July 15, 1994
TO: Planning and Zoning Cc mi ssion
SLWECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
7:00 P.M.. Thursday, July 21, 1994, in the City Commission Chambers,
City Hall, Sanford. Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 730 upeala Road in an AG, Agricultural Zoning
District, for the purpose of using church facilities as a day school.
Owner: Sanford Christian Church, Inc.
Representative: Stephen E. Marion
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 2709 Country Club Road in a GC -2, General Commrercial
Zoning District, for the purpose of an automotive repair shop.
C+►vner /representatives: H. Richard Joyce and Joy A. Joyce
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 2800 W. Airport Blvd. in a GC -2, General commercial
Zoning District, for the purpose of light manufacturing, primarily a
sewing operation with light metal fabrication.
Owner: Ball Products, Inc.
Representative: Larry Ball
4. Consider the site and Engineering Plan for a single family development on
Myrtle Avenue just south of 26th Street. (Old project of Sam Gabbai).
Owner: Medco Development Corporation
Representative: Michael Vecchio
S. Consider the Site Plan for a public service structure, cellular
transmission tower, located at 3825 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General
commercial Zoning District.
Owner: Louis Wolf, Trustee
Representative: Mack N. Cleveland, Jr.
6. Consider the Site Plan for 2519 Palmetto Avenue for an addition to an
existing structure and workshop, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
Owner /representative: Barry N. Hicks
7. Consider the Site Plan for Burdines Department Store, located within
Seminole Towne Center, in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District.
Owner: Seminole Towne Center,, LP /Burdines
Representative: Richard R. Johnson
8. Consider a request for a right -of -way use for the north/ south alley lying
between Holly and Cedar Avenues, run ning from 5th to 6th Streets, (Plans
Review Committee and City Commission comments attached) .
Owner /representative: Sanford Bridge
9. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
10. Reports from Staff.
11. Approval of Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. tr a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he
may need a verbatim record of the proceed" including the testirrtorry and evidence, wNch record is not provided by the City of Sanford. {FS
286, 0105 }.
Persons with disabilities needing assWance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -6626,
48 hours in advance of the meeting.
July 21, 7994
T Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT. ECT. Regularly scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, TOO P.M.
i r day, July 21, 1994, in the City Commission Barb er , City Dell, Sanford, Florida
1. Consider the request for a reduction and exception to the landscape requirements for a parking
lot for the Seminole County Correctional Facility, located at 211 Bush Boulevard in a GC-2,
General Commercial lal Zoning District.
Owner Seminole County Board of County Commissioners
Representative: Sheri Fragomeni, lvey, Harris & Walls, Inc.
ADVICE T THE PUBLIC. If a person decides W appeal a decision made wfth respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he
may need a verbatO record of the proceedings inctuding the testimony and evidence, which record is riot provided by the City of Sanford. (F
Persons with disabilities r echng assManoe to participate in arry of these proceedings shouts contact the personnel afte ADA Coordinator at 330-5628
48 hours in advance of the rneeti ,
7 :00 P.M.
Joe Dennison
Ben Dyal
Helen Stairs
Ross Robert
Lynn Stogner
Mike Davis
Leon Brooks
Cynthia Holt-Miller
Jim Valenno
Torn Speer
John LeRoy
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison
The Chairman presented former Board Members Tom Speer and John LeRoy with plaques
in appreciation for dedicated services.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for property located at 730 Upsala Road in an AC, Agricultural Zoning
District,. for the purpose of using church facilities as a day school. Owner: Sanford Christian
Church, Inc.; representative: Stephen E. ,Marion.
Mr. Stephen Marion, 2650 Delaware Rd., Deltona, stated that the Church is interested in
starting a day school. Several members have children at the R -4, K -5, and first grade levels.
The Church would like to start the school in August with a conventional year -round school
year. The hours would be from 8 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., ].Monday thru Friday.
Mr. Marion stated that the Church would like to add a grade each year. The purpose of the
day school is to provide a christian, academic atmosphere for the students. He stated that the
school is seeking accreditation. The school will be operating within the facilities already in
place. Mr. Marion stated that they are licensed for a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 60
Mr. Stogner asked if there would be any school signs along Upsala Road. Mr. Marion stated
that he did not see this as -a maior method of advertising. He stated that the Church may put
out some notices to other churches in the area but has not considered any signs. Mr. Marion
stated that the Church has not pursued a traffic study at this point.
Mr. Robert asked if this would include the newest building or the older building. Mr. Marion
stated that the school would be within the new building. There will not be any buses. All
students are to be delivered and picked up by car. There will not be a cafeteria. Students will
bring bagged lunches.
Mrs. Stairs asked when would the school be accredited. Mr. Marion stated that it is in
membership status now. The school has to be in operation a year to show stability before
Martha Vann, the owner of the home across the street, spoke in favor of the request. She
stated that there is a great need for children to go to christian schools. She stated that children
are better behaved and learn more at christian schools.
Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recommendations and the need of such a
facility. Seconded by Mr. Stogner. Ms. Holt- Miller in opposition. Motion carried.
The second item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for property located at 2709 Country Club Road in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of an automotive repair shop.
Owner /representatives: H. Richard Joyce and Joy A. Joyce.
Mr. Richard Joyce, 2709 Country Club Road, stated that he rents a portion of this property
to Gary's Lawnmower Repair. He stated that he uses the rear building on this property.
Ms. Holt - Miller stated that her concerns relate to broken down vehicles in the area. She asked
if there would be a problem with installing a sight proof fence. Mr. Joyce stated that there
is a chain link fence there now and that he has no problem in complying with staff's
recommendations to include the installation of a sight proof fence.
Mr. 5togner asked if there would be any painting at this location. Mr. Joyce stated "no, only
automotive repair ".
Mr. Robert asked if the expressway extension is close. Mr. Joyce stated that the extension
is on the other side of the skating rink and would not take his property.
Mr. Robert moved to approve based on staff's recommendations that all outdoor storage
and/or display of vehicles, materials equipment, etc., be screened in compliance with
applicable requirements of Sanford's Land Development Regulations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 500 Maple Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for
the purpose of light manufacturing, primarily a sewing operation with light metal fabrication.
Owner: Ball Products, Inc.; representative: Larry Ball.
Larry Ball, 2900 W. Airport Blvd., stated that they are leasing the Airport Blvd. property and
the sale of the Maple Ave. property is contingent upon this Conditional Use request. He
stated that they are under contract to buy the old Gregory building at 500 Maple Avenue and
will close on the property on July 22, 1994.
Mr. Ball stated that they manufacture sporting good equipment which includes wind screens
for tennis courts and baseball fields. He stated that the manufacture of metal
included tennis and volleyball posts. Mr Ball stated that the company is looking at having
more jobs for more people. The company now employs 15 people.
Mr. Robert asked if the contract to purchase included the French. Avenue frontage. Mr. Ball
stated "yes". Mr. Dyal asked if noise would be a factor. Mr. Ball stated that there
would be a small amount of cutting of metal and light welding, but that all of this would be
done inside.
Mr. Marder stated that the applicant has sufficient parking on this site. The applicant would
have to provide a site plan because it is a change of use. Mr. Marder asked about the other
structures on the site that are open. Mr. Ball Stated that there are no plans right now but that
they would probably enclose one of the buildings at a later date.
Kathleen Mundy, 417 Holly Ave., stated that she lives next to the old Gregory Lumber
building. She stated that this was a quiet neighborhood 10 years ago. She stated that the house
across from her home is now a business now. She stated that she was told that that business
would use 5th Street as the mapor access but they use Holly Avenue instead. She stated the
State has put in a juvenile center at the corner of 5th and Holly. Traffic has increased and the
children can't play outside.
Ms. Mundy stated that she did not want another business in the neighborhood and is opposed
to any business.
Mrs. Stairs asked the applicant if she was disturbed when Gregory Lumber was in business.
Ms. Mundy stated that she didn't hear anything. Gregory Lumber was open 6 days per week.
Mr. Batt stated that he understood the residents concerns, but with his operation there will be
much less traffic and less noise than there was with Gregory Lumber. He stated that the saws
were not run often and he will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., five days per week. He
stated that he does not plan to have trucks. on Holly Avenue. All trucks will access from 5th
Street. He stated that his is not a retail business, wholesale only. He stated that merchandise
is shipped out by UPS. The property is not designed for truck use on Holly Avenue.
Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recoinmendations. Seconded by Mr. Brooks.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site and Engineering Plan for a single family
development on Myrtle Avenue just south of; 26th Street. (Old project of Sam G abbai).
Owner: Medco Development Corporation; representative: Michael Vecchio.
Due to a lack of representation; Mr. Dyal mowed to table. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. Mr.
Robert stated that the site is cleared and ready land water is standing in one area of the site.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the project was approved several years ago. Medco took over the
development of this project. There is to be on -g retention. Retention had to be considered
because this section is low. Mr. Marder stated that the retention is to be in the backyard of
these lots. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that no improvements have been done outside of the road
being there. All in favor of the motion to table. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a public service structure, cellular
transmission tower, located at 3525 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning
District. Owner: Louis Wolf, Trustee; representative: Mack N. Cleveland, Jr.
Mack Cleveland stated that he was representing Bell South Mobility. He stated that he had
received the several issues from City Staff and would comply with the requests. He stated that
this would be a 140' self supporting tower with FAA approved lighting.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented with the following conditions: a) the proposed
approach on Orlando Drive shall be asphalt or concrete and will require a FDOT permit, 2)
it is also required that a 30" Stop Sign be installed at the entrance at Orlando Drive, and 3)
due to the parent tract not being developed at this time, Plans Review Committee felt that at
the time of adjacent development that the access easement and driveway should correspond
Frith. proposed a driving aisles. The existing BellSouth project driveway would be
removed at that time. (The proposed access easement should reflect this flexibility). It is also
requested that a copy of said Access E�sement be put on file with this work file for your
project. Second by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor.. Mot ca rr ied.
The next item ori the Agenda was the consideration o the Site Plan for 2519 Palmetto Avenue
for an addition i to an existing structure and wo rkshop, in a GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning District Owner /representative: Barry N. Hicks.
Barry Hicks, Chickasaw Drive, stated that this site is not as big as where he is located now
on Sanford Avenue. He stated that he may not have to move to this location but it is possible
when Sanford venue is widened, Seminole County may take his business. He would like to
have this site re dy in ease he does have to move.
Mrs. Stairs move for approval. Seconded by Ms. Hoh- Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item o� the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Burd Department
Store, located within Seminole Towne Center, in a PD, Planned Development Zoning. Distract.
Owner: Seminole T owne Center, LP/Burdi representative: Richard K. Johnson.
Richard K. John n, independent architect, 4770 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Fl., stated that this will
be a 2- story, 160,000 square foot building. He stated that this will be the largest Burdiries to
be constructed within the State within the last two years. The property is owned by the
developer of the Mall. The Burdines building is a lease, unlike the Penney's building. Mr.
Johnson stated that he had received Staff's recommendations requesting handicap ramps for
the ends of the building. He stated that he is agreeable with a handicap ramp being placed at
one corner only, the south end. Mr. Marder stated that this would be agreeable.
Mr. Robert moved for approval with staff } s recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Stogner. All
in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of a request for a ri gh t - of- -way use for th nort /south
alley lying between Holly and Cedar Avenues, running from 5th to 6th Streets. Flans Review
Committee and City Commission comments attached). Owner /representative: Sanford Bridge.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the applicant is asking for a fence to be placed in the front yard
setback. The applicant had to get right-of-way use permission from the City Commission.
Bonnie Ciaramitara director of center, was present for representation. She stated that there
are no problems with putting the fence in back of the buffer area. The fence is-to define the
border of the center and to give the residents in the area a sense of security.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the retention pond is in the front and it is to be screened with
a fence around it. APIs. Ciararnitara stated that she could see no problem with placing a fence
around the retention pond.
Mr. Robert asked if this is a state facility. Ms. Ciararn.itara stated that this is a commercia
company that has a contract with the state. Clients have drug and alcohol problems. This
is a 6-month treatment facility.
Ms. Ciarainitara stated that the fence would not be locked because of the easement. In. the
evenings, the fence may be locked, but staff is there 24 hours a day; so the fence could be
easily unlocked.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval of a fence in the front yard but not within the buffer zone.
Seconded by Mr. Robert. Ms. Holt- Miller in opposition. Motion carried.
On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the request for a reduction and
exception to the landscape requirements for a parking lot fob Seminole County Correctional
Facility, located at 211 Bush Blvd. in C -2, General Commercial Zoning district. Owner:
Seminole County Board of County ommissioners; representative: Sheri Fragomeni, Ivey
Harris & Walls, Inc. (Tabjed 7/7/94).
Mr. Dyal made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Cass Suvongse, IHW, Inc., stated that he is the Engineer for this project. They are requesting
not to have curbing around the islands, and they would like to have 12 parking spaces per
island vs. 10 parking spaces per island. Phase 1 will be approximately 35 spaces. Mr. Suvongse
stated that they propose to relocate the landscaping.. Phase 3 shows 6 maple trees that will be
relocated along side the sidewalk of the south parking.
Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. Mr. Dyal and Mr. Stogner in
apposition. All in favor. Motion carried..
Regarding the Minutes, Mrs. Stairs had a correction on Page 3, "not the listed owner but
rather the listed broker ". Mr. Dyal moved to approve with the correction. Seconded by Mr.
Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Dennison p ? lied the Commissioners as to whether they would be interested in having
City Staff Dep ment Heads make short presentations as to their departmental duties. It was
unanimously decided that this would be informative. It was decided that these presentations
would be held ptior to regular meetings.
There being no further business, the meeting adjour ed at 5:45 P.M.
oe De nison, Chairman
From the Director
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of July 21, 1994
SANFORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH, INC. - Request conditional use approval to permit
a school in an AG, Agricultural Zone located on Upsala Road.
1. The site is Zoned AG, Agricultural, is approximately 7 acres in size and includes
a principal church building, parking and several smaller structures.
2. Various single family dwellings and vacant land are located in the immediate
3. Recommend approval of the request to establish a school in an AG, Agricultural
Zone based on institutional use already established on the site and general
character of the immediate area at the present time.
JOYCE - Request conditional use approval to permit automotive repair in a GC -2,
General Commercial Zone generally located at the southwest corner of Country Club
Road and Airport Boulevard.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, is approximately 13,209 square feet
and is presently being utilized for small engine repair and lawn equipment sales.
In addition to a principal building located on the north half of the site, a
substantial portion of the southern half of the site is being utilized for outdoor
storage of equipment and materials.
2. Uses adjacent to site include various single family dwellings, a car wash, a
shopping center and vacant land.
3. Recommend approval of the request to establish automotive repair based on
similarity with existing use already established on site and with the condition that
all outdoor storage and /or display of vehicles, materials, equipment, etc., be
screened in compliance with applicable requirements of Sanford's Land
Development Regulations.
BALL PRODUCTS, INC. - Request conditional use approval to permit light
manufacturing in a GC -2 General Commercial Zone located in the northwest corner of
West 6th Street and Maple Avenue.
Planning Recommendations - Page 1
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
1. Site is presently Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes various
industrial -type metal buildings. Site is approximately 1.5 acres.
2. Land uses adjacent to site include building material storage and sales,
automobile repair, a group home facility and single family residential.
3. Recommend approval of the request to establish light manufacturing based on
existing industrial -type buildings already established on the site and general
character of the immediate area at the present time.
Planning Recommendations - Page 2