November 9, 1995 Q Q
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, 7 :00 P.M., Thursday, November 16, 1995, in
the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property
located as the northwest corner of E. Lake Mary Blvd. and Ohio
Avenue and the northeast corner of E. Lake Mary Blvd. and
Mellonville Avenue from SR -lA, Single Family Dwelling
Residential, to that of PD, Planned Development.
Owner: Jane C. Chase
Representative: Ken Steeves
(Applicant requests consideration on January 1.8, 1996; Staff
recommends no action at this time.; Staff to readvert.ise for
January 18, 1996; see attached memorandum and letter).
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property
located as the southside of S.R. 46 between Oregon Avenue and
Towne Center Blvd., north of North Towne Blvd., from PD and
GC -2, Planned Development and General Commercial, to that of
PD, Planned Development.
Owners: ACI Income Fund, Seminole Towne Center Ltd., Sanford
Venture Ltd., Mobil Oil Corp..
Representative: James G. Willard, Agent
(while the Commission tabled this item on 10/19/95, it was
readvertised and should be republished).
2.A Consider the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for ACI Income Fund
PD, located at 4593 W. 1st Street (SW corner Towne Center
Blvd. & SR 46) in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
Owner: ACI Income Fund, Ltd.
Representative: James G. Willard
(Tabled 10/19/95)
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional
Use for property located at 940 State Street ( former theater) ,
in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose
of the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises.
Owner: Stan Smith
Representative: Thomas F. Freda
4. Consider the Site Plan for Delta Fire Sprinklers, Lot 15,
Sanford Central Park located at 111 Tech Drive in a RI -1,
Restricted Industrial Zoning District.
Owner: Sanford Central. Park, Ltd.
Representative: Richard Ahrens - Ahrens Companies
5. Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Redevelopment Plan
- Local Planning Agency review and comment required prior to
City Commission meeting on November 27, 1995. Plan and staff
recommendation previously transmitted.
6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
7. Reports from Staff.
8. Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect
to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim
record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not
provided by the City of Sanford (FS286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these
proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 4.8 hre
in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Lynn Stogner
Ben Dyal
Helen Stairs
Ross Robert
A.A. McClanahan
Michael Skat
Jim Valerino
Leon Brooks
Mark Platts
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Stairs called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request to Rezone property located as the northwest
corner of E. Lake Mary Blvd. and Ohio Avenue and the northeast
corner of E. Lake Mary Blvd. and Mellonville Avenue from SR -lA,
Single Family Dwelling Residential, to that of PD, Planned
Development. Owner: Jane C. Chase; Representative: Ken Steeves;
(Applicant requests consideration on January 18, 1996; Staff
recommends no action at this time; Staff to readvertise for January
18, 1996; see attached memorandum and letter).
Mrs. Stairs informed the Board that this item has been set over
until January. Mr. Marder stated that this item will be completely
readvertised so it will be addressed as a fresh zoning and
comprehensive plan amendment. Mrs. Stairs noted that the
Commission Members have received a lot of letters and invitations
to look at the site. She reiterated that the Members have to
operate within the Sunshine Law. If a Commissioner met someone on-
site and talked, then this needs to be disclosed.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request to Rezone property located as the southside of
S.R. 46 between Oregon Avenue and Towne. Center Blvd., north of
North Towne Blvd., from PD and GC -2, Planned Development and
General Commercial, to that of PD, Planned Development. Owners:
ACI Income Fund, Seminole Towne Center Ltd., Sanford Venture Ltd.,
Mobil Oil Corp. Representative: James G. Willard, Agent. (While
the Commission tabled this item on 10/19/95, it was readvertised
and should be republished).
Jim Willard, attorney at Shutts and Bowen, Orlando, was present
representing the developer. He stated that what is before the
Commission is the Master Plan for the rezoning of the property as
well as the subdivision plan. Also, enclosed with the submittals
was the Preliminary Site Plan that shows more detail. There were
several changes to the version that was presented last month for
the worksession discussion. The most significant change was the
elimination of the proposed right -in, right -out access point on SR
46 north of Towne Center Blvd. Because of continued concern from
this Board, City Staff, DOT and Seminole County, they were able to
work out eliminating this access point with Mobil Oil. The only
access point from SR is the existing Oregon Avenue opening. It
will serve as a driveway into the Mobil Station. There will be an
extension of an internal frontage road on the property to serve
cars. Oregon Avenue, in its existing location, has very limited
usage and will serve as a driveway to Stuckeys. There are two curb
cuts off of Oregon Avenue to serve the other parcels.
Mr. Willard stated that the Master Plan goes with the PD Rezoning
and has been revised as far as the major access points. There were
two other minor changes to the notes on Page 1 of the Master Plan.
The revision reflects the elimination of notations that dealt with
the elimination of setback and landscape requirements with respect
to internal lot lines. The landscaping that would have been on the
internal lots lines will be reallocated to the buffer areas. There
were notes regarding open space, a minimum 10% per parcel, 20%
total, which have been eliminated. The open space is not
necessary. The Plan, as submitted, will comply with the Land
Development Codes for open space requirements. The final note that
was eliminated dealt with the City's ability to re- evaluate the
right -in and right -out, which is no longer necessary. He stated
that they are supportive of Staff's recommendations.
Mr. Valerino questioned the possibility of Oregon Avenue being
blocked off. Mr. Willard stated that that statement had been made
by DOT as a long term possibility resulting from potential .
reconfiguration of the I -4/46 interchange. He stated that DOT
contacted him with the knowledge that they were having a hard time
supporting the right -in, right -out. They discussed the possibility
of trading rights -of -way and abandoning portions of Oregon Avenue,
and mutually agreed that this was much too complex and difficult to
do in a short period of time. It was determined to be in the best
interest to leave Oregon Avenue exactly as it. is. DOT has no plans
on getting rid of Oregon Avenue anytime soon.
Mr. Dyal asked if Towne Center has only the one right -in and right -
out. Mr. Willard stated "yes". Mr. Dyal asked how would Lot 4 be
accessed. Mr. Willard stated that it can be accessed internally as
well as direct access off of North Towne Drive.
Mr. Platts disclosed that he had talked with Mr. Willard a week ago
and had been informed of Oregon Avenue. Mr. Platts asked Mr.
Willard if he had talked with Seminole County because of the
County's concerns with access onto Oregon. Avenue. Mr. Willard
stated "no ". He stated that Oregon Avenue is an existing State
right -of -way. By not seeking new curb cuts on SR 46, the plan is
to access the road that is in front of property today. DOT has no
desire to close Oregon Avenue. To eliminate Oregon Avenue would be
to severely restrict access to the property, it would make it
unmarketable. Construction of North Towne Road resulted in this 5
acres being surrounded by public roads on all four sides. With the
integrated design of the project, the parking lots and internal
driveways and the ability to take cars coming off of 46 onto Oregon
Avenue, disbursing them through the project, then taking them out
either onto North Towne or Towne Center Blvd., the traffic will
flow as well as it ever could be expected to flow and still utilize
this property. Mr. Platts asked if DOT has issued any permits.
Mr. Willard stated that it may be necessary to get a driveway
permit from DOT for Oregon Avenue (he pointed out the locations)..
He stated that they feel that they have done all that can be done
with respect to optimizing the access and traffic flow on this 5
acres of land. Mr. Platts asked if it would work if there was one
access further back from the intersection. Mr. Willard stated that
because of the elimination of the right -in and right -out, the
access points that are there are designed to facilitate access and
internal circulation through the Mobil site.
Mr. McClanahan stated that it appears to him that traffic will be
east bound, coming from the west going east.. At the present time,
there is a stop light at Towne Center Blvd., with one exit. With
Oregon Avenue there are two exits. Traffic will be dumped on
Oregon Avenue and on Towne Center Blvd. People coming out of this
area going west will have to go to Towne Center Blvd. What we have
is east bound traffic, and two exits are provided off of 46 instead
of one. Why is it a bigger problem having two exits as opposed to
having one?
Mr. Dyal stated that his biggest concern was with people heading
east that are in the left hand lane.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition
to the request.
Mr. McClanahan moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations
and subject to the conditions set forth by Staff. Seconded by Mr.
Brooks. Mr. Platts asked if automotive use is a conditional use
that requires approval in a GC -2 District, but with this PD is it
being allowed as a permitted use. Mr. Marder stated that this is
correct. The term automotive and truck service is on the master
plan and that this includes gas stations and detail type shops.
The applicant will have to comeback for site plan approval. Mr.
Platts asked if DOT will have to issue permits. Mr. Marder stated
that DOT will be involved because of the sidewalks that will be
located in FDOT's right -of -way. Mr. Platts. opposed. All others in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan for ACI Income Fund PD, located at
4593 W. Ist Street (SW corner Towne Center Blvd. & SR 46) in a PD,
Planned Development Zoning District. Owner: ACI Income Fund,
Ltd.; Representative: James G. Willard; (Tabled 10/19/95).
Jim Willard stated that the subdivision plan is the division of the
5 acre parcel into 4 lots. He is in agreement with Staff's
Mr. Robert questioned the location of the retention pond. Mr.
Willard stated that this is not being proposed, this is an as -is
existing survey of what is out there. All drainage for this
project will go into the Towne Center retention pond. Mr. Willard
stated that to the best of his knowledge, the Mobil Station, Don
Pablo Is Restaurant, an Angels Restaurant, and a smaller type
restaurant will occupy the area..
Mrs. Stairs stated that this item was previous tabled. Mr'. Dyal
moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Stogner moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Platts opposed. All others in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
940 State Street (former theater), in a GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning District, for the purpose of the sale of beer and wine for
consumption on premises. Owner: Stan Smith; Representative:
Thomas F. Freda.
L e Lyndsey, 911 Longwood Markham Road, Sanford, was present for
representation. He stated that this will be a 1000 seat multi-
function venture which includes but is not limited to all types of
entertainment functions associated with dance troops and community
theaters. The theater would primarily be open at nights with a
very limited menu in terms of food. 800 to 900 parking spaces are
available by utilizing the entire Sanford Plaza.
Mr. Lyndsey stated that they are planning to open the middle. of
February with a major country act. They are planning to run a
famous entertainer three or four times a month. This will be
similar to a mini Bob Carr, but more like a theater. Mr. Lyndsey
stated that they would like to sell beer and wine with consumption
on premises. This license will not be tied in with food.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mr. Brooks.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for Delta Fire Sprinklers, Lot 15, Sanford Central Park located at
111 Tech Drive in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District.
Owner: Sanford Central Park, Ltd.; Representative: Richard Ahrens.
- Ahrens Companies.
Richard Ahrens, 3750 Investment Lane, West Palm Beach, and Charles.
Montgomery, 920 Red Court, Altamonte, were present for
Mr. Dyal questioned the barbed wire fence. Mr. Ahrens stated that
the fence will not be seen from the front of the building. The
barbed wire on top is needed because of the expensive equipment
that will be stored. The surrounding buildings have pretty much
the same thing. He stated that additional landscaping has been
added across the front of the building that is not required by
Codes. Mr. Ahrens stated that unmanufactured straight pipe comes
in on semi - trucks t and that the products go out on straight trucks.
The turning radius is more than adequate to handle semi - trucks. He
stated that they are in agreement Staff's recommendations.
Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staff' s recommendations. Seconded
by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the Lake Monroe Waterfront and
Downtown Sanford. Redevelopment Plan - Local Planning Agency review
and comment required prior. to City Commission meeting on November
27, 1995. Plan and staff recommendation previously transmitted.
Mr. McClanahan stated that there wasn't anything in the Plan
addressing the reworking of Seminole Blvd. from Park Avenue to
Mellonville. Mr. Marder stated that there is some consideration
with regard to the infrastructure. It is generally falling under
the category of Faulty Surface Water Drainage Systems, Bulkheads,
and Streets. Mr. Robert asked if something should be added. stating
that infrastructure may need more allocation. Mr. Marder stated
that Chapter 163 requires that everything in the area that is
blight be inserted in the plan and requires a definition of all of
those elements. Most areas don't exhibit all that much blight, we
painted the picture and made the justification. It is a mechanism
for economic development. Mr. Marder stated that the way he views
the redevelopment mechanism is that it stimulates the economic
development in the Downtown Waterfront area and this is the
mechanism that we have to plow the increased values into to make
sure that those revenues go into that area so they could feed upon
themselves, so to speak, without raising taxes or anything such as
this. It is a mechanism that this document is structured to comply
Mr. Stogner stated that the plan is so limited as to area. The two
main areas coming into Downtown Sanford are S. Park Avenue from
15th or 20th Street and 46 coming off of the Amtrak. Both of these
areas are bad areas. We need to improve these areas. These areas
are not included in the Plan. Mr. Marder stated that the area
included in the Plan is a good size area. It is a large area but
it is a single minded area. Waterfront Downtown Redevelopment are
the issues of the intricate project. If we started to move into
residential areas, then we diffuse the purpose of the project.
Mr. McClanahan stated that the development that is triggered in an
area and the additional tax money that it generates, goes back in
that area; but intense development also brings further demands on
existing services: police, fire, streets, everything. There is no
more money coming into the pot in that area for those services.
The bigger the area the more negative impact you may have from
another direction. There are some negatives for a CRA. This is
the reason for keeping a more precise area. You don't want to
destroy the tax base that you have to pay bills from.
Mr. Robert stated that this document is sufficient and moved to
recommend approval, as conformed to our Comprehensive Plan, to the
City Commission. Mr. Platts seconded the motion and stated that he
does have concerns about the priority list and doesn't think
parking should be No. 1. Mrs. Stairs stated that she wanted to go
on record that she thinks the Commission needs to look at it
because of the Courthouse considerations. All in favor. Motion
Mr. McClanahan moved to approve the Minutes as circulated.
Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried..
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
From the Director
TO:. City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of November 16, 1995
NOTE: The following recommendation is revised from the recommendation provided
to the Planning and Zoning Commission on October 19, 1995 due to changes in the
Master Plan specifically as related to State Road 46 access.
ACI INCOME FUND PD - Request to rezone from PD, Planned Development and GC-
2, General Commercial to PD, Planned Development for property located at the
southeast corner of Interstate 4 and Towne Center Boulevard.
1. Site includes several parcels. The adjacent to Towne Center Boulevard and
east of the power line easement is part of the Gateway Planned Development
and is designated for commercial use. The remainder of the property currently
Zoned PD, Planned Development is part of the Seminole Towne Center PD and
is designated for commercial use. The GC -2, General Commercial parcel is the
old Mobil gasoline service station that was recently annexed into the City.
2. The proposed ACI Income Fund Planned Development Master Plan reflects
four parcels with an integrated traffic circulation pattern. There are four access
points, one right -in -right -out on Towne Center Boulevard, two two -way access
points on "old" Oregon Avenue and one two -way access on Towne Center
Road. The integration of the parcels eliminates all preexisting access points on
SR 46 except Oregon Avenue.
3. Traffic volume from the proposed development remains essentially unchanged
from already approved and /or existing facilities. Essentially, the proposal
constitutes a redevelopment of the site in a more interconnected manner
which is the intent and purpose of the planned development zoning
classification. As such there are not additional traffic studies required or
provided. Traffic volume impacts have already been taken into account during
the Seminole Towne Center and Gateway rezonings.
The State Road 46 access is limited to right -in- right -out from the Old Oregon
Avenue access from SR 46. Old Oregon Avenue is actually a Florida
Department of Transportation Right of Way.
Planning Recommendations - Page 1
4. Uses adjacent to the site include existing and planned commercial uses, a
highway interchange and a drainage retention area.
5. The City will be providing potable water and sewer service with the latter
being provided through a wholesale contractual arrangement with Seminole
County in similarity to the mall. Stormwater retention will be provided through
use of the over -size retention area adjacent to the site on the north side of
Town Center Road.
6. Recommend approval of the request to rezoned to PD, Planned Development
for the ACI Income Fund Planned Development Master Plan based on the
desirability of otherwise piecemeal development into an integrated whole and
thereby allowing higher quality commercial development through the planned
development rezoning process. This recommendation is conditioned upon the
information contained on the ACI Income Fund Planned Development Master
Plan, Revision dated November 6, 1995.
Planning Recommendations - Page 2