HomeMy WebLinkAbout419 Park Ave 12-184207/03/2012 14:56 4078504110 PROTECHSTAFFING #2984 P.002 /004 CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING&FIRE PREVENTION PERMIT APPLICATION OOApplicationNo:10."!Documented Construction Value:$,/^60 - Job Address:Hll SOO'^^Distoiic District:YesS*Nq • Zoning:Parcel ID: 'p^0O3D^^A//a/^/e^SfvO/S/t ifDescriptionofWork: Plan Review Contact Person: Phone: Name f'4>J^T L Street: City,State Zip: Name nHfCn Street: City,State Zip:, Name: Street: City,St,Zip: Bonding Company: Address: Title: E-mail: Property Owner Information Phone: Resident ofproperty?: Contractor Information Phone;^07 '851'78^9 Fai:7 " ^8CF(State License No.:0C. Architect/Engineer Information Phone: Fax: E-mail: MortageLender: Address: PERMIT INFORMATION Construction Type:No.ofStories: Flood Zone: Building Permit • Square Footage: No,ofDwelling Units: Electrical New Service—No.ofAMPS:Ai/A Plumbing • New Constnictioo -No.ofFixfnres; Fire Sprmkler/Alarm •No.ofbeads:Mechanical O (Duct layout required for new systems) 07/03/2012 14:57 4078504110 PROTECHSTAPPING #2984 P.003 /004 Application is hereby made to obtain apetmit to do the work and iiwtallations as mdi^ted Iccrt^that nworicOfinstallationhascommencedpriortotheissnanceofapermitandthatallworkwillbeperformedto meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction.I understand that a separate pennri must be secured for electrical work,plumbing,signs,wells,pools,fnmaces,boflers,heaters,tanks,and airconditioners,etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT:I certify that ah of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work wiD be done In compliance with aU apph'cahle laws regulatiiig construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER:YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD ANOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OFCOMMENCEMENT. NOTICE:In addition to the requirements ofthis permit,there may be additional restrictions applit^le to this property that may be found in the public records ofthis county,and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts,state agencies,or federal agencies. Acc^tance ofpermit is verification I will notify the owner ofthe property ofthe requirements ofFlorida Lien Law,FS 713. The City ofSanford requires payment ofa plan review fee.Acopy ofthe executed contract is required in order to calculate a plan review charge.If the scouted contract isnotsubmitted,we reserve the right to calculate the plan review fee based on past permit activity levels.Should calculated charges exceed the documented constructionvaluewhentheexecutedcontractissubmitted,creditwillbe ^plied toyour permit feeswhenthe permit is released. SignsturcofOwser/Agcot Dale PliDtOwDci/Agent'sName ^Notaiy-StateofFlorida Date Owner/Agentis PersonallyKnowntoMeor ProducedID Type ofID APPROVALS:ZONING: SignsnroofIwnincni'/Ageni PK'A;pl!>. FlintCoBiisMnn/Agatt'sNaote —i 7-5-POD Notary PuWicSlate ofFtorkia tOttyMBarton S MyConim»sionOD921206 Contractor/Agentis PeKotialty Knnwn toMeor Produced ID Tvne ofID UTILmES;WASTE WATER: BUILDING:ENGINEERING:FIRE: COMMENTS: Rev 11.08 07/03/2012 14:57 4078504110 PROTECHSTAFFING #2964 P.004 /004 PROPOSAL 7224 Chancery Lane SS cctiuatem i-jthaOrlando,FL 32809 ESTIMATE#12705 Ph (407)857-7879 Fax (407)857-8668 HlV Ucense#EC13001682 DATE:6/25/2012 TO:Ambrose Air 448 W Landstreet Orlando,FL 32824 ATTN:Pat FROM:Troy J.Mckelvey RE:Sanford Church Total base bid as qualified below:$1,460.00 Electrical wiring per Proposal The above quote Is bas^upon thefollowing information: >Obtained via phone conversation with Pat. The following items are included as outlined: >Furnishandinstallanew 40amp Sphase 208voitcircuitwith non-fused disconnect tosupply new a/c handler approx.60-80ft.away from panel. >Cut back existing condensor conduit and wiringto correct size/length.Add non-metallic carftex and fittingsto connect toonewunitwithviaexistingcircuitry,wiring and breaker. >Permitting included. Please note the following: >Above quote is based uponallwork preformed duringnormal business hours. >No repairs to any existing equipment or code violationincluded. Please callwithany questions youmayhave, Thank You, Troy McKeivey Approved By; 07/03/2012 14:56 4078504110 JknaEumw OF CENTRAL FLORIDA,INC Voice:407-857-7879 Fax:407-857-8668 FAX TO:CITY OF SANFORD CO:PERMITTING FAX:407-688-5152 PHONE: AMESSAGE: PROTECHSTAPPING #2984 P.001 /004 COWTRMTING/SERVICE b:-13001682 7224CHANCERY lANE ORLANDO,aORIDA 32809 FROM:TROYJ.MCKELVEY DATE:JULY 3RD,2012 RE;419S.PARKAVE. PAGES;4(INCLUDING COVER) 06/i4/:2ei2 05;06 407857SSO3 ^i-^ECEIVED JUN 20 2012 AMBROS?:AIR PAr^E 01/03 CITY OP SANTOHO BUILOINO &FIRE PREVENTION PERMIT APPtlCATION Applicattoa Nhi I "I?V-Documrated CMutruction Value:t ///)0 3obAMmtt^/9S.-Hfaitork Plstrkt:y«•No• Parcel ID:-^O- Descriptfoa ofWork: Plan Roviim Coatact Person:.. Photkc:Fa*; Title; E-mail: Property Owner inrormation ftS-l-fTl^rl^!W"C ki/tfk Oe'.Ui Phone: Street:f^k,Seiidenf of prot>erty?: City,Star*Zip: Contractor InformaUon Name A\o."T-a<l- Streef.HMl'g,1>J).I City,State Zip: Phoae: F.»: StateUcease No.; Name: Street: ^3 IfV Cily,Ste Zip; Botutiog Company:K)[ Addrets: Bnitding Permit D Sqnare Footage;______ No.ofDweillag Units: Electrical D NewSerrke-No.ofAMPS: Archltnct/Englneer Information Pbone; Fo: E-mail: Mortgage tender: Address: PERMIT INFORMATION ConstnietioD .. ,Flood Zone:___ PiumbiHg • New CoMstractlon -No.ofPixtures; .No.ofStories; Meehtnicl B,duo,uyou,:^ui«d fcr o«v nre Sprinkler/Atamt QNo.ofhetdei 10 39tfd Aiisa3AiNn Adyya S99S902T2E 82:90 2X0S/6T/90 Application is hereby made to obtain apermit to do the work and installations as indicated.I cenify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet s^ndards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction.I undei-stand that a separate permit eK P»«mbmg,signs,wells,pools,furnaces,boilers,heaters,tanks,and OWNER'S AFFIDAVIX;I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate aod that all work willbedonelocompliancewithallapplicablelawsregulatingconstructionandzoning. ™OWNER:YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD ANOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY ^PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMF.NTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.ANOTirFmustberecordedandPOSTEDONTHEJOBSITEBEFORETHFFI^T INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN^CING WITH vnupLENDERORANATTORNEYBEFORERECORDINGYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT ulnTlTpS^™''of the requirement,offloride t?:afcui:e^'£^?eZ':h?r^:Tfr ^copy of the executed conrract is required in order i^XwiwiMgeni Prim Ov.iier-'Agcnt's Name Rev 11.08 ZQ 309d StateofFi^riSa C'Sir\T£of!Pi5)«Il5A4.,^I.IV, 'g\vv.Williams1iCefnmtiSMnj 'yiKjirK:AIAR.3«,301| flBH 4lW#lfl6Mwiitf<6Cei,P" Owner/Agem is J^il^ersonally Known to Me orProducedIDTypeofID APPROVALS;ZONING;UTILITIES' ENGINEERING:________FIRH: COMMENTS:.. AiisaaAim Ayyva Siftrtature orConiraoor/Agent ^"i-titicr /LnloiraSff PrintConwww/ABew^Name A %a SfeHAEFFER COMMISSION #OD970164 expires April 3Q..2014ii22)39Wl53 FtondaNotaryga^cc W/^ Jelull^ O&te ContractobAgent is PersonaJijTKnown to Me orProducedIDTypeofID WASTE WATER: BUILDING: Z3S9SQZIZZ 82=90 2T02/6T/90 Ajtnbcose Air,Inc. 445 W.I^dstreet Rd. Orlando,FL 32524 ^ 407-857-0889 Phone 407-857-5503 Fax NAME/address FtmK/nitcdMethodistChurchofStofor 419 S Park Avenue Saafani,Florid*327 71 wruerojsc rtiK DESCRIPTION CHAKOE OUT 7 1/2 SPLIT SYSTEM CXJND AND GAS FURNACE THAT CONDITIONS AFROX 1400SQFT SERVIhO5CL\S9KOOMS ONTHE2NDFLOOR TO INCLUDE NEW CARRIER SYSTEM NEW BEFRJOERANTLINBSET NEW AUX PAN and FLOAT SWITCH NEW HANGERS FOR Am RESDAE EXISTINGDUCTWORK FORK LIFT PERMIT LABOR OM I 1NSTA14.NEW 71/2 TONCARRIER STBAIOHTCOOLSVSTOM WrW EIXCTRIC HEAT. $n$3s.oo DUETOTHE SIZEOFTHENEWA41WEWILLHAVETO REIOCATEITTOTHEROOR.LINE VOUrAGEBY OTHERS Estimate DATE ESTIMATE NO.I 3/I8/20U mi PROJECT TOTAL l).S38nQ Signature TOTAL S1U3K00 AiiSdBAiNn Ayyva 299990ZXSe 00:FT 3T0S/6I/90 THtS Name: Address: mUiL State ofFlorida MENTPREPARE ISemjnole CouiwI /lOWDA*NATtmAl CHOK^ l-lARYflNNE WORSE,CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SHMINQLE COUNTY 0K 07795 Pg 0525?(Ipg) CLERK'S #£01E'07£f355 RECORDED e6/20/S01£01:4£i47 PM RECORDINQ FEES 10.00 HECORDED BYJ Eckenroth(aU) PermitNumber, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Parcel ID Number (PID)-j Tn«umier»i(Kied hereby giuee nothna thet Improvement vriH be made lo certainreal proper^,end in accordanoewHti Chapter7i3, Fiorkln Statutes,Oie feUewinp infennation i«provided in thisNotice of Commtnoetnant. DESCRIPTI^OF PROPERTY (L^al dascrlplion olths property and streetaddress ifavailable) GLkf/^71?%iiSWiJ 0^<i GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT \pi\tV/g_ OWNER INFORMATION //>/^/>/ Name and address:f7\p.4Ju>d!^\o'^'hot>J V/9S, CONTRACTOR N^eandaddress: •'H ^33^,3 PereonswKhIn theStateofFlorid*Designated tryOwner uponwhom noticeoroDter dcMuments maytwservedm orovided tjySec«on7i3.i3(iKb).FloridaStalutea. Name andaddress:. Inadditionto hiinseif,OwnerOesignstes Section 7l3.13(1](t)),Florida atstutee. Explretfon Oeteof Noticeof Commencement;The eaplmtlan daU is 1year from date of reoofdlng utileeeadtderent dete Is epsclfiwi. payments made by the owner after the EXPIRATION OFTHE NOTICE OF ?.BTAXM A improper payments underchapter 7.13,PART I.SECTION 713,13.NQTS^O?^rfSpMreu^i?T i2nt*^paying TWICE FOR IMPROVMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.ARECORDEDANDPOSTEDONTHEJOBSITEBEFORETHEFIRSTINTENDTOOBTAINFINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEYBEFORECOMMENCINGWORKORRECORDINGYOURNOTICEOFCOIlMENCEMENT. COUNTYOF SEMINOLE OWNERS PRIMTEO NAME ^ STATE OF FLORIDA IGNATORE Toreceives copyoftheUenora Noticee«Providedir "(NOTE:Per FlorUa Statute 713.13(1)(g),ewmr muetelgn-...and nooneelse may be paimt^tosign In Ms or her stead." the foregoing Inatniment was acknowiadsmf bsfore rm this of .20 /' .WhoI.p.r.o«llv Shown lo o»^ ORwho has produced identtflcaSon .typo of identtflcRtlon produced VERIFICATION PURSUANT TOSECTION 92.S25,FLORIDA STATUTES. SIGNATURE OF NATURAL PERSONSIGNING ABOVE CERTIFIED COPY MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY.FLORIDA NMerysiena 4tOTfRV n.TirC-ST/JE OF n.ORIDA I'ffc®2CuRiniir.sir>n )iiD£)a7;'JC9 f^xpirw:MAR,28,2013BBh-pSifi THSU ATUiniC «MDlNaC««i>C 9Y Qj o OFPHTY C JUN 20 2012 £0 39yd Aiisd3AiNn Addya ZS3932ZTZ£.82:90 2T02/6T/90 LOAD CALCULATION FORM FOR COMMERCIAL AIR CONDITIONING FOR USEWITHLOAD CALCULATION DIGEST PUB.NO.24-1014-1 JOB NAME / JOB NO BY AREA/ZONE . nATE .g?r/2r//^ 1. SUMMER DESIGN Outdoor CONDITIONS Indoor Difference TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE COOLING LOAD CALCULATION DRYBULB°F WETBULB °F ...I.e... HUMIDITYRATIO ...Gr/lb. ....Gr/lb. Gr/lb. LATITUDE .. DAILY RANGE PEAK TIME .. AZ.... 4/^m CORRECTION FORCOOLINGLOAD TEMPERATUREDIFFERENCE (CLTD) 'DAILYRANGE +14 W/CLTD \i 2.^\_(£CLTD \'^Correction/\~^/V 2 '*—Correction' COOLING CALCULATION PEAK TIME SELECTION {Select hourwith greatest load) AM/PM ROOF INTERNAL LOADS IF VARIABLE SOLAR HEAT GAIN GLASS TRANSMISSION GAIN GLASS SOUR SHADE FACTORCOEF. PEOPLE LIGHTS/equip. TOTAL EXPOSURE aJ EXPOSURE 4.TABLE/GROUP TRANSMISSION GAIN TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Wails IRoof Door I Floor Celling Partitions ..:A. T TOTAL m:: AM/PM y AM/@) AREA ,SOUR FACTOR SHADE COEF.TOTAL 9C ^/lo SOUR SHADE FACTORCOEF.TOTAL PEOPLE lights/equip. TOTAL SOLARFACTOR U-COEFFfCIENT U-COEFFICIENT SHADING C^F^CIENT 'fr•• CLTD ./C>^ PEOPLE LIGHTS/equip. TOTAL /77/Y SENSIBLEGAIN .ASS... .9^.4T X TOTAL i=>\010 SEN.S1BLE GAIN TOTAL THE ANSWER FOR THIS CALCULATION IS TRANSFERRED TO BACK OF FORM.