1 tts all voiced rious concerns. Mr, Skat moved to a pxove subdpct to the changes discussed. Seconded­-by--Mr--, ut . - A11. in. favor...­ Motion - - carried. XIM Z 1JWN _G Z1qD' COMMISSION x MEETING F JAN , 2 D71 1 [) Mr­ . Ska ­ that - .a - -hick_ n - La ne - - - r t on 1 "t Street because o the amount of cars on the lot and al' repairs being performed. 2.r. SkAt also a sked ... staff - to che ck oxi the .r 14t, at, z , O rd Avenue because it does not have an y car'8 on the lot but IS n doi ng repa There— bei - - no - -: f�.xr_th� u- sins .. the meek - i g -ad�ourned ' at- 1 V44 J A_z.6s Vaierino, Chairman FORP 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING COUNTI, MUNICIPAL, AHD OTHER LOCAL CONFLICT FOR PUBLIC'OFFICEk.,it 1 WHO MUST FILE FORMA 8 This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest urger Section 112.3143, Florida SLatute . The requirements of this law are mandatory; although p the use of this articular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict . of interest will nary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this forth before completing the reverse side and filing the form. ti ti INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE ITH SECTION iMM43 FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: person holding.electi ve county, munieipa1, o r other local publics office M UST AB STA II 1 from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by complcting and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: . A person holding appointive c uric , municipal, or other local public office MUSE` ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingl y voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whore he is retained. person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECIS10N PRIOR TO THE MEETING T WHICH TH VOT WILL B TAB{ • You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A copy of the form should be provided immediatel y to the other members Of the agency. • The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the natter in which you have a conflict of interest. IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEM PT TO I NFLU ENC T DECISION] EXCEPT BY D ISCUSSION, AT THE 1 EETI G; * You should disclose orally the nature o[` your c onflict in the measure before participating. • You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes M of the meeting, who s hould incorporate the form in the minutes. . DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST hereby disclose that on. a A measure carne or will come before my agency which (check one) ,.� inured to my special private gain* or inured to the special gain of , by wh orn l am retained. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: t (7 �u da /to �1 � ,�il� - 2 -lq- A 00 Date Filed NOTICE: UNDER PROVI OF FLO RIDA IDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY Q I I: DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES RO U N DS FOR AND MAY BE P N I SH ED BY ONE OR MORE E DF THE FOLLOW I N: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPL Y ENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN S ALARY, REPRIMAND, A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTINGr COKF_Ll rael ruK COUNTY, MUNICIPA U AND OTHER LOCAL � UBC OFFICERS t a , � r ri i � I M �M y u(waD. cou.�ci. N.. twPe �. ok cOMMirrci /onNl��tilrs. 0 Q/�1C/la ti �.ol7in9 �//l is�'ad MAILING AUDKE-SS lvc% rmillel� - 9�vo - L )ATE 01 WHICH Vollko('CURRED I - 7 Hi- HOARD. o U L. ('0k4 SS ION. AL kI1 k C hiITTEL () N H M `H I E RVL IS A U N11 F: c "rrY FOUNT' ` OTHER LOCAL AG ENCY ri 4 0 Y ;,</ M j P i l i_: ELECTIVE . ' APPOINTIVE W HO M UST FILE FORM 8B This form is for u by any person serving at the c ounty, city, or ot her local l evel of government on an appointe or elected board, ounoil, commission, authorny, or ommittee. It apphes equally to members of advisory an non - advisory bodies who are Presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 11 . 143, Florida SLatutes. The requirements of t his lave are mandator) although the use of this particular form is riot required by lave, you are n ours ed to use it in making the disclosure required by lax. Your responsibilities under the la" when faced with a measure in which you have a con flitrt of. interest will Vary grcad y depending on whether you h old are elective or appointive position. F or this reason, pl ease pay close att ntion to t instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.5443, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFF]ER: A person holding el ctive couniy rnuni�ipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from volin on a measure w hich inures to his special pri %-ale gain. .ao-.h local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (oilier than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In cither, case, NFou should disclose the coriflic : PRIOR TO THE V OTE: BE TAKEN b pu blicly stating to the assembly the nature of your inierest in the measure on Which you are abstalining from voting; and 'I T HIN 15 OAF AFTER TIC; 7 0TE" OCCURS by compicung and filing this form "ith the person responsible for recording the minutes cyf the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. PP I. T ED OFFICERS person holding appointive cb�umy, municipal, or other local public office MU ST A ST. IN 'f rom wring on a measure which inures to his special privare gain. teach local officer also is prohibited from kno in iv voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than .a governmeni agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office other "lise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the naxure of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or wrirten cornn�txr�icatior., whelher rn ade bF the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO M AKE ANY A TTE.MPT TO I LUE CIr_ T HE D PRIOR TO TH .E_ E. E.TI A T WH T VOTE WILL BE TAKEN You s�M„�u.ld complete and file this form (bef'OTC making any attempt fo influence the decision) with the person responsible for p p recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. . % cope of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the aeency. T he farm should be read pubhC)y ai the mee ting prior to consid,ration of the matte; in \'bleu you have a conflic, of interest. t ISSION, AT THE M-EETVt4Q. IF YOU M NO ATTEM To INFLUENCE THE • y s houid di or the nature oryour conflict in the measure before parilcip x���• Id co leze t h form fife it within dais of to the v ote occurs with the person re minut recording. the you shoo � o h ee�ir ° ► o I incorporate the form in the minutes. D ISCLOSURE F LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST Wang I, I hereby disclose that on A measure carne or will come before rn � agency which (check one) a inured 1 rn� spec al private airs; or � � # h whom I m retaine inured to the coil in of (h) ThS meat re e 1 ors ell � r and the ��lure of my interest in the me i as follows: C jW aw 3 q . 61 , Date Filed 1" gna[urc .... � 1I ?.� i ]5 A rAILL�R T 1��'i.I�� A ! .�.LIIF�� xTf�: L.�fD.w.R I�R��i1 � FLORIDA T'ATL�T`.� �� � � TI~I� FLI"���? FOR . I D MAY BE- PUMSHE B & R MORE DISCLOSURE R CO NSTITUTES T GROUND D '1 f f fT, L 1 T'1 1 RI TI 1 I 'll , � - AL R -JSp=, r ION FROM OFFICE F. N I � OR A CIVIL P -, -. . FINALTY NOT TO EXCCEEED FORM 8B MERMORANDUM OF VOTING 00NrP`L1Cr1 ruK couRr MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFIC', `S LAST N AM —f 1XS1 fvAMk - 1I DDLE i IAILlN G A LS U KE!: S 1617 C' 'g I , �t ttl 0 DATE OtN% 'HIC�H V011 OCTURRIED /. / 4A , 7 % Avoo I alwE01 ' b ( RL). COUNC'I "". CoMMI SION, &A ,7HOWITI. Clot OMM ITTU W)t ffW a 1 01 /7( 1 I' 140AR11, CQJ COMP61ITTEL ON �jr COLINI'1' OTHER l OCA1 AGENCY AML O F F LITICA1. SU MN PUSUION i s L: ELECTIVE '-.*0" APPOINTIVE WHO MUST.FILE FORM SE This form is for use by are) person serving at the c ounry, city I r other local level of government on an appointed or elected boar , council, commission, authority, r committee. h applies equally t members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are present wit a voting, contf;ct of interest under S eci l()n 11 3143 Florida SL2 Lutes. The requirements of t his r aw are mandator y; alth ough the use of this particular form is not required by lain, YO L are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the lam when f aced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will Vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective r appoinlive position. For this reason, please pair th ose attemion to the instructions on this form before -completing the reverse side and tiling the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION i 1Z.3443, FLORIDA STATUTES O �~ 've c u municipal, - p erson holdin ele t r t , opal, or other loci] public office MUST T I from voting n a measure which inures io his special pri %ate gait.. teach loyal officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a governmeni agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE %10T£ BEING TAKEN by pubildy stating io the assembly the nature of Npour interest in the measure on which you are a from voting, and WITHIN � t .AFT: THE ' T` O by completg in and fihng this form with the person responsible for re cording p p the minutes of the rneer3n who should inc r ., parate the f in the rrYinuies. APPOINTED OFFICERS: person Molding appointive c6 municipal, or other local public office 1 ill IST A STAIN from voting on a measure which inures io his special private gain. Each local officer er also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of -a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained, person holding an appointive local office other %vise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, bui mint disclose tie nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence i he. decision bq\ oral or writx Comm unicati r:, Whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO N4 A NY ATTEM TO JNFLUENCEt THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT W TAE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the per respons for recording the minutes of the meeting, who %vil] incorporate the form in the minutes. • . , copy of the form should be provided irninediateh' to the ocher members of the acenc�`. E The form ,should be read publicly az rh rneetinc, prior to considcrailon of the matter in w hich you have a conflic. of intcresw. Y IF YOU NlAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING, r fy tat ire r your onflici in the me pure k�efore paril ip g. • 'ou should dis o . • ' ould co fete the f rm and file it within 1 days after the vo te occurs with the person responsible for recording t he rninule< the mevin , %ph should incorporate the form t tl a minutes. a f `. IS L SURE O LOCAL OFFICE'S INTEREST M AAA V PA? herby disclose that on t �i me or will come before tip agency which (check; one) inured to my special private gala; or by whom i aM Mained, inured io the spcil gain of (b) The ca ur before m a en r a nd the swure of � inner i in the measure xs foli ws: signature Daze Filed ?`T1�: U PROVI l<` FL T`TL�T� �� � � � z LL 0 *I!� D ISCLOSURE I TIC' 5 ' ' EN. "T, DA -MOT) T, i -- ' REMOVAL I S P E S i P ali OFF �'� � , a L I IN I P _, T'. OR A CIVIL pFNA'-1