December 13, 1995
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M.,
Thursday, December 21, 1995, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for the First Street Office Center, a Planned
Development Project Plan, rezoning subject property from SC -3, Special Commercial, to that of
PD, Planned Development, for property bounded by Sanford Avenue, Palmetto Avenue,
Commercial Street and First Street.
Owner: Dr. J. W. Hickman, Mr. George A. Brown and Mr. Harry E. Robson
Representative: Bruce Andersen
2.A Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 411
W. 14th Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of an un- manned
modular equipment building and a 180' monopole tower (Public Service Structure).
Owner: William H. Scovell
Representative: Bill Wilson
2.B Consider the Site Plan for an un- manned modular equipment building and a 180' monopole
tower for property located at 411 W. 14th Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
Owner: William H. Scovell
Representative: Bill Wilson
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at
200 S. French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of
minimum automobile off - street parking space requirements: 17 spaces required; 10 spaces
proposed; a variance of 7 parking spaces.
Owner: Zimmer -Krech Assoc. Inc.
Representative: Dr. Gerald G. Pierre
4. Consider the Site Plan for ACI Income Fund PD, a commercial development with three
restaurants and one service station /convenience store located at 4593 West 1 st Street in a PD,
Planned Development Zoning District. (Tabled 12/7/95)
Owner: ACI Income Fund, Ltd.
Representative: James G. Willard
5. Consider the Site Plan for a wholesale storage use for Lot 2 (Replat of Lot 11), Northstar
Business Park located at 603 Central Park Drive in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District.
Owner: Canterbury Concepts, Inc.
Representative: H.D. Holsombach
6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
7. Reports from Staff.
8. Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not
provided by the City of Sanford (FS 288,0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA
Coordinator at 330.5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Lynn Stogner
Ross Robert
Jim Valerino
Michael Skat
Leon Brooks
Mac McClanahan
Mark Platts
Helen Stairs
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mr. Valerino.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Planned Development Rezone from SC -3,
Special Commercial, to that of PD, Planned Development, for
property with the boundaries of Sanford Avenue, Palmetto Avenue,
Commercial Street and First Street. Owner: Dr. J. W. Hickman, Mr.
George A. Brown and Mr. Harry E. Robson; representative: Bruce
Bruce Andersen, 3685 Midiron Drive, Winter Park, was present for
representation. He stated that he concurs with Staff's
recommendations and those recommendations have been incorporated
into the plans review. He stated that this is the third project
being proposed in conjunction with the downtown Courthouse. This
will be another office opportunity to compliment the Courthouse.
The site plan is a continuation that holds the architectural
character of First Street. It will be a rectangular building with
the facade being similar to others in the downtown area.
Mr. Andersen stated that this project ties into a downtown parking
arrangement with an off -site parking garage and off -site parking
which is yet to be determined. In the alley, there are power lines
which will be relocated and a stormwater line which one of three
things will happen: leave it where it is, encase part of it in
concrete underneath the building, or re -route it. Mr. Andersen
stated that they are requesting site plan approval regarding
stormwater retention on -site. In the event that the site is not as
impervious as they think it is, then they would have to revise the
on -site stormwater requirements. He and the owners feel that this
is a very hard site and that there will not be a lot of stormwater
percolating on -site based on current conditions. A soils test has
not been done. He stated that one way of retaining water on -site
is by a pervious parking lot that would also be cost effective.
Mr. Andersen stated that one of the advantages of the rezoning is
that it unifies three property owners. Another advantage is off -
site parking. The required amount of parking will be provided on-
site or adjacent to the property.
Mr. McClanahan requested that the City acquire a signed document by
all three owners to protect the City if this Commission approves
this request.
Mr. McClanahan moved to table. Seconded by Mr. Stogner. Mr.
Platts requested that the request be taken to the organizations
working on revising the downtown area. Mr. Andersen stated that
this has been done. This resulted from a master plan. All in
favor of the motion. Motion carried.
21, 1995
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located
immediately west of 419 W. 14th Street in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of an un- manned modular
equipment building and a 180' monopole tower. Owner: William H.
Scovell; representative: Bill Wilson, AT &T.
Bill Wilson, 20 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, stated that he was
representing AT &T Wireless Services. Pete Mellich, 1177 Louisiana
Avenue, Winter Park, stated that he had prepared the plans. He
stated that they are requesting a 185' tower and agrees with
Staff's recommendations.
Mr. Mellich stated that in the process of site selection, it is
very important to maintain a particular grid pattern for
communication. There was a certain limited area that they had to
chose from with the current grid patterns that are out there. He
stated that a site which would have the least impact on the
community had to be found. This site was chosen because of the
location and the surrounding uses.
Mr. Mellich stated that FAA has reviewed their submittal and has
given preliminary approval. There is a certain appeal period
process that FAA has to go through and that period is up the middle
of next week. He stated that they don't expect any problems and
expect to have the approval. The monopole tower is a steel.
structure that is pentagonal with a 6' diameter base that is
galvanized steel. He stated that they will take advantage of the
existing vegetation as a buffer between the site and the street.
The chain link fence will be set back as far as it can be. They do
not contemplate any work between the right -of -way and the chain
link fence from the center of the property west. He stated that
they are planning to plant a row of hedges along the front of the
fence to help with buffering. The retention pond will be 3 deep.
Mr. Mellich stated that tower heights depends on the topography of
the land. They have towers in excess of 200' as well as less than
Mr. Mellich stated that sites are basically picked on how the
communication towers communicate. When a certain area is reached,
communication is handed off from one tower to another. The whole
system feeds off this. If a tower is placed too far out of the
way, there is a dead area.
Kirk Genny, the engineer, stated that cellular towers need to be
placed in areas to maximize coverage. Placing towers in the right
area keeps the power low and avoids having more sites than are
needed. Around this area, this is the best site for this
particular grid.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition
to the request.
Mr. McClanahan moved for approval of the 185' pole subject to all
conditions and contingencies set forth.. Seconded by Mr. Brooks..
Mr. Platts stated that he thinks it is a mistake to approve
something like this so close to residential. Mr. Stogner suggested
that may be Staff could set some standards for this type of
request. Mr. McClanahan stated that this is a passive use. There
are a lot of uses that would be more detrimental to the
neighborhood than this use. He stated that this is an improvement,
an upgrade and he could not understand any problems with it. Mr.
Putts opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for an un- manned modular equipment building and a 180' monopole
tower for property located at 411 W. 14th Street in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning district. Owner: William H. Scovell;
representative: Bill Wilson.
Bill Wilson and Pete Mellich were present for representation. Mr.
Platts noted that he has the same objections as he had for the
public hearing. Mr. McClanahan moved for approval. Seconded by
Mr. Brooks. Mr. Platts opposed. All others in favor. Motion
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located
at 240 S. French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
District, for the purpose of minimum automobile off - street parking
space requirements: 17 spaces required; 10 spaces proposed; a
variance of 7 parking spaces. Owner: Zimmer -Krech Assoc., Inc.;
representative: Dr. Gerald G. Pierre.
Lee Albright, 2565 Park Drive, was present for representation. She
stated that Dr. Pierre wants to establish a physician's office at
this location. She stated that plans are to improve the building
by facing it with bricks.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition
to this request.
Mr. Skat moved to approve based on Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Stogner. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for ACI Income Fund PD, a commercial development with three
restaurants and one service station /convenience store located at
4593 West 1st Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
(Tabled 12/7/95). Owner: ACI Income Fund, Ltd.; representative:
James G. Willard.
Unanimously approved to remove from the table. James Willard with
Shutts and Bowen Law Firm, stated that they are aware of Staff's
recommendations, agree with them, and will comply with them.
Mr. Willard stated that there are existing County water and sewer
lines running underground through this property from south to
north. In dedicated recorded easements that were created as part
of the old Lake Monroe Utility Easement Service Area, when Lake
Monroe Utilities were bought by the County they became County
easement areas, and as part of the Mall construction there was a
backup sewer line installed and there is an existing water line
there also. They are not active now but they are a backup to the
County's system. They are in County easements, the County
generally maintains them and will stay in the ground. They will
not go under any structures, but. will remain in the parking areas.
Mr. Gibson stated that the concern of the City's Utility Department
was that area being annexed into the City, that perhaps. the City
would be approached initially for any maintenance of those lines.
The City wanted further documentation of the applicant to
substantiate the status of those easements. This is being
coordinated by the applicant and City Staff.
Mr. McClanahan moved for approval of the site plan based on Staff's
recommendations with the stipulation of final engineering approval
by Staff includes a complete review of all traffic circulation and
landscaping issues on -site. Seconded by Mr. Skat. Mr. Platts
opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for a wholesale storage use for Lot 2 ( Replat of Lot 11) , Northstar
Business Park located at 603 Central Park Drive in a RI -1,
Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Canterbury
Concepts, Inc.; representative: H.D. Holsombach.
Harry Reynolds was present for representation.
Mr. Robert moved for approval based on Staff's recommendation to
approve subject to final engineering approvals. Seconded by Mr.
Stogner. All in favor. Motion carried.
21, 1995
Mr. Marder stated that the City Commission has asked each of the
Commissions and Boards to discuss potential problems of non -
attendant members. The Planning and Zoning Commission has no
provision, specifically, for removal of members based on non-
attendance. The Waterfront Committee and the Systems Development
Fee Committee have the provision that "removal may be recommended
at anytime by affirmative vote of the committee or commission or by
the City Commission, provided notice of intention to remove is
included as an agenda item, that any member who misses more than
three consecutive meetings shall be dropped from the committee.
Mr. McClanahan stated that the City Commission appoints and the
City Commission should remove. He stated that the Planning and
Zoning Commission.is not self governing and doesn't have anything
to do with appointing members and shouldn.'t have anything to do
with removing members.
Mr. Marder stated that he thinks the City Commission is trying to
establish a uniform policy because there are a number of different
Mr. Valerino suggested that the Commission not have a meeting just
before Christmas of 1996. Mr. Marder stated that what the City
Commission did is that. they held a meeting a week early. Also, the
July 4th meeting has been rescheduled for a week early.
Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by
Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:29 P.M.
i s Valerino, Vice Chairman