HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.15.94FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR December 9, 1994 T: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting. of the Planning and Zoning Commission,, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, December 1 , 1 994, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 1200 French Avenue in a -2, General Commercial zoning district, for the purpose of a reduction in the front yard setback 25 feet required, 4 feet proposed - a variance of 21 feet. Owner: Hellek on Real Estate Company, inc. Representative: Gerald Gross (Tabled: 12 -1- ) 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at the westerly extension of Labe Minnie Drive in a NCR - , Multiple- family Residential zoning district for the purpose the deletion of 1. 5 ' asphalt overhang and curb at parking space end: REQUIRED - 10'x20" asphalt to face of curb with wheel stop at 17.5' and curb at 20"; PROPOSED - 9'x20' with 18.5" asphalt with wheel stop at 17.5' and unpaved 1.5' overhang with no curb. Owner: U.S. Horne Corporation I Contract Buyer: Picerne Development Representative: Don Paxton 3. Consider the Site Plan for North Ridge Apartments, 288 der elIing units, located at 601 -701 Labe Minnie Drive in a MR-3 MR-3 Multiple- family Residential zoning district. Owner: U.S. Home Corporation 1 Contract Buyer: Picerne Development Representative: Jack Weinstein, P. E. 4. Discussion on chain link fences in residential front yard setbacks. 5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 6. Reports from Staff. 7. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (F 286-0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. MIN ES PLANNING AND ZONING CCNNISSIGN NESTING OF DECKER 151 1994 7:00 P .M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRES=: Lynn Stogner Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Mike Davis Ross Robert James Valerino Helen Stairs Cynthia Holt - Miller MEMERS ABSENT: Leon Brooks OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 1200 French Avenue in a GC--2, General Commercial zoning district, for the purpose of a reduction in the front yard setback: 25 feet required, 4 feet proposed - a variance of 21 feet. owner : Hellekson Real Estate Company, Inc.; representative: Gerald Grass. (Tabled: 12- 1 -94). Mrs. Stairs moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. Gerald Grass, Architect, representing the owner.stated that this building is known as The Barn. Because of the way the building sets on the property it has two front yards. He stated that the main building sets back from the street 4 Architecturally, they would like to keep the new addition with a setback of 4 also. Mr. Gross stated that they would be removing part of the rear of the facility because it is dilapidated and does not meet City codes. Mr. Robert stated that the survey shows most of the building along 12th Street as being over the property line. Mr. Gross stated that the building jogs back on the survey. The stairway hangs over the property line. Actually, the property sets back 3.8 not 4 1 ; but that they would like to have the addition at a 4' setback. Mrs. Stairs questioned the notations on the tax role printout. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that those are staff comments which will come in with the site plan. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. loot ion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at the westerly extension of Lame Minnie Drive in a MR -3, Multiple - family Residential zoning district for the purpose the deletion of 1.5 asphalt overhang and curb at parking space end: REQUIRED - 10rx20 asphalt to face of curb with wheel stop at 17.5 and curb at 20 PROPOSED - 9'x20' with 18.5' asphalt with wheel stop at 17.5' and unpaved 1.5 overhang with no curb. owner. U.S. Home Corporation Contract Buyer: Picerne Development; representative: Dan Paxton. Jack Weinstein of Donald McIntosh and Associates was present for representation. He stated that the standard parking space is 10 and that they are requesting to have 9 parking spaces. He stated that they will install wheel stops. The unpaved space will reduce the impervious and asphalt areas. Mr. Weinstein MINUTES PLAI'NING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of DECEMBER 15, 1994 PAGE 2 stated that Curbing is not beneficial to parking spaces. wheel stops do not decrease the parking space. In fact, there would be more grassed areas. Grassed spaces would be between the parking space and the sidewalk. Mr. Robert asked if the deletion of curbing would be for the entire s+te plan. Mr. Weinstein stated that the deletion of curbing would be at the end of the parking spaces only. Leonard smith, 1304 Northlake Drive, spoke in opposition to the request. He asked what was the purpose in shrinking the parking spaces. He asked if downsizing the parking spaces was to accommodate the needed number of parking spaces for this project. Mr. Smith asked if the green area between the wheel stop and parking space is to accommodate runoff. He stated that this somehow has to effect more than the parking space size. Jack Weinstein stated that the parking space size being requested is 9 The reduction of parking space size allows for more parking spaces on the site. He feels that 9 is an adequate size parking space. He stated that it is always beneficial to reduce the amount of pervious area, that this is a benefit. There are no hidden benefits and no trickery related to this request. Mr. Dennison asked if the reason for the request is only to reduce the amount of asphalt so water could be absorbed into the ground. Mr. Weinstein stated "yes ". Mr. Marder stated that the Commission is considering the 9 1 x20 vs. the 10 x2 0' parking space size only. The other part is engineering which is done at staff level. Mr. smith asked if the parking requirements for this site could be obtained with 10 parking spaces. Mr. Robert stated that the engineer has indicated that the applicant has enough room on the site to accommodate the 10'x20' parking spaces. Mr. Weinstein stated that the site plan does not -rely on this variance to accommodate the parking requirements. He stated that the total number of required parking spaces is 576. The total number of parking spaces being provided is 620 with 9' landscape islands. Mr. Smith stated that cars will come out on Lake Minnie Drive. He stated that the overall plan should call for more studies. There is a traffic problem now at this intersection. He asked if permits would be required because of the added impact that would be placed at the intersection. Mr. Dennison stated that the applicant would have to get permits from D.O.T. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the Site Plan for worth Ridge Apartments, 288 dwelling units, located at 601 -701 Lake Minnie Drive in a MR -3 Multiple - family Residential zoning district. Owner: U.S. Home Corporation / Contract Buyer: Picerne Development; representative: Jack Weinstein, P.E. Jack Weinstein was present for representation. He stated that he had communicated with D.O.T. and that D.O.T. has indicated that the facili ties on 17 -92 are sufficient to handle additional traffic. Mr. Weinstein stated that a traffic study is being conducted at this location. Mr. Davis asked if approval of this site plan would effect the improvements needed if the traffic study warrants it. Mr. Marder stated that staff could modify the plan if the traffic study indicated improvements are needed. Mr. Weinstein assured the Commission that the owner of the property retains the ability to obtain the necessary easements. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recommendations and the following conditions: 1) the off -site drainage system, being routed through the project, will require an easement to be recorded MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1994 PAGE 3 prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy - the system is a private system; 2) a letter of authorization from the owners of the lift stat ion allowing the project's use of the system; 3 ) the Utility Department requests lift station calculations and certification showing that the proposed tie -in does not overload the system.; 4) double "Do Not Enter" signs at the entrance to .maintain cne -way traffic direction; and 5 ) an accessible parking space by the mail kiosk. Seconded by Mr. Dyad.. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the discussion on chain link fences in residential front yard setbacks. Mr. Marder stated that when chain link fences were handled other than by this Commission, the fences did not seem to be a problem. Staff has suggested that chain link fences be , 'allowed in front yard non - residential uses, not in buffer areas and'that 4' high chain link fences to be allowed in the building setback area for residential uses. Mr. Marder stated that this could be done as a policy. Mr. Davis asked if the Commission adopted staff's recommendations could the two people previously denied put up their fence. Mr. Marder stated "yes ". Mr. Stogner and Mrs. Stairs stated that they have problems with front yard chain link fences. Mr. Dyal suggested that the Commission continue on a per item basis. Mr. Stogner suggested that chain link fences in the front yard be decorative or enhanced in some way. Mr. Valerino stated that the Commission should have a flat rule, "no chain link fences allowed in front yards ". Mr. Davis stated that people should have a right to install fences on their property and that other people should mind their own business. Mr. Valerino moved that chain link fences no longer be allowed in front yards or within 25' of the right -of -way. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. Mr. Robert, Mr. Dyal, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Holt - Miller, and Mr. Dennison in opposition to the motion. All others in favor. Motion failed. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the Minutes of November 17th and December 1 1994. Mrs. Stairs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. e Den ison, Chairman From the Director of Planning and Development December 8, 1994 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of December 15, 1994 GERALD GROSS - Request for a dimensional variance to permit the expansion of a nonconforming structure into the front yard building setback for property Zoned GC- 2, General Commercial located at 1200 French Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes an entertainment facility known as "The Barn." The site includes approximately two acres. An existing wood frame building is located on the site. 2. As reflected on a proposed plan submitted with the application, the applicant desires to add additional building area to the existing structure adjacent to Twelfth Street. The existing building setback from Twelfth Street is four (4) feet. The required building setback for Twelfth Street is twenty five (25) feet which reflects the City's requirement that corner lots reflect front yard building setbacks for both street frontages. The proposed plan shows that several site improvements along Twelfth Street are located in the right -of -way. Such improvements require a right -of -way use permit approved by the City Commission. 3. Twelfth Street is a local street with a very low traffic volume. The City does not have nor does it foresee any expansion to Twelfth Street in terms of capacity or other improvements. 4. Recommend approval of the dimensional variance of the building setback from twenty five feet to four feet along Twelfth Street based on the major portion of the existing building that already established with a four foot setback from the right -of -way. PICERNE DEVELOPMENT - Request dimensional variance for property Zoned MR -3, Multiple Family Residential located on the south side of Lake Minnie Drive on the west side of U.S. Highway 17 & 92. Site is Zoned MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and is basically vacant at the present time. Site includes approximately 15.5 acres. Proposed development is 288 apartments. Proposed density is 18.6 dwelling units per acre. 2. Applicant requests dimensional variance for parking space size from 10' by 20' as required to 9' by 20' as requested. (Requested "variances" to wastewater effluent and other engineering requirements are considered to be engineering requirements to be decided by the Administrative Official) 3. Recommend approval of the request to decrease the minimum parking space size from 10' by 20' to 9' by 20' based on similar requests already granted for developments such as Seminole Towne Center Mall and Gateway Plaza Shopping Center. Planning Recommendations, December 8, 1994, Page 2