HomeMy WebLinkAbout1719 Riverwalk Phase III RFQ 13/14-197-11MMAT. MITI, P3 4 :Ask d 4 t Z 1. By accepting this Purchase Order (PO) the Vendor accepts all of the Terms and Conditions included herein, The Buyer, Is the City Of Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to is the "City'. The term "City" is used in a broad sense to Include its employees, directors, officers, agents, volunteers, etc, 2. All Information referenced Is hereby incorporated into the PO, These Terms and Conclitioris may be varied only by written amendment signed by the parties. All modifications in performance, including but not limited to, extensions of time, renewal, or substitution are void absent dually signed amendment by the parties. Time is of the essence or the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in the Put -chase Order, The Vendor agrees that Vendor shall diligently and expeditiously pursue Vendor's obligations, 3. Cancellation rights reserved by the City, The City may cancel this PO in whole or in part at any time for default by written notice to the Vendor, The City shall have no liability to the Vendor beyond payment of any balance owing for Material purchased hereunder and delivered to and accepted by the City prior to the Vendor's receipt of the notice of termination. 4. Terms of shipping are F.O.B. the, City's delivery location unless otherwise noted within the terms of this PO. Regardless of the. Indicated F.O.B. point, the City does not accept title until the delivery is acknowledged by an authorized City representative" 5. Prices stated on this PO are firm, all Inclusive and consistent with applicable negotiations, bid(s) and/or quotations, The City Is exempt from the Florida Sales and Use Tax and will furnish the Vendor with proof of tax exemption upon request. Extra charges for any purpose will not be allowed unless explicitly indicated on the PO, This order is hereby cancelled, if pricing Is omitted. 6. The Vendor warrants that any material or equipment supplied hereunder is new, Lin used condition and free Front defects In title, workmanship, defects In design and in full compliance with the specifications defined by the City in the order, The goods or services furnished under this PO are covered by commercial warranties for such goods or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are In addition to and do not limit those available to the City. A copy of these warranties and all applicable manufa cturers' warranties shall be furnished at the time of delivery. 7, The City reserves the right to conduct any inspection or Investigation to verify compliance of the goods arid/or services with the requirements of this purchase order and to reject any delivery not in compliance If any deficiency is not visible at the time of delivery the City reserves the right to take and/or require appropriate corrective action upon the discovery of any deficiency, non-compliance, or defect S. All tools or property furnished to the Vendor by the City shall remain the property of the City, be subject to removal upon the City's demand, be used only on behalf of the City, be maintained In good order, and be clearly identified as property of the City. The Vendor assumes any and all liability of whatsoever type or nature for loss or damage to such property, 9. The Vendor agrees to comply with all Federal, State of Florida, Seminole County, City laws, ordinances, regulations, authority and codes and authority having jurisdiction over the purchase. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall Indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its agents, servants, officers, officials and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses Including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and other legal costs such as those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and the actual costs incurred for expert witness testimony, arising out of or resulting from the performance or provision of services required under this Agreement, provided that same Is caused in whole or in part by the error, omission, act, failure to act, breach of contract obligation, malfeasance, officers, officials, employees, or agents. Additionally, the Vendor accepts responsibility for all damages resulting in any way related to the procurement and delivery of goods or services contemplated In this purchase order. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges, and immunities of the City as set forth In Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 11. The Vendor shall not assign this PO, any rights under this PO or any monies due or to become due hereunder nor delegate or subcontract any obligations or work hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 12, The Vendor shall not disclose the existence of this PO without prior written consent of the City except as may be required to perform this PO, 13. All Material purchased hereunder must be packaged to ensure its security and delivery in accordance with the City's shipping and packaging specification and good commercial practice. Each package shall be labeled Indicating the addressee of each package or shipment and the applicable PO number. All shipments shall comply with HAZMAT requirements including, but not Jim Ited to, (DOT) regulations published In 49CFR 1399, OSHA regulations 29 CPR 4999, 14. The Vendor shall perform the obligations of this PO as an Independent contractor and under no circumstances shall It be considered as agent or employee of the City. 15. The Vendor ensures that its personnel shall comply with reasonable conduct guidelines and City policies and procedures. 16. After each delivery, the Vendor shall provide to the "bill to address" an original, "proper invoice" (single copy) which Includes: a) Vendor's name(dba), telephone number, mailing address; b) City's P.O. Number; c) Date of invoice; d) Shipping date; e) Delivery date; F) Payment terms; g) Description of goods/services; h) quantity; I) Unit price; j) Extended price; k) Total. The City has the right to reconcile Invoice with the PO and adjust payment accordingly to comply with the PO. Payment will be made only to the Vendor Identified on the PO and for received and accepted goods/services, The City shall have right at, any time to set-off any amount,- due to the Vendor against any amounts owed to the City by the Vendor and shall in the case of Vendor default retain the right to further adjust payments as consistent with the best. Interests of the City, 17. Payment of Invoices will be In compliance with Chapter 218, Part VII of Florida Statutes, City Ordinance No, 3029, Purchasing Policy of the City and the stipulations, terns and conditions of this PO, Any cash discount period will date from receipt of invoice, receipt of actual delivery or date of invoice, which ever is later. 18. If this PO involves the Vendor's performance on the City's premises or at any place where the City conducts operations, the Vendor shall request information from the Purchasing Manager- regarding insurance coverage requirements. In circumstances where insurance is required, Vendor shall provide proofs of insurance required by the City, or City reserves the right to cancel this Purchase Order, immediately suspend performance by the Vendor at Vendor's expense and prohibit access to City premises until such proofs of insurance is verified. Noncompliance with this item shall place the Vendor in default and subject to disbarment from the City"s Vendor List. 19, The failure of the city to enforce any provision of this PO, exercise any right or privilege granted to the City hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force, 20, The Vendor shall notify the Purchasing Manager of any Inherent hazard and applicable precautions, protective measures and provide any additional relevant information, including MSDS, related to the Material being purchased herein. 21, The City shall have the right at no additional charge to use all or portions of material found in the Vendor's applicable literature relevant to the purchase. The Vendor agrees to advise the City of any updated information relative to the foregoing literature and documentation with timely written notice. 22. A person or affiliate who has been removed from the City's Vendor List may not submit a bid or transact business with the City III excess of Category Iwo for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being removed from the City's Vendor List, 23. In compliance with 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) (Section 274A(e) or, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)], the City will not Intentionally make an award or upon discovery of violation will unilaterally cancel this PO with any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers. 24, This PO shall be governed by and Interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In any action or proceeding required to enforce or Interpret the terms of this Agreement, venue shall be of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida Purchasing Dept., Tel 407.688.5028 or 407.688.SO30 Fax: 407.688.5021 Finance Dept 407.688.5020 VASE: 0 /: 1/15 $ QRDE 00 NIUMPER 03449'0, ,VRP14, city: �Kltl PURCHASE OROER O:j303 0344 ,5,0 CITY F'.SANFORD' P4.430),( 1,768 PLJRCHASIt o OFPI6E.,,,4P7X86,603O ( Pfd NOT l PARK U,�NUE) 3UI3iVIfT-INVOM(,ES Xa, AMOUNIs Pnar,IN4. ACC6ON"i'S FINIMCF r�-r ,ACSIMI E: 4o7;sss.5021 r'011104 SAX EXEMPTVENODRVQ��- 2,11119 None 85 1 6 r c , a, Lrox 9 6e sr Nrorm..� ' IT)( IAF- 8ANFQRD 5,0 0 K4ST FULTQi4 St RA k, AVER 1Ft RD,, 3 T7�; FORD,w ,FD )EUVER t;r ER ;F°D16. 6ESxaNATI0N Bib oR o.uc)r ,rho rvu , Rt'dul„�t' fa oo." Url.jEss 'HERNIsIi'iNOIC 7, r h 0" e" pu-quo,.+R48iECCNO 1C7-4 4?'_543"=,I Ii M;40 No Di vyi4 aoN FRoI Mr is PURCHASE ORDER utrl w BE. dux W O dECr d di ESS, AIN N PRIZ BY," T>"ItPusCHA§ING MANaoER - ttT ° tF SKIMUFQRD I7Enn NO,; LiESCR►PrICN' a ANr �0IT COST EXTEi0'ED,COSl �s5". t'hi s Cinder oexxf 4.et s with ;the ;Algree (end , kb ekepx O-1. above; Lhe, ")�grae nt §1 evaa The gllowra �listed qqme '',which, are "att"ach h6re,t�,o axid Toady ij#xt 'hekgof EVES FEE, `SHED` +i - .", : I 1 a, CAF E,: .SEE', `ScC6pk o §E V` s; TIME` OV ;COMPLETION,- The wCii a xth 1 d 'ha jh b6forc� and ,4"2 all",fie 'ccaxc�xn� end x� �e&6i rtam�+..w� th 64 pexxdar ''days frov the d to ,a thisc� dodb' eht w 'I"T" 5 X15; Y ;t PURCHASINGr r� CIT MANAGER ALL ?^Ad6 AGES AOD jViolcEs AssbciA;rE"a ITIS %T IIS Pea; DUST 6EAR THIS 0014CHASE ORDER NUM6E"i THt VEND60 I5 REMNSIB(E TO CAREFULLY WS RM X To: Ronorable Mayor and Members of the City Camn�ssioa PREPARED BY.' Christopher Smith, Projeot Planner SUBMITTF-0 BY.- Norton N. Bonaparte Jr., City Mana SUV�Yj�= App rove A gre em ent for Profes si ones for RiverWalk (Final) Pha T11 to Conldin, Porter andHabnes, ; STRA*rE:Gtc PmRrrms: UnifyDowntawn & the Waterfront Promote the Citys Distinct CnIture El Update Regulatory Framework El 'Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvanthged Corrununities Holmes, Inc. (CPH) m* the fixed fee, amount of $1,860,590 for Ptiveffalk (Final) Phase �M Tequdsted. FISCAL/STAr-MNG STATEM15ar. # Department of, Transportation Seawall Funds S7.0M. ff Wl" Mv angousTme Avent ne ie UenTraFFIQ I Aaital to the (u -1.)Y sa a 9 of -way just west of the Central Flori4a Zoo entraum UGI, I;M�ZW: The City Attorney has previously approved the.master contract hr CPHEngineers, Inc, RKCOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Conimission approve they Agreement with C Engineers in W fixed fee �tmoiint of $1,960,580 for professional engineering services for RiverWalk (Final) Phase III and authorize. the City Manager to execute any and all documents as required. SUGGESTEM MOrJON.' "Umove, to approve the Agreement with CPH Engineers in the Exed fee mnount of tl,860,590 for professional engineering services for, RiverWallc (Final) Phase 11 and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all doruments� as required." t.Ae&prnemoA20l5e&p memoskiverwak-phiff ai-yard ofd&e proposal cph()Ica memo N49 -PT -T, 5 � Fuol i-lbb 6 1 IIIW3 1.1 The CONSULTANT agrees to perform professional engineering services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 1.2 The CONSULTANT will serve as the CITY's professional engineering representative In those phases of the project to which this Scope of Services applies, and will give consultation and advice to the CITY during the performance of his services. 1.3 The purpose of the project is the design and permitting of the U.S. 17-92 Riverwalk Phase III project within the US 17-92 right of way along Lake Monroe, and associated roadway, landscape, electrical, traffic calming and beautification in the City of Sanford. 'The project limits are located along US 17-92 from 15' Street to Monroe Road (CIS -15j, for a distance of 3.40 -miles. EEEEEIMM� J; 1!111 � I 111 1111 1 NO ma. INT11 1111 1 9,1011,10111,1111111111 WIN -1101 11111 1. 1 1111,611 14110210-01vg 001 MEN*! 1, 14 V0.16 T0,11'k Verify the existing topographic survey previously collected to locate visible changes lying northerly of the south edge of pavement and extending 20 feet north of the north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17-92, Amend the existing topographic cross sections at 100' stations northerly 20 feet and southerly 35 feet to collect the entire roadway right-of-way plus 10 feet for the RiverWalk Ph III segment. Perform additional topographic cross sections at 100' stations along U.S. Highway 17-92 from north and south right-of-way plus 10 feet (supplement the existing sections thus creating 50 -ft topographic sections). Perform depth soundings in Lake Monroe at the existing seawall (or shoreline), 50% and 1001 north of the existing seawall (or shoreline) of the east 6,500 feet of project limits. Perform topographic survey along U.S. Highway 17-92 from 800 feet east of the Zoo entrance west to CR -1 5, south edge of pavement to south right-of-way plus 10 feet south. Perform topographic survey along U.S. Highway 17-92 from V� Street to Seminole Boulevard, from edge of travel to 10 -ft beyond the right-of-way line and medians where light poles are located, Confirm existing tree survey and locate additional existing trees, 6�' and greater dbh, located within the limits of this proposal. Project will be performed using NAVD88 datum from FDOT and Seminole County control monumentation. Horizontal control will be based upon Seminole County and NGS control monumentation NAD83 (1999). Control points containing vertical and horizontal information will be established every 1,000 feet along the project limits. 2.3 Utility Locates CONSULTANT will utilize Lochrane to horizontally and vertically locate all existing utilities. The horizontal locates will be performed during the design survey. The vertical locates (subsurface utility explorations) will occur after the approval of the 30% plans and be performed per each location (up to 65). Please refer to the attached proposal from Lochrane. 3.2 Preliminary Ecological &Wildlife Assessment Aerial Photowhy: CONSULTANT' will obtain electronic files and construct a color aerial covering the project site. KIT am - the site. 'The map will be digitized ArcView 10.1 based on "desk top" interpretation of features evident on the DOQQ aerial photography, correlation with soil types (SCS Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida) and field verification for each mapped classification. The dominant vegetation of each classification will be recorded. Map product will be used in FDEP and ACOE permiffing. Threatened and Endangered., Species: CONSULTANT will review Florida Fish -and .-Wild life- Conservation - Commission- (FF -WCC)- and -.,U,,S,--Fish,,and -Wildlife Service (USFWS) web based files and distribution mappings and review the Atlas of Breeding Sites of Herons and Their Allies (FFWCC) to identify recorded listed species within the project site. CONSULTANT will conduct a preliminary survey by general reconnaissance of the site for the occurrence or potential occurrence of protected species (threatened, endangered, or special concern). The approximate location of all observed protected species will be identified on the FLUCFCS map or aerial photograph prints. Those species referred to as protected are listed under Florida Administrative Code 68A and Florida Statue 581.185 and Code of Federal Regulation (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12). 1331M Tree Survey: The CONSULTANT shall conduct a tree survey in the location of the proposed Trail corridor. The CONSULTANT shall number each tree, record DIBH, species and health. The data collected during the tree survey will assist with a mitigation plan during project permitting with the City and regulatory agencies. Survey Coordination: CONSULTANT will coordinate with the project surveyor and/or engineer to provide wetland delineation information such as a map showing the approximate location, of the delineated wetland line (flag numbers), CONSULTANT wiJI review the surveyed wetland line and provide comments/revisions to the project surveyor as necessary. 3.2 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permitting The CONSULTANT Vill prepare ecological elements of an Individual Permit application. • Arrange for and conduct a field review of the estimated wetland limits with representatives of the FDEP after permit application submittal. • Attend one (1) pre -application meeting with FDEP in Orlando, Florida. • Coordinate with the Project Engineer to produce Dredge & Fill permit sketches, 8.5 by 11.0 drawings that show wetland impacts, cross sections, and development plan (assumes 10 sheets). • Coordinate with the Client and the Project Engineer as may be required in the preparation of the ecological elements of the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Permit application to FDEP. CONSULTANT Will prepare draft responses to ecological questions in Sections C, E and G of the ERP application. • Unified Mitigation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis will be prepared of pre- & post -development wetland impacts and mitigation value following the UMAM as required by FDER, • Prepare a Post -Development FLUCFCS Map for purposes of the FDEP permitting, Mapping will follow the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) (FDOT 1999). • Prepare an assessment of Secondary and Cumulative Impact Analysis, • Archaeological and Historical Resources: CONSULTANT will submit all archaeological/historical information as prepared by others with the FDEP application. Any necessary site specific cultural resource assessments are not included. 3.4 U.$ Army Corps of Engineers Permitting CONSULTANT will prepare a wetland jurisdiction determination (JD) package, For purposes of this determination, CONSULTANT will prepare documentation to be submitted with the ACOE's 8 page Form, The JD will be submitted with the permit application request. This package of information will include the following: a Site Location Map — a street map locating the site • USGS Quadrangle Map - excerpt from map s6owing project boundary, section, township and range of the project and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the approximate center of the site • Soils Map — tabulation of descriptions of soil types shown on the soils map excerpted from the County Soil Survey. • Preliminary Wetland Delineation — a print of the color aerial photograpN 1) property boundary-, 2) estimated jurisdictional wetland boundaries, 3) enumeration of each wetland; • Wetland Studies Description - for each enumerated wetland a summary description of the wetland type and status (dominate vegetation, disturbance, etc.) as well as a discussion of contiguity, adjacency or isolation factors (e,g. distances from ditches and/or other waters) • Data Form — a completed ACOE data form for each upland community type and each enumerated wetland • Conduct an on-site meeting with the ACOE to review the JD package and delineated wetland boundaries. CONSULTANT anticipates one day for this field meeting. CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an Individual Permit application to the ACOE. Based on a preliminary assessment, the proposed project shall impact more than 0.5 acres of wetlands under the regulatory jurisdiction of the ACOE. CONSULTANT shall modify the Environmental Resource Permit Report for submittal to ACOE to meet ACOE permitting requirements. Mitigation Plan- It is assumed wetland mitigation (if required) will be accomplished o site within Lake Monroe for the RiverWalk Phase Ill project area. I 14IOIDNIM114 RUM M Page 4 of 13 BE HN ME EE M, ENK • A map of vegetation communities in and around the mitigation area(s). • A detailed schedule for planting, maintenance and monitoring of mitigation area(s). • A vegetation -planting scheme and schedule for implementation. • Sources of plants used in mitigation area. • Measures to be implemented during and after construction to avoid adverse impacts related to proposed activities. • A management plan comprising all aspects of operation and maintenance, including, vegetation establishment and exotic and nuisance species control. • A proposed monitoring plan to demonstrate success criteria. • A description of activities proposed to control exotic and nuisance species should they become established in the mitigation area. • gation design does not include construction level plans. • CPH will provide a preliminary cost estimate for mitigation credits verses gation within Lake Monroe -for the City to Review. MMETI-M t CONSULTANT will prepare written responses to two (2) Requests for Additional Information (RAI) by the FIDEP and the ACOE regarding ecological elements of the ERP application prepared by CONSULTANT, This service will be performed and included in sections 3.3 - 3.5 above. Throu ghout the project, the CONSULTANT will attend up to five (5) meetings or to properly coordinate the preparation Or the permit application submiftal ana to process the applications. The CONSULTANT will provide general project management, including, but not limited to reviewing and preparing CONSULTANT billings, preparing invoice reports, and tracking project budget and schedule. The CONSULTANT will provide monthly status reports of the project. The CONSULTANT will attend project meetings including but not limited to: Kick-off meeting, three review meetings at the 60%, 90%, and 100% construction plans, and two utility coordination meetings after 60% and 90% review comments received and reviewed by the CONSULTANT, project status meetings as requested by the CITY, and two CITY/COUNTY Commission meetings to present the project. The CONSULTANT will assist the CITY in coordinating the road transfer with FDOT. The CONSULTANT will prepare Conceptual Trail associated improvements to accommodate the trail CONSULTANT will review and analyze various traffic and Roadway Plans and and pedestrian crossings. calming elements that will Based on the approved conceptual plans the CONSULTANT will prepare the Preliminary Plans to a 30% level. Plans will be prepared in accordance with the local jurisdiction of City of Sanford, FDOT Design Standards, and FDOT Greenbook, with precedence given to the City of Sanford. Plans will be supplied to the CITY in jr-w-&-ml NAF(my, 1"010161 121MR11 of: mg mm m mg Immmago-oto I 1got :w[Way I' W The Preliminary (30%) Plans will include the following sheets: * Typical Sections Sheet m Project Layout Sheet * 'Trall Plan and Profile She * Roadway Plan Sheets m Cross,Sections therefore is not included. If determined by FDEP that stormwater quality treatment is required, an amendment to this proposal will be required. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service, Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. After the City of Sanford, and Seminole County complete their review of the 30% Plans completed under the previous task, then CONSULTANT' will continue with the preparation of the 60%, 90%, and 100% plans and corresponding Opinions of Probable Construction Costs at the same intervals. The Final Plans will include the following sheets: Key Sheet General Notes Sheet Summary of Pay Items Sheet (incl. items provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Typical Sections Sheet Summary of Quantities (incl quantities provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) • Project Layout Sheet Trail Plan and Profile Sheets Roadway Plan Sheets ■ Drainage Structure Sheets ■ Paving and Drainage Details ■ General Details • Intersection/Pedestrian Crossing Details ■ Soil Survey Sheet Cross Sections (50 foot stations) • Utility Relocation Sheets for Reclaim Water Main (P&P) • Utility Adjustment Sheets for Reflecting Utility Designs by Others • Seawall Structures Sheets • Cantilever/Overlook Sheets • Signage and Pavement Marking Plans • Pedestrian Signalization Plans (three locations) • Lighting Plans • Landscape Plans • Irrigation Plans • Hardscape Plans • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) • Maintenance of Traffic Plans (3 Phases) The CONSULTANT will utilize Brindley Pieters and Associates (BPA) to perform Peer Review Services in addition to the CONSULTANTS internal QA/QC. Please refer to the attached proposal from BPA. For the Utility Adjustment Plans, CONSULTANT will evaluate the existing utilities, both buried and overhead for conflicts, separation issues, and construction impediments. CONSULTANT will review the existing utilities with the proposed design plans to minimize utility impacts. CONSULTANT will coordinate with the owners of the private communication companies to review potential conflicts and request mark-ups for the project. CONSULTANT is not responsible for the design or cost associated with the Traffic Control Plan Notes and Typical Sections will be compiled for the roadway construction portion in accordance with the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the FDOT Design Standards, Project specific traffic control plans will be prepared for the roadway and trail construction in three phases. The plans will reference the FDOT Design Index, Series 600. RA �. #IV BilillW00TIM a plilllqll! MON 111 In including; ACOE FDEP, ERP Exemption Seminole County Driveway Connection Permit FDOT Driveway Connection Permit Note: Other required permits are listed under the Environmental Services task of this proposal. CONSULTANT will coordinate the processing of the applications throughthe regUlatory agencies, including attendance at a limited number of meetings with the agencies that mtgwf�� meetings or conference calls with each of the regulatory agencies, one (1) submittal of the applications and supporting documents, and two (2) responses to agency comments. In order to minimize travel, meetings with multiple agencies will be scheduled, when possible. Meetings required beyond these will be handled as additional service, and billed in accordance with our Standard Hourly Rates. The CITY will be financially responsible for any application or filing fee required by the agencies. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. AMM Any modifications to the plans requested by the Regulatory Agencies pertaining to the infrastructure design in the previously mentioned plans, required to meet code, will be addressed by CONSULTANT as part of these services. Any modifications requested that are not code issues, or modifications requested by the CITY will be addressed as additional services and billed at the Standard Hourly Rates enclosed. Any other permits that may arise during the design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service, and billed in accordance with our Standard Hourly Rates. CONSULTANT will prepare a Project Manual, including and referencing the FDOT Standard Specification, consisting of Technical Specifications and front end bidding documents (Division 1). CONSULTANT will compile the Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions for the trail and roadway construction elements of the project and include them into the Project Manual for the project. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee, •T offiffil-ir"WWORE offiffilirmweal"im 'T- 011"Iffim, ik MEN, -, . W6,11,3114 V KM vZr.4r47 TZM The CONSULTANT will utilize Dix.Hite + Partners, Inc, to coordinate with the CITY during the Conceptual Design Phase to develop the RiverWalk Phase III theme. Based upon the CITY approved concept plans, the CONSULTANT will utilize all available site information (i.e. survey, roadway, and trail plans, etc.) to prepare Design Development Plans for the RiverWalk III project. These items are further described as follows: w . � Z 111111111t, Irrigation, Preliminary irrigation drawings including, sleeving, main line piping ant - water source. All of the drawings for above shall adhere to the CITY, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and FDOT Standards. Based as the Design Development documents described above, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable construction, costs for all improvements. The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff up to three times during the completion of the Design Development Plans. The CONSULTANT will also be available to meet once with Seminole County staff during this phase of the work, The CONSULTANT will prepare up to three color renderings of the proposed designs taken from locations to be determined by the CONSULTANT and the CITY, RBIMMUNI-0.4 .. . ....... • Hi i I I lag MIRM =65 9 W011 MM am am, HOW."fiffi, WN 1@11,101 601111IMM. The CONSULTANT will attend a pre design meeting with City of Sanford and the Design Team, The CONSULTANT will conduct a field review of the route. zz�� • Obtain Geotechnical Subconsultants soil and groundwater information and soil design data for his use in designing the seawall and auger anchor system. • Coordinate with the Civil Design Team to determine the seawall design geornetry and cantilever overlook locations. • Prepare Design Calculations for the seawall, anchors, and overlook structures. Prepare 90% plans (-32 sheets) and Specifications. Attend the 90% Plan Review Meeting with the Design Team. Respond to RAI's frorn regulatory and permitting agencies. Prepare 100% plans and specifications. Prepare Opinion of Probable Cost. Provide assistance during the Bid Phase to respond to RFI's. The CONSULTANT will utilize Bechtol Engineering and Testing (BET) for the Geotechnical Engineering Services. BET will supplement the existing geotechnical exploration to include evaluating physical and strength characteristics of the subsurface soils on both the land and lakeside of the proposed seawall. BET will also provide structural peer review of the structural design. Please refer to attached proposal from BET. 71 =3Tr7MffCF- res�•• i13- PVT UPF cilsis "Munj Trie 65, DocirfTents, Incilaing to be used by prospective bidders and others during the bidding and constr• phases. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. 11.2 CONSULTANT will perform Design Services for the RiverWalk Trailhead located under the 1-4 corridor in accordance with the CITYand Seminole County, The CONSULTANT will prepare an amendment to the above scope of services to include the trailhead design to the level agreed upon by the CITY and Seminole County. 11.3 CONSULTANT will perform Post -Design Services and/or Construction Administration services in accordance with CITY. The CONSULTANT will prepare an amendment to the above scope of services to include the Post Design Services to the level agreed upon by the CITY. CITY -FURNISHED INFORMATION It is understood that CONSULTANT will perform services under the sole direction of the C",, In the performance of these services, CONSULTANT will coordinate its efforts with those of other project team members as required. The CITY shall provide CONSULTANT with project - related technical data. CONSULTANT will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of City of Sanford and CITY -furnished information in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement. TECHNICAL PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES TO: Mr. Kurt R. Luman, Jr., P.E. RE: US 17-92 Riverwalk - Phase 11 CPH Engineers, Inc. Sanford, Florida 500 Fulton Street Sanford, Florida 32771 BET Project Number: G1311211 ITEM UNIT NO. OF I UNIT COST TOTAL UNITS COST I 1.0 FIELD SERVICES I'l Site Reconnaissance, Boring Layout, Utility Location Coordination, Survey and GPS for barge location 1.2 Mobilization of Men and Equipment - Barge Mounted Drill Rig 1.3 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Water) -26@45% 15@25' 1.4 Install and Remove Casing (Water Borings) - Estimate 485 LF 1.5 Mobilization of Men and Equipment - Truck Mounted Drill Rig 1,6 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Land) - 33@40', 6@30', 86@16 1.7 Grout Seal Test Holes (Land) - 1320 LF - Allowance 2,0 LABORATORY SERVICES 2.1 Stratification and Visual Classification of Soil Samples 2.2 Soils Classification Testing; 2.21 Corrosion Series Tests (2 soil, 1 water) 2.2.2 Wash 200 Size Analysis 2.2,3 Liquid and Plastic Limits (As Required) 2.2.4 Moisture Content Determination 2Z5 Organic Content Determination (As Required) hour '16 $85.00 $1,360.00 site 1 8500.00 8500,00 lineal foot 1545 21.00 32445.00 lineal foot 485 15,00 7275,00 site 3 350.00 1050.00 lineal foot 2790 14.00 39060m00 lineal foot 1320 5,00 6600.00 300.00 Subtotal - Field Services 96290.00 hour 4 X60.00 $240.001 test 3 250.00 7%00 test 24 45,00 1080:00 test 12 95.00 1140.00 test 12 15,00 180.00 test 4 45.00 180.00 3.3 Subtotal � Laboratory Services 3570,00 10 ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES 31 Principal Geotechnical Engineer hour. 16 $175.00 $2,800.00 12 Senior Project Engineer hour 32 100.00 3200.00 3.3 Senior Engineering Designer hour 32 90.00 2880.00 3.4 Clericai Services hour 6 50.00 300.00 Subtotal - Engineering and Technical Services 9180.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: $109,040.00 SUBMITTED BY: Date. Date: Thomas Bechtol, P,E. Florida License No. 38538 Signer hereby accepts all general terms and conditions on reverse side of this agreement, and warrants their full authority to bind CLIENT, SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not anticipated and, therefore, not included in this Agreement at this time., • • Survey • ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey • Easement or right-of-way vacation or dedication services or platting services • Services • • •_ made by CITY following the completion • • project tasks that require • by CONSULTANT • Any other issues not specifically described in this proposal • March 10, 2015 BET Project No, G13121 TO: Mr. Kurt R,. Luman, Jr., P,E, CPH Engineers, Inc. 500 Fulton Street Sanford, Florida 32771 RE: Fee Proposal/Subcontract AGREEMENT - Geotechnical Services US 17-92 Riverwalk - Phase 11 Sanford, Florida 011 1 i wr� 9M Iw w w i 1110 1 ; w. 1 The purpose of BET's services would be to evaluate physical and strength characteristics of shoreline of Lake Monroe, and in proposed light pole foundation areas along US highway 17-92, in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. Based on the results of field and laboratory studies, BET will issue a report summarizing their findings, evalUations and recommended soil parameters for use in seawall design and construction. Per your request , BET has included engineering hours to provide design services and/or pier review of seawall design if requested. BET's proposed scope of services is based on the anticipated boring locations and depths indicated in CPH's request for proposal dated September 5, 2013 and supplementals received February 12, 2015. The proposed scope and associated fees are outlined on the attached Technical Plan and Cost Estimate. If the outlined scope of services, fees, and payment terms rneet With yw r 2p$�roval,'�102,%e ewerute the Teiz� n �-,a I P12x :Rx i C*st Est! xk ate?. xd ri.,tur* ts, 9 ET's 0fice via mail, e-mail or FAX. BET appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to working with you in the very near future, If you should have any questions, orwhenever BET may be of service, please do not hesitate to call. Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc. T*k0VV,0IS PeC�kt-OL Thomas Bechtel, P.E. President/ Principal Engineer TB/tb NAdocumants" GrO DOGS 2007-1`rosenllGoo 2031G13121 geotectinical proposal - revised 0340. i5.wpd CONSULTING GECYTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS 605 West New York Avenue, Suits A - DeLand, FL 32720-5243 -Telephone (3661734_ FAX 0661734.654'1 TECHNICAL PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES TO: Mr. Kurt R. Luman, Jr., P.E. RE: US 17,92 Riverwalk - Phase 11, CPH Engineers, Inc. Sanford, Florida 500 Fulton Street Sanford, Florida 32771 BET Project Number: G13121 2.0 LABORATORY SERVICES 21 Stratilication and Visual Classification of Soil Samples 2,2 Solis Classification Testing 2.21 Corrosion Series Tests (2 soil, 'I water) 2.2.2 Wash 200 Size Analysis 2,23 Liquid and Plastic Urnits (As Required) 2.2A Moisture Content Determination Z25 Organic Content Determination (As Required) hour 4 $60.00 $240.001 test ITEM UNIT NO, OF UNITS UNIT COST TOTAL COST 110 FIELD SERVICES 1140.00 test 12 45.00 180.00 11 Site Reconnaissance, Boring Layout, Utility Location hou( 16 $85.00 $1,360,,00 32 90.00 Coordination, Survey and GPS for barge location 3.4 Clerical Services hour 6 60.00 1.2 Mobilization of Men and Equipment - Barge Mounted Drill Rig site 1 8500.00 8500.00 13 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Water) -26@45', 16@26 lineal foot 1545 21.00 32445.00 1.4 Install and Remove Casing (Water Borings) - Estimate 485 LF lineal foot 485 15„00 7275.00 1.5 Mobilization of Men and Equipment - Truck Mounted Drill Rig site 3 350.00 1050,00 1,6 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Land) - 33@40% 6030', lineal foot 2790 14,00 39060.00 86@15' 11 Grout Seal Test Holes (Land) -1320 LF - Allowance lineal (out 1320 5.00 6600.00 Subtotal - Field Services 96290,00 2.0 LABORATORY SERVICES 21 Stratilication and Visual Classification of Soil Samples 2,2 Solis Classification Testing 2.21 Corrosion Series Tests (2 soil, 'I water) 2.2.2 Wash 200 Size Analysis 2,23 Liquid and Plastic Urnits (As Required) 2.2A Moisture Content Determination Z25 Organic Content Determination (As Required) hour 4 $60.00 $240.001 test 3 250.00 750.00 test 24 45,00 1080.00 test '12 95,00 1140.00 test 12 45.00 180.00 test 4 45.00 18000 3.3 Subtotal -, Laboratory Services 3570.00 3.0 ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES 3.1 Principal Geotechnical Engineer hour 16 $175,00 $2.800.00 3.2 Senior Project Engineer hour 32 100.00 3200.00 3.3 Senior Engineering Designer hour 32 90.00 2880.00 3.4 Clerical Services hour 6 60.00 300.00 Subtotal - Engineering and Technical Services 91,180.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: $109,040,00 F1 M-- Thorrias Bechtol, P.E. Florida License No. 38538 Signer hereby accepts all general terms and conditions on reverse side of this agreement, and warrants their full authority to February 26, 2015 Kurt R. Luman, Jr,, P.E. Vice President/Associate Transportation Division Director 'PICC, Inc. 500 W, Fulton Street Sanford, Florida, 32771 Re: San(urd Riverwalk Phase 3 Trail Visioning and Conceptual Interpretive Signageand lVay-finding We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide professional design services lbrTrail Visioning and Conceptual Interpretive Signage and Way -finding for Phase 3 of the Sanford Riverwalk. DH+P shall establish the way -finding and interpretive elements for the project, and work with the landscape architects and engineers of record relative to placement, integration and the incorporation of the vision into the overall landscape arid, hardscape aesthetic. Scope of Services: A. Trail Alignment Familiarization. Review background data, as provided by others of the proposed trail. alignment. Review site data and plans provided by the Design Team to understand opportunities and constraints specific to site (power lines, grades, crossings, trail cross sections,, etc.), B. Site Visit and Documentation of Unique Characteristics: The DI4+P will visit the site, to review the proposed alignment and document the corridor's unique character. C. Contextual Review: DH+P shall review and provide historic background information associated with the design corridor. A diagrammatic plan will be produced that illustrates important historic locations and their associated stories. Images taken during the site visit will be included for inspiration and context. D. Client Meeting: Meet with the client and City representative to establish potential interpretive program opportunities and the associated signage and way -finding budget. E, Trail vision: Based on the proposed trail alignment, provide conceptual designs associated with the project character in the form way -finding and interpretive elements unique to this portion of the corridor, while tying into the overall Lake Monroe Loop aesthetic. The trail vision will be illustrated through sketches and images. Input will be provided to the team for additional elements associated with the pro ' ject -------- -- -vision- including, site -furnishings,"'laridgeape; hardscape � treatments„- sections - arid- overtook ­riodes- as treatments of these elements can help strengthen vision and sense of place. F, Vision Refinement: Present the vision to client and key stakeholders. Refine design of interpretive and way -finding elements based on client input. Provide input to landscape architects and engineers of record. relative to placement, integration and the incorporation of the vision into the overall landscape and hardscape aesthetic, via sketches and images. G, Design Vision Review: Provide design intent review of plans by others at the 55% Design Development and 90% Cons-truction Document phases to ensure the way -finding, interpretive elements and landscape and hardscape features remain consistent with the Client approved vision. We propose to perform these services for a Lurnp Sum fee of $30,700. 150 WEST JESSUP AVENUE - LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 - TEL, 40707,'t' "TT - WWW DIXHITE.COM 1110A 5;71e—YAet,,YS&A=WL—, Inc PROJECT FURPOSE 2.000 Maitland Center Parkway Suite 180 Maitland, FL 32751 407.830.8700 , Fax 407.830.8877 www,bpa-engineers.com ATTACHMENT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Sanford, FL February'24,2015 This is a response to CPH's request for a proposal to provide Quality Assurance / Quality Control Services for the Sanford Riverwalk, Phase III Project. The project consists of a 2.1mile long, 12'-Izt' wide concrete trail with retaining walls along Lake Monroe complementary in design of the existing Sanford Riverwalk. The design. concepts consists of steel and concrete cap seawall installation, structural and natural therned overlooks and pull -cuffs. Design will generally include a 12'-14' wide concrete trail with an associated retaining wall, approximately 2,700' of new seawall installation, approximately 3,800' 047 existing seawall replacement, hardscaping and landscaping and educational heritage markers, SCOPE OF WORK BPA will provide Quality Assurance / Quality Control Services as follows: 1. BPA will review the construction. drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (60%) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion., 2. BP.,k will provide written comments on the construction drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (601/o) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion. The above fees do not include expenses. Reimbursable expenses such as travel, printing, and photography will be billed in addition at cost plus an administrative fee of 10%. No sub -consultant services are included in the above fees. Time Charge services (including additional services) will be billed on an hourly basis at the following rates*: Principal ................................... ___ ...... .......... $ 170.00/hr. Principal I ........ ....................... __ ....... ....... ....... ......... $ 155.00/hr. Financial Manager ...... ................................».. ......... ........_........$ 155.00/hr. Studio Leader.......,..,.. .... ...... ............... .............. ............... ....... $ 135,00/hr. Senior Project Manager.,,... ... ................. ... _ ................. _ .......... $ 115.00/hr. Color Studio Project Manager.............................».........................$ 11 5.00/hr. Project Manager............. ........ ...................... ......................... ....... $ 105-00/hr. CAD/Produefton Manager ....................»,».,....,......W........._..............$ 95.00/hr. Designer III ....... ......... ...................................... __ .......... ......... $ 95.00/hr. Designer 11 ........ ....... ....... ......... ...... ............................ $ 85.00/hr. Designer I ........... ............. ............. .......... ..... .. 75.00/hr. Office Manager.. ................ __ ........................................... 75,00/hr. Administrative ................ ........ ...... ................. ... __ ... ................ $ 60.00/hr. Technician ...... ................... ....... ___ ............... .......,.,..m..»...,. ,$ 55.00/fir. Rates are subject to change. We took forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you are in agreement with this proposal and the Terms and Conditions on Attachment A, please execute and forward to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Dix,Hite + Partners, Inc. ChOstina HitePLA President Attachments Signature - CPH, Inc. Printed Name & Fitle: OEM February 24, 2015 Project, City Of Sanfor0l, FL Sanford Riverwalk, phase III Prepared for: CP"Inc. Preparedby. SPA(TS/013) Fee Proposal Task Billing Hourly Rate chlefavil Engineer/Project Manager $262.90 Project Engineer $112.42 Enolnew, $135.15 CAL: Technician $63,84 Total Hours ToWl Cost. Quality Assurance /Quality Control QC Review & Comment on 60% Plans & anE, 10 801 901 $14,023 QA/QC Review & Comment on 90% Plans & Specs 5 30 35 $5,587 Total Hours is 110 0 0 125, Total Salary Related cost $3,944 $15,666101---�$o $19,616 Direct costs Printiriq 405 sheet, (4S shm X 3 sets x 2 submittals) @ $1,50 each $405 Ovemight Delivery (3 @ $20.00 each $60 Total Dlrert Costs $465 Total Cost $20,075 Brindley Pfeters + Assocloles. fn--. Fee Propmal page I of I Feb mary 25, 2015 Mr. Randy Roberts, R.L.S. CPR Engineers, Inc 500 West Fulton Street Sanford, FL 32771 Ph: (407) 322-6841 Email: rrobei°ts@cphengineers.com Re: Underground Utility Services US 17/92 from I"' St to hiterstate 4 ,Sanford, F"lor"ida Dear MT, Roberts: Orlando - Gainesville We are pleased to present our proposal to provide the necessary Underground Utility Services for this prqject per your request received on February 23, 2015. The areas for the underground utility services are described as follows: 1) The full right of way of N French Ave from I" Street to W Seminole Blvd including the full intersection of I" Street and N French Ave 50 feet in all directions measured from the curve returns, (estimated 10 utility lines plus additional drops at intersection) 2) The triangular area containing private property and right of way for the ramps at, the southwesterly corner of the intersection of N French Ave. and W Seminole Blvd. (estimated 5 utility tines plus- services to building) 3) W Seminole Blvd from N French Ave to the Interstate 4 overpass from the northerly edge of pavement to the southerly apparent right of way line. (GPR scanning to confirin no utilities present/several utilities near 1-4) The previously designated underground utilities will also be verified along W Seminole Blvd frown N French Ave to the Interstate 4 overpass from the northerly edge of pavement to the northerly apparent right of way line. Any underground utilities installed after the previous effort will also be designated., (GPR scanning to confinn no new afilities present1several utilities near 1-4) Scope of Services: Subsurface Utility Designation: A Sunshine 811 "LOCATE" ticket will be requested for the site to determine the utility providers within the project areas and to notify them of the request for coordination with the Lochrane utility locator. The limits of the designation are described above. These areas will be scanned for underground utilities using electronic detection devices and Ground Penetrating Radar (OPR). Any utilities detected and found within the project limits will be surface painted and flagged with the appropriate color as recognized by the National Utility Locating Contractors Association (N A)„ or if marked by others, will be verified by the Lochrane utility locator. Underground utilities that are detectable by the above methods, where surface evidence exists or where plans are provided to Lochrane showing the locations thereof can be designated. However, some underground utilities may not be made of a conductive material or may not return a GPI echo and therefore, cannot be designated with electronic prospecting equipment, or GPR. Without surface evidence or existing plans, as provided to Lochrane, identification and designation of certain utilities will require soft excavation to be detertnined by the client as described below. Aerial utilities and appurtenances, underground storm sewer structures or pipes, underground gravity sanitary manholes and pipes, or underground fueltanks are not included in the scope of this project. 201 Soutli BunibyMerme a, Odoodo, Florida 32803 (407) 896-3317o Fax(407) 896-9167,# www.kxhrane.com Mr, Randy Roberts, R.L.S. CPH Engineers, Inc Underground Utility Services February 25, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Irrigation equipment and/or irrigation systems and their appurtenances are not included in The scope of this project. The underground utilities will be designated up to the face of existing buildings and other structures within the project limits. Identification and designation of utilities within buildings and other structures is not included in the scope of this project., Subsurface Utility Excavation: Lochrane will perform up to sixty five (65) soft excavation test holes at positions determined by the client, A Sunshine 811 ticket request will be called to allow 72 hours in advance of the proposed excavation as is required by law. The utility at each position will be verified both horizontally and vertically up to a depth of approximately ten (10) feet. Lochrane is capable of soft excavating to a depth of six (6) feet and air probing to a depth of ten (10) feet. It is possible that ground water intrusion and/or soil conditions at any given position could prevent a clear identification of any utility or obstruction. The depth and size of each utility will be measured and noted on a Subsurface Utility Report for each position, and if visible, the composition of the material of the pipe will also be noted, However, the condition of the material will not be determined by Lochrane as this is not within our expertise. Each position will be restored to near pre -excavated condition with the excavated soil or like materials such as an asphalt or concrete patch, Optional Survey Location: Upon completion of the Utility Designation and Excavation, Lochrane will perform a survey of the surface markings and test holes that will be tied to the survey control for the project provided to Lochrane by others. The survey data will be processed based on the coordinate system of the provided survey control and incorporated into digital CA DD files. *Lochrane would expect that any available information from previous surveys of the project site, research or plans obtained by the design engineer or other drawings that depict historic utility information and any other pertinent information that has been obtained by the Engineering Design team regarding utilities at the project site will be provided to Lochrane to help facilitate the location and accounting for the subsurface utilities for this site. *Lochrane utilizes the above mentioned resources in addition to the knowledge of our experienced technicians to accomplish the goal of providing as much information regarding the subsurface utilities at this location as possible in the limited locations and by the methods described above, However, the information provided by Locbrane is also dependent upon the information provided by The Design team as mentioned above, Sunshine8ll request for utility owners and/or their representatives to also provide information and/or to meet with our crew at the time of these activities to verify their facilities and to confirm the details of the subsurface utilities at this location. *It is understood and expected that the Design Engineer will perform sufficient Utility Coordination with the Utility Agency Owners, (UAO's) in this location to ascertain and affirm the information from these efforts and to help confirm that no other subsurface utilities are possibly undetected by these efforts, It is also understood that the Contractor is responsible to abide by Sunshine State One Call, Florida State Statutes # 556.106. Underground Utility Fees: SubsurfaceUtility Designation ............................................................................................................ $9,575.00 Lump Sum Optional Survey of Designation plus CAM file ................................................................................ $4,950.00 Lump Sum Subsurface Utility Excavation (minimum of 5 holes per request) ............................................................ $425.00 Per Hole Optional Survey of Excavation Holes plus CADD rile (aiinimum of 5 holes per request) .....................$1.75.00 Per Hole Deliverables: A Sunshine State 811 locate ticket will be requested and documentation of this and any information obtained from the utility companies or their representatives will be shown in a utility contact log, A copy of the utility contact log will be provided along with a sketch of the designated utilities and the above mentioned Subsurface Utility Reports. If Lochrane performs the survey location of the designated utilities and test holes, an AutoCAD digital file will be provided containing CPH US 1792H4wrpD(YrpssuEpi-oposajo225t5.doc Mr. Randy Roberts, R.l—S. CPM Engineers, Inc Underground Utility Services February 25, 2015 Page 3 of 3 the surveyed designates, surface features and test hole locations. The digital file will contain a Surveyor's Report. including pertinent information regarding the survey. A certified ha rdeopy Specific Purpose Survey with Surveyors Report will also be mailed to your office. Schedule-, Lochrane is prepared to begin work oil the project immediately upon receiving your written authorization to proceed. The designation work will be completed within 15 business days thereafter or sooner, weather permitting. The, optional survey location of the designation and preparation of CADD products would be completed within all additional 10 business days, weather permitting. The. schedule for subsurface utility excavation will be provided upon each individual request for test holes. This schedule and proposal would be valid for 30 days from the date of this letter. Permits: It is understood that if any permits to perform this work are required by the municipality that they will be obtained by CPH and that no cost associated with obtaining permits are included in these fees. Payment of Invoices, Invoices are due and payable within 30 days upon receipt thereof and CPH (client) is responsible for insuring the payment of these services regardless of the outcome of third party agreements such as land transactions or governmental agency approvals. Invoices will be submitted monthly and will be based on percent complete for the particular billing cycle. If the client is depending on payment from others it is understood and agreed that invoices will be submitted monthly by the client to the appropriate parties for payment to Lochrane regardless of pending activities or other invoicing by the client. Failure to receive payment after 60 days will result in imposition of legal actions to insure payment, It is agreed by the client that fees for such legal action will be the responsibility of the client. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this proposal. Please review this proposal and contact our office if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you on this project. Please notify us of your acceptance of this proposal by returning a signed copy of this proposal to our office as soon as possible so that we may schedule this work to begin to meet the agreed upon schedule. L� Sincerely, Michael J. Cavalere, P.S.M. Principal - Survey Services C-PHUS I'MM KTF1DCYrPSSUFF1fopo9i11O225l Moe Printed NA me: Authorization to Proceed: Signature Mr. Randy Roberts, R.L.S. CPH Engineers, Inc Underground Utility Services February 25, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Irrigation equipment and/or irrigation systems and their appurtenances are not included in the scope of this project The underground utilities will be designated up to the face of existing buildings and other structures within the project limits. Identification and designation of utilities within buildings and other structures is not included in the scope of this project. Subsurface Utility Excavation: Lochrane will perform up to sixty five (65) soft excavation test holes at positions determined by the client, A Sunshine 811 ticket request will be called to allow 72 hours in advance of the proposed excavation as is required by law. The utility at each position will be verified both horizontally and vertically up to a depth of approximately ten (10) feet. Lochrane is capable of soft excavating to a depth of six (6) feet and air probing to a depth of ten (10) feet. It is possible that ground water intrusion and/or soil conditions at any given position could prevent a clear identification of any utility or obstruction. The depth and size. of each utility will be measured and noted on a Subsurface Utility Report for each position, and if visible, the composition of the material of the pipe will also be noted. However, the condition of the material will not be determined by Lochrane as this is not within our expertise. Each position will be restored to near pre -excavated condition with the excavated soil or like materials such as an asphalt or concrete patch. Optional Survey Location: Upon completion of the Utility Designation and Excavation, Lochrane will perform a survey of the surface markings and test holes that will be tied to the survey control for the project provided to Lochrane by others. The survey data will be processed based on the coordinate system of the provided survey control and incorporated into digital CARD files. 4'Lochrane would expect that any available information from previous surveys of the project site, research or plans obtained by the design engineer or other drawings that depict historic utility information and any other pertinent information that has been obtained by the Engineering Design team regarding utilities at the project site will be provided to Lochrane to help facilitate the location and accounting for the subsurface utilities for this site. *Lochrane utilizes the above mentioned resources in addition to the knowledge of our experienced technicians to accomplish the goal of providing as much information regarding the subsurface utilities at this location as possible in the limited locations and by the methods described above, However, the information provided by Lochrane is also dependent upon the information provided by the Design team as mentioned above, SunsbiDe8l I request for utility owners and/or their representatives to also provide information and/or to meet with our crew at the time of these activities to verify their facilities and to confirm the details of the subsurface utilities at this location. *ft is understood and expected that the Design Engineer will perform sufficient Utility Coordination with the Utility Agency Owners, (UAO's) in this location to ascertain and affirm the information from these efforts and to help confirm that no other subsurface utilities are possibly undetected by these efforts. It is also understood that the Contractor is responsible to abide by Sunshine State One Call, Florida State Statutes # 556.106. Underground Utility Fees: Subsurface Utility Designation ............................................ I ................................. ........................ $9,575.00 Lump Suin Optional Survey of Designation plus CARD file ................................................................................. $4,950.00 Lump Sum Subsurface Utility Excavation (minimum of 5 holes per request) ............................................................ $425.00 Per Role Optional Survey of Excavation Holes plus CADIZ` file (minimum of 5 holes per request) .....................$175.00 Per Role Deliverables: A Sunshine State 811 locate ticket will be requested and documentation of this and any information obtained from the utility companies or their representatives will be shown in a utility contact log. A copy of the utility contact log will be provided along with a sketch of the designated utilities and the above mentioned Subsurface Utility Reports. If Lochrane performs the survey location of the designated utilities and test holes, an AutoCAD digital file will be provided containing CPHUS 1792MKI'PDCtTPSSUEProposaIO22515.doe DATE: 08/31/15 PURCHASING OFFICE- 407,688.5030 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- 407.688,5020 FACSIMILE, 407,688.5021 VENDOR NO.: 219 'TO: CPH, INC 500 WEST FULTON ST SANFORD, FL 32771 PURCHASE ORDER PO NUMBER 034490 CITY OF SANFORD P,O, BOX 1788 (300 NORTH PARK AVENUE) SUBMIT' INVOICES TO: ACCOUNTS PAYAM C, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32779 FINANCE DEPT. FLORIDA TAX EXEMPT NO.: 858012621681 C-8 Flo. ROSS 1788 SANrOR[5, rl 32"172 SHIP TO: CITY OF SANFORD 300 N. PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FL 32771 DELIVER BY TERMS F.O.B. DESTINATION BID OR QUOTATION NO. REQUISITION NO. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 08/31/15 NET/30 12345 ACCOUNT NO.- 310-4047-541.63-00 PROJECT NO.- PW1406 NO DEVIATION FROM "THIS PURCHASE ORDER WILL BE ALLOWED UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE PURCHASING MANAGER - CITY OF SANFORD ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT OF ISSUE UNIT COST EXTENDED COST 1 RIVEWALK PROJECT PH ITT RFQ 286905.00 NA 1.00 286905.00* 13/14-19 2.1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION $20,460 -3.1 SURVEY $29,380 3.,2 SPECIFIC PURPOSE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY UTILITY LOCATES $14,525 3.3 UTILITY RELOCATES $39,000 4.1 CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY DESIGN ANALYSES $31,220 4.2 ROADWAY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT $148,320 PART A EXPENSES $4,000 TOTAL OF $286,905.00 WORK ORDER: SOLICITATION NUMBER: RFQ 13/14-19 CONTRACT DATE AND NO: 9,Q8.2015 PROJECT NAME: RIVERWALK PHASE III This document shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide professional services for the project identified above as set out in the attached. Scope of Services as set forth in that certain A reement/Contract also, identifieg above, between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated by the attached document and/or as may be provided below. If any time APPROVED BY* 4Z5PUR9CHA6fN'4'CG3AGENT APPROVED BY: / CITY MAN ER ALL PACKAGES AND INVOICES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS P.O. MUST BEAR THIS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER. THE VENDOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CAREFULLY READ AND COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROVIDED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER AND AI'HTTP.IIWWW.SANFORDFL.GOVIDEPARTMENTSIPURCHASE/TERMS.HTML COPIES TO: VENDOR ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING DATE: 08/31/15 PURCHASING OFFICE: 407,688ZD30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: 407,688,5020 FACSIMILE: 407.688.5021 MOO CPE, INC 500 WEST FULTON ST SANFORD, FL 32771 PURCHASE ORDER PO NUMBER 034490 CITY OF SANFORD P.O, BOX 1788 (300 NORTH PARK AVENUE) SUBMIT INVOICES TO: ACCOUNTS PAYABLL SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772 FINANCE DEPT. FLORIDA TAX EXEMPT NO.: 858012621681C -B P.O. BOX 1788 SANFORD, Fl. 32772 SHIP TO: CITY OF SANFORD 300 N. PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FL 32771 DELIVER BY TERMS F.O.B. DESTINATION Olt) OR QUOTATION NO. REQUISITION NO, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 08/31/15 NET/30 12.345 ACCOUNT NO.: 310-4047-541.63-00 PROJECT W- PW1406 NO DEVIATION FROM THIS PURCHASE ORDER WILL BE ALLOWED UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE PURCHASING MANAGER - CITY OF SANFORD ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF UNITE UNIT COST EXTENDED COST this Order conflicts with the Agreement referenced above, the Agreement shall revail, The following listed ocuments which are attached hereto and made part hereof. DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE OF' SERVICES : EXHIBIT A SPECIAL CONDITIONS FEE SCHEDULE: Exhibit A OTHER: SEE SCOPE OF SERVICES TIME OF COMPLETION: The work authorized herein before and shall be commenced upon receipt of this Work Order and shall be completed with calendar days from the date of this document. SUB .TOTAL 28690S.00 TOTAL 286905.00 lad 11VIT0714-m-IFY31 PURCHASING AGENT 01-70-TUTA70-M CITY MANAGER ALL PACKAGES AND INVOICES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS P.O. MUST BEAR THIS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER. THE VENDOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CAREFULLY READ AND COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROVIDED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER AND AT tiTTPIAIVWW.SANFORDFL.GOVIDEPARTMENTSIPURCHASEITERMS.HTML COPIES TO: VENDOR ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING ax RrQ i3/iw-�9 noel Wa& OH � 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform professional engineering services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. �tilLt"v RIZZ411#1261111111M 0 q_ _q___ 1.3 The purpose of the Scope of Services is the design and permitting of the U.S. 17'-92 RiverWalk Project (Phase 111) within the U.S. 17-92 right of way along Lake Monroe, and associated roadway, landscape, electrical, traffic calming and beautification in the City of Sanford. The design project limits are located along U.S. 17-92 from I" Street to Monroe Road (CR -1 distance of three and four tenths (3.40) miles. 111 ''1,, gill 111 11 111;1�1:llrlll 111 211111111111 lill I III 111 111 1111111 Jill I �!I�lp ;I;1I I 1.5 The CONSULTANT is authorized to use the following sub -consultants; provided, however, that their scope of services and fees are included herein: (a) Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc., (b) Dix.Hite + Partners, Inc., (c) Brindley Pieters & Associates, Inc., and (d) Lochrane Engineering, Inc. RFNNE�M we No *6 M- • M.4IN 0 R33M . 1 1 0 gyalillaill 1 0, Wall 21141 a IMP 1111,1910 3.3 Utility Locates The CONSULTANT shall horizontally and vertically locate all existing utilities. The horizon locates will be performed during the design survey. The vertical locates (subsurface utili explorations) will occur after the approval of' the 30% plans and be performed per ea location (up to sixty-five (65)). 1 The CONSULTANT shall perform Conceptual Roadway Analyses in coordination wi RiverWalk trail improvements, including streetscape and traffic calming elements. T CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the CITY during the Conceptual Design Phase develop the corridor theme, landscape features, hardscapes features, and wayfinding a interpretive signs. The CONSULTANT shall review and analyze various streetscape a] traffic calming elements that will assist in lowering the speeds. The CONSULTANT prepare conceptual plans identifying the streetscape, traffic calming features and pedestri crossings. The CONSULTANT shall prepare Preliminary Opinions of Probable Constructi Cost for the Conceptual Roadway Plans. Based upon the CITY approved concept plans, the CONSULTANT shall utilize all available site information (i.e. survey, trail plans, etc.) to prepare Design Development Plans for the preferred roadway improvements. 'These items are further described as follows: Pace 2 of 16 Roadway Geometric Layout: Including but not limited to traffic circles (or round -a-, bouts), parallel parking areas, landscape medians, and landscape bulb -outs. Hardscape: Specialty paving layout plans and pedestrian sidewalk layout plan, Landscape plan indicating existing plants/trees to remain and proposed plantings. All of the drawings for above shall adhere to the CITY, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and FDOT Standards. Based upon the Design Development documents described above, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable construction costs for all roadway improvements. The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff during the completion of the Design Development Plans. The CONSULTANT shall also be available to meet with CITY staff during this phase of the work. The CONSULTANT shall prepare color renderings of the proposed designs taken from locations to be determined by the CONSULTANT and the CITY. PART B: TRAIL DESIGN 5.1 TRAIL ENGINEERING rzak M The CONSULTANT shall prepare Conceptual Trail Plans and associated improvements to accommodate the trail and pedestrian crossings., The CONSULTANT will prepare conceptual plans identifying the landscape medians and pedestrian crossings. The CONSULTANT shall cR ordinate with the CITY to develop the trail theme/visioning of the RiverWalk Project. The CONSULTANT shall prepare Preliminary Opinions of Probable Construction Cost for the Conceptual Trail Plans. ........... ............ ............ ............ ..... ..... The preliminary thirty percent (30%) plans shall include the following sheets: • Typical Sections Sheet • Project Layout Sheet Trail Plan and Profile Sheets Cross -Sections at fifty (50), foot stations I HIM00IM"I a 1.11 Us Mr-W467M # #rs IM 111-IMINJMM110"I PENM I WUM nITF-MR, a r71 rat -30777 if rruteu" UU It el F119JIM11 to it Services will be necessary. After the CITY, and Seminole County complete their review of the thirty percent 30% plans completed under the previous task, then CONSULTANT shall continue with the preparation of the sixty percent (60%), ninety percent (90%), and one hundred percent (100%) plans and corresponding Opinions of Probable Construction Costs at the same intervals. The Final Plans shall include the following sheets at a minimum a Key Sheet General Notes Sheet Summary of Pay Items Sheet (Incl. items provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Typical Sections Sheet Summary of Quantities (incl quantities provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Project Layout Sheet • Trail Plan and Profile Sheets • Roadway Plan Sheets (for pedestrian crossings) • Drainage Structure Sheets fm Paving and Drainage Details 0 General Details N Intersection/Pedestrian Crossing Details a $oil Survey Sheet 0 Cross Sections at fifty (50) foot stations & Utility Relocation Sheets for Reclaim Water Main (P&P) Utility Adjustment Sheets for Reflecting Utility Designs by Othe Seawall Structures Sheets Cantilever/Overlook Sheets Signage and Pavement Marking Plans Pedestrian Signalization Plans (three locations) Lighting Plans Landscape Plans Irrigation Plans Hardscape Plans Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Maintenance of Traffic Plans (Three (3) Phases) The CONSULTANT shall perform Peer Review Services In addition to the CONSULTANTS internal Quality Assurance/Quality Contro((QA/QC). For the Utility Adjustment Plans, the CONSULTANT shall evaluate the existing utilities, both buried and overhead for conflicts, separation issues, and construction impediments. The CONSULTANT shall review the existing utilities with the proposed design plans to minimize utility impacts. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the owners of the private communication companies to review potential conflicts and request mark-ups for the project. The CONSULTANT is not responsible for the design or cost associated with the design of the reclaim water main will be performed by the CONSULTANT, shown on relocation plans, and displayed on the Utility Adjustment Plans. The CITY is proposing to construct a trail project to include RiverWalk Project (Phase 111). This Scope of Services includes all State and Federal permitting for wetland impacts. If mitigation is required, for the proposed project, the CONSULTANT shall propose mitigation in Lake Monroe: for impacts associated with RiverWalk Project (Phase 111). 62 Preliminary Ecological & Wildlife Assessment to Aerial Photo-grapby: The CONSULTANT shall obtain electronic files and construct a color aerial covering the project site. Vecietation and Land Use: The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Vegetation and Land Use Map covering the project site. The mapping shall follow Level III nomenclature of the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS). The approximate acreage of each classification will be tabulated for the site. The map shall be digitized (ArcView '10.1) based on "desk top" interpretation of features evident on the DOQQ aerial photography, correlation with soil types (SCS Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida) and field verification for each mapped classification. The dominant vegetation of each classification shall be recorded. Map product shall be used in Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) permitting. Threatened and Endangered Species: The CONSULTANT shall review Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) web it files and distritbution mappings and review the Atlas of Breeding "Survey Coordination: The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the project survey and/or engineer to provide wetland delineation information such as a map showing t approximate location of the delineated wetland line (flag numbers). The CONSULTA shall review the surveyed wetland line and provide cNns to the proje surveyor as necessary. 6.3 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permitt ng The CONSULTANT shall prepare ecological elements of an Individual Permit application. • Arrange for and conduct a field review of the estimated welland limits with representatives of the FDEP after permit application submittal. • Attend, pre -application meeting with the FDEP in Orlando, Florida. • Coordinate with the Project Engineer to produce Dredge & Fill permit sketches on eight and one half inch wide by eleven inch high (8.5" x 11.0") drawings that show wetland impacts, cross sections, and development plan (assumes 10 sheets . • Coordinate with the CITY as may be required in the preparation of the ecological elements of the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Permit application to the FDEP. The CONSULTANT shall prepare draft responses to ecological questions in Sections C, F and G of the ERP application. • Unified Mitigation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis shall be prepare pre- & post -development wetland impacts and mitigation value following the UMAM as required by the FDEP. • Prepare a Post -Development Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) Map for purposes of the FDEP permitting. Mapping shall follow the FLUCFCS (FDOT 1999). • Prepare an assessment of Secondary and Cumulative Impact Analysis. • Archaeological and Historical Resources: Submit all archaeological/historical information with the FDEP application. 6A ACOE Permitting The CONSULTANT shall prepare a wetland jurisdiction determination, (JD) package. For purposes of this determination, the'CONSULTANT shall prepare the documentation to be .submitted with the ACOE's JD Form, The JD shall be submitted with the permit application request. This package of information shall include, at a minimurn, the following: 0 Site Location Map — a street map locating the site. Geological Survey (USGS) Quadrangle Map - excerpt from map showing project boundary, section, township and range of the project and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the approximate center of the site. W Solis Map — tabulation of descriptions of soil types shown on the soils map excerpted from the County Soil Survey. Preliminary Wetland Delineation -- print color aerial photograph: 1) property boundary; 2) estimated jurisdictional wetland boundaries; 3) enumeration of each wetland. Wetland Studies Description - for each enumerated wetland a summary description of the wetland type and status (dominate vegetation, disturbance, etc.) as well as a discussion of contiguity, adjacency or isolation factors (e.g. distances from ditches and/or other waters). Data Form — a completed ACOE data form for each upland community type and each enumerated wetland. Conduct an on-site meeting with the ACOE to review the JD package and delineated wetland boundaries. The CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an Individual Permit application to the ACOE. Based on a preliminary assessment, the proposed project will impact more than 0.5 acres of wetlands under the regulatory jurisdiction of the ACOE. The CONSULTANT shall modify the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Report for submittal to ACOE to meet ACOE permitting requirements. Practicable Alternative Analysis: Assist the CITY with the preparation of an analys consistent with Section 404.1 (b) CFR. The CONSULTANT shall provide exhibits a 31 r graphics as may be necessary. • Archaeological and Historical Resources: The CONSULTANT shall submit all archaeological/historical information as prepared by others with the ACOE application. Any necessary site specific cultural resource assessments are not included. • Prepare and tailor portions of the ERP Application specifically ecological elements of Sections G and E of Joint ERP Application to meet ACOE requirements. • Provide a narrative description of direct, indirect and adverse cumulative impacts anticipated as a result of impacts to the wetlands. • Unified Mitigation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis shall be prepared of pre- & post -development wetland impacts following the UMAM as required by the ACOE. • The CONSULTANT shall utilize available preservation and enhancement mitigation opportunities on the project site and shall coordinate with a Mitigation Bank or gation Project, if necessary. Coordinate with available mitigation banks to obtain current pricing, obtain a mitigation bank credit reservation letter for use in ACOE permitting. Mitigation design consisting of construction level details is not included. 1111! 11' 11 !F; 11!1111 Will 111111 1 1 � I I I III I ��� III I I ; III * Narrative summary of proposed mitigation plan. 0 A description of current hydrologic conditions affecting the mitigation area(s). X A map of vegetation communities in and around the mitigation area(s). & A detailed schedule for planting, maintenance and monitoring of mitigation area(s). a A vegetation -planting scheme and schedule for implementation. g Sources of plants used in mitigation area. a Measures to be implemented during and after construction to avoid adverse impac, related to proposed activities. R A management plan comprising all aspects of operation and maintenance, includin• vegetation establishment and exotic and nuisance species control. * A proposed monitoring plan to demonstrate success criteria. * A description of activities proposed to control exotic and nuisance species should th become established in the mitigation area. 0 gation design does not include construction level plans. W A preliminary cost estimate for mitigation credits verses mitigation Within Lake Monr for the City to review. The CONSULTANT shall prepare written responses to two (2) Requests for Additional Information (RAI) by the FIDEP and the ACOE regarding ecological elements of the ERP application prepared by the CONSULTANT. Throughout the project, the CONSULTANT shall attend up to five (5) meetings or participate in telephone conferences with the CITY (including the CITY Kick-off meeting), CITY's representative, agency personnel and/or other project consultants as necessary to properly coordinate the preparation of the permit application submittal and to process the applications. HE A ON W -A Upon receipt of the CITY and the FDOT's approval of the sixty percent (60%) plans, :the CONSULTANT shall prepare the permit applications and support data for the applicable regulatory agencies, including, • ACOE • FDEP, ERP Exemption • Seminole County Driveway Connection Permit • FDOT Driveway Connection Permit • SJRWMD (if needed) Note: Other required permits are listed under the Environmental Services task of this proposal. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate the processing of the applications through the regulatory agencies, including attendance at meetings with the agencies that may be necessary to receive the approval. The CITY shall be financially responsible for any application or filing fee required by the agencies, Any modifications to the plans requested by the Regulatory Agencies pertaining to the infrastructure design in the previously mentioned plans, required to meet code, shall be addressed by the CONSULTANT as part of these services. Any modifications requested that are not code issues, or modifications requested by the CITY will be addressed as additional services Any other permits that may arise during the design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service, The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Project Manual, including and referencing the FDOT Standard Specification, consisting of Technical Specifications and front end bidding documents (Division 1). The CONSULTANT shall compile the Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions for the trail and roadway construction elements of the project and include them into the Project Manual for the RiverWalk Project. 4-T MEN' 1_1 The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the CITY during the Conceptual Design Phase to develop the RiverWalk Project (Phase 111) theme. Based upon the CITY approved concept plans, the CONSULTANT shall utilize all available site information (i.e. survey, roadway, and trail plans, etc.) to prepare Design Development Plans for the RiverWalk Project (Phase These items are further described as follows: 0 Provide power riser or one -line diagram and tabulate load calculations for compliance with the National Electrical Code and all other applicable standards. = Response to building department comments including any required document revision to meet applicable code requirements are included in these basic services. a Estimate of Probable Costs. The CONSULTANT shall design approximately three thousand eight hundred linear feet (3,800 LF) of sea wall to replace an existing seawall, design an additional approximately two thousand seven hundred linear feet (2,700 LF) of new seawall, and design up to three (3) cantilever overlook structures. The RiverWalk Project (Phase 111) begins at the west end of the seawall being constructed under Phase 11 of the RiverWalk Project and extends west along U.& 17-92. The cantilever overlook structures are anticipated to be located at the pedestrian crossing areas. • Attend a pre design meeting with CITY and the Design Team. • Conduct a field review of the route. Obtain Geotechnical Subconsultants soil and groundwater information and soil design data for his use in designing the seawall and auger anchor system. Coordinate with the Civil Design Team to determine the seawall design geometry and cantilever overlook locations. Prepare Design Calculations for the seawall, anchors, and overlook structures, Prepare ninety percent (901/6) plans and specifications. • Attend the ninety percent (90%) plan review meeting with the design team. • Respond to RAI's from regulatory and permitting agencies. • Prepare one hundred percent (10016 plans an speci ication's. • Prepare Opinion of Probable Cost. is Provide assistance during the Bid Phase to respond to RFI's. ULM W 12.2 CONSULTANT shall perform Post -Design Services and/or Construction Administration services in accordance with CITY. The CONSULTANT shall prepare an amendment to the above Scope of Services to include the Post Design Services to the level agreed upon by the CITY. 12.3 CONSULTANT shall perform roadway and streetscape design services for the conceptual designs prepared in Part A. The CONSULTANT sha I prepare an amen•ment to t e a ove Scope of Ser -vices to include the Roadway and Streetscape improvements developed in Part A and include these improvements as an Additive Alternate to the construction documents. 0 CITY -FURNISHED INFORMATION The CONSULTANT shall perform services under the sole benefit of the CITY and shall coordinate the efforts of Project Team members, The CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with project -related technical data. The CONSULTANT will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of CITY -furnished information in connection with the performance of this scope of services; provided, however, that ft terms and conditions of the underlying agreement prevail. E,valuate physical and strength characteristics of subsurface soils in proposed seawall and associated tie ' -back construction areas along the southern shoreline of Lake Monroe, and in proposed light pole foundation areas along U.S. 17-92. Perform peer review of the seawall. The following geotechnical service shall be performed: 1.1 Site Reconnaissance, Boring Layout, Utility Location Coordination, Survey and GPS for barge location. 1.2 Mobilization of Men and Equipment- Barge Mounted Drill Rig 1.3 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Water) 1.4 Install and Remove Casing (Water Borings) 1.5 Mobilization of Men and Equipment- Truck Mounted Drill Rig 1.6 Standard Penetration Test Boring (Land) 1.7 Grout Seat Test Holes (Land) 2.1 Stratification and Visual Classification of Soil Samples 2.2 Soils Classification Testing: 2.2.1 Corrosion Series Tests 2.2.2 Wash 200 Size Analysis 2.2.3 Liquid and Plastic Limits 2.2.4 Moisture Content Determination 2.2.5 Organic Content Determination Deliverable: Geotechnical Report summarizing the findings, evaluations, and recommended soil parameters for use in design and construction. iliul I-411071KNINVIX] UNUMUO ILDR-420JOIJ11111" :';1! The CONSULTANT shall provide the following services: A. Trail Alignment Familiarization: Review background data of the proposed trail alignment. Review site data and plans to understand opportunities and constrains specific to site (power lines, grades, crossings, trail cross sections, etc. . 0 1 9 B. Site Visit and Documentation of Unique Characteristics: Visit the site to review the proposed alignment and document the corridor's unique character. C. Context Review: Review and provide historic background information associated with the design corridor. A diagrammatic plan shall be produced that illustrates important historic locations and their associated stores. Images taken during the site visit shall be included for inspirational context. D. Client Meeting: Establish potential interpretive program opportunities and the associated signage and way -finding budget. E. Trail on: Provide conceptual designs associated with the project character in the form 'way -finding and interpretive elements unique to this portion of the corridor, while tying into the overall Lake Monroe Loop aesthetic. The trail vision shall be illustrated through sketches and images. Input shall provide for additional elements associated with the project vision including site I furnishings, landscape, hardscape treatments, cross sections and overlook nodes as treatments of these elements can help strengthen vision and sense of place. F. Vision Refinement: Present vision. Refine design of interpretive and way -finding elements based on CITY input. Provide input relative to placement, integration and the incorporation of the vision into the overall landscape and hardscape aesthetic, via sketches and images. G. Design Vision Review: Provide design intent review of plans at the 55% Design Development and ninety percent (90%) Construction Document phases to ensure the way - finding interpretive elements and landscape and hardscape features remain consistent with the CITY approved vision. The CONSULTANT shall provide QA / QC Services as follows: 1. Review the construction drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (60%) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion. 2. Provide written comments on the construction drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (601/o) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion. The areas for the underground utility services which shall be provided by the CONSULTANT are as follows: 1 ) The full right of way of North French Avenue from I '� Street to West Seminole Boulevard including the full Intersection of I" Street and North French Avenue fifty (50) feet in all directions measured from the curve returns. 2) The triangular area containing private property and right of way for the ramps at the southwesterly, corner of the intersection of North French Avenue and West Seminole Boulevard. 3) West Seminole Boulevard from North French Avenue to the Interstate 4 overpass from tl:: northerly edge of pavement to the southerly apparent right of way line. I W -_ -- rr1K -WRIT 1-17M m - from North French Avenue to the Interstate 4 overpass from the northerly edge of pavement to tile northerly apparent right of way line. Any underground utilities installed after the previous effort will also be designated. Daae 13 of 16 CONSULTANT shall perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement as a fixed fee project to include, but not be limited to, all subconsultant charges. The following is the break down of fees for each task for Illustrative purposes only and payments shall be made in accordance with controlling contractual provons between the CITY and the CONSULTANT, PART A: CONCEPTUAL, ROADWAY DESIGN Phase No. Phase Description Fee 21 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION $20,460 3.1 SURVEY 3.2 Specific Purpose Topographic Survey $29,380 3.3 Utility Locates $14,525 Subsurface Utility Explorations (up to 65) $39,000 4.1 CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY DESIGN ANALYSES $31,220 4.2 ROADWAY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT $148,320 Part A Expenses $4,000 PART A SUBTOTAL $286,905 PART B: TRAIL ENGINEERING Phase No. Phase Descripflon Fee 5.1 TRAIL ENGINEERING 5.2 Project Administration $47,740 53 Conceptual Analysis & Design $20,500 5.4 Preliminary Engineering Analysis & Design $155,980 5.5 Final Design Phase $645,275 6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 6.2 Prelim. Eco. Assessment $6,500 63 FDEP Permitting $9,500 6.4 ALOE Permitting $8,500 6.5 Wetland Mitigation Design $4,900 6.6 RAI's 6.7 Meetings/Coordination $6,000 7.1 PERMITTING PHASE $55,000 8.1 SPECIFICATIONS $24,760 9.1 LANDSCAPEIHARDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES 9.2 ThemeNision/Conceptual Design $10,200 Design Development and Construction Docs $49,680 9.13 Irrigation Design $5,060 9.4 Lighting Design Services $75,500 10.1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN SERVICES 10.1.1 Seawall and Anchor Design $235,400 10.1.2 Cantilever Overlook Decks $66,300 11.1 BIDDING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES & STRUCTURAL PEER REVIEW $109,040 + `.4 Pacaa 16 of 16 . I I I Monday, August 31, 2015 To: City Clerk/City Attorney/Mayor RF-*. CPH Inc., RFQ 13/14-19 Design Services -Riverwalk Phase III ne Well. T10110VT 11 e Jon 0 Development Order Final Plat (original mylars) Letter of Credit Maintenance Bond Ordinance Performance Bond Resolution Once completed, please: Return originals to Purchasing- Department Marisol Return copies —2, Recording Rendering Safe keeping (Vault) Deputy City Manager Payment Bond City Manager Signature City Clerk Attest/Signature City Attorney/Signature Special lustru•rn to Purchasing. M"4'0 -b or 6/0-1-j qu 4- 'rADepLfbrms\City Clerk Transmittal Me no - 2009.doc, , 01); ql�j ����Tn� T�l�K� U�/7�_K<% �� TTT -----^^--v�~�~c �~'~^ �~ ^~-~��~ Services-RiverwalkM�rger Date APRIL 13,2015 F Authorize the Police Department to expend $535,235 of budgeted FY 2015 MT, M.- P-MMMEM Mm= Manager relative to the initial steps to surplus City real property interesto [Commission Memo 15-057] (RM 43) Commissioner Jones moved to approve Resolution No. 2522. Seconded la Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye L_,,--If---'Approve the agreement with CPP Engineers in the fixed fee amount, of $1,860,580 for professional engineering services for Riverwalk Phase Ill (final) and authorize to eyecute =- ill all dmu-stai,,tatfiti, asm�uired, (Q+wwisiyvY, Commissioner Woodruff moved to approve this item. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye F,q., 4,Zqj M pa #AjZr WS RM X Rein t 0 To., Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PMPAP.ED BY.* Christop er S th, Project Planner SUBMITM-D BY.* Norton N, Bonaparte Jr., City Manag susiam: Approve Agreement for Professional Se ices for PaverWall< (Final) Phase 111 to CorikJin, Porter and Holmes, IrW. (CPH) ME512M 0 Unify Downtown & the Waterfront E] Promote the City's Distinct Culture E] 'Update Regulatory Framework E] Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities lf�imes, 111c, (CiH) in the fixed fee amoimt of $1,860,580 for-lbyerWalk (Final) Phase III is .• `M FtscAIL- /`S*rAr-F1NG STATEMMT.' fowl CUM * "WE'll X1 I I Department of Transportation Seawall Funds $7.OM, On December 15, 2014, the City Commission authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the Iiighest ranked firm in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA) 287.055.. Staff has completed its negotiations with CPH Engineers in the fixed fee amount of $1,860,580 and the terms and conditions are consistent with their existing continuing professional services agreement. L5 GAt. RpviEw*. The City Attorney has previously approved tbe,master contract for CPI Engineers, Ina. ORIS " 110161114MR& I of 1 0 1 a - - # of MY -MM'Nnpffiw "I move to approve the Agreement with CPR Engineers in the fixed fee amount of$1,860,580 for professiomd engineering services for RiverWalk (Final) Phase 11 and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents as required!" t-,\e&p ralemos\2015 e&p menios\riverwalk- phiii award of d&e proposal cpWIcc memo professional services recommeridationdor. CITY OF rM Commission Is Floor r MONDAY,April1 North Park Avenue Sanford,7 Pm r r r' •r • r r. r r r�. • r- . r• r ..r r� • w a� r r r w r r r s r '" r r • sr• r � - • rr �, rr � r r- w a'.. r a • r� � �r r-• r • • r r r ,.w r r ar r rr � • r_ - ♦ r _ •_ 1 � 4 Meeting call to order Triplett. CEREMONIAL MATTERS: /2 Legislative Pr y r by Pastor Lowman Oliver, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. f Fledge of Allegiance. v4) Presentations, Proclamations and Awards: Presentation of Citizens Academy graduation Certificates "roclamation — May 17'-23, 2015 as National Public Works a 'Z TAT M, 11 Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., Cirmanlager Consent Agenda A. APPROM Mir SEMINOLE' COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGErvcy (CRA) SECOND AA4EjvpmEN7,' ro *rHE U.S. 17192 smrrr BES U77FICAIrIONAGRErMEM r. STRATIF4GIC PRIORITIES'. R 'Unify Downtown & the Waterfront Z Promote the City's Distinct Culture n Update Regulatory Framework F1 Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities IIIIIw. III 1� III i I IVT 111111�� #1 TM TIM re I I RMIRMIMMM"t, M- FisCAL/STAFPING STATrEMENT'. FA��= •oilI I I o I I! 111 1 ell I I I �► I ;vgm n" I Ins all I# I (W. I I I Kim 0 1111(will JHM skr w11 1 LEGAL F;MV1aW*# The Assistant City Attorney has reviewed this matter. It is staff s recommendation that the City Commission, approve the Seminole County CRA Second Amendineritto the U.S. 17-92 Street Beautification Agreement. IVA El Unify Downtown & the Waterfront Promote the City's Distinct Culture Update Regulatory Framework Redevelop and Revitali7e Disadvantaged Coniniuriities Nq 11 116 s - IN ROOM" FisCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT'. Funding in an amount not to exceed $116,700 has been budgeted and available in the Facilities Maintenance Capital Replacement Fund. 10REN "W"111111111111111N •i - ISMAYWRIM-1014 mmm =M,� with current market prices and was determined to be consistent with the best interest of the City of Sanford. The bid was advertised, posted, opened and evaluated in compliance with the City procurement policy on February 26, 2015. a1, In rA11113,1"LlM. 11LL IVI 'W4 41, R 1U , new controls, door hardware and finishes. Most of the work will be performed during the weekends and the elevator will be operationa during we ays. L5GALREVIEW: flz�a rZIFTTIIVIR R I RVIR ININ 1H 7383.« �. -� It is Staff's recommendation that the City Commission approve the procurement in art amount not to exceed $116,700 to Skyline Elevator, Inc. for the City Hall elevator rehabilitation, F] Unify Downtown & the Waterfront F1 Promote the City's Distinct Culture E] Update Regulatory Framework Z Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities A Final Plat for Thombrooke Phase 2, a residential development located at 133 N. White Cedar Road, has been submitted for approval. FiscAL/STAFFING STAT5MF-NT.* I i i I J I I I I 17;7:- 1 .T*75 R f U71"TI 7 H The subject property is located north of SR 46 along N. White Cedar Road to Iowa Avenue. The second phase consists of portions of two parcels totaling 6.6 acres. On August 26, 2013, the City Commission adopted Ordinance Number 4300 amending the former Town Center at White Cedar PD Master Plan and replacing it with the Cedar Pointe PD Master Plan. Following the Planning and Zoning Commission approval on July 18, 2013, 'the City Corrunission approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan on August 12, 2013 for the Cedar Pointe Planned Development, a mixed use residential and commercial development on 68.42 acres pursuant to all standards and conditions as denoted on the Cedar Pointe PSP submitted on June 19, 2013 subject to the following conditions: v I - Guest parking shall be provided in the area of the 40 -foot wide lots and townhorne lots. 2. All air conditioning units shall be placed in the rear, of the. single family detached homes. 3. The width of the road pavement shall be 30 feet wherever the center line radii is less than 100 feet. 4. Street lights are required on N. White Cedar Road as well as on all interior streets in accordance with the City's Land Development Regulations, Schedule N, Section 3.2. B Other Utilities, Street lights. 5. Within the 40 -foot wide lot and townhome lot areas of the subdivision, on street parking, if any, shall be restricted to allow public safety access as well as to restrict any parking anywhere except within designated parking areas approve y ty. 6. A recreation/community facility will be constructed on Tract F as depicted on the Planned Development Master Plan submitted June 19, 2013, unless otherwise reviewed and approved by staff. 7. Unless specifically requested and approved on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. Since the adoption of the Cedar Pointe PD (Ordinance No. 4300), Taylor Morrison has acquired 59.72 acres of the 68.42 acres site. Taylor Morrison has completed construction on'the Phase 1. infrastructure and has commenced construction on Phase 2. The Thornbrooke Phase I Final Plat was approved on August 11, 2014 by the City Commission. The Phase 2 Final'Plat contains 20 lots in the 40 foot product and 27 lots in the townhome product. LWAL R5VI5W*. The Assistant City.Attomey has reviewed the Final Plat for conformity with the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes and has no legal objection to the plat, I On April 2, 2015, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the Final Plat for Thoinbrooke Phase 2 for consistency with the approved Preliminary Subdivision Plan and compliance with Chapter 177 of the Florida State Statutes subject to the plat meeting all legal and technical requirements as determined by the City Attorney and City Surveyor prior to being recorded. Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the Final Plat for Thordbrooke Phase 2 as considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to the plat meeting all legal and technical requirements as determined by the City Attorney and City Surveyor pnor to being recorded. 11 IF111 11 1 i 1 1 EMEMEE=111 Ha�� D. APPROVE rf-IE SPECIAL EVENr PERMTr W17H AN ALCOHOL ANDNOIRE PAMMIrrOR 7H,5 "WINGHOUSE MAYWEA71HER VS. PACQUIAOEVZ1Vr rO BzHELD ON SA rURDA Unify Downtown & the Waterfront Promote the City's Distinct Culture F] Update Regulatory Framework El Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities 2,2015 from 8 Pm until I Am is requested. FISCALISTAFFING SrATF—MF-N"r.* Costs for City services are estimated to be $710.00 and will, be paid by the applicant, Win house of Sanford. City services include security and a noise and alcohol permit. The Winghouse of Sanford is hosting a special event to view what is expected to be the highest grossing fight in history between eight -division world champion Manny Pacquiao and undefeated, five -division world champion Floyd Mayweather, Jr. on May 2, 2015 from 8 Pm — I Am. Closure of the parking area on the immediate west end of the building is requested for three large television screens and seating from 4 Pm — 1:45 Am. Applicant requests extension of their alcohol permit to the parking area and a noise permit for amplified sound. If approved, this would assist in facilitating the strategic priority listed as "Promote the City's Distinct Culture" in the Imagine Sanford strategic plan approved by the City Commission., None requested of the City Attorney. It is staff s recommendation that the City Commission approve the special event permit with an alcohol and a noise permit for the 'Winghouse Mayweather vs Pacquiao' event to be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015. E. APPRovErHEspaciAt.,evENrpErtmirWl7WANAL,COHOLAIVDIVOISE PERmir PoR rHz "'Afovir IN rue SrouAR,511' evfiwr ro a,6� HrLD otv FRWAY, NAY22,20f5. STRATJE�GIC PRIORITIeS.* Unify Downtown & the Waterftont Promote the City's Distinct Culture E] Update Regulatory Framework El Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities Approval of a special event permit application for Movie in the Square on Friday, May 22, 2015 from 7 — 9:30 Pm is requested. FisCAL/STAVFING STATMMF.NT*. Costs for City services are estimated to be $693.70 which will be paid for by the Historic Preservation Downtown Marketing Fund. City services include use of Magnolia Square, security, closure of Magnolia Avenue, from the Square to 2 d Street, a noise permit and an alcohol permit. Christine Dalton, Sanford's Historic Preservation Officer, requests to host a movie night in Magnolia Square featuring "The Money Pit" in honor of National Historic Preservation Month. A noise permit and an alcohol permit, allowing for guests to enjoy adult beverages that they bring with them in open containers, is also requested although no alcohol sales will occur'. This event will also allow staff to determine if this event is beneficial to the City for future Economic Development sponsored events. Ifapproved, this would assist in facilitating the strategic priority listed as "Promote the City's Distinct Culture" in the Imagine Sanford strategic plan approved by the City Commission, LF. AL RFview: None requested of the City Attorney. It is staff s recommendation that the City Commission approve the special event permit, with a street closure, an alcohol permit and a noise permit for the 'Movie in the Square" event to be held on Friday, May 22, 2015 ." F. ACCCP7AA(P PILE Me SANrORD AIRPORr AUrHORIWS PINANCIAL REPOR7'rOR 7HZ FISCAL YEAR ENDED S)5PrEMHZj? 30,20 f4AND 201-3. OVS-3) STRA,rEGIC PR1,ORJT11E:S*. Unify Downtown & the. Waterfront Promote the City's Distinct Culture Update Regulatory Framework Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Comin-unities Audited financial statements of the Sanford Airport Authority have been received for the fiscal. years ended September 30, 2014 and 2013. FiscAL/S,rAFFING STATF.MF-NT.* RO The report consists of the financial statements of the Sanford Airport Authority for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2014 and 2013. The Airport's -financial statements have been audited by Moore Stephens Lovelace, a firm of Licensed Certified Public Accountants. The independent auditors have concluded that the Airport's financial statements for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2014 and 2013 are, fairly presented in conformity with the principles generally accepted in the United States of Ameiica. It i� Staffs recommendation that the City Cornmission accept and file the Sanford Airport Authority's Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2014 and 2013. G, ACCEP7' AND FXE ME COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL rINANCIAL RJ5PORT FOR 7-HEMSCAL YEAR ENDED SEPrEMBER 30o 20 f 4. 06-4) Unify Downtown & the Waterfront Promote the City's Distinct Culture 'Update Regulatory Framework Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communitil P-14"IMT-Mm A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report has been prepared for the fiscal year ended September 3 0, 2014. FjscAL/S,rAFFING S*rATEm1rNT: M P—Tr4T.ZT.-T*1177 I'm The report consists of management's representations concerning the finances of the City. City management has established a comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the government's assets from loss, theft, or misuse and to compile sufficient and reliable information for the preparation of our financial statements in conformity with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The City's comprehensive framework of internal controls has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatement. The City's financial statements have been audited by Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A., a firm of Licensed Certified Public Accountants. The independent auditors have concluded that the City's financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2014 are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP. It is staff's recommendation that the City Commission accept and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 3, 2014. H. APPROVE 71HE SANFORDFOP OPIMCERS AND SERGEAMM COLLECTIVE' BARGAINING AGREENEIVr AND AUMORIZE 71HE CITY MANAGER rO EXECUM 71H-15DOCUMENr UPON RArIMCA770N BY ME OPIPICERS AND SERGEANrH UNION. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: 0 Unify Downtown & the Waterfront E] Promote the City's Distinct Culture [:] Update Regulatory Framework. F] Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities Approval of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 140 Sanford Officers and Sergeants, Collective Bargaining Agreement is requested. FISCALISTAFFING STATEMENT: This agreement provides for a one percent (1.0%) wage increase and an additional two perceni, (2.0%) one-time cost of living lump sum payment for all bargaining unit members this fiscal year. Funds for the 1.0% reoccurring wage increase are available in the current year budget and the 2.0% lump sum payment will come from reserves. I VIA incentives Win Do Croutcu, Quwauu= M ore clearly defined and w® and "off duty detail" rates were increased. The Holiday Article was modified to provide for -nine (9) paid holidays in order to be more in line with City recognized holidays. The Duration Article provides for a reopener for the limited purpose of discussing Retirement Benefits. This will be a three year agreement with the same wage and cost of living provisions for the second, year of the agreement and a reopener in year two to discuss wages for year three. LeGAL Review: It is staf " s recommendation that the City Commission approve the Sanford FOP Officers and Sergeants Collective Bargaining Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute the document upon ratification by the Officers and Sergeants Union. 1. APpnom rHr SrAPP PnoPosw ImPLEmENIM710M OF ME Cfl"Vs WA MOVDING PROGRAM AND ME ALLOCAMN OF FUNDS AND AMONS AS PROPOS.M. (WS -7.A) V F] Um'fy Downtown & the Waterfront Promote the City's Distinct Culture Update Regulatory Framework Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communitie.5 UdMUr51g7T71 31f= MU OUKILUN-L L Persimmon Avenue. The Citywide Wayfinding Master Plan was approved by City Commission in 2012. In 2013 the City Commission approved the Wayfinding Master Plan Amendment. The plan and amendment create a cohesive sign system that provides brand identity to the City. The Wayfinding system is intended to provide direction, identify physical locations, and convey h-iformation to the public. The following sign types are included in the approved plan: - Directional Signs A: Large Vehicular B: Small Vehicular C: Kiosk Physical Location Signs C: Kiosk F: Neighborhood Gateway G: Welcome Sign H: Welcome Sign with Reader Board 1: Neighborhood Identification Informational Signs C: Kiosk II 17 ft-OMLI, J: Pole Banner To date, the installation of sign types A — D are complete.. Sign type E is being implemented on an individual basis, as existing signs reach the end of their useful life cycle. Sign type F and J are unfunded. The Capital Iraprovement Fund has $150,000 budgeted for "City Welcome" signs (sign types G and H). Two "City Welcome" sign designs were approved as part of the program. 6m *a- Offier The approximate costs for each sign design are as follows: Five potential "City Welcome" sign locations have been identified (Exhibit B). Existing reader 'board signs are shown on the attachments labeled "Location HI and Location 112" (Exbibits C & D). These signs were installed prior to creation of the Citywide Wayfinding program. Locations GI (Exhibit E), G2 (Exhibit F), mid G3 (Exhibit G) are where previous signs existed, and may be replaced with signs conforming to the new design. Due to the high cost of fabrication, installation, and maintenance of the reader board signs staff recommends the City Commission consider installation of sign type G at locations GI, G2, and G3. The approximate cost for installation of these signs will be $45,000, as opposed to $180,000 for installation of sign type H. The City Commission may want to consider the life cycle of the existing reader board signs at locations Hl and H2. Staff recommends $30,000 be allocated for the Diture installation of Sign Type G at these locations. The City Manager has tasked staff with creating a downtown promotional sign for Persimmon Avenue. The sign is intended to encourage Amtrak AutoTrain passengers to visit downtown, This proposed sign (Exhibit H) is not part of the approved wayfluding plan. Staff has taken measures, however, to ensure that the proposed sign shares certain characteristics will) the overall wayfinding sign design. The approximate cost for the downtown promotional sign for Persimmon Avenue is $10,000, � 0of 01 IRS@ 101- ISO! @11"(1001 it POY-4111 01 WR�J U11 06-.111#117 LOW" as additional hardware to ensure all poles on 1'� Street (between French Avenue and Sa iford Avenue) and Sanford Avenue (between Vt Street and 6th Street) contain promotional banner siXns. I �11��Ii I � I IIIIIIIc I I � 111 1� 1 1 11� � 11 � il�� � 11�111 I 11M1 It is staffs recommendation that the City Commission approve the staff -proposed implementation of the City's Wayfinding Program and the allocation of funds: $75,000 for the implementation of Sign Type G at locations C11, G2, G3, III, and H2, $10,000 for the fabrication and installation of a downtown promotional sign for Persimmon Avenue, and set aside the remainder for Sign Type I (Pole Banner). If the City Commission is amenable to this, approach, staff will return to the City Commission with a plan that details the type of banners, duration of time for banners to be on the sign poles, and the costs for banners and additional hardware. 0 0 0 3EM321M , ML401 i`01q&w'w' Mailing Address City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 0 Physical Address City Hall 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771-1244 0 Telephone 407.688.5028 Facsimile 407.688.5021 Email blJI,smRh@sanfbrdf1,gov Website www.sanfordfl.gov 0 City Commission Jeff Triplett Mayor Mark McCarty District I Dr. Velma H, Williams District 2 Randy Jones District 3 Patricia Mahany District 4, Vice Mayor City Manager Thomas George, Acting Purchasing Manager F. William Smith Finance Department; Purchasing Division Request for Statements of Qualifications, Invitation to Negotial Respectfully, F. WILLIAM SMITH, Purchasing Manager RFQ 13/14-19 Sanford Riverwalk Phase III 8) OTHER ITEMS. /A. Approve Resolution No. '2617, authorizing application for the 201.f Seminole County Boating Improvement Program (SC131P) grant. [Commission Memo 15-0481 �B - Approve Resolution, No. 2618, authorizing application for the 201 Florida Boater Improvement Program Grant in the amount of $200,000 '1 f the. North Shore Boater Rigging Docks and Platform project. (Cornmissi Memo 16-049] Approve Resolution No. 2619, authorizing the City to enter into a Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement and allow implementation by City management. [Commission Memo 16-05p] VD. Approve Resolution No. 2620, amending the budget to transfer $4,790,789 (the SRF loan increase) from account number 45i2-0000-384- 01-00 to account number 452-4527-536-63-91. This loan will be used to comply with the, consent order from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Biological Nutrient Reduction at the North Water Reclamation Facility. [Commission Memo 15-051] E. Approve Resolution No. 2621, authorizing the lease with US Bancorp for the lease -purchase of public safety police vehicles. [Commission Memo 1 "52) F. Authorize the Police Department to expend $636,236 of budgeted FY 2015 Capital funding for the purchase of 18 police vehicles by piggybacking the State and/or Florida Sherfff's Office contract pricing. (Commission Memo 15-053] ( G. 47WIMA 19-M - the City Manager relafive to the initial steps to surplus City real property interests. [Commission Memo 15-057] 'CCNA Scoring Summary Solicitation Number and Title: RFQ 13/14-19 �-Sanford Riverwalk-Pbase Date Summary Prepapllred: M�AbiAbilityo Criteria/Description with Similar Proj. Ability of Firm and Personnel treativity and Value Eng �M Creativity and Value Eng Firms Creativity References Project Spec fic Items Project Specific Items I 'iScorer: I LScorer: Robert Beall Sub-f� lity o Firm and Personnel M�AbiAbilityo with Similar Proj. treativity and Value Eng �M Project Spec fic Items I 'iScorer: David Martin Sub -Total Imo®Experience with Similar Proj. Creativity and Value Firms Creativity Specific Items ,®�--ro-je—ct (Scorer, Bilal Iftilkhar Sub -Total ,Grand Total 256 239,i INITIAL ALLOCATION OF RIVERWALK PH III DESIGN SERVICES: Phase No. Phase Description Fee i.—I PROJECT ADMINISTRATION $20,460 3.1 SURVEY 3.2 Specific Purpose Topographic Survey Utility Locates $29,380 3,3 Utility Locates $14,525 Subsurface Utility Explorations (up to 65) $39,000 4.1 CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY DESIGN ANALYSES $31,220 4.2 ROADWAY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT $148,320 PartA Expenses $4,000 PART A TOTAL $286,906 Section 6. Standard Contractual Terms and Conditions. All "Standard Contractual Terms and Conditions", i'iwebsite, Agreement. Such Terms and Conditions may be found at the City website ). The parties shall also be bound by the purcha ng po c es )d procedures of the City as well as the controlling provisions M i. law. Section `Mandatoryi 9 Florida Statutes, and Public Records Requests. In order to comply with Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, public records laws, CPH, 111c. must: i maintain public records that ordinarily ♦ necessarily would be required by the City in order M perform the service. Provide the publicto public isame terms and conditions that the City would provide the recordsand at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided FloridaStatutes,or otherwise provided public(c). Ensure that M or i i"` and exempt publicfrom irds disclosure requirements are notdisclosed i • by i 01 i ^ i i i i i w♦ i i i '. i i i" ' i' i • i i. • IE. i i i i■ i i i 21 Pa go a,:, o c IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and CPH, Inc, have executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed, THE CITY OF SANFORD Dated: Patricia Hunt Secretary Dated: 6122/15 CPH, INC. 6_RtCkl iac"K PresidenVDirector/Treasurer , 0 Z SCOPE OF SERVICES 1 ll:!I� 1 ii BASIC SERVICES OF THE CONSULTANT 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform professional engineering services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 1.2 The CONSULTANT shall serve as the CITY's professional engineering representative in the phase of the U.S. 17-92 RiverWalk Project to which this Scope of Services applies, and will provide consultation and advice to, the CITY during the performance of its services. 1.3 The purpose of the Scope of Services is, the design and permitting of the U,S. 17-92 RiverWalk Project (Phase 111) within the U.S. 17-92 right of way along Lake Monroe, and associated roadway, landscape, electrical, traffic calming and beautification in the City of Sanford, The design project limits are located along U.S. 17-92 from 1st Street to Monroe Road (CR -15), for a distance of three and four tenths (3,40) miles. 1.4 The CONSULTANT shall provide project management and quality control for the CITY. 1.5 The CONSULTANT is authorized to use the following sub -consultants; provided, however', that their scope of services and fees are included herein- (a) Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc., (b) Dix. lite + Partners, Inc,, (c) Brindley Pieters & Associates, Inc., and (d) Lochrane Engineering, Inc. The CONSULTANT shall provide general project management including, but not limited to, tracking project budget and schedule. The CONSULTANT shall provide monthly status reports of the project. The CONSULTANT shall attend project meetings including, but not limited to, Kick-off meeting, three (3) conceptual analyses meetings, three (3) design development meetings, project status meetings as requested by the CITY, and two (2) CITY/County Commission meetings to present the proposed roadway improvements with the CITY Project Manager. The CONSULTANT shall assist the CITY in coordinating with FDOT. 3.1 SURVEY 3.3 Utility Locates The CONSULTANT shall horizontally and vertically locate all existing utilities. The horizontal locates will be performed during the design survey. The vertical locates (subsurface utility explorations) will occur after the approval of the 30% plans and be performed per each location (up to sixty-five (65)). The CONSULTANT shall perform Conceptual Roadway Analyses in coordination with RiverWalk trail improvements, including streetscape and traffic calming elements. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the CITY during the Conceptual Design Phase to develop the corridor theme, landscape features, hardscapes features, and wayfinding and interpretive signs. The CONSULTANT shall review and analyze various streetscape and traffic calming elements that will assist in lowering the speeds. The CONSULTANT shall prepare conceptual plans identifying the streetscape, traffic calming features and pedestrian crossings. The CONSULTANT shall prepare Preliminary Opinions of Probable Construction Cost for the Conceptual Roadway Plans. Based upon the CITY approved conceptual plans, the CONSULTANT shall utilize all available site information (i.e. survey, trail plans, etc.) to prepare Design Development Plans for the preferred roadway improvements. These items are further described as, follows: Roadway Geometric Layout-, including, but not limited to, traffic circles (or round'. bouts), parallel parking areas, landscape medians, and landscape b0lb-outs. Hardscaping specialty paving layout plans and pedestrian sidewalk layout plans. Landscape plan indicating existing plants/trees to remain and proposed plantings., All of the drawings for above shall adhere to CITY, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and FDOT Standards. Based upon the Design Development Plans documents described above, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable construction costs for all roadway improvements. The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff during the completion of the Design Development Plans. The CONSULTANT shall also be available to meet Mth CITY staff during this phase of the work. The CONSULTANT shall prepare color renderings of the proposed designs taken from locations to be determined by the CONSULTANT and the CITY. PARTS. TRAIL DESIGN 5.1 TRAIL ENGINEERJNG The CCN SULTAN -f I shall provide general project management including, but not limited to, tracking project budget and schedule. The CONSULTANT shall provide monthly status reports of the RiverWalk Project. The CONSULTANT shall attend project meetings including, but not limited to: Three review meetings at the sixty percent (60%), ninety percent (90%), and one hundred percent (100%) construction plans, and two (2) utility coordination meetings after sixty percent (60%) and ninety percent (90%) review comments received and reviewed by the CONSULTANT, project status meetings as requested by the CITY, and two (2) CITY/County Commission meetings to present the WiverWalk Project. The CONSULTANT shall assist the CITY in coordinating the road transfer with FD T. • The CONSULTANT shall prepare Conceptual Trail Plans and associated improvements to accommodate the trail and pedestrian crossings. The CONSULTANT shall prepare conceptual plans identifying the landscape medians and pedestrian crossings. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the CITY to develop the trail theme/visioning of the RiverWalk Project, 'The CONSULTANT shall prepare Preliminary Opinions of Probable Construction Cost for the Conceptual Trail Plans. 'ITI I INSIMIZITJ 111'agg wei ti lonflum ago SlAgINAMmaill Under this task, the CONSULTANT shall complete the engineering computations necessary to support the final design and regulatory agency submittals, including: •M ME •Rig - I a Key Sheet General Notes Sheet Summary of Pay Items Sheet (including items provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Typical Sections Sheet Summary of Quantities (including quantities provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Project Layout Sheet Trail Plan and Profile Sheets Roadway Plan Sheets (for pedestrian crossings) Drainage Structure Sheets Paving and Drainage Details • General D- • ` ed on/Pedestrian Crossing Details • Soil Survey Sheet • Cross Sections at fifty (50) foot stations Utility Relocation Sheets for Reclaim Water Main (P&P) Utility Adjustment Sheets for Reflecting Utility Designs by Others Seawall Structures Sheets Cantilever/Overlook Sheets Signage and Pavement Marking Plans Pedestrian SiNn Plans (three locations) Lighting Plans Landscape Plans Irrigation Plans Hardscape Plans Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Maintenance of Traffic Plans (three (3) Phases) The CONSULTANT shall perform Peer Review Services in addition to the CONSULTANT's internal Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC). For the Utility Adjustment Plans, the CONSULTANT shall evaluate the existing utilities, both burieN and overhead for conflicts, separation issues, and construction impediments. The CONSULTANT shall review the existing utilities with the proposed design plans to minimize utility impacts. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the owners of the private communication companies to review potential conflicts and request mark-ups for the project. The CONSULTANT Is not responsible for the design or cost associated with the design of the Ullb d1lu III' of the RiverWalk Project. Any modifications to the plans requested by the Regulatory Agencies pertaining to the infrastructure design in the previously mentioned plans, required to meet code, shall be addressed by the CONSULTANT as part of these services. Any modifications requested that, are not code issues, or modifications requested by the CITY will be addressed as additional services, W,-;14 11 .1mm"M 111'm M!'I FS FAI H EM I I *W L -1-1010i r. I ulga'n I I in a grg". I I is rd Lei r -i" 6.2 Preliminary Ecological & Wildlife Assessment Aerial Photogrqphy: The CONSULTANT shall obtain electronic files and construct a color aerial covering the project site. F07tWiTsE County, Florida) and field verification for each mapped classcatiom a vegetation of each classification shall be recorded. Map product shall be used in FDEP and ACOE permitting. Threatened and Endan-gered Species: The CONSULTANT shall review Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) web based files and distribution mappings and review the Atlas of Breeding of Federal Regulations (CFR) (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12). Wetland Delineation: The approximate wetland limits shall be delineated in the field with flagging tape and/or stakes in accordance With methodologies outlined in the ACOE Weiland Delineation Manual (1987), the 2008 Corps Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps Wetland Delineation Manuak Atlantic & Gulf Coastal Plain Region and the Florida Unified Wetiand Delineation Methodology (Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.). The CONSULTANT shall delineate the wetland line along project corridor, Tree Surygy: The CONSULTANT shall conduct a tree survey in the location of the proposed Trail corridor. The CONSULTANT shall number each tree, record DBH, species and health. The data collected during the tree survey will assist with, a gation plan during project permitting with the CITY and regulatory agencies. SurveV Coordination* The CONSULTANT shall provide wetland delineation information =L� such as a map showing the approximate location of the delineated wetiand line (flag numbers). The CONSULTANT shall review the surveyed wetland line and provide comments/revisions as necessary. Arrange f I or and conduct a field review of the estimated welland limits with representatives of the FIDEP after permit application submittal, Attend pre -application meeting with the FIDEP in Orlando, Florida, Coordinate with the Project Engineer to produce Dredge & Fill permit sketches on eight and one half inch wide by eleven inch high (8.5" x 11.0") drawings that show wetland impacts, cross sections, and development plan (assumes ten (10) sheets). Coordinate with the CITY as may be required in the preparation of the ecological elements of the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Permit application to the FDEP, The CONSULTANT shall prepare draft responses to ecological questions in Sections C, E and G of the ERP application, Unified gation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis shall be prepared of pre- & •i "'ii' wetland impacts and mgation value following the UMAM as required by the FDEP. Prepare a Post -Development FLUCFCS Map for purposes of the FDEP permitting, Mapping shall follow the FLUCFCS (FDOT 1999). Prepare an assessment of Secondary and Cumulative Impact Analysis. Archaeological and Historical Resources: Submit all archaeological/historical information with the FDEP application. 6.4 ALOE Permitting The CONSULTANT shall prepare a wetland jurisdiction determination (JO) package. For purposes of this determination, the CONSULTANT shall prepare the documentation to be submitted with the ACOE's JD Form. The JD shall be submitted with the permit application request. This package of information shall include, at a minimum, the following: 0 Site Location Map — a street map IOGating the site. Geological Survey (USGS) Quadrangle Map - excerpt from map showing project boundary, section, township and it the project and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the approximate center of the site, Soils Map — tabulation of descriptions of soil types shown on the soils map excerpted from the County Soil Survey. Preliminary Wetland Delineation — print color aerial photograph: 1) property boundary; 2) estimated jurisdictional wetland boundaries;3) enumeration of each welland. Wetland Studies Description - for each enumerated wetland a summary description of the wetland type and status (dominate vegetation, disturbance, etc.) as well as a discussion of contiguity, adjacency or isolation factors (eg. distances from ditches and/or other waters). Data Form — a completed ACOE data form for each upland community type and each enumerated wetland. Conduct an on-site meeting with the ACOE to review the JD package and delineated wetland boundaries. 111T, WNWINS III's Practicable Alternative Analysis: Assist the CITY with the preparation of an analysis consistent with Section 404.1(b) CFR. The CONSULTANT shall provide exhibits and graphics as may be necessary. Archaeological and Historical Resources: The CONSULTANT shall submit all archaeological/historical information as prepared by others with the ALOE application. Any necessary site specific cultural resource assessments are not included, in�� • The CONSULTANT shall prepare and tailor portions of the ERP Application specifically ecological elements of Sections C and E of Joint ERP Application to meet ACOS requirements. • The CONSULTANT shall provide a narrative description of direct, indirect and adverse cumulative impacts anticipated as a result of impacts to the wetlands, 0 Unified Mitigation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis shall be prepared by the CONSULTANT of pre- & post -development wetland impacts following the UMAM as required by the ACOS. 0 The CONSULTANT shall utilize available preservation and enhancement mitigation opportunities on the project site and shall coordinate with a Mitigation Bank or Mitigation Project, if necessary, The CONSULTAT shall coordinate with available mitigation banks to obtain current pricing, obtain a mitigation bank credit reservation letter for use in ACOS permitting. Mitigation design consisting of construction level details is not included. Mitigation Plan: It is assumed wettand mitigation (if required) will be accornplished on-site within Lake Monroe for the RiverWalk (Phase 111) project area. If unable to mitigate within Lake Monroe, an amendment to this Scope of Services will be necessary. • 111� I!!II!!1I 1111;IIIii, 1111 11 !11 1111111ppler"i 1111ill ''Ilip!I1 ��11 l�!1111 11111 111111 • Narrative summary of proposed mitigation plan. • A description of current hydrologic conditions affecting the mitigation area(s), • A map of vegetation communities in and around the Mitigation area(s), • A detailed schedule for planting, maintenance and monitoring of mitigation area(s), • A vegetation -planting scheme and schedule for implementation, • Sources of plants used in mitigation area, • Measures to be implemented during and after construction to avoid adverse impacts related to proposed activities. • A management plan comprising all aspects of operation and maintenance, including, vegetation establishment and exotic and nuisance species control. • A proposed monitoring plan to demonstrate success criteria- • A description of activities proposed to control exotic and nuisance species should they become established in the mitigation area. • Mitigation design does not include construction level plans. is A preliminary cost estimate for mitigation credits verses mitigation within Lake Monroe for the City to review. 6.6 Requests for Additional Information The CONSULTANT shall prepare written responses to two (2) Requests for Additio Information (RAI) by the FDEP and the ACOE regarding ecological elements of the E application prepared by the CONSULTANT, I umm Throughout the project, the CONSULTANT shall attend tip to five (5) meetings or participate in telephone conferences with the CITY (including the CITY Kick-off meeting), CITY's representative, agency personnel and/or other project consultants as necessary to properly coordinate the preparation of the permit application submittal and to process the applications. Upon receipt of the CITY and the FDOT's approval of the sixty percent (60%) plans, the CONSULTANT shall prepare the permit applications and support data for the applicable regulatory agencies, including; a ACOE a FDEP, ERP Exemption 0 Seminole County Driveway Connection Permit * FDOT Driveway Connection Permit W SJRWMD (if needed) Note: Other required permits are listed under the Environmental SerVices task of this Scope of Services. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate the processing of the applications through the regulatory agencies, including attendance at meetings with the agencies that may be necessary to receive the approval. The CITY shall be financially responsible for any application or filing fee required by the agencies. IF, 114.61*14 GF0 19 41. 1 W_ IN M, go. M1411M. R-1.1 Mt.1 M 111 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Landscape/Hardscape and Lighting design services for the Trail and Roadway. The CONSULTANT shall extend the US 17-92 Streetscape from 14 Street to the RiverWalk Project. The Landscape, Hardscape, and Lightning Design Services are as described in Sections 9.2 through 9A below: The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the CITY during the Conceptual Design Phase to develop the RivetWalk Project (Phase 111) theme. Based upon the CITY approved concept plans, the CONSULTANT shall utilize all available site information (i.e. survey, roadway, and trail plans, etc.) to prepare Design Development Plans for the RiverWalk Project (Phase 111), These items are further described as follows: * Landscape plan indicating existing plants/trees to remain and proposed plantings, * Irrigation: Preliminary irrigation drawings including, sleeiving, main line piping and wati source. All of the drawings for above shall adhere to the CITY, ADA, and FDOT Standards.. :as u�ton the Desi in Develoymen). docu=_nts de-�crFbed abovA*he COMSULTANT r va, and submit an estimate of probable construction costs for all improvements. Tli CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff during the completion of the N Development Plans. The CONSULTANT shall also be available to meet with Semino County staff during this phase of the work. The CONSULTANT shall prepare color renderings of the proposed designs taken fro locations to be determined by the CONSULTANT and the CITY, Based upon the aaMroved esi In Development Documeuk%, he CQ S LTA s al complete Construction Drawings and Specifications for the work as described above. BasE upon the final Construction Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit Ic estimate of probable cost for all improvements. The estimate will be itemized by feature , facilitate analysis. The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY staff up to three (3) tim( during this phase of the work. The CONSULTANT shall be available to meet once wr Seminole County staff during this phase of the work. The CONSULTANT shall attend the pre-bid conference, shall answer questions which mig arise during the bidding process, and issue any Addenda that may be necessary. 9.3 IRRIGATION 9.4 LIGHTING DESIGN The CONSULTANT shall provide the Electrical Engineering of the Trail and Roadway Lighting to obtain Construction/Permit Documents. 'The following design services for Electrical system include: Review project power and lighting requirements for the pedestrianlbike trail and roadway to meet CITY standards. Locate as based on Florida Power and Light (FPL) provided information and the requirements of the National Electrical Code, and other applicable national standards. Select and schedule all pedestrian lighting fixtures in accordance with city provided fixture information and accepted standards of the illuminating Engineering Society, of North America (IESNA) for this project type. Photometric Studies of walkway lighting. Photometric Studies of the roadway lighting Specify location of all lighting control systems and devices including switches, photocells, lighting control panels and time clocks. Specify circuiting of all power systems including panel and feeder schedules and clearly indicating panel type, voltage and current rating, voltage drop calculations, and AIC rafing, Specify circuit Wire and conduit sizing. Provide power riser or one -line diagram and tabulate load calculations for compliance with the National Electrical Code and all other applicable standards. Response to building department comments including any required document revision to meet applicable code requirements are included in these basic services. Estimate of Probable Costs. The CONSULTANT shall design approximately three thousand eight hundred linear feet (3,800 LF) of sea wall to replace an existing seawall, design an additional approximately two thousand seven hundred linear feet (2,700 LF) of new seawall, and design up to three (3) cantilever overlook structures. The RiverWalk Project (Phase 111) begins at the west end of the seawall being constructed under Phase 11 of the RiverWalk Project and extends west along U.S. 17-92. The cantilever overlook structures are anticipated to be located at the pedestrian crossing areas. * Attend a pre design meeting with CITY and the Design Team. * Conduct a field review of the route, * Obtain Geotechnical Subconsultants soil and groundwater Information and soil design data for his use in designing the seawall and auger anchor system. 0 Coordinate with the Civil Design Team to determine the seawall design geometry and cantilever overlook locations, 0 Prepare Design Calculations for the seawall, anchors, and overlook structures. * Prepare ninety percent (90%) plans and specifications, 0 Attend the ninety percent (90%) plan review meeting with the design tearn. * Respond to RAI's from regulatory and permitting agencies. 0 Prepare one hundred percent (100%) plans and specifications, 0 Prepare Opinion of Probable Cost. 0 Provide assistance during the Bid Phase to respond to RFI's. 11.1 BIDDING ASSISTANCE 12.2 CONSULTANT shall perform Post -Design Services and/or Construction Administration services in accordance with CITY. The CONSULTANT shall prepare an amendment to the above Scope of Services to include the Post Design Services to the level agreed upon by the CITY. P az M• 6 -0 NOMEHM CITY -FURNISHED INFORMATION The CONSULTANT shall perform services under the sole benefit of the CITY and shall coordinate the efforts of Project Team members. The CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with project -related technical data. The CONSULTANT will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of Cl'ry-furnished information in connection with the performance of this scope of services, provided, however, that the terms and conditions of the underlying agreement prevail, SCOPE OF SERVICE: The CONSULTANT shall provide the following services., Evaluate physical and strength characteristics of subsurface soils in proposed seawall and associated tie -back construction areas along the southern shoreline of Lake Monroe, and in proposed light pole foundation areas along U.S. 17-92. Perform peer review of the seawall. The following geotechnical service shall be performed: 1.0 FIELD SERVICES: 11 Site Reconnaissance, Boring Layout, Utility Location Coordination, Survey and GPS for barge location. 1,2 Mobilization of Men and Equipment- Barge Mounted Drill Rig 1,3 Standard Penetration Test Borings (Water) 1.4 Install and Remove Casing (Water Borings) 1.5 Mobilization of Men and Equipment -Truck Mounted Drill Rig 1,6 Standard Penetration Test Boring (Land) 1.7 Grout Seal Test Holes (Land) 2.0 LABORAOTRY SERVICES: 2.1 Stratification and Visual Classification of Soil Samples 2.2 Soils Classification Testing: 2.2.1 Corrosion Series Tests 2.2.2 Wash 200 Size Analysis 2.2.3 Liquid and Plastic Limits 2.2.4 Moisture Content Determination 2.2.5 Organic Content Determination Deliverable: -s `-r* summarizing the findings, evaluations, and recommended Soil parameters for use In design and construction. The CONSULTANT shall provide the following services: A. Trail Alignment Familiarization: Review background data of the proposed trail alignment. Review site data and plans to understand opportunities and constrains specific to site (power lines, grades, crossings, trail cross sections, etc.), B. Site Visit and Documentation of Unique Characteristics: Visit the site to review the proposed alignment and document the corridor's unique character'. C. Context Review: Review and provide historic background information associated With the design corridor. A diagrammatic plan shall be produced that illustrates important historic locations and their associated stores. Images taken during the site visit shall be included for inspirational context. D. Client Meeting: Establish potential interpretive program opportunities and the associated signage and way -finding budget. E. Trail Vision: Provide conceptual designs associated with the project character in the form way -finding and interpretive elements unique to this portion of the corridor, while tying into the overall Lake Monroe Loop aesthetic. The trail vision shall be illustrated through sketches and images. Input shall provide for additional elements associated with the project vision including site furnishings, landscape, hardscape treatments, cross sections and overlook nodes as treatments of these elements can help strengthen vision and sense of place. F. Vision Refinement: Present vision, Refine design of interpretive and way -finding elements based on CITY input, Provide input relative to placement, integration and the incorporation of the vision into the overall landscape and hardscape aesthetic, via sketches and images. G. Design Vision Review: Provide design intent review of plans at the 55% Design Development and ninety percent (90%) Construction Document phases to ensure the way - finding interpretive elements and landscape and hardscape features remain consistent with the CITY approved vision. 1. Review the construction drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (60%) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion. 2, Provide written comments on the construction drawings, technical specifications and construction cost estimate at the sixty percent (60%) and the ninety percent (90%) level of completion. [II The areas for the underground utility services which shall be provided by the CONSULTANT are as follows: I ) 'The full right of way of North French Avenue from I't Street to West Seminole Boulevard including the full intersection of V" Street and North French Avenue fifty (50) feet in all directions measured from the curve returns. 2) The triangular area containing private property and right of way for the ramps at the southwesterly corner of the intersection of North French Avenue and West Seminole Boulevard. 3) West Seminole Boulevard from North French Avenue to the Interstate 4 overpass from the northerly edge of pavement to the southerly apparent right of way line, from North French Avenue to the Interstate 4 overpass from the northerly edge of pavement to the northerly apparent right of way line, Any underground utilities installed after the previous effort will also be designated. Subsurface Scope of Services: A&IMM&A Page 14 of 16 PART A: CONCEPTUAL, ROADWAY DESIGN Phase No. . Phase Description Fee 2.1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION $20,460 '3.1 SURVEY 3.2 Specific Purpose Topographic Survey $29,380 3.3 Utility Locates $14,525 Subsurface Utility Explorations (up to 65) $39,000 4.1 CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY DESIGN ANALYSES $31,220 41 ROADWAY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT $148,320 Part A Expenses $4,000 PART A SUBTOTAL $286,906 PART B: TRAIL ENGINEERING Phase Na. Phase Description Fee 5.1 TRAIL ENGINEERING 5.2 Project Administration $47,740 53 Conceptual Analysis & Design $20,500 5.4 Preliminary Engineering Analysis & Design $155,980 5.5 Final Design Phase $645,275 6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 6.2 Prelim. Eco. Assessment $6,500 6.3 FDEP Permitting $9,500 6A ACOE Permitting $8,500 6.5 Wetland Mitigation Design $4,900 6.6 RAIs 61 MeetingslCoardInation $6,000 7A PERMITTING PHASE $55,000 SA SPECIFICATIONS $24,760 9.1 LANDSCAPFJHARDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES 9.2 ThemeiVision/Conceptual Design $10,200 Design Development and Construction Docs $49,680 913 Irrigation Design $5,060 9A Lighting Design Services $75,500 10.1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN SERVICES 101.1 Seawall and Anchor Design $235,400 10,12 Cantilever Overtook Decks $66,300 11.1 BIDDING ASSISTANCE f GEOTECHNICAL k STRUCTURAL $109,040 Part 8 Expenses $11,000 PART B U13T T,AN $1,673,675 TOTAL PIECED FEE $1,868,68+ Ordonez, Marisol From: McDeed, Christopher Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 8,00 AM To: Ordonez, Marisol Subject: RE: Back up- quotes or documentation Reg # 64908 and 64909 Marlsol Here is a list of" some of the vendors I reached out to for this type of work, Protiviti —They would only utilize a block purchase of hours with no scope of work at $200 per hour purchased in blocks of 40. IncWorx Consulting — I don't recall the details on this one, we schedule a call and discussed the project. They did not provide a quote. I believe they were only interested in doing a full implementation and not just the work we need. IE their scope would have been training, design meetings, and other City involvement which would be way more than we needed. Sharepointmaven— Great site, and great resources, but they only work with SharePoint online installations and not on Premise, We are an on premise installation, Rackspace — would only assist if we purchased the hardware/outsourced fora full hosting package, Planet Technologies — We have actually been using them for this type of work using our Microsoft credits and their service has been horrible. Mostly their response time, takes months to schedule a tech to be available and typically the work is not completed. Christopher K McDeed II'Manager City of Sanford Phone: 4.07.688.5024 From: Ordonez, Marisol Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:08 AM To: McDeed, Christopher <Christopher.McDeed@San,fordfl.gov> A- 11 ft•40C Can you provide the name of the other vendor I will add them in the quote field and add a penny with a brief description? Thanks Marlsol, Ordo6ez Purchasing Technician Finance Dept, Purchasing Div Ste 236 City of Sanford 300 N Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771-1244 emall: rnarisol.ordonez@sanfordfl,g9v web: www.sanfordfl.&ov Olds are posted on jy�m v�endorfi�nkxom From: McDeed, Christopher Sent- Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9-48 AM To: Ordonez, Marisol Subject: RE: Back up- quotes or docurnentation Req # 64908 and 64909 Marisol Attached is the SOW from Perficient that I worked with them on to develop. I searched out other organizations, most were not willing to do a project of this small scope and wanted to engage in much more. I did find one other company that would assist; however, they would not commit to anything other than we could purchase time in 40 hour blocks and whatever time it took, it took, so I couldn't get a more firm price from them. As for Nitzan, what do you want for him, his resume, a list of other people interviewed for the opportunity? Christopher M. MeDeed IT Manager City of Sanford Phone: 407,688.5024 From: Ordonez, Marisol Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:38 AM To., McDeed, Christopher <Christopher.McDeed@Saiifordfl.gov> Subiect:Bp.sk-w&tuotesorii,octittientation Marisol Ordofiez Purchasing Technician Finance Dept., Purchasing Div Ste 236 City of Sanford 300 N Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771-1244 erTiait:lmarisol.ordonez@sanfordfL&gv web: Bids are posted on www.myvendorlink.com .�-�,, ..0,..._...��__�,a..._._..o�z4i,�N Irr�kc+x