HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.20.97City of San d Pla n n i n and Zo n i ng Commission l e u� S ch e duled Meetin 7. 00 P.M. Th urs d ay, Fe 20, 1 997 City C ommission Chambers, City Hall, Seaford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for C. Lane Automotive, In c . located at 317 W. 1st Street i n a SC-3, special Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of auto dealer sales. Tax Parcel lo.: - 1 - o A - oo - 000 Property owner /representative: Mary J. George 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Marine Masters, In ., located at 520 Maple Avenue in a GC- General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of boat service. Tax Parcel o.: -1 -o -A -o 10 -0010 Owner/representative: ,Jeff Dill 3 .A Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for The coding Edge, property being a portion of Block 33, Ill. M. Smith's 3rd Subdivision located in a RI-1, Restricted Industrial Zoining District, for the purpose of a reduction ire the requirerents for drive widths: ' required, ' proposed, a reduction of '; and a reduction in the requirements for parking stall dimensions: 1 o'x o' required, 1 o'xl ' proposed. Tax Parcel No.: 28-19-30-506-0000-0330 Property Owner: Sanford Central Park Ltd. Repr esentative. Tom Montgomery, Pertree Constructors, Inc. 3 .13 Consider the Site Plan for The Coding Edge, a 5,400 sq, ft. light im anufactu ring facility on property being a portion of Block 33, Ill. M. Smith's 3rd Subdivision located in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Tax Parcel o. . 28 Property owner: Sanford Central Park Ltd. Rep resentative: Tory Montgomery, Pertree constructors, Inc. 4 . Consider the Revised Site Plan for Inva ere, a proposed 100 sq.ft. a sembly facility located at 699 Aero Lane in a Rl -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. 62te plan for an 80.000 so. ft. y la ding @Mroved by Planning and Zoning C rr missi non December 19, 1990] Property Owner: Michael R. Bulpiio Representative: Christopher Allard, V.P. - Engineer: Merwan Nairne, P.E., H If H, Inc 5 . Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 6 . Reports from Staff. 7 . Minutes. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the a bove meeting or hearing, he may need a ve rbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford PS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel off ice ADA coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in ad of the meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of FEBRUARY 20, 19 9 7 7:40 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESM4T : Helen Stairs Otto Garrett Ross Robert Michael Skat Lynn Stogner MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Dyal- excused Mac McClanahan- excused Jim Valerino Leon Brooks SRS PRESENT: Jay M.arder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator The meeting was called to order at 7:50 P.M. The first item to be heard by the Commission was the consideration of the Revised Site Plan for Invacare, a proposed 100,000 sq.ft. assembly facility located at 699 Aero Lane in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. (Site plan for an 80,000 sq. ft. building approved by Planning and Zoning Commission on December 19, 1996) Property Owner: Michael R. Sulpizio. Representative: Christopher Allard, V.P. - Engineer: Merwan Nalme, P.E., HWH, Inc. Merwan Naime, HWH, Inc., was present and stated that Invacare was considering an 80,000 square foot building with 115 more parking spaces than what is required, originally. This will be an assembly building and would not need that many parking spaces. He stated that the deviation from the original proposal included expansion of the building. The amount of impervious area will stay the same because they are shrinking the parking lot. The width of the building will stag the same, but the length will be 80' longer because of two bags that are being added, 40' each. Mr. Naime stated that as of now they are proposing 226 parking spaces. Mr. Skat moved for approval based on Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Stagner. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for C. Lane Automotive, Inc., located at 317 W. lst Street in a SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of auto dealer sales. Tax Parcel No.: 25- 19- 30 - 0306 -0050. Property Owner/ representative: Mary J. George. Mary George, P.O. Box 1684, Sanford was present. Mr. Gibson stated that she would need landscaping along the street fronts, around any and all traffic circulation areas, handicap parking - to City standards, and general improvements to bring the site up to current codes. He stated that the site has been vacant for approximately 1 year and lost its non - conforming status. Curtis Lane, C Lane Automotive, tenant, stated that the property on the corner of Elm and the property in front belongs to the city and the remaining property is black topped. Mr. Gibson stated that site improvements are required to be on the property and there are certain types of features. In certain cases, the applicant can request permission from the City commission such MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 1997 PAGE 2 use as right -of -way. Generally, the city would be looking at on site improvements where possible. Mr. Gibson stated that there could be a 5' landscape strip on 1st Street and where possible along Elm Avenue. Mr. Lane stated that he would rather beautify the City's land than take 5' on 1st and 5' on Elm which in turn would make the car lot smaller. Mr. Stogner moved on approval based on Staff's re, commendations. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Mr. Skat stated that this is not the proper use for the property. Mr. Skat opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item heard was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Marine Masters, Inc., located at 520 Maple Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of boat service. Tax Parcel No.: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- 0710 -0010; Owner /representative: Jeff Di11, Shane Stewart, Lake Mary, and Jeff Dill, owner, 520 Maple Avenue, were present. Mr. Dill stated that Marine Masters have been doing mobile repairs and would like to rent space at this location for repair work. He stated that they have plans to finish construction of this building on the south side of the property. Staff has requested that this consideration be tabled until a site plan is prepared. This will create a hardship because. the boat show is next week and they have a four month window to make money for the year. Mr. Stogner noted that there are a lot of issues to take into consideration, not just the site plan. Mr. Dill stated, that he had reviewed each item earlier today with Staff. The landscaping is complete, parking has been taken care of,, 17 spaces on the west side of Maple and 11 parking spaces on the east side of Maple. and that his staf f has. been moved to the southside of the main building. Mr. Marder stated that he is starting to understand the. separation of the building. The Commission could approve the - Conditional Use with the way things are right now, but the applicant would still need to come back in because they need a variance and some other things. In opposition to the request was Kathy Mundy, 417 Holly Avenue. She stated that the neighbors have signed a petition opposing this business. concerns included ugliness, and noise at all hours of the night. She stated that this business looks like a dump. Mr. Dill stated that the semi - trailer doesn't belong to them, there is new equipment in it and as soon as they can, it will be removed. He is in the process of negotiating a new facility to store the rest of the equipment inside. Mr. Dill stated that their hours of operation are from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Sometimes they may get behind and someone will work until 6:00 pm. One man, on occasion, will Mork on Saturdays. Mr. Stewart stated that as. Marine Masters, doing service, they do not work on the weekends. They are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. and open on Saturdays for half a day. Mr. Skat moved for approval with a sunset condition for 12 months. Seconded by Mr. Robert.. Mr. Stogner stated that the commission should table this item until some of the issues with the neighbors are resolved. Mr. Stogner and Mr. Garrett in opposition.. All others in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 1997 PAGE 3 a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance far The Coding Next was ro arty being a portion of Block �3�,, on located in a RI -1, restricted 33 � M. M. Smith's 3rd Subdivision 'al Zoning District, for the purpose of a reduction in the Industry. � - 24' required 22proposed, a prop requirements for drive widths. reduction of 2 and a reduction in the requirements for parking l stall dimensions: 14 required, 10 proposed. Tax pat No.: 28 -19 -30 -506- 0000 -0330. Property Owner. Sanford Cen rol rs t Park Ltd. Representative: Tarn Montgomery, Pertree Constructors? Inc. Torn Montg 107 Winter Springs Blvd., Winter Springs, stated Y. � that this is a very heavily wooded s it e . They have tried to conform the building, as well as any expan ion and the parking lot around trees. As far as the drive width is concerned, they had proposed a 24 drive but just as one would get to the last island in front of the last parking area, it has been reduced to because of a 48" oak. Mr. g Stv ner moved for approval based on Staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item heard by the Commission was the consideration of the Site Plan for The Coding Edge, a 5,400 sq. ft. l ight manufacturing facility on arty being a portion of Block 3 3 , M . , M . Smith's 3rd. property p Subdivision located in a RI -1 Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Tax Parcel No.: 28- 19- 30- .506 -0000 - 0330. Propert Owner: Sanford Central Park Ltd. Representative: Tom Montgomery, Pertree Constructors, Inc. Tom Mont same. representative as previous item, stated that it would be light delivery such as with a panel truck. Mr. Robert moved in favor of the site plan. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder requested that the next meeting start a half hour early so that he may show the commission a presentation that was prepared by the Department of Engineering and Planning for the City commission. Mr Robert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat requested that Code Enforcement check a house in the 200 block of Virginia because of aver -grown grass and weeds. it is abandoned with transients living in it. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P . M. Helen Stairs, Chairperson ii F Director Planning Development TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of February 20, 1997 MARY GEORGE - LANE AUTOMOTIVE - Request conditional use approval to permit automobile dealer sales for property Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial located at 317 West First Street. Site is Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial and includes a small existing building with parking. 2. Various elements of the existing site appear to be nonconforming including but not limited to the lack of landscape around paved areas. Use of the site for automobile sales was discontinued for a period of approximately one year. Therefore, the site lost its status as a lawfully existing nonconforming use which requires that a conditional use permit be obtained for use and/or expansion of a use or structure. 3. Recommend approval of a conditional use to permit automobile sales subject to and contingent upon staff approval of a site plan that, to the extent feasible, will include landscape and related site improvements. Such improvements must be approved and in place prior to the issuance of an occupational license for automobile sales. MARINE MASTERS INC. - Request conditional use approval to permit boat repair and service for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 520 Maple Avenue. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is substantially developed with metal building(s) that appear to significantly cover the property in excess of the City's maximum coverage requirements which are 35% in a GC -2 Zone. There appear to be several uses taking place on the property. 2. Boat storage, repair and display activities are presently located on the south portion of the property in a partially covered outdoor area adjacent to Sixth Street. 3. There appear to be several nonconformities including but not limited to building setbacks, chain link fence within front yard building setbacks, lack of landscape and generally nonconforming stormwater and related engineering criteria. Also, parking appears to be dependent upon on- street spaces which would require a right -of -way use permit approved by the City Commission. 4. Recommend that the requested conditional use to establish boat service and repair be tabled until site plan and engineering criteria are submitted and approved including the resolution of building setback, coverage, landscape, fencing, stormwater, parking and other criteria and nonconforming situations. Further, should the Planning and Zoning Commission subsequently approve the conditional use in question, an occupational license shall not be issued unless and until all improvements per an approved development plan are in place and complete. PERTREE CONSTRUCTORS INC. - THE CODING EDGE - Request dimensional variance for parking drive lane width for property Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial located on Central Park Drive. Site is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial, includes approximately 1.75 acres and is vacant at the present time. The drainage ditch known as Smith Canal is located on the north side of the property. The property fronts Central Park Drive. 2. The applicant proposes to construct a 22 foot drive width between parking spaces which would require a variance of two feet from the standard 24 foot wide drive. The applicant has requested this variance in order to save existing natural vegetation, in particular numerous trees that exist upon the property. 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission granted a dimension variance involving building setbacks for property located in the general vicinity of the site in question, more particularly in the northwest quadrant of Central Park Drive and Coastline Road. The justification for that dimensional variance was to save existing trees. 4. Recommend approval of the request to construct a 22 foot wide drive in order to save existing trees based on similar variances granted for similar purposes in the general vicinity of the site in question.