HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.03.97I WORKSHOP AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, July 3, 1997 6:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION ROOM, CITY HALL CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA A. EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL PROCESS: Results of Interviews with Community Leaders B. OTHER BUSINESS ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a'verbatim record of proceedings, including the testimony and evidence with record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (F 286-010 5) Persons with di sa biIitles needing assistance to participate in any of these proosedings- should contact the P e rso n n e 10 ffice ADA Coordinator at 33 626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. City of S Planning and Zoning Commission Regularly rl Scheduled Mcering 7:00 P.M. Thursday, July 3, 1997 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for AM VETS Post #17 to establish alcoholic beverage sales for c onsumption On premises of beer, wine and liquor for property located at 901 W. Seminole Blvd. in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel hl: -19 -0 -300- 0170 -0000 Owner: City of Sanford Representative: Amvets Post 17- Freddie Mobley, Sr. 2. Hold a Public Hearing t0 consider a request for a Conditional Use to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises of beer and wine for property located at 1410 I. 13th Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel 1. -19 -0 -502- 0006 -OD Owner: Barbara Martin Pope Representative: Anella Laing 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for utility Equipment Leasi ng Co rp r rartIon for the purpose Of establishing outside storage of rental units for property located at 500 Codisco Way in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Tax Parcel : 28 -0 -0G- 0000 -0300 Owner: Co disco, Inc. Representative: Utility Equipment Leasing Corporation - Clifford L. Cohen 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for Mars Hill Seventh Day Advent iet Church for a reduction in the fr ntyard setback requirements frorn 6' to 13.71'; a reduction 1n rear yard setback requirements fr rn 0' to 17.63'; a reduction in minimum depth required buffer frrn ' to '; a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 5 6 to ; and a reduction in parking space requirements from 16'x20' to 9'x1 ' for property Ited at 800 E. 2nd Street in a RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, Office, Institutional Zoning District. Tax Parcel No: 30-19-31-300-0030-0000 Omer: Mars Hill E.D.A. Church Representative: vasant Omar Shere 5. Any other business from floor or Commission Member . 6. Reports from Staff. 7. Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides t0 appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or bearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City Of Sanford FS 286.0165) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -6626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. WORKSESSION MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 3 1997 6:00 P. M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, sANFORD FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Helen Stairs Ross Robert Lynn Stogner Mac McClanahan Mike Skat James Hattaway Ben Dyal MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Valerino - excused Otto Garrett - excused OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder,'Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Evaluation and Appraisal Process: Results of Interviews with Community Leaders. Mr. Marder stated that the next step is to agree with the basic analysis of the responses. The Commission will receive more of a vision statement oriented document that will come off of this. Also, the Commission will receive technical information, an analysis of all the pieces and parts of the Comprehensive Plan. This was and does represent community input. Mr. Dyal stated that having people interviewed was a great idea, but he did not see what was going to come from it. He thinks it is great when there is feedback from 30 people, but how do we line this up in an order of importance. Mr. Dyal stated that in his opinion there are two things the City of Sanford needs to do and one is the school situation, it is ridiculous. There is about 5 people from his graduating class that still resides in the City and about 50 that resides in the County. They live right outside of the area because their kids aren't going to go to the Sanford schools. The schools are a problem. The feedback is low regarding schools. Mr. Dyal stated that his second point is that Sanford needs to attract as much business as we can because big business brings big salaries. Mr. Skat stated that he would rank image as most important. Mr. Dyal stated that he would rank economics, because the schools would fallow with money. Also he stated that we need to get City property off the lake front, sell it, and put it back in the tax base. Mr. Marder stated that the interviews gave people a complete opening to talk about anything. Everybody talked about a lot of things that relate to the Comprehensive Plan but many of which don't have direct bearing on the Comprehensive Plan like the education. There are pieces and parts of this that are directly, in fact, related to the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, i.e.. the discussion of natural and recreation amenities that relate to the Conservation Element and Recreation and Open Space, Historic Resources and Government and City Services are in the Intergovernmental Coordination. The issues are all in there. qVL Mr. Marder stated that the next ,part will be looking at some of the details and . parts of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. There are quite a few more steps that will eventually be compiled into a report for recommendation to changes in the Comprehensive Plan. This process will take approximately two years. Helen Stairs, Chairperson MEMBERS PRES Helen Stairs Ross Robert Lynn Stogner Mac McClanahan Mike Skat James Hattaway Ben Dyal M.ERS ABSENT: Jim Valerino - excused Otto Garrett - excused OTHERS PRESS: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Mrs. Stairs called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for AMVFTS Post #17 to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises of beer, wine and liquor for property located at 901 W. Seminole Blvd. in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel No: 25- 19-30- 300 -0170 -0404; Owner: City of Sanford; Representative: Amvets Post #17- Freddie Mobley, Sr. Fred Mobley, 1816 S. Summerlin Ave., Sanford, stated that he is the present Post Commander of Post #17. He stated that they have a signed lease with the City of Sanford to lease the PBA building. The lease is for one year with the probability of renewal for another year. Mr. Mobley stated that they have the building on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and would be open from 9 :00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. Mr. Robert moved to approve the request subject to a sunset provision of one --year with the recommendation that the fee for re- application for conditional use approval be waived. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises of beer and wine for property located at 1410 W. 13th Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning Dist Angella Laing, 123 W. Hillcrest St., Altamonte Springs, stated that the hours of operation would be from .4:00 in the afternoon until 2 :00 in the mornings, Mondays through Saturdays. Food will not be served. They are proposing to make it into more of a sophisticated sports bar. Oscar Redden, Mellonville Avenue, was present and spore in opposition. He stated that he owns property on 13th Street and several other pieces in the Goldsboro area. There is a lot of crime in this area. The Police Department is to appear tonight to explain the drug activity in this building. People are afraid to come out of their homes. This will not improve West 13th Street. It will enhance the problem. Mr. Marder stated that, today, there is a 500 - foot separation between on -site consumption of alcoholic beverages. MINUTES cp� PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 3 19 7 :00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRES Helen Stairs Ross Robert Lynn Stogner Mac McClanahan Mike Skat James Hattaway Ben Dyal M.ERS ABSENT: Jim Valerino - excused Otto Garrett - excused OTHERS PRESS: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Mrs. Stairs called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for AMVFTS Post #17 to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises of beer, wine and liquor for property located at 901 W. Seminole Blvd. in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel No: 25- 19-30- 300 -0170 -0404; Owner: City of Sanford; Representative: Amvets Post #17- Freddie Mobley, Sr. Fred Mobley, 1816 S. Summerlin Ave., Sanford, stated that he is the present Post Commander of Post #17. He stated that they have a signed lease with the City of Sanford to lease the PBA building. The lease is for one year with the probability of renewal for another year. Mr. Mobley stated that they have the building on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and would be open from 9 :00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. Mr. Robert moved to approve the request subject to a sunset provision of one --year with the recommendation that the fee for re- application for conditional use approval be waived. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises of beer and wine for property located at 1410 W. 13th Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning Dist Angella Laing, 123 W. Hillcrest St., Altamonte Springs, stated that the hours of operation would be from .4:00 in the afternoon until 2 :00 in the mornings, Mondays through Saturdays. Food will not be served. They are proposing to make it into more of a sophisticated sports bar. Oscar Redden, Mellonville Avenue, was present and spore in opposition. He stated that he owns property on 13th Street and several other pieces in the Goldsboro area. There is a lot of crime in this area. The Police Department is to appear tonight to explain the drug activity in this building. People are afraid to come out of their homes. This will not improve West 13th Street. It will enhance the problem. Mr. Marder stated that, today, there is a 500 - foot separation between on -site consumption of alcoholic beverages. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 2 Mr. Redden stated that one of the reasons whir he and the Minister from the church on the corner and other residents came to the meeting is because they trust the judgement of the Commission and regardless of how they feel about it, they have to respect the Commission's decision. He stated that they also trust that the Commission is given the proper information. It is imperative that the Commission know what is going on. It is a war zone out there, and it is not getting any better. The police reports will show there has been shootings and killings in the area. Mr. Redden stated that to allow another beer and wine, or any kind of alcoholic beverage place in this strip, will create more headaches for everybody, for the City of Sanford, and that the area would be an even greater eyesore. It is not, what he thinks, the City of Sanford is looking for when businesses are established. There is everything going on up there that you can imagine. Carrie June, 1607 W. 7th street, was present and in opposition. She stated that her husband runs Tony's Bar. She stated that no one under 21 is allowed in the bar and that they do not allow people to hang around outside. Arthur Ballard, Pastor of God by Faith Church, corner of 13th & Mangoustine, was present and in opposition. Sunday mornings he has to take a garbage can because of the quart size bottles of beer, whiskey, condoms, plastic bags from crack cocaine, just about everything. This is attributed to the 2 or 3 bars in the area. He stated that the problem with 13th Street is that there is no parking. There is disrespect for the Church's property. Opening up another bar will not help the situation because there is still no parking. Pastor Ballard stated that the Church is trying to shut down some of the places because they are totally illegal. This establishment will cause more problems for the Church. Leon Wilson, 1418 W. 13th Street, stated that they do not need another beer garden. He touched on the crimes being committed and that he is afraid because of the activities in the area. Valerie Jones, 1308 W. 12th Street, stated that there are a lot of parking problems in the area. Before the West Indies Bar was added in, Tony's and sunshine Liquors did not cause as much trash and traffic problems as the newer bars because they have a more or less older clientele and they would clean up behind themselves. Ray Bronson, Commander with the Sanford Police Department, Supervisor of the Sanford Police Department's Special Investigation Unit and QUAD Squad, stated that the Police Department is not for nor opposed to any license but that they would like the opportunity to advise the Board of some of the actions that have been going on in that particular area of 13th Street and connected with that particular business located at 1410 W. 13th Street. Another establishment involved in the sale of beer and wine would cause more problems, continued garbling on the sidewalks, violation of the City's open container ordinance, than we have now. Commander Bronson stated that the business owners have been very receptive to the fact that the Police Department has initiated a foot patrol on 13th Street and that they are also in the process of attempting to get a grant for a community policing team strictly for the Goldsboro community. Tong's Bar cooperates with the Police Department 100% and Ideis Store along with Sunshine Liquors. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 3 1997 PAGE 3 Ms. Laing stated that they will utilize the vacant lot across the street, which they own, for parking. She stated that she does not know of any drug activity in this building. Mr. Stogner moved to deny the request to establish beer and wine sales located at 1410 W. 13th Street and the reason is that another liquor license store in this area would create harm and endanger the safety of the citizens and the neighbors of this community. Mr. Skat seconded. Mr. Robert stated that he is in favor of free enterprise but he feels in this particular case, it is clearly in the public interest, and we have heard from the public, and those people demonstrated that it is in the public interest to deny. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Utility Equipment Leasing Corporation for the purpose of establishing outside storage of rental units for property located at 500 Codisco Way in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Mr. Stogner disclosed that this is a customer of the business he works for. Clifford Cohen, 2489 orange Ave., Sanford, was present for representation. He stated that he has been in business for 3 years and normally there are 3 trucks on site. Mr. Robert moved to approve per Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal for discussion. Mr. Robert and Ms. Stairs were in favor. Others opposed. Motion failed. Mr. Dyal moved for approval without the recommendation of the fencing. Seconded by Mr. Stogner. Mr. Dyal stated that it should be approved without the fencing and that it is based upon the surrounding tall sites and the adjacent property owners did not have any concern. lair. Robert and Ms. Stairs were opposed to the motion. All others in favor. Motion carried. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for Mars Hill Seventh Daly Adventist Church for a reduction in the f rontyard setback requirements from 30' to 19.71 a reduction in rear yard setback requirements from 20' to 17.63 a reduction in minimum depth required, buffer from 5 to 3 1 ; a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 55 to 55; and a reduction in parking space requirements from 10 1 x20' to 9'x18' for property located at BOO E. 2nd Street in a RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, office, Institutional Zoning District. Vasant Shere, 117 Rabun Court, Sanford, was present representing this request. Mr. Hattaway moved on approval based on staff's recommendation C, with 54 parking spaces including the handicap space. Seconded by Mr. Robert and Mr. McClanahan. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Stogner requested that Code Enforcement is made aware of the property across from Equipment Leasing. Mr. Dyal requested that Staff check on the BP Station on Celery and Locust Avenues because of high grass and weeds. Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. McClanahan. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Gibson asked the Commission to consider a minor amendment to a plat that was approved by this Commission in October of 1995. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 4 It has been approved by the City Commission as well. Prior to its being recorded., the property owner inadvertently sold a piece of the property by metes and bounds in Dreamwold. They have amended that plat lessing out that portion that was sold off. It constituted one lot that was divided on the original plat. Mr. Robert moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat stated that the labor pool that went into Downtown Sanford is operating. He requested Staff consider not only this usage but pawn shops and other things that seem to be incompatible with downtown. He is opposed to this labor pool being in downtown Sanford. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. en S i s. Chairperson ii � r I 7 ktii i 1� 11 i From the Director of Planning and Development June 26, 1997 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of July 3, 1997 AMVETS - Request conditional use approval to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises, beer, wine and liquor, for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, located at 901 West Seminole Boulevard. Recommendations are not provided for applications involving alcoholic beverages. LAING - Request conditional use approval to establish alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises, beer and wine, for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, located at 1410 West 13th Street. 1. Recommendations are not provided for applications involving alcoholic beverages. UTILITY EQUIPMENT LEASING CORPORATION - Request a conditional use permit to establish outdoor storage of equipment for property Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial, located at 500 Codisco Way. Site is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial and contains an existing metal building. The building is being utilized at the present time. Vehicular equipment and used materials and parts are being stored on the westerly portion of the property. 2. Adjacent uses include industrial /manufacturing uses, vacant land and residential uses in the general vicinity of the site. Outdoor storage of materials and equipment is visible at the adjacent manufacturing facility. 3. Recommend that the conditional use to establish outdoor storage be approved based on similar activities already located in the immediate area with the following condition: Site proof fencing shall be provided and maintained for as long as the use remains 1) along the west property line and, 2) along the north and south tract lines for a distance equal to the distance between the building and the westerly property line. Planning Recommendations - Page 1 MARS HILL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Request dimensional variances to permit expansion of a church in an RMOI Zone located at 800 East Second Street. Site is Zoned RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional and includes an existing church building. Site is located at the northeast corner of East Second Street and Locust Avenue. 2. Site is adjacent to apartments, offices and single family dwellings. 3. The applicant has submitted a preliminary site plan that reflects removal of a portion of the building on the east side and expansion of a sanctuary. Parking is proposed to be located on the northerly portion of the property with access from Lake View Avenue. Applicant requests dimensional variances as follows: a. Front Yard from 30' required to 19.71' for a variance of 10.29 ' (fronting 2nd Street. b. Rear Yard from 20' required to 17.63' for a variance of 2.27' (north property line). c. Minimum depth of required buffer from 5' required to 3' for a variance of 2' on the south side of the parking lot. d. Parking spaces from 56 (57 on plan) required to 55 proposed for a variance of 1 space (2 in letter). There appears to be some confusion between the application, the applicant's letter and the drawing data. e. Parking space size from 10'x 20' to 9'x 18'. 4. Additional parking is being provided on adjacent property per an existing parking lot located on the south side of Second Street per letter from owner of 901 East Second Street. 5. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved a dimension variance for various requirements on August 18, 1994 for the same property for the purpose of a new church building that included demolition of the existing principal building. 6. Recommend that the requested dimensional variances be approved based on the existing characteristics of the neighborhood and documentation submitted by the applicant with the application and with the following conditions and stipulations: a. A site proof fence shall be provided along the south property line of proposed parking area abutting an existing single family dwelling. b. The building shall be compatible with the existing building in terms of height, bulk, roof -line, color and general appearance. C. Clarification of the number of parking spaces to be provided. Planning Recommendations - Page 2