March 1, 1995
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and onin Commission, 7:
g P.M.,
Thursday, March 2. 1 995, in the City Comm ission Chambers, City Hall,, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Small Scale Amendment to the City of Sanford
Comprehensive Plan fora 10 acre tract lying south of McCracken Road and east of Airport Blvd.
. d
(a portion of McCracken Subdivision), located at 2601 McCracken en Road in a RI-1, Restricted
Industrial Zoning District.
O wner: Tom Ball
Representative: Bruce K. Andersen
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a PD, Planned Development Rezone
p fir
McCracken en Subdivision and to consider the McCracken Subdivision Master Plan for r ert
located at 1 McCracken Road in a RI-1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District.
p p
Owner: Torn Ball
Representative: Bruce K. Andersen
. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for PD, Planned Development Rezone from p o S -,
Special Commercial to PD, Planned Development, for property located at 200 W. 1 st Street.
Owner: Sun Bank N.A.
Representative: Bruce K. Andersen
4. Consider the Preliminary Plat for Gateway Plaza PD, a commercial subdivision located at 4591
W. 1 st Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
Owner: Faison-Gateway Limited Partnership
Representative: e: Flick Gutierrez
b. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
6. Reports from Staff.
7. Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter
considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings includin
the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286-0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these Proceedings should contact
the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330-5626,, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
7" :00 P.M.
Joe Dennison
Jim Valerino
- Ross Robert
Ben Dyal
Cynthia Holt - Miller
Leon Brooks
Helen Stairs
Lynn Stogner
.Mark Platts
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development coordinator
Russ Gibson, Land Development coordinator
Andrew Ian Gaale, Associate Planner
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Small Scale Amendment to the city of
Sanford Comprehensive Plan for a 10 acre tract lying south of
McCracken Road and east of Airport Boulevard (a portion of
McCracken Subdivision), located at 2601 McCracken Road in a RI -1,
Restricted Industrial zoning District.
Bruce Andersen, Andersen & Associates, 400 E. Colonial, Orlando,
was present representing Toni Ball, the owner. He stated that he
has worked with Staff and that Staff's comments reflect what is
goad about this project and that he concurs with Staff's
Mr. Andersen stated that this is to be a single- family, affordable
housing project with 2.7 acres of commercial /retail. He stated
that the lot sizes would be 40
Mr. Valerino asked if he was proposing 83 housing units. Mr.
Andersen stated Byes ". He stated that the homes would not be any
smaller than 1200 square feet. Mr. Robert asked if the 10 acres
and the 2.7 acre piece are one piece of property with one survey.
Mr. Andersen stated "no ". The two parcels are under the sane
ownership. Mr. Robert asked what the 2.7 acre parcel is to be used
for. Mr. Andersen stated that it would be used for
commercial /retail. Mr. Robert asked if the request is for the 10
acres only. Mr. Andersen stated "yes". Mr. Dyal asked if the two
parcels are being combined or if they would be handled separately.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated "separately ". Mr. Valerino asked if the
request was granted, did this mean that the commission was agreeing
on 40'x 90' lot sizes. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated "no ". Mr. Robert
asked if a density was attached to this. Mr. Larder stated 10
Mr. Robert moved for approval with a change to Item 6 of Staff's
recommendations to add the wards 10 acres for the 10 acre property
at the south side of McCracken Road. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Al l in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a PD, Planned Development Rezone for
McCracken Subdivision and to consider the McCracken Subdivision
Master Plan for property located at 2601 McCracken Road in a RI -1,
Restricted Industrial, Zoning District. Owner: Tom Ball;
representative: Bruce K. Andersen.
MEETING of MARCH 2, 1995
Bruce Andersen, Andersen & Associates, was present representing the
owner, Toni Ball. He stated that he was asking for planned
development approval for the entire 12.7 acres. 2.7 acres of the
site is to be used as a commercial site. Mr. Andersen stated that
he was asking for single - family, commercial and industrial uses.
Mr. Brooks asked if there was a proposal to develop the property
that is west of the railroad tracks, immediately south of McCracken
Road. Mr. Ball stated that that property is owned by a Mr.
Bostwick and that he had talked with Mr. Bostwick and the general
intent is that Mr. Bostwick is to join in with him with his
proposal for single family homes because this seemed to be the
highest and best use of the property. Mr. Ball stated that
nothing has been locked in yet.
Mr. Marder explained that the f irs.t item on the Agenda was the comp
Plan Amendment. He stated that the map represents the comp Plan
which is the overall city growth management document that includes
housing and recreation, with goals, objectives and policies for the
City. He explained that the action of the Commission for the first
item was to recommend approval to the City Commission to take
action to adopt a small scale plan amendment. Item 2 deals with
the Land Development Regulations. Regarding this item, the
Commission is to take action on a master plan for planned
development rezoning. There is a mixed use proposal, with
retail /commercial, and residential uses. Mr. Marder stated that
the Master Plan attached to this parcel and attached to the
rezoning ordinance will become a part of the official zoning
district map for this site.
Air. Marder stated that a PD rezoning is basically a customized
zoning ordinance for a site. The commission has the opportunity to
develop standards that are different and to place special
conditions that apply to this site. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that if
the Commission approves what the applicant is requesting, he can
build on the requested size lots. If there are any concerns, they
should be discussed at this time.
Mr. nyal questioned, the lift station. Mr. Ball stated that the
lift station structure is built on his property. Mr. Marder
explained that the City used to have a right -of -way to access the
easement but the City has vacated this. Mr. Brooks asked if the
proposed housing development would use this particular lift
station. Mr. Marder stated that the City is not asking that the
lift station be relocated. He stated that the city needs to have
access to the lift station and that access be dedicated to the City
of Sanford. Mr. Ball stated that he has no problem with dedicating
to the City the piece of land that is needed for access.
Mr. Robert asked if the Commission is to include the 2.7 acres with
the 10 acres. Mr. Andersen stated "yes ".
Mr. Ball stated that he does not know what the best use is for the
front of the property because of the. Airport Blvd. widening
project. It may be good location for a church site.
Mr. Brooks asked if the 40 lot sizes are consistent with a
development of this size. Mr. Andersen stated that it is
consistent with a zero lot line development. The intention is to
make it look more single family. There would be 5' side yard
setbacks, 15' front yard setbacks, and 20' rear yard setbacks. Mr.
Andersen stated that the intention is to build a more expensive
home with less land. The homes would be in the range of 1200 to
1800 square feet. The main entrance would be off of McCracken
Mr. Brooks moved for approval with Staff's recommendations with the
inclusion of Mr. Ball's dedication of access to the lift station.
Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for PD, Planned Development Rezone from SC -3,
MEETING of MARCH 2. 1995
Special Commercial to PD, Planned Development, for property located
at 200 W. 1st Street. owner: Sun Bank N.A.; representative:
Bruce K. Andersen.
Bruce Andersen was present for representation. He stated that this
is one of the first projects to revitalize the downtown area. This
will be a single use, new office building of 144,000 square feet
with a parking garage that will house approximately 400 cars. He
stated that he is asking for off -site parking to be included with
City and County parking. Mr. Andersen stated that he concurs with
Staff's recommendations.
Mr. Dyal asked Mr. Marder if he had looked at the property that is
just east of Sun Bank building because of the big discussion
regarding parking and off -site parking for a previous request on
First Street. Mr. Larder stated that the parking requirements for
that building was waived based on the age and characteristics of
Mr. Robert stated that on the survey it shows the entire parking
Ict and what use to be the Cleveland, Mize and Bridges building and
asked if this is also owned by Sun Bank. Mr. Robert asked if this
master plan will affect this piece of property. Mr. Andersen
stated that it is included on the plan but there will not be any
changes to this property. Mr. Marder stated that it is not
included in the proposal. It could be excluded from the rezoning,
that section located east of oak Avenue, and probably should be.
Mr. Marder stated that it is not going to change, if it does
someone will have to approach City Staff.
Mr. Dyal asked if this property is in any historic area. Mr.
Marder stated "yes". Mr. Dyal asked if this request is approved as
presented, will it come back and cause any complications. Mr.
Marder stated that anything built in this area will have to be
reviewed by the Historic Preservation Board. He stated that there
is quite a ways to go on this project. The overall intensity in
this location is compatible. Mr. Brooks asked if all questions
regarding street scape, angle parking and related issues will be
resolved to the city's satisfaction prior to construction. Mr.
Marder stated that the parking on 1st Street is straight in and out
and the City will probably require angle parking.
Mr. Robert moved for approval based on the findings of Staff and to
include Conditions 1, 2 and 3 of Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mrs. Holt -- Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Preliminary Plat for
Gateway Plaza PD, a commercial subdivision located at 4591 W. 1st
Street in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District. owner:
Faison- Gateway Limited Partnership; representative: Rick Gutierrez.
Rick Gutierrez, of Faison Co., Charlotte, NC, stated that he had
reviewed Staff's recommendations with his Engineer, Ivey Harris and
Walls, and that they are in agreement with the conditions.
Mrs. Holt- Miller asked what impact will this have on the Smith
'anal. Mr. Gutierrez stated that there would be no more post
development, that it will be no worst than it is now and that it
probably would be better because the development is designed to
have no impact on the Canal.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented with Staff's
recommendations. Seconded by Mrs. Holt - Miller. All in favor.
Motion carried..
Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes with a change to the last
paragraph on the first page. He stated that "all buildings and
structures shall meet City setbacks and codes" is to be added and
„ all buildings and structures shall be located an adequate distance
from all parcel lines" is to be deleted. Seconded by Mr. Brooks.
All in favor of the motion with the revision. Motion carried.
Mr. Marder introduced Andrew van Gaale, the new Associate Planner.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
J e Den I icon, Chairman
From the Director of Planning and Development
February 24, 1995
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for March 2, 1995
McCRACKEN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT a request to amend the Future Land Use
Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan from Industrial to Medium Density Residential for
property located on the south side of McCracken Road between Airport Boulevard and
Persimmons Avenue.
1. The site is designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Plan, includes slightly
less than ten acres and is vacant at the present time. The site is adjacent to
McCracken Road, an east -west local street that connects to Airport Boulevard,
a minor arterial (per Traffic Circulation Element) and Persimmons Avenue,
another local street.
2. The applicant has submitted a rezoning request for PD, Planned Development
that includes proposed single family residential development of 83 units at a
density of 8.3 dwelling units per acre. Lots are proposed to be approximately 40
feet by 90 feet.
3. On the south, the site is adjacent to an existing single family residential
development that is composed of fifty foot wide lots. The area immediately west
of site is designated Industrial and includes vacant property and a convenience
store at the southeast corner of Airport Boulevard and McCracken Road. Vacant
Industrial property is located north of site as well as a seldom -used railroad spur
on the north side of McCracken Road. Land east of site is vacant Industrial.
Further east lies the CSX Railroad main line and then Crooms School of Choice,
a Public Semi - Public use.
Regarding land use compatibility, there are no existing adjacent industrial uses
adjacent to the site. The northerly vacant industrial site is separated by a road
and a railroad. The City has sufficient buffer and separation requirements to
separate potential industrial uses from residential activities. The existing
residential subdivision adjacent to the site (Academy Manor) is adjacent to an
existing industrial park. In that case the industrial park developers dedicated an
adjacent parcel for a neighborhood park and provided fencing and other
buffering for existing homes.
4. The site is generally viewed as being located in the Goldsboro neighborhood.
The City has directed substantial community development block grant and
related HUD programs into the Goldsboro neighborhood, primarily for the
purpose of improving and rehabilitating housing. The substandard housing
conditions evidenced in the Goldsboro area are documented in the Housing
Element of the Comprehensive Plan. In general, the prospect of additional new
housing development in the Goldsboro area is seen as a positive development
that will contribute to the City meeting goals and objectives set forth in the
Housing Element. Specifically, Objective 3 -1.1, Promote Affordable Quality
Housing and Adequate Sites for Low and Moderate Income Housing. The
objective and related policies address the City assisting the private sector in
supplying housing, especially low and moderate income housing.
5. As set for below, adequate facilities and services are available to serve predicted
impacts of the development:
a) Transportation impact will be 869 trips per day pursuant to a traffic analysis
of the project submitted by the applicant. Concurrency is based on impact to
Airport Boulevard, a county- maintained facility. Airport Boulevard is a two -lane
facility that is planned to become a four -laned facility in 1997. It is anticipated
that significant improvements to the intersection of Airport Boulevard and
McCracken Road will be accomplished in conjunction with the widening. Existing
daily traffic on Airport Boulevard in between 9,000 and 12,000 trips depending
upon the segment. The anticipated capacity will be almost 30,000 trips per day.
Therefore, the proposed development will not adversely effect the Level of
Service on Airport Boulevard. Similarly, other adjacent roads have sufficient
capacity to serve the proposed development.
b) Sanitary sewer capacity needs will be 32,193 gallons per day based on 219
persons and a level of service standard of 147 gallons per capita per day. There
are still .95 million gallons per day capacity available to serve the development.
c) Potable water capacity needs will be 35,259 gallons per day based on 219
persons and a level of service standard of 161 gallons per capita per day. There
are still 1.34 million gallons per day capacity available to serve the development.
d) Solid waste capacity needs will be 655 pounds per day based on 219 persons
and a level of service standard of 2.99 pounds per capita per day. There are still
344,251 million tons per year capacity available to serve the development
(county land fill).
e) Parks capacity needs will be .657 acres of park land based on 219 persons
and a level of service of .003 acres per 1,000 persons. There are still 104 acres
of park land capacity available to serve the development.
f) Drainage capacity needs will be calculated based on demonstrated
compliance that the project meets the City's adopted level of service for drainage
which will basically maintain prepost development conditions.
6. Recommend that the request to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map of the
Comprehensive Plan from Industrial to Medium Density Residential for property
located on the south side of McCracken Road between Airport Boulevard and
Persimmons Avenue be approved based on future land use compatibility in the
neighborhood, adequacy of facilities and services and furtherance of goals and
objectives and policies set forth in the Housing Element of the Comprehensive
McCRACKEN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT a request to rezone to PD, Planned
Development for property Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial located on the south side
of McCracken Road between Airport Boulevard and Persimmons Avenue.
1. The site is designated Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial, includes approximately
12.7 acres and is vacant at the present time. The site fronts McCracken Road,
an east -west local street and Airport Boulevard, a minor arterial (per Traffic
Circulation Element).
2. The applicant's request for PD, Planned Development Zoning reflects a proposed
10 acre single family residential development of 83 units at a density of 8.3
dwelling units per acre with lots to be approximately 40 feet by 90 feet. In
addition, a 2.7 acre westerly portion of the property is proposed for retail and /or
industrial uses.
3. On the south, the site is adjacent to an existing single family residential
development that is composed of fifty foot wide lots Zoned SR -1, Single Family
Residential. A convenience store at the southeast corner of Airport Boulevard
and McCracken Road is located adjacent to site. Vacant Industrial property is
located north of site as well as a seldom -used railroad spur on the north side of
McCracken Road. Vacant land east of site is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial.
Further east lies the CSX Railroad main line and then Crooms School of Choice
which is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential.
4. Regarding relationship of the proposal to the Comprehensive Plan,
subparagraph 4, above, is hereby incorporated and demonstrates that the
proposed residential use is consistent with the Plan. From a comprehensive
planning standpoint, the retail /industrial use is not considered to be a significant
change from the existing land use. However, it is noted for information purposes
that retail commercial uses require conditional use approval in the present RI -1
Zone covering the site. The proposed PD would render retail commercial uses
to be permitted by right.
5. Regarding public infrastructure and services necessary to support the proposed
development, subparagraph 5, above, is hereby incorporated and demonstrates
that adopted level of service standards will be able to be maintained upon
impact of the proposed development.
6. A City -owned and maintained lift station is located on the southeast corner of the
site. Several years ago when the site was being considered for an industrial
subdivision, the City vacated easements along the southerly boundary of the
property. The industrial project was discontinued and the City was left without
ownership of the lift station site. Therefore, prior to issuance of any development
permits on the site, the City needs to re- secure control of the property upon
which the lift station is located.
7. Recommend that the request to rezone from RI -1, Restricted Industrial to PD,
Planned Development be approved based on the above findings regarding
consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, ability to meet level of service
standards for facilities, general compatibility with land uses in the immediate area
and subject to the following conditions:
1) Proposed development shall conform to the McCracken Planned Development
Master Plan submitted by the applicant.
2) Amendment of the Future Land Use Plan from Industrial to Medium Density
Residential shall be approved by the Sanford City Commission and the Florida
Department of Community Affairs.
3) Prior to issuance of any site development permit or building permit, dedication
to the City of a sewage lift station site to coincide with the existing City lift station
presently located on site shall be accomplished.
SUN BANK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT a request to rezone to PD, Planned
Development for property Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial located between Fulton
Street, Oak Avenue, First Street and Myrtle Avenue.
1. Site includes 2.64 acres bounded by Fulton Street, Oak Avenue, First Street and
an accessway east of Myrtle Avenue. Site is basically developed at the present
time and includes a 26,300 square foot office building plus parking areas and
drive -in tellers. The site is Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial which is the zoning
classification applied to the majority of Downtown Sanford.
2. Pursuant to Sun Bank, N.A. Master Plan, the applicant proposes to expand the
office use to 144,000 square feet to include a new building to be located on the
north side of the site. A parking garage to accommodate 400 automobiles is
proposed to be located in the center of the site with the southerly portion of the
site including the existing building.
3. In general the proposed development is consistent with the Future Land Use
Plan of the Comprehensive Plan regarding policies to encourage redevelopment
of the Downtown Sanford area. The proposed use is essentially the same as the
existing use. However, the proposed higher intensity of the proposed use and
related impacts are considered below.
4. Transportation impacts constitute the primary concern regarding facility impacts
from the proposed development. The proposal calls for a total of 960 parking
spaces. Estimated trip generation for the proposed new office building is 1,849
trips per day pursuant to a "Traffic Impact and Concurrency Report" prepared by
Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Engineers, February 1995 (copy attached). In
summary, the study concludes (that there is sufficient capacity on the
surrounding roadways to accommodate projected traffic generated by the
proposed new office building." While capacity improvements will not be required,
i.e., road widening for additional laneage, the report notes that "specific design
of driveways into the parking facility will be submitted to the City in the site plan
review process." In general, City staff agrees with the general conclusions of the
traffic capacity analysis.
Regarding parking, the Master Plan notes that 560 parking spaces will be
located in the "proposed" parking garage to be located north of the site. This
alludes to a parking structure that is contained in conceptual plans developed
by the City's Waterfront Steering Committee for the waterfront and downtown
area. Specifically, the Waterfront Steering Committee, a standing committee of
the City, through work by the University of Florida College of Architecture,
proposes that one of the 500 space parking garages serving the proposed
Seminole County Courthouse expansion be located on the City Hall parking lot
in order to diminish the courthouse's building bulk from detracting from the
water's edge at the present courthouse parking lot site where the majority of the
expansion is anticipated. In essence, whether the proposed parking garage will
be constructed in the location anticipated in the Sun Bank Master Plan is as yet
undecided. Also, it is unclear from the master plan and traffic analysis whether
the on- street parking spaces surrounding the site are included in the 960 spaces
and, if so, whether they are included in the 400 garage spaces or the 560 off -site
spaces. If on- street parking is to be counted in the required parking for the
development, such parking will need to be approved by the City Commission as
a right -of -way use. Regardless of where the parking spaces are to be located,
the project needs to provide sufficient parking in the amount of 960 spaces. The
note on the plan states that "if no shared garage is built then SunBank would
have the option of increasing its onsite garage."
5. Recommend approval of the request to rezone from SC -3, Special Commercial
to PD, Planned Development based on the above findings and with the following
1) Proposed development shall conform to the Sun Bank, N.A. Planned
Development Master Plan submitted by the applicant.
2) Prior to commencement of development, a traffic circulation and parking plan
shall be submitted to the City and approved by the City. If a shared garage is
not built or allowed to accommodate parking from the Sun Bank project, then
SunBank must either increase the onsite garage parking or provide additional
land for parking.
3) All technical questions regarding streetscape, angled parking on First Street,
drainage, maintenance responsibility for improvements and related issues will be
resolved to the City's satisfaction prior to construction.