HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.07.99City of Sanford Planning and zoning Commission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, October 7, 1999
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for an application to Rezone property
located at 2250 Marquette Avenue from AG, Agricultural, to PD, Planned
Tax Parcel Number: 08- 20 -31- 300 - 0020 -0000
Property Owner: Dorothy McReynolds
Representative: Frank L. Pohl, Trustee
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property
located at 450 E. 25` Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District to
establish an automobile dealer sales establishment.
Tax Parcel Number: 31- 19 -31- 517 -0000 -0410
Owner /representative: David T. Lanier, Jr.
3. Acknowledgment of the 1999 Evaluation and Appraisal Report.
4. Minutes.
5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
6. Reports from Staff.
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7:00 P.NL
Otto Garrett
Bobby VonHerbulis
Andrew Kutz
Tim Valerino
Timothy Hudson
Mike Skat- excused
Carol Dennison- excused
Kevin Hipes- excused
Ross Robert- excused
Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and Planning
Eileen McDowell, Land Development Inspector
Marion Anderson, Record Secretary
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for an application
to Rezone property located at 2250 Marquette Avenue from AG, Agricultural, to PD, Planned
Development. Tax Parcel Number: 08 -20 -31 -300- 0020 -0000. Property Owner: Dorothy
McReynolds. Representative: Frank L. Pohl, Trustee,
Dave Dunlap, Harding Lawson Associates, 6500 All American Blvd., Orlando, and Tim Shepard,
representing Frank Pohl the Trustee, were present. Mr. Dunlap stated that the site is
approximately 25 acres. 11 acres are wetlands or lake, and the balance portion, the southerly
portion, is planned for 55,000 square feet of commercial and a 300 room hotel. They are
attempting to reserve flexibility. The developer is not prepared to move right into a complete site
plan and construction. They are negotiating with the Airport to understand its constraints on the
property and the position will be a function of working together. Studies are underway that will
dictate the placement of the hotel.
Mr. Marder explained that the applicant has provided information in a way that was recommended
by Staff He initially submitted a plan that was a bit more detailed that showed the hotel being on
the northerly portion of the development site and commercial being on the southerly side, along
with some drainage retention areas. Staff felt it would be better for the future so as to avoid the
need to come back and amend this master plan, to keep it flexible. It's a mixed commercial
zoning that is being established with some buffers from the wetlands, some setbacks and access
Mr. Kutz stated that what is bothering him is that the plan is open-ended as far as density.
Intensity is one of the things that the Commission has been concerned about out in that area.
How intense and how dense is the construction? How much will it impact the area and how much
will it impact the adjacent people?
Mr. Dunlap stated that they have tried to address the impact of the size of this property. The
traffic impact, buffers, and things like that. They have set density and provided what they
anticipate in square footage and the rooms of the hotel.
Mr. Marder stated that this site is undergoing a comprehensive plan amendment to airport
industry and commerce. There is an intensity that limits the intensity of land use, the floor area
ratio. It has an airport industry and commerce designation on it, and its going to mean that there
is absolutely no residential development permitted on this site. Around this site at this point in
time, there could be residential development to the west and it would have to be buffered
according to our PD standards.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the request.
M.T. VonHerbulis moved to approve the rezone based on stag's recommendations and per the
plan with a 300 room hotel and 55,000 square feet of commercial retail space with a trip
generation of 4,706 trips per day maximum. Seconded by Mr. Kutz. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional
Use for property located at 450 E. 25' Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District to
establish an automobile dealer sales establishment. Tax Parcel Number: 31- 19 -31- 517 - 0000 -0410.
Owner /representative: David T. Lanier, Jr.
James Melvin, Architect, 206 E. 1 Street, Sanford, was present. He stated that the applicant
wishes to build a small used car sales facility. It will be located on the north side of 25' Street
immediately east ofBaggs' Produce. Directly across the street from this site is another small used
car lot. This piece of land has an existing curb cut on 25 Street and the required frontage on 25'
Street. There is more than enough land to meet all the requirements and setbacks.
Kenneth Coogler, 2446 S. Grandview Avenue, was present to speak in opposition. He stated that
he has lived here for 15 years and he objects to this car lot adjoining the residential neighborhood.
There are two vacant lots that adjoins this property that could, in the firture, be rezoned and
would adversely affect the neighborhood.
Charles McIntosh, 2442 Grandview Avenue, was present and in opposition He asked what was
in place to keep Grandview Avenue from becoming a through street. Mr. VonHerbulis stated that
this could be a condition of the approval, that it remains this way and cannot ever be reopened.
He stated that he does not want the traffic flow from a thru -way street. Mr. Garrett reassured
Mr. McIntosh that it is one of the City standards and stipulations that no repairs are done on site.
Brian Jones, 2444 Grandview Avenue, asked if a privacy wall is required. He stated that he
would like to keep the neighborhood quiet and that he did not want the road opened up.
Mr. Marder stated that this site does not abut residential zoning or residential land use. It abuts a
vacant commercial piece of property. If the desire was to provide for a visual separation with a
wall or fence, this would need to be placed on this as a condition to insure that there would be
that type of a visual separation. Mr. Melvin stated that they intend to build a 6' high concrete wall
on the north and east sides.
Laura ?, 2443 S. Grandview Avenue, requested that the street not be opened and a wall put in to
separate the car lot from their neighborhood
Mr. Melvin stated that there will be no mechanical work. The owner will give a notarized
statement that he will not buy anymore property. They intend to do a 6' concrete block wall on
the northside and the eastside.
Mr. Marder read into the record a letter of opposition from Marjorie P. White - Fancher.
Mr. Kutz moved to grant the conditional use request with the conditions that the applicant comply
strictly with all land use plans, development regulation requirements, forego all mechanical work
on site, guarantee no access from Grandview ever, and construct a 6' masonry wall on the north
and east sides of the property. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. Mr. Valerino in opposition. All
others in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was the Acknowledgment of the 1999 Evahiation and Appraisal Report. Mr.
Marder stated that we are in the process of preparing the amendments to the goals, objectives and
policies of the plan that are specified in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report.
Mr. Marder commented that the training workshop for Elected and Appointed Officials sponsored
by the Florida Planning and Zoning Association is going to be held in Daytona Beach at the Marks
Hotel on October 27th. All expenses will be paid by the City if there is a desire to attend. Mr.
Hudson stated that he would like to attend.
Mr. Kutz moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbuAs. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Garrett wanted staff to be aware that at the car lot on 25' Street across the street from the
request that was presented tonight had the garage door open and a truck was being working on.
Mr. Marder stated that staff would contact Code Enforcement.
There was discussion regarding placing a moratorium on used car lots. It was decided that Mr.
Marder would place some standards in terms of minimum acreage or land area, minimum
setbacks, ratio of cars to land area, etc. regarding used car lots in the list of Land Development
Regulation changes and present them to the Co mmissi on for a future scheduled worksession.
There being no fiuther business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
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J s R. Valerino, Chairman