September 28, 1994
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUEJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M.,
Thursday, October S, 1994, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at
114 W. First Street, in an SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning District, for the reduction in the
number of parking spaces for office and retail use; 125 required, 0 proposed.
Owner: Hoogland Beheer BV
Representative: Stephen R. Cold
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a requet for a Dimensional Variance for property located at
2397 S. French Avenue, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, to reduce the number
of required parking spaces from 23 to 16, variance required - 7 spaces; reduce the required
dimensional size of parking spaces from 10'x20' to 9'x20', variance required - 1'; reduce the
minimum depth of the required landscape buffer of 10' (French Avenue and 5' (24th Street) to
0' and 0', variance required - 10' (French Avenue and 5' (24th Street).
Owner: Farm Fresh, Inc.
Representative: Bob Thomas
3. Consider the site plan for Lot 3, Northstar Business Park, Ph 2, a wholesale storage use located
at 611 Central Park Drive in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District.
Owner: Davis Enterprises, Inc.
Representative: Harry Reynolds
4. Consider the site plan for Cash America, a commercial use, located at 2397 French Avenue in
a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District.
Owner: Farm Fresh, Inc. /Cash America International
Representative: Bob Thomas, Embree Construction
5. Consider the request for a waiver allowing a chain link fence in the front yard of 128 Wax
Myrtle Drive, a single- family residence, located in a SR -1, Single - family Residential Zoning
Owner /representative: Donald & Karen Robinson
6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
7. Reports from Staff.
8. Approval of Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter
considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including
the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Lynn Stogner
Joe Dennison
Helen Stairs
Cynthia Holt - Miller
Mike Davis
Ross Robert
Jim Valerino
Leon Brooks
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Russ Gibson, Associate Planner
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located
at 114 W. First Street, in an SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning
District, for the reduction in the number of parking spaces for
office and retail use; 125 required, 0 proposed. Owner: Hoogland
Beheer BV; representative: Stephen R. Cold.
Stephen R. Cold, 750 Miami Springs Dr, Longwood, was present for
representation. He stated that the welaka Building was built in
late 1800s and has had off and on continuous use. It was
originally built. for retail and office spaces. The uses being
proposed are the same. The property does not contain any
additional land to be used for parking.
Mr. Cold stated that based upon the history of the building, they
would like to preserve the historic value. There are original fire
places and wood works in ,place . The first floor will be used for
retail and second floor will be used for office space.
Mr. Davis asked, "since there are 125 parking spaces required,
where would 125 spaces be found for use for retail and office?"
Mr. Davis stated that if a new building was built on this property
and the code required 125 spaces, he would hope that 125 spaces
could be provided and asked is there any property in the area to
.r provide 125 parking spaces. Mr. Cold stated that the figure is
based upon the gross square footage of the building. He stated
that his client is interested in purchasing the property and
renovating it but would not buy any additional land for parking.
He stated that there are approximately 510 parking spaces within a
two block walking distance on the street which includes private
parking spaces, everything except vacant parking lots. The traffic
and parking study done for the City in 1987 by engineering
standards indicated the number of parking spaces that would be
generated by office, 2.6 per 1,000 square feet.
Mrs. Stairs stated that she does not believe that there is a
building in the downtown area that would comply with City parking
requirements today. If we are to look at revitalization in the
downtown area, we need to embrace these type of requests.
Mr. Marder stated that the intent of his recommendation was to
provide some way of evaluating the implication of the decision
should the Commission chose to approve this waiver. It would give
some idea of how successful this decision would be or if any
problems would occur. There are other buildings in the immediate
FArlp. 9
area that could come in with similar requests. A survey would let
us know the status of the parking situation.
Mr. Cold stated that he did receive recommendations by Staff and
that he agrees with them. He stated that one benefit, if approval
is granted, is that landowners would realize that they have land
that is more valuable than what they think it is worth.
Mr. Robert asked if there were any plans drawn for the first floor.
Mr. Cold stated that there are no plans showing what will be done.
The plans that have been provided are existing plans. Mr. Robert
asked if plans are to renovate the first floor to livery stable
status and if any tenants are lined up. Mr. Cold stated "no ", and
that the property may be divided. Mr. Stogner asked how many
tenants are foreseen for the second floor. Mr. Cold stated that
those areas of particular significance will be presered, but that
he did not know how many tenants would occupy the second floor at
this time.
Mr. Robert stated that on the second floor, 15 years or so ago,
spaces were converted from hotel to office space and partitioned
walls were put in. He asked if the walls will be taken down. Mr.
Cold stated "yes ".
Chris Cranias, 8219 Via Sella, President of Sanford Main Street,
stated that at the fain Street level., they were encouraging
development. He asked the Commission to consider the economic
development of downtown and grant approval.
Neil O'Brien, 400 E. Lake Sue, Minter Park, stated that to deny the
request would make the building virtually un- saleable and urged the
Commission to vote in favor of the request.
Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on Staff's recommendations and
the fact that the building has no use unless the waiver is granted,
with the inclusion of Staff's recommendation for a survey to be
conducted at a later time, with retail space on first floor and
office space on the second favor. Seconded by Mr. Dyal for
discussion. Mr. Dyal stated that he was with the understanding
that the Commission was to just address the variance at this time.
He stated that he did not see whir the Commission had to talk about
office space and he could see no reason why we should want to put
the burden of a survey on the owner. Mr. Dyal stated that if a
survey is needed, then a survey is needed for the whole downtown.
Mr. Marder stated that this is a matter, of feedback on a
particular property. There is justification for the City to do
another downtown survey. He stated that this would be a brand new
situation, kind of a fresh start with land use flexibility, and
consideration of residential use. Mrs. Stairs stated that this is
considered to be the highest and best use for this location. Mrs.
Stairs withdrew motion. Mrs. Stairs made a motion based on Staff's
recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Mr. Brooks, Mr. Dyal and
Mr. Davis in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried.
(As set forth in Staff's recommendations, approved the request for
a dimensional variance to waive the off - street parking requirements
because 1) the existing building was constructed without the
provision of off - street parking, 2) the City's policy of encourag-
ing redevelopment of the downtown area, 3) the Planning and Zoning
Commission's approval of a similar waiver of off-street parking in
the same vicinity of the site, and 4) because this dimensional
variance would represent a variance of significant magnitude within
the downtown area, a follow -up evaluation of its effect is
justified and needed. Therefore, a condition of the approval
requires that, for each of the two years after initial reoccupancy
of the building occurs, the owner shall cause a survey to be
administered to a majority of the tenants regarding where they are
parking, where their clients /customers are parking and what effect
and /or difficulty, if any, the lack of dedicated off- street parking
is having on their businesses. such survey shall be in written
form for each respondent.. Results shall be compiled and all
survey materials shall be submitted to the City's Department of
Engineering and Planning.)
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located
at 2397 S. French Avenue, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
District, to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 23
to 16, variance required - 7 spaces; reduce the required
dimensional size of parking spaces from 10 to 9 variance
required - 1 reduce the minimum depth of the required landscape
buffer of 10' (French Avenue and 5 (24th Street) to 0' and 0 1 ,
variance required - 10' (French Avenue and 5' (24th Street).
Owner: Farm Fresh, Inc.; representative: Bob Thomas.
Bob Thomas, Embree Construction, stated that at the last meeting
the item of contention was parking. He stated that the adjacent
property owner to the north had spoke in opposition to the request
because of the parking situation. Mr. Thomas stated that the
adjacent land owner had provided him and the City with a copy of a
letter withdrawing his opposition.
Jeff Bishop, area manager for Cash America, 636 Dolphin Rd., Winter
Springs stated that they have three different verbal agreements for
off- street parking. He stated that Cash America is currently under
negotiations with Dr. Collins for the use of his parking area. He
stated that Dr. Collins is open only one day per week and that his
parking lot is almost empty all of the time. Mr. Bishop stated
that they have verbally agreed on the use of the lot and that they
need to work out a payment agreement.. Mr. Bishop stated that they
have a permanent agreement with salvation Army for employee
parking. He stated that the request for the variance will not add
any retail space nor employees.
Terry Lofferty of Minter Springs stated that the enlargement is
strictly for storage. There will not be any expansion or changes
to the retail space.
William P. Miller, President of Farm Fresh, urged the Commission to
vote in favor of the request stating that we need to keep good
business people in town.
Mrs . moved for approval based on Staff's recommendations
subject to: a) provide a minimum of three landscaped areas of at
least fifty square feet each along French Avenue and 24tY street,
one of which shall be located at the southwest corner of site.
Each landscape area shall conform to City requirements if or such
landscape areas. In- ground irrigation shall be provided to each
landscape area; b) all signage on the site shall conform to
existing requirements if it does not already do so; c) curb cuts
along French Avenue shall be redesigned and reconstructed in
accordance with City and FDOT requirements; d) the dumpster
enclosure shall be rebuilt and the dumpster shall be placed and
maintained within said site -proof enclosure. Seconded by Mr. Dyal.
Mr. Valerino asked if the motion included off-site parking to be at
Salvation Army or the property south of Cash America. Mrs. Stairs
stated "no, the motion is based on Staff's recommendations ". Mrs.
Holt - Miller stated that there is a definite parking problem at Cash
America now with the amount of space in the store and customers.
Mrs; Stairs stated that she had intentionally gone by this location
approximately 10 times this week and did not see a parking problem.
Mr. Dyal asked if Cash American used a couple of parking spaces for
display, would code enforcement come into play. Mr. Marder stated
that this is correct, they won't be able to block the parking
spaces. In opposition were Mr. Valerino and Mr. Davis. All others
if favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for Lot 3, Northstar Business Park, Ph 2, a wholesale storage use
located at 611 Central Park Drive in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial
Zoning District. Owner: Davis Enterprises, Inc.; representative:
Harry Reynolds.
Mrs. Stairs moved to table due to lacy of representation. Seconded
by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for Cash America, a commercial use, located at 2397 French Avenue
in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. owner: Farm Fresh,
Inc. /Cash America International; representative: Bob Thomas,
Embree Construction.
Bob Thomas of Embree Construction was present for representation.
He stated Staff's recommendation is to have a 35' radius for the
dumpster. . The radius is shown as 25 on the site plan. Mr. Thomas
stated that he has no problems with Staff's recommendation. Mr.
Marder stated that the 5' wide sidewalk will be worked out by
Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on Staff's recommendations
with the sidewalk issue to be addressed by Staff. Seconded by Mr.
Brooks. Mr. Davis and Mr. Valerino opposition. All others in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was the request for a waiver
allowing a chain link fence in the front yard of 128 wax Myrtle
Drive, a single - family residence, located in a SR -1, Single- family
Residential Zoning District. owner /representative: Donald & Karexi
Due to lack of representation, Mr. Dyal moved to table. Seconded
by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried.
On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the Site
Plan for motorcycle repair and storage units for property located
as the northwest corner of 3rd Street and Myrtle Avenue, 300 W. 3rd
Street, in a SC -31 Special Commercial Zoning District.
Owners /representatives: Charles & Deborah North.
Charles North, 662 Marlin Rd., minter Springs, was present for
Mr. Marder stated that Staff is recommending the approval of the
site plan. He stated that there is a minor drainage issue which is
to be addressed by staff. Mr. Robert asked if the parking area is
an impervious cover. Mr. North stated that the total parking lot
is impervious, covered with concrete.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval of the Minutes as circulated. Mr.
Brooks seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mrs. Stairs asked if Staff could check the outdoor storage at the
old Railroad Depot.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Joe Dennison, Chairman
From the Director of Planning and Developmentl4l��_
September 29, 1994
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of October 6, 1994
COLDM/ELAKA BUILDING - Request for dimensional variance for property Zoned SC-
3, Special Commercial located at northeast corner of Oak Avenue and First Street.
1. Site is Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial, includes a two -story building and is
vacant at the present time.
2. Site is located within an historic commercial downtown area characterized by
on- street parking and zero building setbacks. Various older and historic
buildings within close proximity of site are not provided with off - street
parking. A City -owned public parking lot containing 26 spaces is adjacent to
the site.
3. The applicant essentially requests that the City's parking requirements for
approximately 125 off - street spaces be waived. The applicant cites various
reasons for the variance including physical constraints and the historic nature
of the building and similar buildings in the area. Also, the availability of on-
street parking is noted.
4. As related to this property, the question regards which of the City's policies
should govern, those covering on -site vehicular circulation as contained in the
Comprehensive Plan as well as the Land Development Regulations or policies
that encourage the revitalization and redevelopment of the downtown
commercial core or Central Business District.
5. Recently the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a dimensional
variance that waived the off - street parking space requirement for five
proposed second -floor apartments located in the Central Business District (10
6. Recommend approval of the request for a dimensional variance waive the off -
street parking requirements because the existing building was constructed
without the provision of off - street parking, the City's policy of encouraging
redevelopment of the downtown area and the Planning and Zoning
Commission's approval of a similar waiver of off - street parking in the same
vicinity of the site. Also, because this dimensional variance would represent
Planning Recommendations - Page 1
a variance of significant magnitude within the downtown area, a follow -up
evaluation of its effect is justified and needed. Therefore, recommend that a
condition of the approval be that, for each of the two years after initial
reoccupancy of the building occurs, the owner shall cause a survey to be
administered to a majority of the tenants regarding where they are parking,
where their clients /customers are parking and what effect and /or difficulty, if
any, the lack of dedicated off - street parking is having on their businesses.
Such survey shall be in written form for each respondent. Results shall be
compiled and all survey materials shall be submitted to the City's Department
of Engineering and Planning.
CASH AMERICA /EMBREE CONSTRUCTION - Request for dimensional variance for
property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 2397 French Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes a building with a pawn
shop. Parking is located under a large overhang on the west and south sides
of the building. The alley in the rear or east side of building is fenced and
contains a large trailer. The north side /property lined is walled. At the time of
review a dumpster was set outside the screened enclosure for same; the
wooden fence enclosure was broken.
2a. Applicant requests a dimensional variance to the number of parking spaces
and proposes to provide 16 spaces instead of 23 spaces. There are fifteen
existing parking spaces provided. In addition, the applicant proposes that the
parking space size be reduced from 10 feet wide to nine feet wide.
2b. The applicant requests that the 10 foot buffer along French Avenue and the
5 foot buffer along West 24th Street be waived.
2c. The applicant requests that the maximum building area be reduced from the
required maximum of 35% to 34.2 %. The site is approximately 19,800 square
feet. The proposed building is approximately 6,770 square feet.
3. Access to the site from French Avenue is basically a curb cut of 100 -plus feet.
4. Recommend the following conditional of approval to dimensional variance for
parking, buffer and maximum building area requirements:
a. Provide a minimum of three landscaped areas of at least fifty square
feet each along French Avenue and 24th Street, one of which shall be
located at the southwest corner of site. Each landscape area shall
conform to City requirements for such landscape areas. In- ground
irrigation shall be provided to each landscape area.
b. All signage shall on the site shall conform to existing requirements if it
does not already do so.
C. Curb cuts along French Avenue shall be redesigned and reconstructed
in accordance with City and FDOT requirements.
Planning Recommendations - Page 2
d. The dumpster enclosure shall be rebuilt and the dumpster shall be
placed and maintained within said site -proof enclosure.
Planning Recommendations - Page 3