HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.06.97WORKSHOP AGENDA
Thursday, March b, 1997
6:30 P.M.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decislon made with respect to any matter oonsidered at the above meeting or bearing, he
or she may need a verbatim record of proceedings, including the to tfmony and evidence with record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (ES
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 335,
48 hours in advance of the meeting.
City of Sanford Plannin and Zoning Commission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, March G, 1997
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an application for a Planned Development Rezone for
Sterling Woods, a 123 lot residential subdivision located at 1250 west Lake Mary Boulevard,
rezoning property from BR -1, Single Family Residential to PD, Planned Development.
Tax Parcel No.: 10- 20 -30- 300 -0030 -0000
Owners: Penelope Peterson, Seminole National Bank, BML Investments
Representative: The Matzel Organization, inc. Engineer: Harling, Locklin and Assoc., Inc.
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an application for a Planned Development Rezone for
Aagaard- Harbin Warehouse PD located at 307 S. Pine Avenue, rezoning property from MR -3,
Multiple - Family Dwelling Residential to PD, Planned Development.
Tax Parcel No.: 30- 19 -31- 515- 1900 -00130
Owners: Barton, Olivia and Chris Pilcher
Representative: Jerry Harbin
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an amendment to the existing Northgate PD, being
renamed as East Northgate PD, removing Parcel 7, and increasing the floor area ratios (F.A.R.)
for property located on the west side of Rinehart Road between S.R. 46 and St. Johns Parkway.
Tax Parcel No.: 29- 19 -30- 300 -037G -0000
Property Owner: Seminole Farms Trust IV
Representative: King Helie
4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an amendment to the existing Towne Center Plaza at
Seminole Towne Center PD to increase the building and land area for property located at 251
Oregon Avenue in a PD Zoning District. (Previous PD Rezone approved by Planning and
Zoning Commission on August 15, 1995)
Tax Parcel No.: 29 -1 9 -30- 300 -011 D -0400
Property Owner: M.S. Management Assoc., inc,
Representative: Richard D. Merkel, P.E.
5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Alamo Rent -A -Car
Maintenance Facility located at 2101 E. Airport Blvd. in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning
District, for the purpose of an above ground fuel storage tank.
Tax Parcel No.: 07- 20 -31- 501 -0000 -001 B
Owner: Orlando Sanford Airport
Representative: John Paonessa, Alamo Rent -A -Car
6. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property at 2921 Orlando
Drive, Suites 220 & 230 of Sanford Plaza located in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
District, for the purpose of alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises, 4 COP.
Tax Parcel No.: 41- 20 -30- 512 -4000 -4210
Owner /representative: Stan Smith, Sanford Plaza Inc. of Deltona
7. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property at 2921 Orlando
Drive, Suite 200 of Sanford Plaza located in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for
the purpose of the sale of beer and mine for consumption on premises, 2 COP.
Tax Parcel No.: 01- 20 -30- 512 -0000 -0210
Owner /representative: Stan Smith, Sanford Plaza Inc. of Deltona
8. Consider the Site Plan for 1201 Cornwall Road (former Harcar Building), eliminating
approximately 25,000 sq.ft. of building and developing truck loading and service facilities for
property located in a M1 -2, Medium Industrial Zoning District.
Tax Parcel No.: 07- 20 -31- 300 -017U -0000
Property Owner: 230 Duffy Realty Corp.
Representative: James T. Melvin, Architect
9. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
10. Reports from Staff.
11. Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter
considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings
including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
MARCH 6, 197
6:30 P.Mi
Lynn Stogner
Helen Stairs
Ben Dyal
Mac McClanahan
Otto Garrett
Mike Skat
Jim valerino
Ross Robert
Leon Brooks
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Russ Gibson, Land Development coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Mr. harder gave a brief presentation on the Department of
Engineering and Planning. He presented slides which highlighted
key areas of the Department. He explained that the mission of the
Department is to provide professional support, resources and
services for other departments, internal and external customers.
Mr. Marder touched on internal and external customers, organization
of the Department, the comprehensive Plan - Evaluation and
Appraisal Report, and the Land Development Regulations.
7:00 P.M.
Mr. Brooks was present.
Mrs. Stairs called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider an application for a Planned Development Rezone for
Sterling Woods, a 123 lot residential subdivision located at 1250
Nest Lake Mary Boulevard, rezoning property from SR -1, Single
Family Residential to PD, Planned Development. Tax Parcel No.:
10 -20 -30 -300- 0030 -0000. Owners: Penelope Peterson, Seminole
National Bank, BML Investments. Representative: The Matzel
Organization, Inc. Engineer: Harling, Locklin and Assoc., Inc.
Hugh Harling, Harling Locklin Associates, 850 Courtland St.,
Orlando, was present representing Mr. Matzel, the owner of sterling
Woods. He stated that there would be 123 single family lots with
a minimum lot size of 50'x100 The road system is approximately
1/4 mile long that ties the subject property into Lake Mary Blvd.
Water will be looped from Hidden Lakes all the way to Lake Mary
Blvd. Reclaimed water will be in a power line easement. Sewer
will be going back into Hidden Lakes that will tie into an existing
force main. Mr. Harling stated that they are in agreement with the
City's recommendations.
Mr. Robert questioned whether the remainder of the easement running
west, a little bit north, will stag open because that part of the
easement in the subdivision is almost extinguished. Mr. Harling
stated that the intent is to work with the adjacent property owner
and basically vacate it. There is a need for a utility easement.
The property to the west will vacate its rights in the easement to
the property to the east.
Mr. McClanahan questioned the sign-off of the property owners. Mr.
Gibson stated that the City has letters of authorization from all
three property owners authorizing this representative to pursue
this request.
Mr. Skat questioned the drainage basin between the two lakes. Mr.
Herling noted that the drainage basically goes to the north to the
lake, that lake outf alls around between the two subdivisions and
goes into the lake adjacent to the school, which then outfalls
through a wetland to the south and makes its way to Lake Mary
Blvd., and into a new box culvert which is the ultimate outfall.
Mr. Stogner questioned the egress and ingress and if there would be
any other roads. Mr. Haaling stated that there would be egress and
ingress only on Lake Mary Blvd. A driveway has been provided for
Loch Lowe going over to the school.
Mr. Valerino questioned the lot sizes. Mr. Healing stated that the
lots to the north and west are slightly larger than 50x100. There
are slightly larger lots because quite a few of them have cul -de-
sacs creating pie shaped lots. There are different sizes, but on
a matter of magnitude, the lots are 10 smaller than the adjacent
Barry Hershone, 2325 Roanoke Ct., Lake Mary, president of Pineview
Academy, stated that he owns property to the east and firmly and
completely supports the project.
Mr. McClanahan moved on approval based on the recommendations of
Staff. The motion was seconded'by several Commissioners. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an
application for a Planned Development Rezone for Aagaard- Harbin
Warehouse PD located at 307 S. Pine Avenue, rezoning property from
NCR -3, Multiple - Family Dwelling Residential to PD, Planned
Development. Tax Parcel No.: 30- 19 -31- 515 - 1900 -o0B0. Owners:
Barton, Olivia and Chris Pilcher. Representative: Jerry Harbin.
Jerry Harbin, 892 Silver Smith Circle, Lake Mary, was present. He
stated that they were renting the warehouse for construction
activities but that they are not in compliance with the zoning.
The masonry buildings have been used for storage since the 1920s.
He stated that they are not changing anything, just wants to come
into compliance. Mr. Harbin stated that he is familiar with and
agrees with Staff's recommendations.
Mr. Stogner questioned the hours of operation and parking of the
indoor auction. Mr. Harbin stated that there are two additional
lots that are apart of this property. The parking will not be on
the street and the auctions would be held in the evenings,
typically from 7:00 to 9 :00.
Theodore Davis, 615 E. 3rd Street, stated that he is concerned as
to how much disturbance this will cause. There are vagrants and
prostitutes. He asked if the fence would be an enhancement to
deter vagrants and anyone else hanging out there; or on the other
hand, would it cause problems. He asked how often would the
auctions take place. Mr. Harbin stated that the fence will enhance
the neighborhood as opposed to encouraging additional vagrants.
Security lights will be installed. Auctions will be held one time
a week. Mr. Davis asked if there should be problems arising from
the use of this property, will the owners be amenable to help with
those problems.
To speak in favor of the request was Chris Pilcher, 2300
Mellonville Ave. He stated that nothing more would be done at this
location than ghat has been done with it for 50 years.
Mr. Skat moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations with
the allowance of the storage of semi - trailers. Seconded by Mr.
Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an
amendment to the existing Northgate PD, being renamed as East
Northgate PD, removing Parcel 7, and increasing the floor area
ratios (F.A.R.) for property located on the west side of Rinehart
Road between S.R. 46 and St. " Parkway. Tax Parcel No.: 29-
19-30- 300 -037G -0000. Property owner: Seminole Farms, Trust ICI.
Representative: King Helie
Ding Helie, 6937 Hudson Ave., Hudson, Fl., stated that this PD was
a part of a bigger PD then was split into two PDs. what they are
trying to do is increase the floor area ratio. In 1991 the floor
area ratio was .23, it is now .12. He is requesting a floor area
ratio in the .22 range.
Mr. Robert asked if the access roads can be set in stone if the
Commission approves this. Mr. Helie stated that they are already
set in stone, it is just a matter of getting some activity.
Agreements are recorded.
Mr. Robert moved to recommend approval per Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an
amendment to the existing Towne Center Plaza at Seminole Towne
Center PD to increase t e building and land area for property
located at 251 Oregon Avenue in a PD Zoning District. (Previous PD
Rezone approved by Planning and Zoning Commission on August 15,
1996). Tax Parcel No.: 29- 19 -30-- 340 -011D -0000. Property Owner:
M.S. Management Assoc., Inc. Representative: Richard D. Merkel,
Rick Merkel, Professional Engineering consultants, was present
representing Jacoby Development.
Mr. Skat moved for approval per Staff's recommendations. Mr.
Stogner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for Alamo Rent -A -Car Maintenance Facility located
at 2101 E. Airport Blvd. in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning
District, for the purpose of an above ground fuel storage tank.
Tax Parcel No.: 07 -20 -31 -501- 0000 -0018. owner: Orlando Sanford
Airport., Representative: John Paonessa, Alamo Rent -A -Car.
John Paonessa, 812 S. Lake Ada, Orlando, was present. He stated
that they are requesting approval of the above ground fuel tank
that is currently on site. They are operational at the site now.
The tank is on the property and is empty. Mr. Paonessa stated that
they are currently using a fuel tank that is off -site.
Mrs. Stairs asked that the letter from Steve cook be made a part of
the Minutes.
Mr. Paonessa stated that the tank will hold 4,000 gallons of fuel.
They use approximately 3,000 gallons a week and it will be filled
every week and a half. Alamo rents 400 to 500 cars a week
during summer. Currently, they rent about 260 cars a week.
Jeanine McKennon, winter Park, stated that she is a consultant with
a law firm and is representing Alamo at the Sanford airport. She
stated that Alamo's lease at the Airport is such that if any
contamination occurs, it is Alamo's liability. The tank exceeds
any regulatory standards currently in place. The tank is critical
in expanding their business.
Steve Coover, 3825 Beardall Ave,. attorney for the Airport
Authority, stated that Alamo's operation to the Airport is
important. They have been operating at a disadvantage for several
months. He concurs with the comments that this tank exceeds all
standards that he is aware of. The company is sufficient enough to
stand behind any problems that may occur.
Robert Brooks, 3300 Ohio Avenue, stated that he lives adjacent from
Alamo. The tank has been fastened to the building. Mar. Brooks
stated that there was never a building permit issued or a blueprint
ever put into effect regarding this gas tank. He stated that he
called the Fire Marshall and the Fire Marshall red- tagged the tank
because PVC was corning out of the top of it when it should have
been galvanized. Alamo is also pumping oil. They are spraying
the engines off with a hose directly over the battery which goes
directly into this pristine area. Mr. Brooks entered a letter into
the record. He stated that he would like the issues addressed as
to how we end up with a 4,000 gallon tank and oil tanks that are
currently being used in an area where they are not zoned for
without a conditional use permit. Mr. Brooks is also concerned
with the glaring lights at night.
Mr. Gibson stated that he had explained to Mr. Brooks that Alamo
was not given any permission to operate -that tank. As far as any
permits to construct that tank, that goes to the Building
James E. Smith, 1205 Onora Road, which lives directly across from
this facility, spoke in opposition. He entered photographs into
the record that he thought would graphically show the commission
their concerns. There are oil tanks being store inside a
building. He asked why would an oil tanker truck come into this
facility 9:00 at night. Mr. Smith stated that since he has lived
in the area, the Airport has had two instances with their fuel
storage; one, lightning hit it, and two, it sprung a big leak.
Mr. McClanahan stated that he didn't see any reason that the
Commission shouldn't postpone action and suggested that one option
could be to put it in a category awaiting the correction or
information or input to this Commission from City Staff and all
pertinent people so that we would have all the information before
we act upon this.
Harvey Smith stated that he lives across from Alamo and that he has
called Steve Cook three time and has not been able to talk to hint.
He stated that he has talked to Mr. Cook's secretary and she drove
by the property at night and said that no one can live with this.
You can't sleep. Mr. Cook and Alamo have promised to take care of
the lights. They are turning most of them off at night. He wants
to make sure the tank is safe and also concerned with the runoff.
Mr. Marder stated that the water runs along the pavement into a
water retention area. The City has not approved the engineering on
this site, it has not received a certificate of completion because
there are several items in need of completion. However,
the stormwater system is designed such that the water will drain
off of the pavement into some retention ponds. Mr. Gibson stated
that he talked with the Professional Engineer regarding this site.
He did confirm that Alamo did respond to engineering concerns,
there were numerous issues and some issues did deal with drainage.
Alamo did met those criteria to the satisfaction of our Engineer
and he subsequently signed off on it.
Bill Smith, 1225 E. onora, stated that Alamo is on a hill and he is
not sure the water drainage is to the east. Two years ago there
was a problem on the south side of the Airport flooding out the
neighbors. As the Airport grows, this environmental issue will be
a big concern.
Mr. Paonessa stated he has blue prints that shows that the City has
approved three above ground tanks that will be stored inside a
building. Regarding the oil, they have not drained any oil. There
is no spillage. He stated that he would have to take a look at the
drainage issue. There is foliage along the fence and the sprinkler
system is on which may cause some of the water. He stated that he
has tried to work with the neighbors regarding the lights. He has
turned all of them off except for two. He will try to turn some of
the lights away from the homes.
Mr. Robert Brooks stated that the Fire Marshall told him that the
way the tank is installed it is unsafe. The tank wasn't suppose to
be there until a conditional use permit was granted. As far as any
of the other agencies that gage him information, as far as the
blueprints that he saw, there was no tank on the blueprints and
thats what they told him at the office today. why was it signed
off by the Building Inspector when it wasn't correct to begin with.
How can we trust the people who are in charge of doing these things
when they haven't done their jobs. once it is there, we are stuck
with it.
Mr. Robert moved on approval per Staff's recommendations. Mr. Dyal
seconded. Mr. McClanahan stated that if the tank did not exist at
this point, the request would still be the same. our decision is
whether to approve the conditional use subject to conforming with
all other rules and regulations. Mr. Stogner stated that he is
very concerned with all the other issues from the neighbors:. He
feels theree are environmental issues and tests should be done.
These complaints should be addressed. Mr. Skat stated that he
would lik to see the City work with the airport in possibly
sinkin sdme wells and hav
g ng them monitored because of the
proximity of residential to the industrial area. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property at 2921
Orlando Drive, Suites 220 & 230 of Sanford Plaza located in a GC-
2, General commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of
alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises, 4 COP.
Tax Parcel No.: 01- 20 -30- 512 - 0000 -0210 Owner /representative: Stan
Smith, Sanford Plaza Inc. of Deltona.
The Commission decided to hear this item and the next item on the
Agenda together: to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request
for a Conditional Use for property at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 2GO
of Sanford Plaza located in a GC-2. General Commercial Zoning
District, f or the purpose of the sale of beer , and wine for
consumption on premises, 2 COP.Tax Parcel No.: 01-20-30- 512 -0000-
0210. Owner /representative: Stan Smith, Sanford Plaza Inc.
Stan Smith, 3220 Krider, Deltona, was present for both requests.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval of both requests as presented.
Seconded by Mr. Stogner. Motion carried.
Next was the consideration of the site Plan for 1201 Cornwall Road
(former Harcar Building), eliminating approximately 25,000 sq.ft.
of building and developing truck loading and service facilities for
property located in a MI -2, Medium Industrial Zoning District. Tax
Parcel No.: 07- 20 -31- 300 -017U -0000. Property owner: 230 Duffy
Realty Corp. Representative: James T. Melvin, Architect.
Names Melvin, 206 E. 1st Street, stated that this facility is
220 000 square feet and that they are planning on breaking it into
40, square f eet of f ice warehouse . They will be removing 60 of
the building in order to have a drive -in off of Mellonville. A
reconditioning computer business will go in here. There will be no
walk -ins.
Jinn Jessa, project engineer, representing the owners, stated that
USA, Inc. will be occupying about 70,000. square feet in the front
area. They will be reselling computers and there is practically no
walk -in customers.
Mr. Dyal questioned the northernmost bays. Mr. Melvin stated that
the northernmost bays would accommodate smaller trucks, 40 trucks.
Mr. Melvin noted that Staff has recommended a 6' concrete block
wall. This will create visibility problems at the office areas.
He requested a waiver on the block gall and an increase in the
landscaping. Mr. Marder stated that the LDR requires that we have
this type of separation from residential areas which are located to
the east. It is imperative that this area of industrial use be
separated visually from the area across the street.
Mr. Marder stated that the City is requiring that a sidewalk be
along Mellonville and Cornwall. Some of it could be deferred. The
City would allow them to ]wild the portion of the sidewalk that
they need to go between their parking, the truck area and the entry
area. Then a year later, come back and build the rest of it.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mr.
McClanahan. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Stogner noted that we don't need to hear opposition if we can't
address their issues. He feels that the Commission didn't do a
good job in addressing some issues. we need to listen to the
issues when there is opposition.
Mr. Gibson reported that Staff did receive notice from Code
Enforcement regarding overgrown property in the 200 block of
Virginia. Code Enforcement has sent a letter of the violation..
Time will expire on March lath. Mr. Gibson stated that he has had
no report back regarding the bright lights at 25th and Park.
Mr. Skat requested something on the environmental issues at the
Airport. Mr. Gibson stated that he would try to put something
together for a worksession.
Mr. Skat also requested that the No Thru Truck Sign when you're
coming down 17 -92 on the lakefront and the cut off that goes onto
Seminole, be moved to the Invacare entrance. They have no place to
Mr. Robert moved for approval of the Minutes as circulated.
Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9 :15.
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From the Director of Planning nd Develo ment �
9 P
February 28, 1997
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of March 6, 1997
ORGANIZATION - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential to PD,
Planned Development for property located at 1250 West Lake Mary Boulevard.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and is vacant at the present time.
The property includes approximately 38 acres. The Sterling Woods Master Plan
depicts 123 single family dwelling units for an overall density of 3.2 dwelling units
per acre.
2. Site is adjacent to existing single family dwellings in subdivisions Zoned SR -1.
Site is also adjacent to a private school Zoned SR -1 and vacant land Zoned AG,
Agricultural that is predominantly wetlands.
3. The Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the site
and immediately surrounding area as Low Density Residential - Single Family
with a maximum density of six (6) dwelling units per acre. The proposed density
of 3.2 dwelling units per acres is consistent with the future land use designation.
4. Regarding the adequacy of public facilities and services, there is no significant
change from conventional SR -1 Zoning to PD Zoning. Central water and sewer
services are available with adequate capacity as is reclaimed water via a new
distribution line under construction through a power line easement near the site.
Lake Mary Boulevard has a capacity of over 34,000 trips per day at a level of
service D and is able to provide adequate service for the proposed project which
is projected to generate 1,230 daily trips. In 1996 there were 22,304 average
daily trips on the segment of Lake Mary Boulevard between St Lawrence Drive
and Ridge Drive.
5. The site's ingress and egress includes a series of easements from Lake Mary
Boulevard to the main body of the site. The applicant has submitted
documentation to the City that depicts the ability to access the property and the
ability to locate utilities within such easements. The applicant has stated in
writing that title documentation will be provided to the City to attest to the
perpetual use and maintenance of such easements.
Planning Recommendations - Page 1
6. Recommend approval of the request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family
Residential to PD, Planned Development based on consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan, similarity of uses already established in the immediate
area and adequacy of facilities and services. Further recommend that the
following conditions and stipulations be incorporated into the rezoning ordinance:
a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the
information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Master Plan
entitled "Sterling Woods Master Plan dated January 6, 1997" and
supplemental information unless otherwise directed by the
recommendations enumerated below and as may be amended from time
to time as provided by procedures set forth in the City's Land
Development Regulations.
b. City acceptance of access to the subject property prior to recording of
final plat.
AAGAARD - HARBIN - Request to rezone from MR -3, Multiple Family Residential to
PD, Planned Development for property located at 307 South Pine Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and includes approximately 1.2
acres. The property is basically a complex of commercial /industrial buildings that
constitute a lawfully existing nonconforming use with nonconforming structures.
The site and surrounding neighborhood is heavily treed including several
specimen live oaks.
2. Pursuant to the Aagaard- Harbin Warehouse Master Plan received on February
5, 1997 by the City of Sanford Department of Engineering and Planning, the
applicant proposes to utilize the site for several uses including contracting,
storage, office and indoor auction. In addition to use of existing buildings, a
proposed six foot tall masonry "fence" is proposed to enclose an outdoor storage
and parking area on the south side of the site.
3. The immediate area includes various single family dwellings that are Zoned MR-
3, Multiple Family Residential.
4. The site's easterly property line is coincidental to an open drainage -way known
as Pump Branch. The property appears to be the only portion of Pump Branch
that is not piped. This irregular feature is approximately fifteen to eighteen feet
deep and broadens out to approximately fifteen feet from the corner of the south
easternmost building corner. The City's stormwater program contemplates
extensive modifications of this drainage system in conjunction with diverting
stormwater that is presently concentrated in the Magnolia Avenue /First Street
area. The City will need to obtain easements across the site in question as well
as other neighboring properties. The specific extent of such easements and a
general design concept of future drainage improvements in this location are
unknown at this time. Such details will become known only after preliminary
engineering concepts are developed by the City and subsequently approved by
the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Planning Recommendations - Page 2
5. Pursuant to Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, the
minimum separation of commercial uses (including proposed nonresidential
uses within PD Zoning) from residential uses shall include a building setback of
35 feet, a buffer of 10 feet and a Type 1 Visual Screen. A Type 1 Visual Screen
means a cement block or masonry wall, 6 feet in height with stucco or another
similar decorative finish facing the abutting use. The ten foot buffer is basically a
physical separation distance that can be utilized for landscape and access. The
required buffer cannot be utilized for parking.
6. The question is one of policy regarding how to utilize existing
commercial /industrial buildings /property within a substantially residential
neighborhood. The present use of the property is primarily for storage. The
proposed use involves building construction and contracting activities as well as
an auction.
7. Recommend conditional approval of the request to rezone from MR -3, Multiple
Family Residential to PD, Planned Development based on similarity of proposed
use with existing use of property with the following conditions and stipulations
being incorporated in the rezoning ordinance:
a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the
information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Master Plan
entitled "Aagaard- Harbin Warehouse Master Plan" and supplemental
information unless otherwise directed by the recommendations
enumerated below and as may be amended from time to time as provided
by procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations.
b. The proposed Aagaard- Harbin Warehouse Master Plan shall be utilized
to identify general uses and existing buildings on the site. The Master
Plan shall not be construed as a Development Plan and shall not be
utilized for permitting purposes.
C. All activities shall be conducted indoors or within areas that are wholly
enclosed within walled areas. Outdoor storage of vehicles and related
contractor's equipment shall not be visible from adjacent property.
Further, outdoor storage of any and all building materials, contractors
supplies and /or miscellaneous objects of any kind shall not be visible from
adjacent property,
d. Manufacturing, fabrication, assembly or other similar activities shall be
specifically prohibited.
e. Parking shall be on site. Customer vehicles of the proposed auction,
service vehicles and equipment are specifically prohibited from parking in
public right -of -way adjacent to the site.
e. Specimen type live oaks shall be preserved.
f. Improvements adjacent to and in close proximity to Pump Branch shall be
coordinated with the City's stormwater management program. In this
Planning Recommendations - Page 3
regard, the owner shall cooperate with and provide reasonable drainage
easements to the City.
KING HELIE_PLANNING GROUP - Request to amend the Northgate Planned
Development Master Plan for property located at State Road 46 and Rinehart Road.
1. Site is Zoned PD, Planned Development, is vacant at the present time and
includes 18.2 acres. The site includes that portion of the Northgate Master Plan
located north of St. Johns Parkway. Tract 7 of the existing Northgate Master
Plan is not included in the proposed master plan amendment and is excluded
from numerical data noted below.
2. The existing Northgate Master Plan provides for a total of 117,125 square feet of
commercial building. The proposed East Northgate Master Plan amendment
provides for an additional 59,575 square feet or a total of 176,700 square feet.
3. Floor area ratios or FAR's depict the percentage of building coverage upon land.
Typical coverage of single story commercial development ranges between 20
and 35 percent. FAR's on the existing Northgate PD Master Plan are 7, 9 and 11
percent and are considered to be unusually low. The proposed amended East
Northgate Master Plan depicts more typical FAR's in the range of 20 to 27
4. The existing Northgate Master Plan was approved prior to the City's adoption of
concurrency. Therefore, the existing development approval for 117,125 square
feet is "grandfathered." The additional 59,575 square feet will be subject to
concurrency test. It should be noted that all development projects submit
concurrency data at the time of site plan or subdivision plan approval. Further,
concurrency facility capacities in the immediate area of the site are considered
to be adequate for anticipated development intensities for the foreseeable future.
5. If the East Northgate Master Plan is approved, all conditions and stipulations
previously adopted and agreed upon as part of the Northgate Master Plan shall
remain in full force and effect upon Parcel 7.
6. Recommend approval of the request to amend the Northgate Master Plan per
the proposed East Northgate Master Plan based on consistency of proposed
floor area ratios with typical floor area ratio standards and subject to essentially
the same conditions and stipulations that are presently in effect upon the
development. In regards to the latter, recommend that the below text be
incorporated into the rezoning ordinance:
a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the
information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Master Plan
entitled "East Northgate P.D. Master Plan, City of Sanford, Submitted For
Planned Development Approval, January 29, 1997" and supplemental
information unless otherwise directed by the recommendations
enumerated below and as may be amended from time to time as provided
by procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations.
Planning Recommendations - Page 4
b. A traffic circulation plan for the site shall be submitted with the preliminary
subdivision plan. Such plan shall reflect internal circulation within the
overall site and as well as transportation requirements necessary to
provide adequate circulation in the immediate area and between adjacent
Cross access points shall be placed between the Gateway Plaza PD and
the East Northgate PD as generally reflected on the respective Master
Plans. The construction of cross access points across the M.M. Smith
Canal, i.e., bridges between the two developments shall be the sole
responsibility of the property owners of respective sides of the canal.
Based on build -out the City shall decide when such facilities shall be
constructed and shall have the authority to require the construction of
same. Failure to cooperate and participate in this requirement shall
constitute a violation of the City's Land Development Regulations,
specifically, the Development Plan Approval Process, and shall be
subject to code enforcement procedures.
In addition to cross - access points provided for on the East Northgate
Master Plan, cross access shall be provided and constructed between
Tract 3 and Tract 4 in a manner similar to that set forth immediately
C. Agriculture shall be a permitted land use prior to development of any tract
or portion thereof. The term "agriculture" shall be as defined in the City of
Sanford Land Development Regulations.
JACOBY DEVELOPMENT. INC - Request to amend the Seminole Plaza at Seminole
Towne Center Planned Development Master Plan for property located at 251 Oregon
1. The vacant site was rezoned to PD, Planned Development in 1996 and included
various conditions and stipulations as part of the Seminole Plaza at Seminole
Towne Center Master Plan. The proposed use is retail commercial. The project
was determined to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed
master plan is entitled, "Towne Center Plaza at Seminole Towne Center."
2. As stated in a letter dated February 4, 1997, the purpose of the proposed
rezoning is to amend the Seminole Plaza at Seminole Towne Center Master
Plan to incorporate additional land for building and parking areas. Specifically,
the proposed amended plan expands the project's land area from 6.833 to 7.455
acres and from 74,294 to 86,274 square feet. A portion of Tract 8 of the
Seminole Towne Center subdivision has been added to the southerly portion of
the project to provide for the noted expansions.
3. All properties in the Sanford city limits within the immediate vicinity of the site are
Zoned PD, Planned Development including the Seminole Towne Center Planned
Development (mall) and the ACl Income Planned Development (Don Pablo's).
The unincorporated parcel adjacent to the site's northerly boundary is Zoned C-
2, Commercial (Stucky's).
Planning Recommendations - Page 5
4. Regarding the adequacy of public facilities and services, there is no significant
change from the previously approved PD.
5. Existing conditions and stipulations upon the Seminole Plaza project include a
restriction that prohibits through traffic circulation between the old Oregon
Avenue and Seminole Towne Center mall. This condition is to prevent the
development of an unplanned, "back door' ingress /egress to the mall from SR
5. Recommend approval of the request to amend the Towne Center Plaza al
Seminole Towne Center Master Plan based on consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan and adequacy of public facilities and services for the
project. Recommend that the following conditions and stipulations be
incorporated into the rezoning ordinance:
a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the
information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Master Plan
entitled "Towne Center Plaza at Seminole Towne Center January 30,
1997 (revised parking lot)" and supplemental information unless
otherwise directed by the recommendations enumerated below and as
may be amended from time to time as provided by procedures set forth in
the City's Land Development Regulations.
b. Consistent with the Seminole Towne Center (mall) Master Plan, access to
the Towne Center Plaza site from Oregon Avenue shall be strictly limited
to service and delivery activities only. Customer parking and customer
vehicular circulation areas shall be physically and permanently separated
from Oregon Avenue ingress /egress in order to block and otherwise
prohibit through traffic circulation between Oregon Avenue and Seminole
Towne Center, specifically the North Entrance Road to the Mall.
Temporary barriers or other similar devices and /or appurtenances such
as gates shall not be considered acceptable separation.
ALAMO RENT A CAR Request conditional use approval to permit above ground
storage tank for property Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial located at 2101 East Airport
1. Site is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial, includes approximately 1.5 acres and
includes a developed automobile parking lot and building for car rental. The site
is located at the Orlando Sanford Airport.
2. A proposed above ground tank is depicted on the Alamo Maintenance Facility
site plan as "A.G.T."
3. There are various existing above ground fuel storage tanks located at the
Orlando Sanford Airport.
4. Recommend approval of the above ground fuel storage tank based on similar
activities already existing and approved on the airport property.
Planning Recommendations - Page 6
FSV INC OF DELTONA - Request conditional use approval to permit alcoholic
beverage sales for consumption on premises for property Zoned GC -2, General
Commercial located at 2921 Orlando Drive (Sanford Plaza).
Recommendations are not provided for requests involving alcoholic beverages.
Planning Recommendations - Page 7