HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.20.97City of San ord Pla nn ing and Zo n ing Commission Regglarly Scheduded Meeting .00 P.M. Thursday, November 20, 1997 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1, Hold a Public Hearing to rezone property located at 2000 W. 251th street, the northwest corner of Hardy Avenue and W. 25th Street from RC -1, Restricted Commercial ial t GC -2, General Comme rcial. Tax Parcel Number: 35-19-30-300-034B-0000 Property Owner: Philip J. Ness, Trustee Applicant/representative: City of Sanford 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional variance for a proposed Je'a Crab S h ack located at 4659 W. 1st Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the purpose of reducing the parking stall dimensions: 10' x 20' required; ' x 18' requested; a variance request of Vx 2' feet, Tax Parcel Number: 29-19-30-503-0000-0010 Property Owner: Faison - Gateway Plaza Ltd. Partnership Applicant/representative: Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. - Patricia J. Adams 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Don Mealey's Seminole Ford to store and display automobiles at 3760 Orlando Drive (former Movieland Drive in), property located in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel Number: 11- 20-0- 300 -0260 -0000 Property owner: Petrn, Inc. Applicant/representative: Don Mealey Seminole Ford - David Grey 4. U.S. 17192 Redevelopment Plan - Presentation by Kevin Fall, Seminole County Planning and Development Department. 5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 6. Reports from Staff. Planning and Zoning Commission meeting schedule for 1998 7. Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, h rs ire advance of the m etin . 0 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIOiN MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1997 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynn Stogner Mike Skat Otto Garrett Jim Valerino James Hattaway Ross Robert Ben Dyal MEMBERS ABSENT: Helen Stairs - excused Mac McClanahan - excused OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Secretary The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to rezone property located at 2000 W. 25th Street, the northwest corner of Hardy Avenue and W. 25th Street from RC -1, Restricted Commercial to GC -2, General Commercial. Tax Parcel Number: 35-19-30- 300 -034B- 0000r Property owner: Philip J. Mess, Trustee; Applicant/ representative: City of Sanford. Jay Marder, , City of Sanford' s Director of Planning and Development, stated that Mr. Ness, the owner of the property, came into the office and showed him an ordinance whereby the City had rezoned this property. He stated that this was done in the 70's and that the City has never changed the reap. Staff is recommending approval. The property is in the Comprehensive Plan and on the Future Land Use Map as general commercial. Mr. Robert moved on approval per Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Skat and Mr. Hattaway. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for a proposed Joe's Crab. Shack located at 4659 W. 1st Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the purpose of reducing the parking stall dimensions: 10' x 20' required; 9' x 18' requested; a variance request of 1' x 2' feet. Tax Parcel Number: 29- 19 -30- 503 -0004 -0010; Property Owner: Faison - Gateway Plaza Ltd. Partnership Applicant/ representative: Landry's seafood Restaurants, Inc. - Patricia J. Adams. Patricia Adams, representing Landry's Seafood Restaurants, 1400 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Tx, was present. She stated that she is requesting a variance on the parking lot spacing 'from 10'x20' to 9 It is her understanding that most of the Gateway Plaza is 9 as well as Don Pablo's across the street. Ms. Adams stated that she believes the perimeter spaces will be larger and that there is some type of allowance by the City which, if there is an overhang, the spaces could be 9 Mr. Gibson stated that the measurement of the length of the parking stall can be measured beyond the bumper block, however the overhang cannot encroach into the required width of the landscaped area. The overall length will still maintain the required dimension. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1997 PAGE 2 Mr. Stogner moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Dan Meeley's Seminole Ford to store and display automobiles at 3760 Orlando Drive (former Movieland Drive in), property located in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel Number: 11- 20- 30- 300 - 0260 -0000; Property Owner: Petrocon, Inc. Applicant /representative: Don Mealey Seminole Ford - David Gray. David Gray, 3786 S. Orlando Dr., was present and stated that they plan to clean up, store and display new Ford vehicles. There will be no sales, just storage and display. The property is overgrown with weeds and grass and needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Gray stated that his business has grown over years and they are in need of more storage area. Mr. Gray stated that he was not aware of Staff ' s recou mend;ations and that he has no problem with having a site plan drawn up. Mr. Marder explained that a site plan would not normally come before this Commission because there are no real project improvements, no buildings. It will only be landscaping, basically. Mr. Gray stated that the game plan is to put two to three rows of vehicles on the grass. If there are any excess, they will be stored behind the movie screen. Mr. Robert moved on approval per Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Skat. Mr. Dyal opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was a presentation by Kevin Fall, Seminole County Planning and Development Department regarding the U.S. 17/92 Redevelopment Plain. Kevin Fall, Seminole Counter, Capital Programs Analyst, stated that the County is pursuing the adoption of a redevelopment plan. The Redevelopment plan has been finalized. Each Local Planning Agency of each municipality that the CRA would effect, has to review the plan and recommend to the CRA and City Council that it is in conformance with the cities comp plans. This has been scheduled on the City Commission agenda on Monday night. The Board of County Commissioners, acting as the CRA, will hear this Tuesday night at 7:00 P.M. at the County Services Building. The final Public Hearing will be on December 16, at 1:30 at the County Services Building. Concurrence has been obtained from the City of winter Springs, and the City of Longwood. This program has been fast tracked because the intent is to pass the ordinance, which establishes the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Trust Plan Ordinance, prior to the end of 1997 which would freeze the base year tax level the 1997 level. Mr. Fall stated that the City benefits from this program because there are various public investment projects that can be dome, streetscape, infrastructure, traffic circulation, parks, and sidewalks. This is basically an economic development program. More than anything it will work to help the existing business owners and potential property developers. He stated that the charge here is just comp plan consistency. Mr. Marder explained that the 17 -92 Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the City's Comp Plan. Basically, it is a redevelopment plan for 17 -92. There are words and policies in our plan that supports redevelopment of 17 -92. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1997 PAGE 3 Mr. Skat moved to table with Staff to provide a plan and a recommendation. Mr. Skat withdrew his motion. The Commission generally felt that it did not have enough information to make a recommendation to the City Commission on this plan. The members requested a copy of the plan with Staff's recommendations showing items that are not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Stogner moved to table to the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hattaway. Mr. Robert and Mr. Valerino in opposition. Motion carried. Mr. Skat stated that he had a situation come up with the Chairwoman regarding comments that he made to some people that were here as they relate to another commissioner. He stated that it seems the Chairwoman had a desire to drive a bit of a barrier between hint and one of the other Commission. members. He personally, feel that this was in very poor taste and he thinks this Hoard has been overly tolerant of the Chairwoman actions and her habits as to the way the Commission is treated as a Hoard. He would like to see, at the next meeting, a review of the Chair and Nice Chair. He thinks it is time that the Commission does this.. He would like to see at the next meeting the appointment of a new Chair and Vice Chair. His recommendation would be that Jim Valerino, steps in as Chair. He stated that his patience has worn very thin. The Meeting.Schedule for 1998 was discussed and after a change in the July meeting dates, it was approved. Mr. Robert moved to approve the minutes as circulated. seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P . M . - Qa*W-1 va&4�� JaAhs Valerino. Nice Chairman r. �I I F ICI From the Director of Planning and De November 13, 1997 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of November 20, 1997 CITY OF SANFORDIPHILIP J. NESS, TRUSTEE - Request to rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial to GC -2, General Commercial for property located on the north side of West 25th Street between Hardy Avenue and the vacated Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. 1. The site includes vacant acreage located on the north side of West 25th Street between Hardy Avenue and the vacated Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. 2. Staff has verified that this site was rezoned to GC -2, General Commercial prior to 1988. The Zoning District Map was never modified to reflect the GC -2 Zoning. Therefore, the new Zoning District Map adopted in 1988, and subsequently revised in 1992, never reflected the rezoning. The owner brought the status of the property to the City's attention. Because the Zoning Ordinance has changed the mistake cannot be corrected as a scriveners error. The City Commission, pursuant to procedures set forth in the LDR, adopted a resolution to rezone the property from RC -1 to GC -2. A copy of correspondence to City Commission, Resolution 1766 and Ordinance No. 1436 are attached. 3. The Future Land Use Plan Map reflects a Commercial land use designation for the site in question. 4. The site is adjacent to industrial uses, cemeteries and several residential uses. 5. Recommend approval of the rezoning from RC -1 to GC -2 based on the previous action of the City Commission to do so as well as consistency of the proposed change with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. DON MEALEY'S SEMINOLE FORD - Request conditional use permit to establish used automobile sales, storage and display for property located on the west side of South Orlando Drive, north of Lake Mary Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and contains an unused outdoor theater. 2. Site is adjacent to various commercial developments and vacant land Zoned Planning Recommendations - Page 1 GC -2. An automobile dealership is located immediately south of the site. 3. Recommend approval of the request to establish storage and display of automobiles based on similar uses already established in the immediate area and subject to the following condition: prior to occupancy of the site, a site plan approved by City staff shall be required. Such plan shall comply with all city requirement including landscape, buffering, access and other project improvements required by the City's Land Development Regulations. LANDRY'S SEAFOOD RESTAURANTS INC. /JOE'S CRAB SHACK RESTAURANT - Request for a dimensional variance regarding parking space size for property Zoned PD, Planned Development located at the southeast corner of State Road 46 and Towne Center Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned PD, Planned Development and is vacant at the present time. 2. Applicant proposes to develop a restaurant. In a letter dated October 20, 1997, the applicant proposes to develop 125 parking spaces plus handicap spaces utilizing a 9'x 18' parking space. The City requires 10' x 20' foot spaces. 3. The Don Pablos restaurant, HOPS restaurant and other uses located immediately west of the site utilize 9'x18' parking spaces. The parking space size for these sites was established during rezoning. Similarly, the Seminole Towne Center utilizes 9'x18' parking spaces for the majority of its parking. 4. Recommend approval of the dimensional variance request for the use of 9'x18' parking spaces for a proposed restaurant at the southeast comer of State Road 46 and Towne Center Boulevard. Planning Recommendations - Page 2