HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.06.95FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT ENT GOO DIVA TOR March 30, 1995 ?N� TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, April 8, 1995, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1 301 Park Avenue in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 5, for consumption on premises only. Owner /representative: Sica Nacu 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4000 Country Club Road in a MR -1, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling Zoning District for the purpose of the construction of wastewater and stormvwrater related facilities within the secondary vwrellfield protection zone. Owners/representatives: Mack N. Cleveland and Patricia T. Stenstrom 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2439 French Avenue in a GC - 2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 5, for consumption on premises only. Owner: Joel H. Cruse Representative: Jung Ung Ko 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional U-se for property located at 505 E. 1st Street in a GC - 2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of an indoor manufacturing use, processing beef jerky. Owner: Two Noses, Inc. Representative: Gary P. Hughes 5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 210 S. French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of motorcycle parts and repair. Owners/representatives: Ray & Cynthia Zimmer B. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at the southeast corner of S.R. 45 and Towne Center Blvd. in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the purpose of two (2) free standing signs. Owner: Faison Gateway Plaza Ltd. Partnership Representative: Lorene Baty 7. Consider the Final Plat for Gateway Plaza Shopping Center, a commercial subdivision located at 4591 W. 1 st Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District. Owner: Faison Gateway Plaza Ltd. Partnership Representative: Rick Gutierrez S. Consider changes to Sanford Land Development Regulations, Schedule S, Historic Preservation, Section 5.0, Signs and Outdoor Sidewalk Display Regulations in the Downtown Commercial Historic District. 9. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 10. Reports from Staff. 11. Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC, If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 - 5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING ClISSION MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1995 /� 7 : 00 P.M& CITY COMMISSION CEULP21EMS MEMBERS PRE SMU: Lynn Stogner Ross Robert James Valerino Mark Platts Joe Dennison Cynthia Holt- Miller Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Helen Stairs Ben Dyal OTKERS PR85ffi7T• Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1301 Park Avenue in a RC - Restricted Commercial Zoning District far the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 5. Owner /representative: Sica Nacu. Sica Nacu, 1011 Oak Avenue, stated that this is the Rase Cottage Tea Room. she serves lunch only. Ms. Nacu stated that she has applied for a beverage license to serve wine with lunch. This is a very beautiful place and she is very proud of it. Mrs. Holt - Miller asked the hours of operation. Ms. Nacu stated that she is open from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm , Tuesday through Saturday. She stated that she is not open in the evenings. The wine would, be served in conjunction with food. She stated that at. times she hosts b showers and family reunions and it would be nice if she could serve. wine. Mr. Stogner moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4000 Country Club Road in a MR -1, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling Zoning District for the purpose of the construction of wastewater and stormwater related facilities within the secondary protection zone. Owner representatives: Mack N. Cleve -land and Patricia T. Stenstrom. Hal Marston, 535 N. Park Avenue,, Winter /Park, was present to represent the owners. He stated that the request is very fundamental. The question being posed tonight is very basic: "Will the City of Sanford permit the owners to develop their property as presently zoned?" He stated that the owners will have to comply with all rules, and regulatio and that they are in agreement with Staff-Is recommendations... He stated that the owners unders that. the recoanendatians come with a number of conditions: a. All general, requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met during the development of the ai,ter b. All parcels or subdivision of the site into parcels, tracts or lots shall comply with Zoning Ordinance in terms of street frontage., spacing of access points and other vehicular requirements; c. All proposed buildings, or structures shall be located an adequate distance from all parcel lines in compliance with the City of Sanford Zoning Ordinance, including buffer depths and visual screens; d. Signs identifying the use, of the site shall be subject to the review of the Planning and Zoning Commission. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL G, 1995 PAGE 2 Mr. Marston stated that the proposed 24 acres of MR - 1 zoned property has retained this zoning classification for a number of years. It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map and the Comp Plan, and through a number of amendment processes this property has emained MR -1. All requirements will be met. He stated that if he owners are not permitted to use the property, they would have t o seek other measures. The present owners have owned this property since 1958. He asked the Commission to consider that it is important to know the name of addresses of people speaking in opposition and whether they live within the City. Mr. Marston stated that the taxpayers of Sanford may have to pay for this property if - the owners are not allowed to develop ,it. Mr. Marston stated that there are specific requirements by the FDEP, that excludes development within 100 fe�t of a well. He stated that they have obtained a letter from an environmental consultant who is dealing with the FDEP and the S'JRWMD and that the letter states that they are in agreement with the development. The owners fully understand that they must adhere to all restrictions and requirements. Mr. Dennison asked haw far is the well from where the drainage structure is proposed to be. Mr. Marston stated that he was advised by Staff that a specific site plan was not due at this time and that he could not give a specific location. Mr. Gibson made reference to the distance on page 3 of the Hydrology Report submitted by the applicant: "Based on their understanding of the layout of Wellf ield No. 2, the nearest point of the proposed development is at a distance of 800 from the most southerly well. 11 Mr. Marston read into the record a letter, attached, from Dorgan Environmental Consultant of April 5, 1995, emphasizing the next to the last sentence "Therefore, development of this property does not appear to pose any potential for negatively impacting the existing wellf ie.ld ". Mr. Marston stated that denial of the requested conditional is the denial of the use of this property as specifically zoned. Mr. Robert asked if the plan is to have a larger capacity than what is needed at this site so as to include the nearby properties that may not be in the City and may be connected if ever annexed. Mr. Marston stated that, at the present time, there are a number of homes, that are located closer to the well than this development would be. It is advisable that you provide for central service for sewage treatment in areas such. as this. The potential. for current homeowners in the area is there. This would not be something that the developer would be adverse to. He stated that he did not bel that the developer could impose on County residents for surer hookup, but that, the developer could certainly look into this. He stated that the owners and developer would be more than happy to participate. Mr. Stogner stated that it is the opinion of the environmental consulting group that the proposed site development would not pose an undue hazard on the water quality in this area, and asked if there is a break, what are the guarantees that the water will not be effected. Mr. Marston stated that it is a deep well. There are a number of layers that would be difficult to penetrate to get to the aquifer FDEP will safeguard and insure that a situation like this would not be created. Some stub, outs would be installed to alleviate some of the problems. All regulations, requirements and safeguards that the, state requires will have to be adhered. to. Mr. Valerino asked if it is correct that if the Commission denied the request that the owners cannot use their property as it is zoned. Mr. Marston stated that this is, correct. The owners can not use their property unless they can get an approved conditional use. He stated, that the, owners could. go to, court and ask the judge if the City precludes them from using their property is it. not so that the City should buy it. He stated that this is_ a technical point but it is an important point. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of APRIL 5, 1995 PAGE 3 Mr. Robert commented regarding stormwater. He asked if drainage would run laterally and be filtered by the sand, noting that adj scent properties drain down in the lakes and to the east. Mr. Marston stated that in order to provide a system that the developer is comfortable with, the State has to "watchdog" this whole process. The State must be convinced that the drainage system will not effect the quality of water at the wellhead. This project may improve the drainage difficulties in the area. The owners and developer are not permitted to create a situation that makes it worst. Mr. Platts asked what is the proposed use.. Mr. Marston stated that it is multi- family residential. There was a plan that was proposed in January that. the. Commission cho a net to approve. The zoning is in place and it is consistent wit the Future, Land Use. Mr. Stogner asked if the Commission ever receives any engineering studies other than what the builders provide. Mr. Marder stated that the City did not do another engineering study. The City normally doesn't do that. On a development project such as this, the City reviews the information provided by the project engineer, paid for by the applicant. Mr. Dennison stated that the Commission could no ask. the City to expend monies, to do engineering studies. Mr. Mard r stated that the City has engi.nee.rs on staff that do reviews. Charles, Ghoyce, 582 Hardwood Place., stated that he was present representing the Loch Arbor Homeowner's Association. He stated, that in 1973 the owners obtained. a proposal from a developer to develop ondorninium . At that time the Comuni..ssian voted to change the zoning. Mr. Choyce, suggested postponing the meeting because the homeowners did not have time to arrange for an engineer to review the drainage is-sues. He asked that the Commissioners consider the requirements of the Land Development Code in Section 3-16. H stated that the developers haver l t submitted evidence for approval of this request. Dr. Sill Edwards stated that he owns property adjacent on. the west. Mater stands on his property. He requested that this request be accompan ed by a drawing, or some manner as to hove the retention will fun tion. He stated that the owners have not come forward with the information that has been requested.. He stated that the SJRWMD has asked several questions, and that they have not received any answers. Mr. Dennison asked Dr. Edwards if he was in favor of the Commission denying the owners_ use of their property. Dr. Edwards stated that he was. in favor of postponing unti..i further information is received. Mr. Dennison stated that the owners are asking for permission to design drainage structures. Once a site plan is proposed, they have to come back for approval. When site plans and engineering plans are reviewed, they will be reviewed in great detail. Inga Manning, 207 Lakeview Dr., stated that the issue here: is that the conditional use and the zoning cannot be. separated. The zoning is not appropriate for that land. Mr. Dennison stated that there is no request to change the zoning. Ms. Manning stated that the zoning is not compatible with what has happened since 1973. She stated. that the developer and owners have ignored what is go on around the property. If this request is granted, a precedence for using the maximum zoning is set. i Arthur Maheu 250 Lakeview Drive, stated that if the owners and developers would get with the people in the neighborhood they wouldn't have these problems.. The people of the neighborhood are willing to work out the problems. Area residents would like to know what is coming such as what will the developers do with the stormwater and what will they do with the buildings. Anthony Sataglia of 122 Crystal Drive asked what was the request and what do the owners want to do. Mr. Dennison stated that the request is to construct wastewater and stormwater facilities within MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 6 . 1995 PAGE 4 the secondary protection zone. Wells are protected by a secondary protection zone. Mr. Dennison stated that the depth of ,the ditches. that are dug for the ponds will be above the high water mark. whether the owners build anything or not, the drainage structures will be in place for the area resident's protection. Mr. Marston stated that he appreciated the concerns of the surrounding property owners and that he did not intend to try to reflect that the only oversight over this proj is the State. He stated that the city will have total control over the final approval of the site plan. The developers and owners have expended over $30,000 for a site plan. It is a hardship to expend funds again if they do not know if they will be able: to use their property. Mr. Marston stated that the whole concept of the Future Land Use is to provide for transitions MR -1 zoning is appropriate for this site. It would be a severe hardship if th owners were told they cannot develop heir p roperty. He stated t at the are aski for p y � approval of the conditional use to go forward. The developer and owners would be more than happy to provide stub. outs for central services. Mr. Marston stated that until they know that the property is usable, it does not make any sense to spend more money on site plans. Mr. Platts asked if the studies performed in January were based on a specific site plan. Mr. Marston stated "no". There were points made related to undue hardships, and clay zones and lower levels that would prevent migration into the water source. There are many houses on ; septic tanks. Septic goes directly in the. drain fields that fides directly into the aquifer. The report that was updated and provided to the city is a report that recognizes the fact that under the current zoning it doesn't create any hardships. Mr. Stogner asked if a site plan waa provided to the people who did the engineering services. Mr. Marston stated "no." Mr. Dennison emp.hasiz,ed that the question is whether they can build the drainage structures.. He stated that first of all permission is needed to . use a property in a certain way. They cannot do anything at all until they have permission to do it.. Mr.. Marston stated before anything can be. built, a site plan has, to be approved. Mr Ma;rder explained the considerations and standards for Planning and zoning co Is.sion review. He noted that. the criteria mentioned by Mr. choyce related to Dimensional Variance requests. Mr. Platts stl3Lted that his concerns relate to open drainage cuts. Are they appropriate for development if the commission doesn't k now where they are going to be. Mr. Marder stated that a site plan is not needed at this time. Mr. Platts moved to table until the applicant has submitted a site plan and engineering information. Seconded by Mrs. Holt - Miller for discussion. Mr. Robert noted that the Commission could not "permit" the applicant. Mr. Stogner stated. that there was not enough information presented regarding running potable. water lines on the site to know what the applicant-will be constructing. Mr. Robert stated that he was in f avor of granting the conditional use and that there did not seem to be any significant road blocks of this request. He stated that they would not be granting anything blanket. He stated that he has the confidence in city staff and its engineers that whatever is built will be built, according to codes, requirements and regulations. Mr. Dennis8n stated that the request is simply whether or not they can use the property or not use it. Mr. Valerino stated that he was inclined to vote for appr Mr. Stogner, Mrs. Holt - Mi and Mr. Platts in favor of the motion. Mr. Robert, Mr. Valerino, and Mr. Dennison opposed. Motion failed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of APRIL 6, 1995 PAGE 5 Mr. Robert moved to approve based on all data that the City supplied, pros and.. cons, with conditions A through D of staffs recommendations to be included. Seconded.. Mr. Valerino, Kr. Robert, Mr. V'a ler i no , and Mr. Dennison in f avor of the motion. Opposed were Mr. Stogner, Mrs. Halt - Miller and Mr. Platts. Motion failed,. Mr. Stogner moved to postpone until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Platts seconded. Mrs. Holt - Miller asked if the motion included the items of request made in the first motion. Mr. Stogner stated just to postpone until the next meeting. Mr. Robert suggested the Commission try to find someway of some definitive. actions and not postpone. Mr. Stogner, Mrs. Holt - Miller, Mr. Platts, and Mr. alerino in favor of the motion. Mr. Dennison and` lair. Roberts opposed. Motion carried. Mr . Platts, suggested that the applicant. try to develop and_ provide more information and meet with the area residents.. The next item on the Agenda was to hold • a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use f or property located at 2439 French Avenue in a GC-2 , General Commercial Zo ning District for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 5. owner: Joel H. Cruae; representative.: Jung Ung Ko.. Jung Ko stated that he has owned the restaurant since December. Some customers have requested beer and wire with. their sandwiches.. He stated that he servers hamburgers and some- specialty sandwiches anal. would like to sell beer at the custom - I s request. Mr. Ko stated that some customers, drink - beer on the outside of the building and he feels it would be better if they drank inside. Mr . valerino asked: if there is a place to eat. inside. Mr. Ko stated "yes", that he has a dining room. He would sell beer on the premises only and only with food-. He started tha:t he is open frazt 11 :00 am to 10 :00 pm, Mondays Saturdays. Mrs. Holt - Miller moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. valerina.. All in favor . Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public. Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 505 E. 1st Street in a GC-2. General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of making beef jerky. owner : Two Nol.es , Inc.; representative: Gary P. Hughes. Gary Hughes, 397 Gilston Ct., Fake Mary, stated that this is, a simple operation. He would. like to marinate and heat cry beef inside the building. The building is conduci -ve with his request. The jerky will be wrapped and shipped but he . would like the opportunity to sell out of the bui I ei I nq ai.ao. There will be. a meat delivery and may be some condiments. onze or twice a wee k.. Shipping will probably be twice a week. All, deliveries and shipments will use the back entrance.. Mr. Hughes stated that he is under USDA. guide lines which_ are quite severe. There will be no noise or odors associated with this business. Mrs. Stogner moved for approval. basted, on staff I s recammendations with conditions. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Mr. Platts questioned. the surrounding uses of having . cormmaerc A I on the edge of residential us -es. Mr. Marder stated that there are quite a number of small manufacturing activities in the downtown commercial historic district that has been going on for a number of years. Processing activities, manufacturing, is. a concern that has to do with 1st Street being the main retail street. Mr. Platts stated that the name of the business may be considered. offensive.. Mr. Hughes stated that this is the trademark. Mr. Platts opposed to the mot-ion. All others in favor. Motion carried:. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 21.0 S. French Avenue MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL.6, 1995 PAGE 6 in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of motorcycle parts and repair. owners/ representatives: Roy & Cynthia Zimmer. Clay Page, 112 wayside Court, was present for representation. He stated that §cooters has been in its present location for 2 -1 /2 years. He would like to take over another 900 square feet and offer repair service. All repairs will be done inside. Roy Zimmer, winter Park, owner of the property, stated that he is in favor of the request. He stated that Mr. Page runs a neat and clean business and it is an asset to the building and the area and that he as the owner, has not had any complaints concerning the. business. Mr. Robert moved to approve with staff-'s rec vendatian s- with conditions A through C , attached. seconded by Mr . Stogner All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing, to consider a request for a Conditional Use: for property located 4t the southeast corner of S.R. 46 and Towne Center Blvd. in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District, for the purpose of two ( 2 ) free standing signs. Owner: Faison Gateway Plaza. Ltd. Partnership,- representative: Lorene. Baty. Lorene Baty of Orlando stated that she was representing Faison Development. She stated that they would like an additional identification monument_ sign on Towne Center Blvd. There are three signs on the site plan. The pylon and smaller entrance signs already meet City cedes.. She stated that they would like to have a tenant identification sign installed. The code currently calls for a 10 setback but that they would be placing the sign 1.5' back. In the median of the entranceway there will, be an internal. i 1 luminated. sign that will have an arc_ at the top encashed in white neon to match the other signage. Ms. Baty stated that codes allow up to 300 i.n signage but that they will- utilized approximately 146' which is well within codes. Mrs. Holt - Miller moved for approval based. on staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the. Final Plat for Gateway Plaza Sb ppi g Center, a c- omme:rciaL su id iv located at 4 591 W. 1st Street in a PD,, Planned Development Zoning District. owner: Faison Gateway Plaza Ltd. Partnership.; representative: Rick Gutierrez. Tom Murray of Ivey, Harris and. Walls, was present for representation. He stated that staff: h.aa reviewed the proposed and that they are on the last le.g of the f izal, construction documents. Mr. Robert questioned the outf all to the Lockhart Smith Canal -. Mr. Murray stated that. there is an easement.. Seminole County wanted a 20 open space easement:. It is Covered by maintenance. outf al -1 will be f rom. St. Johns Parkway. Mrs. Miller moved to approve to include recommendations by staff. Seconded, by Mr. Platts. Mr. Gibson noted that Staff.' s; conditions have been taken care of. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the. changes to Sanford Land. Development Regulations, Schedule S. . ,Historic Preservation. Section 5 . 0 , Signs. and Outdoor Sidewalk Display Regulations in the Downtown Commercial Hiatoria District. Due to the lateness of the hour, Dir. Stogner moved. to table. Seconded by Mrs. Holt - Miller. Mr. Robert asked if the City Commission was looking for the input of the Planning and. Zoning Commission based on a time schedule.. Mr. Marder stated.that more MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CE APRIL 5, 1995 PAGE 7 input would probably be worked out between more interested parties. i.e. Main Street and the Historic Preservation Board. He stated that he did not think it would be a problem if this is sent forward the way it is. Mr. Marder stated that he would discuss this at the City Commission's workshop on Monday. There will not be a problem if this item tabled. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Halt - Miller moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Valerino. All in favor. Motion Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. at 9:30 P . M. i a s Jo Denn . son, Chairman 4":: From the Director March 30, 1995 of Planning and Development TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of April 6, 1995 NACU - Request conditional use approval to establish a wine and beer license (Alcoholic Beverage Sales, Class 5) in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zone for the Rose Cottage Tea Room property at 1301 South Park Avenue. 1. Recommendations are not provided for requests involving alcoholic beverage sales. CLEVELAND AND STENSTROM - Request conditional use approval to permit the construction of wastewater and stormwater related facilities within a secondary wellfield protection zone for property Zoned MR -1, Multiple Family Residential located on Country Club Road. Site is Zoned MR -1, Multiple Family Residential and includes approximately 20 acres. Site is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Site is adjacent to various single family dwellings and a golf course. 3. The site and surrounding area are included in a secondary wellfield protection zone associated with City of Sanford's Wellfield Number 2. Wellfield Number 2 includes four active potable water wells located on the west side of the Mayfair Golf Course. Open drainage cuts below the seasonal high water table are permitted as conditional uses. There are several drainage ponds located within the vicinity of the site including several on the golf course property itself as well as drainage retention ponds serving nearby single family subdivision developments. These existing facilities serve existing adjacent recreational and residential development. Proposed drainage retention ponds associated with the proposed development are similar to drainage retention areas and ponds already established in the immediate area. 4. The applicant has submitted a list of justifications entitled "Section 6.0, Wellfield Protection" intended to indicate reasons that the conditional use request should be approved. The list references a study prepared by Yovaish Engineering Sciences, Inc. dated January 5, 1995. That study concludes that development of the site "will not pose an undue hazard or intrusion on the safety and water quality within this area." The study states that a stormwater Planning Recommendations - Page 1 management system of wet ponds would be at or above the normal seasonal high groundwater table level and would as such not constitute an "open drainage cut below the seasonal high water table" as noted for Secondary Protection Zones defined in Schedule M of the Land Development Regulations. The study provides further detail regarding potential hazard posed by sanitary sewer lines, noting that deeper casing depths for Wellfield No. 2 provides a higher than normal degree of certainty that water quality will not be affected than shallower casing depths typical of shallow well construction. 5. The two parcels constituting the site have sufficient frontage on a public street based on 400 plus and 500 plus feet frontage upon Country Club Road. 6. Recommend approval of the request to establish stormwater and wastewater facilities within a secondary wellfield protection zone based findings and engineering data provided by the applicant subject to the following conditions and standards: a. All general requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met during the development of the site. b. All parcels or subdivision of the site into parcels, tracts or lots shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance in terms of street frontage, spacing of access points and other vehicular requirements. C. All proposed buildings or structures shall be located an adequate distance from all parcel lines in compliance with the City of Sanford Zoning Ordinance, including buffer depths and visual screens. d. Signs identifying the use of the site shall be subject to the review of the Planning and Zoning Commission. BIG DIP/TUNG UNG KO - Request conditional use approval to establish a wine and beer license (Alcoholic Beverage Sales, Class 5) in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone for the Big Dip restaurant property at 2439 French Avenue. 1. Recommendations are not provided for requests involving alcoholic beverage sales. HUGHES - Request conditional use approval to establish indoor manufacturing in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone for the Tru -Yalu Drugs property located at 503 East First Street. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and contains an existing building with three business spaces with a total of 6,000 square feet and associated parking. Site fronts East First Street and Cypress Avenue. 2. Applicant requests to establish indoor manufacturing, specifically to make beef jerky. Planning Recommendations - Page 2 3. Site is adjacent to a high -rise apartment building and a community park (Ft. Mellon) in an RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional Zone. Site is also adjacent to a shopping center Zoned GC -2, General Commercial. 4. Recommend approval of conditional use request to establish indoor manufacturing specifically to make beef jerky based on relatively small size of establishment in relationship to other uses in the immediate area and with the following conditions: a. Only beef jerky can be manufactured on the site; b. general requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met; c. parcel frontage on a public street meets Zoning Ordinance requirements; d. exterior building dimensions shall remain the same or be subject to further review by the Planning and Zoning Commission if modifications are proposed; e. signage for the proposed use shall meet requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. SCOOTER'S PARTS & ACCESSORIES, INC. - Request conditional use approval to establish automobile repair (motorcycle parts and repair) for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 210 South French Avenue. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and contains a small strip shopping center with associated parking fronting French Avenue (U.S. Highway 17 & 92). 2. Uses adjacent to the site include offices, pool supplies, and residences. 3. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to establish automobile repair based on the existing character of the immediate area and with the following conditions: a. the site will only be utilized for motorcycle repair and not for automobile repair; b. all repair activities shall take place indoors; c. there shall be no outdoor display or storage of motorcycles or other vehicles of any kind other than normal customer parking; c. all additional requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met including but not limited to minimum parcel frontage upon a street, building setbacks and signage standards. FAISON - GATEWAY PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - Request conditional use approval to permit a second detached sign for property Zoned PD, Planned Development located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Road 46 and Towne Center Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned PD, Planned Development and is under construction as a major shopping center of over 200,000 square feet. 2. Adjacent uses include a regional mall (Seminole Towne Center) and vacant land Zoned PD, Planned Development. Also, various commercial and industrial uses are located north of site is unincorporated area. 3. The City 's Sign Regulations permit a second detached or free standing sign to be erected subject to conditional use approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Planning Recommendations - Page 3 4. Recommend approval of the conditional use request Lo establish a second detached sign based on the size of the development and with the condition that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met including but not limited to minimum parcel frontage upon a street, building setbacks and signage standards. Planning Recommendations - Page 4