HomeMy WebLinkAbout4351 Sem Towne Ctr PDOrdinance No. 4351 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to the Seminole Towne Center Planned Development (PD); providing for the rezoning of real property located at 410 Towne Center Circle and assigned Tax Parcel Identification Number 32-19-30-5MR-2000-0000 within the City Limits (map of the property attached) from a PD on the site to a similar PD to be known as the Seminole Towne Center PD (Amended), to establish vehicular dealer sales and outdoor storage subject to specific requirements and conditions; providing for the resolution of disputes by the Planning and Zoning Commission; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map and PD master plan by reference; providing for conflicts, but providing for a PD amendment and harmonization with prior actions by the City; providing for severability; providing for non-codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Seminole Towne Center LP is the owner of certain real property within the City Limits of the City of Sanford (assigned Tax Parcel Identification Number 32-19-30-5MR-2000-0000 by the Seminole County Property Appraiser) and it applied to the City of Sanford, through its representative, Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Esquire, of the Greenberg Traurig, P.A. law firm (Orlando office), pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the property rezoned to the new Planned Development ("PD") zoning classification from the existing PD to which the property is assigned and approved; and Whereas, in 1990 the City Commission enacted Ordinance Number 3006 establishing the Seminole Towne Center PD with its associated Master Plan and various and diverse development approvals the result of that action being the subject proposed amendment and revision thereto as set forth herein; and Whereas, the subject property is located the south side of Towne Center Circle immediately north of the United Artists Movie Theater and west of the Sears Auto Care I I P a g e Center; and Whereas, the subject property is currently unimproved with a project address of 410 Towne Center Circle being a site consisting of approximately 2.68 acres; and Whereas, the Seminole Towne Center PD amendment proposes to amend the approved Seminole Towne Center PD by allowing vehicular dealer sales and outdoor storage within the PD which uses would be allowed to occur in conjunction with the existing Fields Chrysler dealership; and Whereas, if the proposed Seminole Towne Center PD amendment is approved the existing master plan would be amended and revised to allow the proposed uses; and Whereas, the original Seminole Towne Center PD generally established multi - purpose commercial land uses including retail sales and service, business and professional office, restaurants, and drive -in restaurants; and Whereas, the Seminole Towne Center PD has been amended several times since the original adoption in order to modify the land boundaries and change, modify, delete or add allowable uses as listed on the PD Master plan; and Whereas, the land area which constitutes the proposed site for development under this Ordinance was originally approved for retail uses thus requiring an amendment to the PD Master Plan to add vehicular sales and service and outdoor storage of vehicles as approved uses; and Whereas, the underlying Future Land Use designation assigned to the subject property is HI, 1 -4 High Intensity, which is a mixed use designation intended to promote and regulate anticipated development within the vicinity of the Interstate Highway 4 /State Road 46 interchange with land uses that include commerce, industry, and high density 21Pasge residential development; and Whereas, the proposed use of the subject property would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the 1-4, High Intensity; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and recommended that the subject rezoning application be approved having determined that the proposal is technically sufficient and consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the land development regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed rezoning have been satisfied in that Mr. Sheppard mailed notice to adjoining property owner who own properties located within 500' and provided a CAPP summary to the City dated July 10, 2015 in a form consistent with the requirements of the City; and Whereas, on August 6, 2015 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the City Commission approve the rezoning request and recommended that such approval be subject to numerous conditions; and Whereas, the City staff, recommended approval of this Ordinance subject to normative development detailed development requirements and conditions some of which, if not later resolved, shall be subject to resolution by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and Whereas, the City Commission has determined that the proposed rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan 3 1 P a ge of the City of Sanford, the land development regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken all actions relating to the PD rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. (b). The approval set forth in this Ordinance is subject to the specific conditions that are set forth subsequently in this Ordinance and the Property Owner has agreed that no requirement herein lacks an essential nexus to a legitimate public purpose and is not roughly proportionate to the impacts of the proposed use that the City seeks to avoid, minimize, or mitigate. (c). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (d). This Ordinance is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. Section 2. Rezoning of real property /implementing actions; Seminole Towne Center PD. (a), Upon enactment of this Ordinance the property, as depicted in the map 4 111a{ c attached to this Ordinance shall be rezoned from the zoning classification resulting from a separate and distinct Seminole Towne Center PD (Amended) consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein with regard to the Seminole Towne Center PD and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance. (c). The conditions to be incorporated into the pertinent development order relating to the action taken in this Ordinance include the following: (1). Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 3 years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. (2). The property shall be developed generally in accordance with the land uses and development standards identified on the Seminole Towne Center PD Amendment for Fields Vehicle Storage Facility submitted on June 25, 2015, unless otherwise specifically set forth in any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. (3). Unless specifically requested and approved on the referenced PD Master Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the said PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. (4). With the exclusion of storage as approved herein, no other vehicular activities shall be conducted outdoors including, but not limited to, any repairs, washing, 5 1 P a e detailing or any similar or related activities. (5). All display motor vehicles shall be displayed at road grade. It is prohibited for motor vehicles to be displayed in a main travel aisle, any part of a right -of -way or in landscape buffer area. (6). Landscaping shall be installed within and along all parking and traffic circulation areas and along the Towne Center Circle frontage as well as foundation landscaping being required around any future building(s). (7). It is prohibited to store a motor vehicle outdoors when the motor vehicle has been in a collision or requires body work. (8). Any and all motor vehicles on site for service or repair shall be stored indoors after regular business hours. (9). Any and all fencing and security barriers shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Review Team (DRT) and may require upgrades to decorative or vinyl coated materials. The DRT shall issue a development order or denial development order as to any application for the installation of such materials. Any appeal relative to a denial shall be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (10). It is prohibited to display any streamers, banners or temporary signs on site unless a permit has been issued by the City. Any permanent signage for the site shall be reviewed and approved under a separate building permit. (11). The following design elements shall be considered during the development plan review; provided, however, that any dispute relative to the following matters shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, by means of a development order relating thereto: __ 6 1 P a a (A). Site improvements may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED") guidelines. (B). Elements of each building shall be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED"), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be agreed to by the City. (C). Architectural elevations reflecting design elements consistent with the surrounding developments shall be required and reviewed during the development plan review process. Section 3. Incorporation of map and PD Master Plan for Seminole Towne Center PD (Amended). The map attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance amending the Seminole Towne Center PD. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. City staff shall harmonize the approval and actions set forth herein together which those taken relative to the Seminole Towne Center PD. Section 5. Severabillity. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined 7 1 P a a e to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non - codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 2015. Attest., City Commission �f'the City of Sanford, Florida Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Jeff Triplett, Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. William L. Colbert, City Attorney 8 1 P a g e U1 N U WS _ RM -1877 —1 Item No. a '; CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 15 -154 SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 AGENDA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Cynthia-Pe'rter, City Clerk SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., Citlymanager Ce_ GYl SUBJECT: Amend a portion of the Seminole Towne Center lanned Development THIS IS A QUASI - JUDICIAL MATTER AND, AS SUCH, REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF ALL EX -PARTS COMMUNICATIONS, INVESTIGATIONS, SITE VISITS AND EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ® Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Ordinance No. 4351, to amend a portion of the Seminole Towne Center PD, is being submitted for second reading and adoption. The property owner is Seminole Towne Center LP C/O Simon Property Group LP. The applicant, Alan C Sheppard, Jr., Esq. Agent, Greenberg Traurig, P.A. accomplished the Citizens Awareness Participation Plan. The Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent form is attached and other information is available in order to ensure that all potential conflicts of interests are capable of being discerned. F'ISCALISTAFFING STATEMENT: Based on the 2014 property tax roll of Seminole County, the subject property is assessed as vacant general commercial with a value of $1,300,816. The total tax bill for the property in 2014 was $25,903.80. No additional staffing or City resources are required if the subject property is rezoned. BACKGROUND: The subject property, addressed as 410 Towne Center Circle, is located on the south side of Towne Center Circle immediately north of the United Artists Movie Theater and west of the Sears Auto Care Center. The 2.68 acre property is currently unimproved. This site is part of the original Seminole Towne Center Planned Development as approved in 1990 by Ordinance No. 3006. The approved PD generally established multi - purpose commercial land uses including Retail Sales and Service, Business and Professional Office, Restaurants, and Drive - In Restaurants. The Seminole Towne Center PD has been amended several times since the original adoption. Amendments have been to modify the land boundaries and change, modify, delete or add allowable uses as listed on the Planned Development Master Plan. The area for the proposed site was originally approved for retail uses thus requiring an amendment to the PD Master Plan to add Vehicular Sales and Service and Outdoor Storage of vehicles as approved uses. The underlying Future Land Use is HI, I -4 High Intensity, which is a mixed use designation intended to promote and regulate anticipated development within the vicinity of the I -4 /State Road 46 Interchange. Land uses shall include commerce, industry, and high density residential development. The property owner has submitted a request to amend a portion of the approved Seminole Towne Center PD Master Plan to allow vehicular dealer sales and outdoor storage of vehicles. The proposed use would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the I -4, High Intensity. On August 6, 2015, the Planning and Zoning Commission (P &ZC) conducted a public hearing and unanimously recommended that the City Commission approve the request to amend the PD, Planned Development Master Plan for Seminole Towne Center to allow Vehicular Sales and Service and Outdoor Storage of vehicles subject to the conditions as recommended by staff, with an additional condition stating that the storage of vehicles on the Mall parking lot property will be prohibited after the improvements are complete. On August 24, 2015, the City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4351, with the deletion of condition # 12. The City Clerk advertised notice of the public hearing in the Sanford Herald on August 23, 2015. LEGAL REVIEW: The Assistant City Attorney assisted in drafting the proposed ordinance and will draft any requisite development orders that would occur upon approval or denial. RECOMMENDATION: Staff, together with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P &ZC), recommends that the City Commission approve the request to amend the PD, Planned Development Master Plan for Seminole Towne Center, to allow Vehicular Sales and Service and Outdoor Storage of vehicles as recommended by Staff, subject to a Development Order that includes all recommended conditions as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 3 years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 2. The property shall be developed generally in accordance with the land uses and development standards identified on the Seminole Towne Center PD Amendment for Fields Vehicle Storage Facility submitted on June 25, 2015, unless otherwise specifically set forth in any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. 3. Unless specifically requested and approved on the referenced PD Master Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the said PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. 4. With the exclusion of storage as approved herein, no other vehicular activities shall be conducted outdoors including but not limited to any repairs, washing, detailing or any similar activities. 5. All display motor vehicles shall be displayed at road grade. It is prohibited for motor vehicles to be displayed in a main travel aisle, any part of a right -of -way or in landscape buffer area. 6. Landscaping shall be installed within and along all parking and traffic circulation areas and along the Towne Center Circle frontage as well as foundation landscaping being required around any future building(s). 7. It is prohibited to store a motor vehicle outdoors when the motor vehicle has been in a collision or requires body work. 8. Any vehicles on site for service or repair shall be stored indoors after regular business hours. 9. Any and all fencing and security barriers shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Review Team (DRT) and may require upgrades to decorative or vinyl coated materials. The DRT shall issue a development order or denial development order as to any application for the installation of such materials. Any appeal relative to a denial shall be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 10. It is prohibited to display any streamers, banners or temporary signs on site unless a permit has been issued by the City. Any permanent signage for the site shall be reviewed and approved under a separate building permit. 11. The following design elements shall be considered during the development plan review; provided, however, that any dispute relative to the following matters shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, by means of a development order relating thereto: a. Site improvements may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID ") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED ") guidelines. b. Elements of the building shall be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED "), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be agreed to by the City. c. Architectural elevations reflecting design elements consistent with the surrounding developments will be required and reviewed during the development plan review process. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4351, to amend the PD Master Plan for Seminole Towne Center to allow Automotive Dealer Sales and Service and Outdoor Storage of vehicles at 410 Towne Center Circle, subject to a Development Order that includes all recommended conditions." Attachments: Project Information Sheet Site Vicinity Map /Aerial Map Applicant's Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent CAPP Meeting Report dated July 10, 2015 Applicant Narrative 11 "x17" reduction of the PD Master Plan Amendment dated July 30, 2015 Ordinance No. 4351 ,I ATM...::,;:: t PROJECT INFORMATION ►— 410 TOWNE CENTER CIRCLE F89 PD AMENDMENT TO SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER PD Requested Action: Rezone request to amend the Seminole Towne Center PD to establish vehicular dealer sales and outdoor storage on the vacant 2.68 acre property at 410 Towne Center Circle to be used in conjunction with the existing Fields Chrysler dealership Proposed Uses: Vehicular Dealer Sales and Outdoor Storage of vehicles Project Address: 410 Towne Center Circle Current Zoning: PD, Planned Development (per Ordinance No. 3006) Tax Parcel Number: 32- 19- 30 -5MR- 2000 -0000 Property Owner: Seminole Towne Center LP C/O Simon Property Group LP PO Box 7019 Indianapolis, IN 46207 Applicant/Agent Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Esq. Greenberg Traurig, P.A. 450 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 650 Orlando, FL 32801 Tel 407.420.1000 Direct 407.317.8546 Total Site Area: 2.68 acres Commission District: District Four — Commissioner Patty Mahany CAPP: The applicant requested written feedback from adjacent owners within 500 feet as part of the Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan process meeting describing the proposed changes and allowing opportunity for questions and concerns. The CAPP meeting summary is attached. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW Planning staff has reviewed the request and has determined it to be consistent with elements of the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City Commission. Surrounding Uses and Zoning: :K /1ZCelli R�[m Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development. The concurrency facilities evaluated by the City of Sanford include the following: Drainage: The project shall comply to and be engineered to the adopted 25 Year, 24 Hour LOS /Storm Event. Note, the Land Development Regulations allows the Administrative Official to increase the design frequency standard if deemed necessary. Page 1 of 2 Uses Zoning? North Seminole Towne Center Mall PD South United Artist /Regal Theaters PD East Sears Tire Center PD West Interstate 4 Right of Way :K /1ZCelli R�[m Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development. The concurrency facilities evaluated by the City of Sanford include the following: Drainage: The project shall comply to and be engineered to the adopted 25 Year, 24 Hour LOS /Storm Event. Note, the Land Development Regulations allows the Administrative Official to increase the design frequency standard if deemed necessary. Page 1 of 2 Roadways: The traffic capacity demands for this project are estimated below the threshold of 500 trips per day. This project will not require a traffic study. Water: Water services will be provided by the City of Sanford. Sewer: Sewer services will be provided by the Seminole County. Solid Waste: Solid Waste services will be provided by the City of Sanford T:\Development Review \03 -Land Development\2015 \Chrysler Fields\Project Info Sheet - STC PD Amendment - Fields Expansion.doc Page 2 of 2 p I I I I R1 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT t- I I �%tj)4 877— vmw.wnford0.9ov !!8:s,�et addillongi.s4ets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: 1. Ownership as-a-;J-L-e-a--re--&tr--44— of .0 Seminole Towne Center Limited Partnership _, hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s): 32-19-30-5MR-2000-0000 Address of Property: Tract 20, Towne Center Circle, Sanford, Florida v for which this PD Amendment Rezone and Development Plan application is submitted to the City of Sanford. 11. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted, I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent (Print): CJD Northpark, LLC Signature: Agent Address: c/o Alan C. Sheppard, Jr., Esq., Greenberg Traurig, P.A., 450 N. Orange Ave, Ste 650, Orlando, FL 32801 Email: SheppardA@LG-naw.com Phone: (407)999-2505 Fax: Ill. Notice to Owner A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require anew affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicants Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity Is a (check one) ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ Land Trust a Partnership ❑ Limited Liability Company ❑ Other (describe):, 1, List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, list the name, address, and title of each officer; the name and address of each director of the corporation; and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. If any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: NIA 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Please see attached signature page for ownership of the property. 5. For each limited liability company, list the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member; and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 andlor 4 above. Name of LLC: N/A 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 above. Name of Purchaser: CJD Northpark, LLC Date of Contract: March 19, 2015 NAME TITLE /OFFICE /TRUSTEE OR BENEFICIARY ADDRESS % OF INTEREST CJD Sanford, LLC Managing Member 750 Towne Center Blvd, Sanford FL 32771 100% John R. Fields Managing Member of CJD Sanford, LLC 350 S. Lake Destiny Drive, Orlando, FL 32810 (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. 1 affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Swom to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by on this day of June .2015 Signature of Notary Public Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Affidavit of ownership - January 2015 SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE Owner, Agent, Applicant Signature Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public 2 Signature Page to: Sanford, Florida - AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT AFFIANT: SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SPG SEMINOLE, LLC, a Delaware limited Liability company, its general partner By: WASHINGTON PRINT GROUP, L.P., an Indiana limited partnership, its sole member By: WP GLIMCHER INC., an Indiana corporation, its general partner By: Name: (-Z 0 D Ak fry Its: Date: STATE OF INDIANA ) SS: COUNTY OF MARION Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared T-ORYI-1 DLDT�b4AV-, to me personally known as the 5 C-L "of WP GLIMCHER INC., an Indiana corporation, General Partner of WASHINGTON PRIME GROUP, L.P., an Indiana limited partnership, Sole Member of SPG SEMINOLE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, General Partner of SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership, who acknowledged his execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this l day of JtAt-C He— JENNIFER L. SZ&, " ary Public, 's JENN1FER L. SZUMSKI it M State of ind!ana Ma on County " n # 62 5890 I.i Ex pio# A A�rjl U.2019 . 0 1 9 %7,1- My c "2'.4 �ot. . ' tv _ P blj�c Notary Public, 0' of Indiana mi # OVS810 v `o� an dy c ommiss". c m.s commission # 625890 -SEA Notary Public A pril 24, 201 .' �,z commission Expirot 1 u'll-1411-1 ORL 2990923340 - 6/17/2015 3:52:42 PM aai. sel • Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Tel 407.999.2505 Fax 407.420.5909 SheppardA@gtlaw.cojn July 10, 2015 VIA UPS Mrs. Eileen Hinson Zoning Department City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: Applicant - CID Northpark, LLC — Seminole Towne Center Limited ALBA114Y Partnership - Parcel No. 32-19-30-5MR-2000-0000 AMSTERDAM ATLANTA AUSTIN Dear Eileen: BOSTON CHICAGO This letter shall serve as the Applicant's Final Report under the modified CAPP for DALLAS ARE the rezoning of the above-referenced parcel under the Planned Development to allow for use DELADENVEWR as a vehicle storage facility and vehicle sales and service. FORT LAUDERDALE HOUSTON Letters were sent to those parties listed on the attached list, copies of which letters are LASVEGAS enclosed herewith. I received no responses to these letters, either verbally or in writing. LONDON' LOS ANGELES Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. MEXICO CITY* I,A�APAI M LAN" Sincerely, NEW JERSEY ✓ NEW YORK ORANGE COUNTY ORLANDO PALM BEACH COUNTY Alan C. She Jr. PHILADELPHIA PHOENIX ACS/emh ROME" Encls SACRAMENTO cc: Shermin Pelinski, via email SAN FRANCISCO SHANGHAI SILICON VALLEY TALLAHASSEE TAMPA TEL AVIV' TYSONS CORNER WARSAW' WASHINGTON. D.C. WHITE PLAINS ORL 299108308x1- 711012015 1:58:45 PM GREENBERG TRALIRIG, P.A. n ATTORNEYS AT LAW m WWW.GTLAW.COM 450 South Orange Avenue m Suite 650 a Orlando, FL 32801 a Tel 407.420.1000 Fax 407.420.5909 LETTERS SENT TO: Sanford Investors c/o Simon Property Group National City Center 3200 South Hiawassee Road, Suite 205 Orlando, Florida 32835 Seminole Towne Center LP c/o Simon Property Group LP Post Office Box 7019 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7019 Wendy's of NE FLA, Inc. Attn: Cindy Sark One Dave Thomas Boulevard Dublin, Ohio 43017 Sears Roebuck and Co. Tax Dept D/768TAX 132-107A 3333 Beverly Road Hoffman Estates, IL 60179-0001 ORL 299108306x1- 7/10/2015 1:58.45 PM Alan C. Sheppard, Ir. Tel 407.999.2505 Fax 407.420.5909 SheppardA@9tlaw,corn June 18, 2015 VIA U.S. MALL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT Sanford Investors c/o Simon Property Group National City Center 3200 S. Hiawassee Rd., Suite 205 Orlando, FL 32835 Re: Tract 20, Seminole Towne Center, Sanford, Florida Application for Amendment to Planned Development Zoning Dear Land Owner: This letter is to inform neighboring property owners that our client, CJD Northpark, LLC, is seeking to amend the Planned Development Zoning for Seminole Towne Center to change the permitted uses for Tract 20 of Seminole Towne Center. Tract 20 is the approximately 2.7 acre vacant parcel of land located on the mail ring road adjacent to the existing movie theater and across the street from the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership. Our client is seeking the land use change in order to allow for overflow parking and the display of vehicles to serve the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership, and to operate an automotive sales and service facility in the future. We would like to address any comments and concerns you have regarding this proposal. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either in writing to 450 South Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, Florida 32801, or by phone at (407) 999-2505, no later than June 29, 2015. Very truly yours, Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. ACS/khf ORL 2990923680 019966.016500 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ■ WWWGTLAWCOM 450 South Orange Avenue ■ Suite 650 ■ Orlando. FL 32801 ■ Tel 407.420.1000 ■ Fax 407.420 5909 ALOANY AT LAI JTla AW;(N 8Q$1` _ N CHICACO OALLA� 0-LAWARL FORT I AULILP.W."I As llri? --. AS ON ON* WS ANGiU MIA.Ml MULAN" NEW IMLY MFW YORE, CWAN6F U•NI'Y ORLANDO NO "ABUICH "OutV Y LPHIA RONT" "-N I RA MA 'O THAN THAI TAI LAI IA' , IL, TAM", i ELMY' 01IN01. V✓AMAW' WASHING RJN, V C Wt i1TE OLA,N5 WIN Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Tel 407.999.2505 Fax 407.420,5909 SheppardAfttlaw.corn June 18, 2015 VIA U.S. MAIL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT Seminole Towne Center LP c/o Simon Property Group LP P.O. Box 7019 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7019 Re; Tract 20, Seminole Towne Center, Sanford, Florida AMANY Application for Amendment to Planned Development Zoning A.V,5TERDAM Al LANTA Dear Land Owner: CHICAGO. This letter is to inform neighboring property owners that our client, CJD Northpark, LLC, is seeking to amend the Planned Development Zoning for Seminole Towne Center to change the permitted uses for Tract 20 of Seminole Towne Center. Tract 20 is the approximately 2.7 acre vacant parcel of land located on the mall ring road adjacent to the existing movie theater and across the street from the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge ,AS VLGAS dealership. Our client is seeking the land use change in order to allow for overflow LONDOW parking and the display of vehicles to serve the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership, Mi MNGRT` and to operate an automotive sales and service facility in the future, MMW4 EXICO CITY' MILAN" We would like to address any comments and concerns you have regarding this proposal. Nf'.V IMSEf If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either in writing to 450 South vW-1; 70,11". Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, Florida 32801, or by phone at (407) 999-2505, no COPr! Y later than June 29, 2015. PALM ffACH Ci` Ui ZY PHILAOLL144i4 Very truly yours, PHOV-i'X SAN FIVNCiKo 51 1A (At SdIONVL, Alan C Sheppard, Yr. C AU TAMPA ACS/khf fEL AVIV' TYSCJNS Q—VXR Wi 11TE N AT45, ORL 2990923620 019966.016500 GREENBERG TRAURIG, PA, ■ ATTORNEYS AT LAW ■ WWWGTLAW.COM 450 South Orange Avenue ■ Suite 650 ■ Orlando, Fl. 32801 ■ Tel 407.420.1000 ■ Fax 407,420.5909 Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Tel 407.999.2505 Fax 407,420.5909 SheppardA@gtiaw.com June 18, 2015 VIA U.S. MAIL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT Wendys of NE FLA Inc. Attn: Cindy Sark One Dave Thomas Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 Re: Tract 20, Seminole Towne Center, Sanford, Florida Application for Amendment to Planned Development Zoning Dear Land Owner: A7tANIA This letter is to inform neighboring property owners that our client, CJD Northpark, LLC, is seeking to amend the Planned Development Zoning for Seminole Towne Center to change the permitted uses for Tract 20 of Seminole Towne Center. Tract 20 is the Mr AIIJARL approximately 2.7 acre vacant parcel of land located on the mall ring road adjacent to the DENWR f'C,'V t M 1DR.DALL existing movie theater and across the street from the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership. Our client is seeking the land use change in order to allow for overflow parking and the display of vehicles to serve the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership, r and to operate an automotive sales and service facility in the future. t °' ANG N We would like to address any comments and concerns you have regarding this proposal. AN If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either in writing to 450 South t.e. iekiF Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, Florida 32801, or by phone at (407) 999-2505, no 0RAIIIGC COIJII�'( later than June 29, 2015. 0111 ANDO PALM KAC.:i Ify Very truly yours, PI OLAUV! hA 'Ac Mmmio Alan C. Slieppard. Jr. t „AM,Hiu TAU AHA' �LL ACS/khf inntan I LL AVN vvi-ii rr PLAIN! 5. ORL 2990923490 019966.016500 GREENBERG TRAURIG, RA ■ ATTORNEYS AT LAW ■ WWWGI-LAW COM 450 South Orange Avenue a Suite 650 • Orlando, FL 32801 ■ Tel 407.420 1000 ■ Fax 407.420.5909 Alan C. Sheppard, Jr. Tel 407.999.2505 FaX 407.420.5909 SheppardA@gtiaw.com June 18, 2015 VIA U.S. MAIL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT Sears Roebuck and Co Tax Dept D1768TAX B2-107A 3333 Beverly Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60179-0001 Re: Tract 20, Seminole Towne Center, Sanford, Florida A111ANY Application for Amendment to Planned Development Zoning A( MADAM , - -11A 'i Dear Land Owner: RUST This letter is to inform neighboring property owners that our client, CJD Northpark, LLC, is seeking to amend the Planned Development Zoning for Seminole Towne Center to change the permitted uses for Tract 20 of Seminole Towne Center. Tract 20 is the approximately 2.7 acre vacant parcel of land located on the mall ring road adjacent to the F0F1 LAU0E.RbAt F existing movie theater and across the street from the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership. Our client is seeking the land use change in order to allow for overflow LONDON' parking and the display of vehicles to serve the existing Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership, LOS ANCHYS and to operate an automotive sales and service facility in the ftiture. IMMU) U 7', MIMA; NU IN We would like to address any comments and concerns you have regarding this proposal. N-0i IT you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either in writing to 450 South Orange Avenue, Suite 650, Orlando, Florida 32801, or by phone at (407) 999-2505, no later than June 29, 2015. ITY Very truly yours, Alan C. Sheppard,� TALLAK'6'�EE TA WA ACS1khf TO ly-AV, 'tJiRAW GIRL 29M23590 019966.016500 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW • WWW.GTLAW-COM 450 South Orange Avenue • Suite 650 ■ Orlando. FL 32801 • Tel 407,420.1000 • Fax 407.420.5909 NARRATIVE FOR PD AMENDMENT APPLICATION/ SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER CJD Northpark, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("CJD"), is the owner of the Fields Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership located on the corner of Rinehart Road and the mall ring road at the Seminole Towne Center Mall. CJD is acquiring the approximately 2.7 acre vacant parcel across the street and to the west of the existing automotive dealership. This property is located on the ring road for the mall. CJD is planning to construct a vehicle storage facility on the vacant parcel in order to provide for parking and display of overflow vehicles related to the Jeep Chrysler Dodge dealership that is currently in operation. In the future, CJD also intends to construct another vehicular sales and service facility on the Property; however, there are no immediate plans to do so at this time. Accordingly, CJD is applying for a PD Amendment to allow for construction of a vehicular storage facility and vehicular sales and service on the Property. The seller of the Property is Seminole Towne Center Limited Partnership, the owner of the Seminole Towne Center Mall, and it has consented to the PD application and designated CJD as its agent to obtain the PD Amendment. o w o o o I 5 g. w E:" o N 2e z • co 'Z C Y 0 p. w S. 0 •= Ua 0 0) CO g ao �rr W U o� < ao CL N W � � ���� 0 F �ffiki; �1! 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