HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.17.94FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR November 17, 1994 � _ C TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Re gularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7 :00 P.M., Thursday, November 17, 1994, in the City Commission Chambers, City Fall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Consider the T.D.I. Master Plan for property located at 50D-- 600 Aero Lane, an industrial use, in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Wheeled Coach Industries, Inc. Representative: Daniel L. Morris, P.E. (Tabled: 11/ 3 / 94) 2. Consider the Site Plan for T.D.I., a truckin storag use located at 610 Aero Lane in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: T.D.I. of Florida Representative: D.L. Morris, P.E. {Tabled: 11/3/94} 3. Consider the Site /Engineering Plan for New Tribes mission, Phase 2; a residential use, for property located at 1701 Celery Avenue in a PD. Planned Development Zoning District. Owner: New Tribes Mission Re presentative: Daniel Taube {Tabled: 11/3/94} 4. Consider the request to allow a chain link fence in the front yard of a single- family residence for property located at 2811. French Avenue in a SR -1 Single - family Residential Dwelling Zoning District. Owner: Richard A. and Tracie L. Leonard Representative: Richard A. Leonard 5. Consider the request move the required visual screen from the rear yard buffer to the front yard for Sunstate Awning, a wholesale /office use located at 50 Keyes Court in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat Representative Mark Nelen 6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 7. Reports from Staff. 8. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC, If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matLer considered at the above meeting or hearing, hf may need a verbatim record of the proceedi including the test..imony and evidence, which r ^ord is not provided by Che Ci ty of Sanford I FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance tc participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel affice ADA Coordinator at '3IG -5626 48 hrr, in advance of the meeting_ MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynn Stogner Ross Robert Joe Dennison Jim Valerino Mike Davis Cynthia Holt - Miller Leon Brooks MEMBERS AB S ENT : Helen Stairs Ben D yal OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETn►TG OF NOVEMBER 17, 1994 7 :00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Associate Planner Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Chairman Dennison called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the T . D . I . Master Plan for property located at 500 -600 Aero Lane, an industrial use, in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: wheeled Coach Industries, Inc. ; representative: Daniel L. Morris, P. E. (Tabled: 11 / 3 J 94) . Mr. Robert made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Stogner. All in favor. Motion carried. Dan Morris of Morris Engineering was present for representation. He stated that the site contains approximately eighteen (18 ) acres but that they only want to develop four (4 )acres on the north end of the property for a truck driver's institute. Mr. Valerino moved for approval subject to staff's recommendations of providing a wooden fence around the dumpster pad, installing a skimmer on control structure, and the use of City standard handicap parking details; and one (1 ) tree per twenty - five (25) feet on Jewett and Aero Lanes. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Mrs. Sonnenberg read staff's recommendations into the record, attached. Mr. Stogner abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for T. D. I . , a trucking/ storage use located at 610 Aero Lane in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: T. D. I. of Florida; representative: D. L. Morris, P. E. (Tabled: 11 / 3 / 94) . Ms. Holt- Miller made a motion to remove from table . Seconded by Mr. Valerino. All in favor. Motion carried. Dan Morris of Morris Engineering was present for representation . Mr. Marder stated that Staff was recommending approval subject to the same recommendations for the T. D. I. Master Plan request. Mr. Davis asked where the trucks would be stored. Mr. Morris stated that trucks would be stored along the west end of the graveled area, near the retention pond. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the use of gravel was approved by the Administrative Official/ City Manager. Mr. Davis asked how many units would be stored out on the lot at any one time. Tom Gast, owner, stated that they would start out with approximately 6 trucks and could go - up to as many as 12. Mr. Gast stated that there would be no fuel at this location . He stated that they removed all fueling tanks at their other facilities. Mr. Davis asked how would the trucks get off of the gravel onto Jewett Lane or Aero Lane . Mr. Morris stated that there was no curb; the graveled area will be the same elevation as the road. He stated that the trucks would come on and off Jewett Lane by the south driveway. The existing pipe in the Swale will be removed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1994 PAGE 2 Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staff's recommendation of one (1) tree per twentyfive (25) feet on Jewett Lane and Aero Lane. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site/ Engineering Plan for New Tribes Mission, Phase 2; a residential use, for property located at 1701 Celery Avenue in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District. Owner: New Tribes Mission; representative: Daniel Taube . (Tabled: 11/3/94). Due to lack of representation, the item was left on the table. The next item was the consideration of the request to allow a chain link fence in the front yard of a single - family residence for property located at 2811 French Avenue in a SR-1 Single- family Residential Dwelling Zoning District. Owner: Richard A. and Tracie L. Leonard; representative: Richard A. Leonard. Tracie Leonard, 2811 S. French Avenue, was present for representation. She stated that the reasons she needed the fence were because she has three (3) children and is worried about the children with speeding traffic and because the dogs in the neighborhood use her yard as a bathroom. She stated that the back yard is fenced and she would like to continue the fence encompassing the front yard. She stated that this would be a four (4) foot fence. Mrs. Leonard stated that she is in the process of circulating a petition to get speed bumps installed. Mr. Robert noted that there were not any homes in the immediate area with chain link fences in front. He stated that if there is a dog problem, animal control should be called. Mr. Stogner asked if 'the chain link fence would be in buffer area. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated f? yes t' . Mr. Davis moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks . Mr. Davis, Mr . Brooks, and Mr. Dennison in favor of the motion. Mr. Stogner, , Mr. Robert, Mr. Valerino , Mrs. Holt - Miller in opposition. Motion failed to carry. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request move the required visual screen from the rear yard buffer to the front yard for Sunstate Awning, a wholesale/ office use located at 50 Keyes Court in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Reyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat; representative: Mark Nelen. Mark Nelen of Sunstate Awning, 50 -Keyes Ct . was present for representation. He stated that the rear yard would be used to store frames and equipment. There is a shadowbox fence that serves as a shrub line. He stated that they would like to remove the shrubs and replant them in the front of the building. Mr. Brooks asked what would be left for visual screening. Mr. Nelen stated that there is a wooden fence buffering the adjacent property. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she had visited site and asked that they be allowed to move the shrubs only if the fence is not taken down . If the fence is ever taken down, they must replace the trees and the shrubs. She stated that this was one of the requirements when they received their conditional use. Mr. Nelen had no problems with this request. Mr. Marder stated that the fence is a part of the site plan. In the event that something should happen to the fence , they must replace it. Ms. Holt - Miller moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Dennison noted that the City Attorney had spoken to the Commission on the 10th of November. Mr. Valerino stated that the meeting was very beneficial. He stated that he had assumed that opposition had a right to have representation, i. e. an attorney, but learned that an attorney could only speak as a witness. Mr. Davis noted that the Commissioners do not have to read letters and do not have to receive any phone calls from public opposition. Mr. Dennison stated that he had understood that if the Commissioners read the letters, the letters would have to be read into the records. Mr. Marder stated that if the letters are not read, they do not have to be read into the record. Mr . Robert noted that this is a quasi - judicial body that is here to weigh evidence and not listen to hearsay, rumors or opinions. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1994 PAGE 3 It was discussed whether or not it is necessary to cite specific reasons when voting in the negative when a motion is made in the affirmative. If the motion fails pass, the applicant does not Know why the request was denied. Mr. Marder stated that this is a good question and that he would check with the City Attorney. Mr. Robert noted that Clay Simmons stated that when there are rezonings and conditional uses, Staff is to provide all pertinent information on those requests. Mr. Robert stated that he envisioned Staff with mounds of paperwork. Mr. Marder stated that he understood that Staff's recommendations are to be read into the record. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that her interpretation of what Clay Simmons was saying is that Staff should provide the facts of how a request is either in compliance with or show how it deviates from the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Davis stated that the Commission has to be careful to try 'not to support one side or the other. Mr. Brooks made a motion to approve the Minutes of October 20, 1994. Seconded b Ms. Holt-Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. Ms. Holt - Miller made a motion to approve the Minutes of November 3 , 1994. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 00 P.M. �. ; Joe D nnison, Chairman FORM 86 MEMOR NDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICtPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL F1.1.0BLIC OFFICERS (; LAST NAME— fIN5 NgMl,1.11UlILF NAME NAME OF BOARD, COUNCIL, COMMISSION. AUTN00.1T, OR C(»AMIiTfI JRO PLANNING & 7ANING BOARD MAILING .►13 11 :5 THE H� ?AKU. C:OUN IL. C- DMMMNIUN, ► r HORITY, OR COMMITTLE ON PARIS AVE . �r r �� , ` ' ` OTHER LOCA AGENCY CI TN SANFORD FLORIDA LATE ON 'HiCH V(Y['E CWCURR NOVEL ER 17 1994 SEMINOLE N AML OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISION: MY POSITION IS: �.. ELECTIVE )(_1 APPOIN WHO MUST FILE FORM! 8B This form is for use by any per son serving at the count city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It a pplies e to members of advisory and non - advisory bodies w ho are presented with a Voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3 Florida Statutes. The requirements of this laver are mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the lavkp when weed with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whet heT you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay closc attention to the instructions on this form before completing the-reverse tide and filing 'the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WffH SECTION 'SUM , FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: person holding .elective county, municipal, or other local public office DUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer er also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (ot h er than a government agency) b y whom 'he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; are W ITHIN 15 DAYS AF7ER THE VOTE OCCURS by c ompleting and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. A I TE O FFICERS: A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local p blic office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise ma y participate in a matter in which he has a conrlict of interest, but must disclose the nature o f the conflict before making any attempt to i nfluence the decision by oral or writzen communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YO INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING T WHICH TIME VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • Y ou should com and file this form be fore making any attem to influence t he decision) with the person responsible f or recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate th form in the minutes. a A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agent y. • The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. ' 4 IF YOU MAKE NO AT7EMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUS�10N AT THE MEETING: • You should disclose orally the nature of your c onffict in the measure before participating. You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible f recording the minutes ' of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. y i DISCLOSURE of LOCAL OFFICERS INTEREST I, H.L. STCKMMR Be - - , hereby disclose that on NOV 1 , I a A measure 'came or will Borne before my - a gency w hich (ch ore inured to my special private gain; or inured to the special gain f FLORIDA RE RIGGING SUPPLY INC . -- , by w r o rn i m retained. (h ) The measure before my agency and the na of my interest in the measure is as follows: WHE COACH IS A MAJOR CUSTOMER OF FLORIDA WIRE & RIGGING SUPPLY INC F WHICH I AM GENERAL MPIWERO Af NovEmBER 18, X194 Date Filed Signat ure r� N OTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAI RE TO M A KE ANY RE UI REI� DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY" BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHM T, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED 551,000.