HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.16.95WORKSHOP AGENDA
February 16. 1995
6.00 P.M.
1. Chain Link Fences in Front Yards and Associated Regulations - Memorandum
from staff .
2. Parking Space Size and Related Requirements - Memorandum from staff.
3. Reprised Standards for Conditional Uses and Variances - Excerpts from Land
Development Regulations
NOTE: Copies of the abovemdescribed materials will be
available for review at the meeting, Such materials are on
file and available for review at the Department of Engineering
and Planning, Second Floor, City Hall, City of Sanford,
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing,
he or she may need a verbatim record of proceedings, including the testimony and evidence with record is not provided by the City of Sanford.
(FS 288.0108)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to parrtialpate in any of these proceedings shoo ld contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 33 5626, 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
February 10, 1995
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission,, 7:00 P.M.,
Thursday, February 16, 1995, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1 801
Maple Avenue in an RC-1,, Restricted Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a duplex.
Owner/representatives: ,Joaquin & Sonja Rodriguez
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 500
Upsala Road in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the purpose of locating
st rmwater facilities within a secondary well field protection zone.
Owner: G arard M. & Barbara A. Dillard
Representative: Steve Neveleff, Florida Fine Homes
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1 120
S. Palmetto Avenue in a R -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential Zoning District for the purpose
of an accessory dwelling unit.
Own erlrepre entati e: Lynette Woodward
4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at
400 -448 Towne Center Circle in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District, for the purpose
of signage for a cinema f height: 25" allowed, ' proposed - a variance request of '; total
square footage: 525 sq ft. allowed,, 901 sq ft. proposed - a variance request of 376 sq ft.; free-
standing si nage: 100 sq ft. allowed, 3 51 proposed - a variance request of 2 51 sq ft.).
Owner: Seminole Investors
Representative: Thomas Schneider
Consider a 202 lot Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Country Club Park located at 500 Up ala
Road in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
Owner: Garard M. & Barbara A. Dillard
Representative: Steve i e eleff, Florida Fine Homes
6 Consider the Site Flan for Toys "R" CJs, a commercial use, located at 101 Towne Center
Boulevard in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
Owner: Faison Capital Develop ment/T ys "R" CJs, lessee
Representative: Jerry Orf,, CASCO
7. Any other business from floor or C ommission Members.
8 Reports from Staff.
9. Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter
considered at the above meeting o r gearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including
the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286-0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
0 P.M.
Lynn Stogner
Ross Robert
Jim Valerino
Mike Davis
rnthia molt- Miller
Helen Stairs
Joe Dennison
Ben Dal
Leon Brooks
jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The first item on the Worksession Agenda was the discussion of
chain link fences in front yards and associated regulations.
Mr. Marder stated that at the time when the ordinance was being
considered for adoption, it was noted that chain link fences, in
front yards, appeared to rake homes look like prisons, unfriendly.
It was as much of an aesthetic question as it was a behavioral
q uestion. It was to discourage chain link fences in residential as
well as non- residential areas. It was also recognized that an
escape valve was needed and the escape valve was the Planning
Zoning Corrxrission. He stated that standards, as to whir chain link
fences would not be allowed, were not included. If approval was
given f- r a chain link fence, the Commission wanted to see that
there were o ther fences In the neighborhood. In areas where there
were no fences, the Commission would tend to discourage.
Mr. Marder stated that one person called him today and wanted chain
-link fen a p 'in the h area. Th
Historic Preservation Board turne d down the FINA station for a
chain link fence and the City Commission backed them up. Planning
and Zoning is concerned with the overall City.
Mr. M as ked the Comm what it w to do rega
chain link fencing. If it wanted to keep the policy in the
ordinance, or prohibit the fences for residential areas. He stated
that this is the first time that this group has had to _deal with
s i nale- T y houses. The Board of Adj u s a d eals with
single-family hordes whereas this group deals with commercial and
multi hou ■
Mr. l Tin a ske d if i1i .is i voted for no chain link
fences, co she a pplicant go to the Boar of Adjustment. Mr.
a r d er state that JOE woul req the ordinance an the sche
in the Land Development Regulations to be changed. The intent
would be to prohibit chain link f-enes in the front yard of
residential areas, or any areas. Single and two-family requests
would go to the Board of Adjustment, and commercial requests would
core to this Roard.
Mr. Stogner asked would applicants have to pay an application fee
if this Commission recommended ed changing the requests to be
considered by the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Marder stated that if
they go for a dimensional variance they would have to pair an
application fee. This Commission does not have a fee for this
particular type of question. In the case of single-family
dwellings, a variance fee of $75.00 is a lot of money just to put
a fence in.
Mr. Stogner stated that the problem would not be solved if the
Commission transferred consideration of chain link fences to the
Board of Adjustment. This is a problem's that exists and its just
going to get worst. Mr. Ross asked would the Board of Adjustment
have the requisite knowledge of chain link fencing the knowledge
of how this Board feels, and would they accept this willingly, if
this Board made the decision to give the consideration of chain
link fencing to them. Mr. Marder stated that he did not }snow
because he hadnrt talked to them* He stated that one thing to do
would be to provide some standards or guidelines, i.e. located in
a neighborhood with a preponderance of established chain link.
fences. These could be documented. Mr. Robert stated that the
def lnit Ton of neighborhood is always hard to establish or pin down.
Mr. Mar'der stated that it is an immediate area. Mr. Robert asked
if the Historic District would be separately addressed. He stated
that there are many 50 lots and many chain link fences. Mr.
rder stated that that area is specifically regulated through the
Historic Preservation Board and any appearance change has to g o
through that Board. There are strong feelings as to how things
should be dome in the Historic District. Mr. Gibson stated that
currently, the Historic Regulations allow wood, iron, metal, and
masonry fences in some areas. 54 1 ' is the allotted height for
fencing the front yard. . Mr. Robert asked how high is allotted
outside of the Historic District for a wood fence. Mrs. Sonnenberg
stated 8 high.
Mr. alerino stated that the issue appears to be more complicated
because it allows other fences to be installed in the front yard
with a height of 8 '
Mr. Sto asked if residents in other cities could go before a
board and ask for a variance or permission to erect a chain lire}
fence. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this question was not asked
when the surrey was done. Matt West with the City of Lake Mary,
stated that Lake Nary residents have to go before the Board Of
Adjustment and ask for a variance but that Lake Mary has a $150.00
application fee. This fee usually discourages people. There have
been enough complaints regarding the fee that it has become a
topic. Mr. West stated that residents could install a decorative
fence which could be split rail or picket, not chain link, with a
height li mit a t i on.
M a l.er i no s that ch li nk fence be prohi
w que Re wou sti have another avenue, the
Board Of Adjustment. They would be required to pay the $75.00
application fee. fir. Robert stated that he feels likewise and that
the Board Of Adjustment has the single-family knowledge.
Mr. Davis stated that he would not rind requests going to the Board
Of Adjustment for consideration since that Board works with s i 1. -
farily lots. He stated that he is not against chain link fences in
front yards. People have the right to put them up. In the past,
this Commission has approved the fences, but today this is a
different group of people that do not want them.
Mr. Marder stated that he would go ahead with the process to be in
line with chain link fencing to be considered by the Board Of
It was decided that the other two items on the Agenda would be
discussed in a worksession on 2.6, 1995.
Wor session adjourned at P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Ben Dyal
Cynthia Holt - Miller
Lynn Stogner
Ross Robert
Jim Valerino
Helen Stairs
Mike Davis
Joe Dennison
Leon Brooks
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russell Gibson, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Due to the absence of the Chairman, Mrs. Stairs called the meeting
to order at 7;00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
1801 Maple Avenue in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District
for the purpose of a duplex. Darner /representatives: Joaquin &
Sonja Rodriguez.
Joaquin Rodriguez, 508 Sweet Water Circle, Longwood, stated that
when he purchased the property, he was made to understand that it
was a duplex. During the process of renovation, he stated that
City inspectors informed him that he would need permission to use
the property as a duplex.
Mr. Stogner asked if a two family residence could share one meter.
Mr. Marder stated that there is no requirement one way or the
other. Most buildings built as a two family residence would have
separate meters. The electric meters are usually separate but
often times the water meters are shared. Mr. Robert asked Mr.
Rodriguez if he was aware that City Staff was recommending approval
of his request with requirements that include meeting all setbacks
of property limes. Mr. Rodriguez stated that he was not fully
aware of everything because the manager of the property usually
handles everything. Mr. Rodriguez assured the Commission that any
requirements of the City would be met.
Mr. Valerino asked the applicant when did he buy the property. Mr.
Rodriguez stated a year and a half ago. He stated that he owns the
convenience store and the gas station also.
Mr. Rodriguez stated that he only recently decided to convert the
property into a duplex. Each side is self contained. There is no
one living on the premises now, except that, on occasion, the
people doing work on the property stays over. Mrs. Sonnenberg
stated that this property was utilized by a mother and her daughter
and family because the mother needed assistance. It was only one
family under a one family use. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this
property never has had a duplex use specifically given.
Mr. Stogner requested clarification as to Staff's recommendation
No. 3 and asked if some of the structures in the area were not in
compliance. Mr. Marder stated that his observation was that some
of the buildings south of the site have different uses. They are
not all single family. There are mixed - uses, some commercial and
some residential.
Mr. Robert move to approve with Staff's recommendations with the
exception of Recommendation No. 3, "all buildings and structures
shall be located an adequate distance from all parcel lines ".
PA R! 2
Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Dyal asked What is the purpose in
changing Staff's recommendations. Mr. Robert stated that it is to
make sure that City codes are followed. All in favor. Motion
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request
for a Conditional Use for property located at 500 Upsa.la Road in a
PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the purpose of locating
stormwater facilities within a secondary well field protection
zone. owner: Garard M. & Barbara A. Dillard; representative:
Steve Neveleff, Florida Fine Homes.
Steve Neveleff, , 220 Lucian Way, Maitland, stated that. they plan to
abide by all regulations. Mr. Robert asked Mr. Marder if Wellfield
No. 4 is the only one that overlaps. Mr. Marder stated "no ". It
is actually Wellfield No. 3. Mr. Robert asked if Wellfield No. 3
provides water basically for that area and the Mall. Mr. Marder
stated that it provides water for the entire City.
Written justification for the wellfield conditional use by Ivey
Harris Walls, Inc. was entered into the record.
Mrs. Holt - Miller moved for approval based on Staff's
recommendations. seconded by Mr. Robert. Mr. Dyal opposed. All
others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
1120 S. Palmetto Avenue in a SR -1, Single Family Dwelling
Residential Zoning District for the purpose of an accessory
dwelling unit. Owner /representative: Lynette Woodward.
Lynette Woodward, 1120 S. Palmetto Avenue, stated that she has a
very nice garage apartment and would like to rent it to her cousin.
There are other garage apartments in the immediate area. She
stated that because the tenant would be a relative and it is on her
property; and she occupies the primary residence, she could keep an
eye on things. Access is from the alleyway with plenty of parking.
She stated that she had talked with some of the neighbors and that
they are in support of the request. She stated that Mark Platts
and Bess Simons have written a letter of approval. Also the
president of the Historic Trust was in approval of her request. At
this time, Ms. Woodward passed around some photos of the garage
apartment. Mrs. Stairs requested that the letters be made part of
the minutes.
Mr. Dyal asked when did the property lose the conditional use.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated 6 months afterwards because it was never
occupied. Ms. Woodward stated that she would rather rent to
relatives. If the relative moved out in 5 months, she would not
consider renting it to just anyone, but may be to close friends.
Ms. Woodward stated that she had started fixing the garage
apartment because she wanted to upgrade the electric. Mr. Davis
stated that there appears to be other apartments like this in the
area. Some have been approved and some have not.. Mr. Valerino
stated that it Mould be an asset to the area.
Laura Straehla, 815 Magnolia Ave., was present to speak in favor of
the request. She stated that the Andres Duany codes recommended
garage apartments. Mr. Dyal asked her if she thought anyone should
rent garage apartments in the area. She stated that this is an
appropriate use.
Mr. Robert asked if ownership should change, is there any way that
this can come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr.
Marder stated that a conditional use runs with the land, but that
the Commissioners could put a time: limit on the conditional use.
Toby Troutman, 900 S. Palmetto, spoke in favor of the request. She
stated that her only reservation was who might purchase the
property if Ms. Woodward decided to sell..
A letter from Dottie Dings, in favor of the request, was read into
the record.
Mr. Robert recommended approval of the request to include a
biannual review every two years based on the support of the
Historic Trust's letter, the neighbors and the lack of opposition
and with the provisal that the owner occupy one of the units and
that all licensing and city inspections prevail. Seconded by Mr.
Dyal. Mr. Marder stated that he was. uncomfortable with taking
opposition or support from the audience into the recommendation to
approve. He stated-that the recommendations needed to be based on
findings that are related to the neighborhood and adjacent uses
being compatible with other information, i.e. buildings that are
already there, being rented to relatives; and being in compliance
with minimum housing codes, etc.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that opinions from neighbors are not
findings of fact. Mr . Robert withdrew his recommendation and moved
for approval based on existing uses in neighborhood, compatibility,
condition of property and with adjacent properties having similar
uses already established in the area, with the proviso that one of
the units be owner occupied and a review every two bears by the
Planning and Zoning Commission for licensing and any other
requirements. Mrs. Sonnenberg noted that there is not a license
required for duplex. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Valerino asked if
it should be in the motion to have it to be rented only to family.
Mrs. Holt - Miller asked how could the relative portion of the motion
be policed. Mrs. Stairs stated that it would make it more
restricted with a relative renting it. lair. Robert amended the
motion to include the rentals be restricted to family members only.
Mr. Stogner and Mr. Valerino in opposition. All others in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request
for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 440 -445 Towne
Center Circle in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District, for the
purpose of signage for a cinema (height: 25' allowed, 30' proposed
- a variance request of 5 ; total Square footage: 525 sq ft.
allowed, 901 sq ft. proposed - a variance request of 376 sq ft.;
free-standing signage: 100 sq ft. allowed, 351 proposed - a
variance request of 251 sq ft.). owner : Seminole Investors;
representative: Thomas Schneider.
Chuck Schneider, was present representing Simon Property Group. He
stated that the freestanding sign will be a reader board for the
Cinema. In order to get ten movies listed on the sign that can be
read from I -4, the sign needed to be increased. The requested size
is the standard size for a reader board. He stated that they are
asking for a 5 variance for the height of the sign.
Mr. Schneider stated that the letters on the building sign is
actually separate letters. The signage is calculated by City code.
The free standing sign will be located south of the building, on
the west end of a landscape island. He. explai that they are
proposing a maximum limit of 30' from the bottom of the sign. to the
ground. This is a typical marquee board. There will be no ground
mounted lights. He stated that they are requesting an increase in
the freestanding sign and the building mounted sign.
Mr. Robert moved to approve based on special conditions peculiar to
the land and based on Staff' s recommendations. Seconded by Mr.
Stogner. All in favor. Motion carried..
The next item. was the consideration of a 202 lot Prelim
Subdivision Plan for Country Club Park located at 500 Upsala Road
in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District. owner: G.arard M. &
Barbara A. Dillard; representative: Steve Neve-leff, Florida Fine
Steve Neveleff, 2200 Lucian way, was present for representation.
Mr. Dyal asked if he had any problems with the installation of
sidewalks. Mr. Ne.velef f stated "no." Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that
the common areas, i.e. the retention areas, lift station and
various tracts will need sidewalks. lair. Davis stated that Tract A,
B, and C will need sidewalks.
Mr. Stogner asked how much dirt will be brought in. Mr. Neveleff
stated that there are good soils on site and that they will not be
bringing in much dirt.
Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staff ' s recommendations. Seconded
by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for Toys "R"
Us, a commercial use, located at 101 Towne venter Boulevard in a
PD, Planned Development Zoning District. owner: Faison Capital
Development /Toys "R" Us, lessee; representative: Jerry orf, CASCO.
Ray Migliorelli, of New Jersey, was present for representation.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mr. Stagner. .
All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Dyal asked for an explanation as to what happened with the
garage apartment. Mr. Stogner stated that he is concerned with the
Historic District. He stated that it will be nice while she is
there but if she moves or if she dies then what happens. Mr. Dyal
stated that if the Commission had put a time limit on the
conditional use and the owner sells it tomorrow, something could be
done if a problem occurs. Mr. Dyal stated that the Historic
District does what it wants, to do and how it wants to do it. He
stated that it is the buddy system. Mr. Stogner stated this
Commission needs to be consistent. He stated that how he votes
will be in line with what the city recommends.
It was asked if the chain link fence behind the County Services
Building was permitted through the City. Mr. Marder explained that
the City does. not permit the County. The County notifies the City
of any intentions to do any work and the City reviews site plans of
any projects that the County proposes but the City does not permit
Seminole County projects.
Mrs. Holt - Miller moved to approve the Minutes as circulated.
Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
Helen Stairs, Acting Chairperson
From the Director of Planning and Development
February 9, 1995
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Staff Recommendations for Meeting of February 16, 1995
RODRIQUEZ /AMIR - Request conditional use permit to establish a two - family
dwelling for property Zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial located at 1801 Maple
1. Site includes an existing residential building that appears to have had several
additions over a period of time. The Seminole County Property Appraiser's
records reflect a two family residence with shared electric and water heater -
1 meter. The City has never permitted a two family dwelling in this location.
The site is Zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial and includes over 14,000
square feet of land.
2. Various single family dwellings are located along Maple Avenue. A two - family
dwelling is located opposite the site at 1902 Maple Avenue in an SR -1, Single
Family Residential Zone.
3. Several buildings south of site appear to be of mixed use, i.e., residential and
commercial, within the RC -1 Zone.
4. A convenience store, a middle school and various other businesses are located
adjacent to site in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone.
5. Recommend approval of conditional use permit to establish a two - family
dwelling based on similar use already established in the immediate area, the
existing mixed use character and the condition that the following standards
shall be met: 1. All general requirements of the Land Development Regulations
shall be met; 2. The parcel shall meet minimum requirements for a two - family
dwelling; 3. All buildings and structures shall be located an adequate distance
from all parcel lines; and, 4. There shall be no signage on the site.
FLORIDA FINE HOMES/NEVELEFF - Request conditional use permit to construct
stormwater facilities below grade within a secondary wellfield protection area for
property Zoned PD, Planned Development located on the west side of Upsala Road.
Site is basically vacant at the present time and includes approximately 50
acres. Site is planned for single family residential development pursuant to a
Planning Recommendations - Page 1
preliminary subdivision plan that has been submitted to the City and in
undergoing staff review at the date of this writing.
2. Regarding wellfield protection, the site and surrounding area are included in
a secondary wellfield protection zone associated with the City's No. 1
Wellfield at Oregon Avenue which includes five active potable water wells.
Open drainage cuts below the seasonal high water table are permitted by
conditional use within secondary protection zones.
The site is separated from the wellfield by a wetland area of approximately 30
acres. Various residential subdivisions are already located in the immediate
area. A portion of the above - mentioned wetlands includes a open water
area /drainage pond that serves as stormwater retention for the adjacent
3. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to construct below ground
drainage ponds and related facilities with a secondary wellfield protection zone
based on separation of such facilities from the wellfield, similar facilities
already located within the secondary protection zone that have not cause
wellfield protection problems and the condition that the following standards
shall be met: 1. All general requirements of the Land Development Regulations
shall be met; 2. All lots and parcels shall meet minimum requirements,
including those set forth in the Indian Trace Planned Development Master Plan;
3. All buildings and structures shall be located an adequate distance from all
parcel lines; and, 4. Proposed signage of the development shall be subject to
review by the Planning and Zoning Commission if deemed necessary by City
WOODWARD - Request conditional use permit to establish a two - family dwelling for
property Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential located at 1120 Palmetto Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and includes a principal dwelling
and what appears to be an accessory residential structure. The principal
building is noted as a "contributing structure" in the Sanford Historic Survey
of 1990.
2. Various single family dwellings are immediately adjacent to site. A principal
dwelling with a garage apartment is located on the south side of 12th Street
on Lot 6. Based on observation, the garage apartment appears to be occupied;
the electric meter was active. Also, a structure that appears to be a four unit
apartment building and another structure that appears to be a two - family
dwelling are located on the block south of the site.
3. In 1983 the City implemented a policy to reestablish and strengthen single
family uses in an area generally identified as the Downtown Residential
Historic Area. Prior to 1983 the neighborhood was Zoned for multiple family
residential uses. During that time, many single family dwellings were
converted into rooming houses, boarding houses, apartments and various
Planning Recommendations - Page 2
short -term occupancy establishments. In general, the widespread conversion
of large, old homes to short -term occupancy and rental housing was viewed
as detrimental to the character and stability of the neighborhood. Many of the
conversions were being accomplished without compliance with building code
requirements. Also, the increased concentration of transient population
fostered by short -term rental housing appeared to contribute to deteriorating
conditions in the neighborhood. The already old buildings were not physically
equipped to accommodate the increased use associated with multiple
occupancy and as a result, an increasing number of old buildings were
becoming deteriorated or simply run down. It should be noted that the
Downtown Residential Historic Area was planned and developed in the late
1800's and early 1900's prior to the automobile. Therefore the buildings,
even those that were originally planned for multiple occupancy, did not
envision the space necessary to adequately accommodate the automobile. In
general most of the older buildings treat the automobile as an afterthought and
do not devote sufficient area for off - street parking facilities. Increased density
caused by the conversion of buildings to multiple family use exacerbated an
already tight on- street parking situation.
In 1983 the City rezoned the area to SR -1, Single Family Residential. Property
owners were allowed to "grandfather" their multiple family residential uses as
well as bring their buildings into compliance with building and zoning codes
to the extent feasible. Since 1983, the City's policy has continued to be
directed at strengthening, maintaining and encouraging single family residential
uses in the area. At various times, the City Commission has seen fit to review
circumstances pertaining to specific properties and take action based on
unique, block -by -block conditions that characterize the area.
Further, in December, 1993 the City adopted architectural standards to
regulate and preserve the historic architecture located in the area. The site is
included within the regulated area. While those regulations, also known as the
Old Sanford Regulations or Duany Code, do not include land use provisions,
they do generally reflect the City's commitment to reestablish the area's
original character.
4. On May 7, 1987 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a conditional
use request to establish a two - family dwelling at 112 0 Palmetto Avenue (the
Site ). Minutes of that meeting cite "other garage apartments in the area...
there would be no congestion because they would have access through the
alley." The motion was unanimous and there was no opposition. The
conditional use expired because the old zoning ordinance provided that
conditional uses expire if not activated within six months. A notation in the
Building Department's property records shows that the owner agreed that the
property was single family usage in 1985.
5. On December 5, 1991 the Planning and Zoning Commission denied a request
for conditional use approval to establish a two - family dwelling in an SR -1,
Single Family Residential Zoning District located on Magnolia Avenue between
Tenth Street and Eleventh Street. The site included a one - family dwelling and
Planning Recommendations - Page 3
an accessory building on approximately 8,775 square feet. The above -
mentioned 1983 rezoning from multiple family residential to SR -1, Single
Family Residential Zoning based on the City's policy to reestablish and
encourage one - family dwellings in the area was cited in staff's findings and
6. In a case involving 400 Palmetto Avenue, the City denied a conditional use
request to establish a two - family dwelling. The case was appealed to the City
Commission and was denied. The applicant unsuccessfully appealed the City
Commission's decision through the Fifth District Court of Appeal in 1993.
Amongst other findings cited, the City noted the history and policy of
considering each property on an individual basis as well as the policy to
reestablish single family uses in the effected neighborhood.
7. Recommend denial of the conditional use request to establish a two - family
dwelling based on the City's policy to reestablish single family uses in the
Downtown Residential Historic Area and the reemerging single family
residential character of the immediate area at the present time.
SIMON PROPERTY GROUP /SCHNEIDER - Request a dimensional variance to establish
attached and detached signage that differs from permitted signage regulations for
property located in the Seminole Properties Planned Development at the southeast
quadrant of Interstate 4 and State Road 46.
1. Site is vacant at the present time and is part of the Seminole Properties
Planned Development. The majority of the planned development site is under
construction as a regional shopping center. The applicant proposes that the
site be developed as a cinema.
2. The applicant specifically requests the following:
a) Increased sign surface area for the entire site - up to 901 square feet
proposed, 525 square feet permitted;
b) Increased height of detached sign - 30 feet proposed, 25 feet permitted;
c) Increased size of detached sign - 351 square feet proposed, 100 feet
3. The applicant's justification for the dimensional variance(s) is summarized as
a) The site was configured in anticipation of condemnation for a proposed
interchange with 1 -4 and the proposed expressway, i.e., it is much smaller.
Otherwise the site's dimensions would have been greater and would have
allowed approximately 1,000 square feet of sign surface area.
b) The detached sign must be large enough to include ten movies, with
visibility from 1 -4 and location of reader board above parked cars and vans.
Planning Recommendations - Page 4
c) The theater is unique in its size and location as related to the Florida
Department of Transportation's anticipated condemnation for expressway
interchange right -of -way, the large number of planned movie screens 0 0) and
the site's visibility from an interstate highway.
4. Recommend approval of the requested dimensional variance as set forth by
the applicant based on: 1) special conditions and circumstances peculiar to the
land, i.e., its relationship to 1 -4 and a proposed interchange; 2) the
circumstances did not result from the negligence of the applicant; 3) granting
the variance will not confer special privileges based on similar variances and
special sign standards provided for in PD, Planned Development Zoning; 4) a
liter interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would work unnecessary
hardship on the applicant; 5) the variance appears to be minimal in terms of
necessary and reasonable visibility of the structures upon the land; and 6) the
variance will be in harmony with the area involved, i.e., a large scale regional
shopping center, and would not otherwise be detrimental to the public interest
or welfare.
Planning Recommendations - Page 5