HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.16.94FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR June 9, 199 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT. Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, June 76, 1994, in the City Commission Chambers, City Nall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 9. bold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 170 N. Holly Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of an automobile and truck repair use )auto paint and body repair shop.) Owner. 110 !-folly Avenue Corporation Representative: Howard Sklar 2, Hold a Public Heanng to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of construction within a secondary wellfield protection zone. Owner. Seminole County School Board Representative: Dianne L. Kramer 3. Hold a Public Nearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd., in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for .the purpose of the maximum building height - 55'70" proposed, 50' required parking space width - 9' proposed, 70' requiredd number of parking spaces - 400 proposed, 428 required. Owner: Seminole County School Board Representative: Dianne L. Kramer 4. Bold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3825 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a public service structure (cellular transmission tower:) Owner: Louis Wolf,, Trustee Representative: Mack N. Cleveland, Jr., Agent for BellSouth MobiW 5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 50 and 60 Keyes Court in an RI- 7, Restricted Industrial Zoning District, for the purpose of a waiver of the land use compatibility requirements for a visual screen, Type 7 and a 25' buffer. Owner. Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Representative: Jack Munfield 6. Hold a Public bearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 3605 Orlando Drive, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of allowing an increase in the number of freestandinVdetached signs from one to three for Seminole Centre. Owner. Kimco Development of Seminole Representative: Mark Trommsdorff 7. Mold a Public bearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 2579 Palmetto Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a sideyard setback - 9' and 7 2' proposed, 70' required; and the parcel width at the building line - 50' proposed 75' required. Ownerlrepresentative: Barry Hicks 8. Consider the site plan for Seminole County School Board Administration Building located at 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Seminole County School Board Representative: Dianne L. Kramer AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 61IM2 PAGE 2 9. Consider the sitelengineering plan for Lots 5 and 6, Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat, a wholesaleldistribution use, located at 50 Keyes Cif. and 60 Keyes Ct. in a Rl -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. Owner Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Investors, Ltd. Representative: Albert L. Land P.E. 10. Consider the sitelengineering plan for Discount Auto, a retail sales use, located at 2565 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner. J. Harold Chastain Representative: Chn'stopher D. Rieder, P.E. 11. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 12. Reports from Staff_ * Letter from the Historic Preservation Board to McDonald Corporation (attached). 73. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. It a person decides W appeal a decision mde with respect to any matter cosidered at the above meeting or hearha he may need a verbat� recard of the pry it cb ft the testimony and evidence, which record is rat provided by the City of Sankxd. (FS 286.0105). Persars wwtthh. disabilities needM assWanoe to parkWe in any of these prooeedings should coact the personnel office ADA Coordirotor at 330 -W26, 48 hoofs in advance of the rneetWg, MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING CCMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1994 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS SANFORD CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Helen Stairs Mike Davis Tom Speer James Valerino Leon Brooks Cynthia Holt- Miller MEMBERS ABSENT: John LeRoy OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7 :04 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for property located at 110 N. Holly Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of automobile and truck repair use (auto paint and body repair shop.) owner: 110 Holly Avenue Corp.; representative: Howard Sklar. Due to lack of representation, Mr. Dyal moved to table. Seconded by Ms. Halt- Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd. in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of construction within a secondary wellf ield protection zone. owner: Seminole County School Board; representative: Dianne L. Kramer. Chris Birkebak, 1606 N. 'Westmoreland, Orlando, stated that she is the project manager for this site. The site consists of 7.23 acres with two points of entry. She stated that the site will contain 400 parking spaces. Retention ponds are to be developed on the site and they have been approved by the St. Johns River water Management District. The building will be constructed with red, brick and will be 4 stories in height and have insulated glass windows. Ms. Birkebak stated that the Conditional Use request relates to the construction of retention ponds in developing the storm water management system. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval based on other similar uses in the area and recommendations from staff. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Brooks and Ms. Holt - Miller abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 440 E. Lake Mary Blvd., in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of the maximum building height - 55 proposed, 50' required; parking space width - 9' proposed, 10' required; number of parking spaces - 400 proposed, 428 required. Owner: Seminole County School Board; representative: Dianne L. Kramer. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1994 PAGE 2 Chris Birkebak was present for representation. She stated that this request is to increase the building height, decrease the number of parking spaces, and decrease the parking space width. Dawn Hetzger, architect, also present for representation, stated that there is no mechanical equipment on the roof, it is on the ground. She stated that 10' parking spaces are luxurious and that 9' is more realistic. The number of parking spaces being requested is atypical of an office building. The building consists of a large storage area. There will be 209 employees. Based on the architect's study, the number of parking spaces being requested is adequate for this use. Mr. Speer asked the purpose of reducing the spaces from 10' to 9 1 . Ms. Hetzger stated that they had evaluated the number of parking spaces for this site and had come up with a comfortable 400. In order to accommodate 400 parking spaces on site, the reduction in width is necessary. She stated that there are green spaces with trees being proposed for future growth which could provide up to 48 additional spaces. Mr. Marder stated that they must have quite a few spaces for their meetings because at times it could get fairly crowded. Mr. Speer stated that commercial areas don't know how many people will be at a site at any given time. He stated that he doesn't find that it will be this way at this facility so why give them a variance on the width. Mr. Brooks stated that the School Board has union meetings and meetings for employees from all over the county. Board meetings are open to all citizens in Seminole County. At times this facility could become very crowded. Dianne Kramer stated that there are spaces in the building that are for training, warehousing, and other uses other than for offices. This is basically how the number of parking spaces came about. Mrs. Stairs moved to approve based on similar waivers, documentation from the School Board and staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Davis. Mr. Speer and Mr. Dyal in opposition. Mr. Brooks and Ms. Bolt - Miller abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3825 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a public service structure (cellular transmission tower.) Owner: Louis wolf, Trustee; representative: Mack N. Cleveland, Jr., Agent for BellSouth Mobility. Mack N. Cleveland, 209 N . oak Ave., stated that they are asking for a 140 high tower. BellSouth has conducted a comprehensive investigation in trying to operate as efficiently as they can. He stated that this site will be bounded on the north by a mobile service station, on the east by Sunland Estates, to the south by vacant property and to the west by 17 -92. Mr. Cleveland stated that FAA approval has been granted. He stated that ,there are no health hazards and will be no television or radio interference. The area is highly vegetated with trees ranging in height from 60' to 80 He stated that there is a 15' access easement going from 17-92 into the site. A certain number of the trees will be removed to have access onto the site and for construction of the tower. Mrs. Stairs asked if the tower would interfere with television reception. Mr. Cleveland stated "no." Gordan Williamson, BellSouth, 17221 Grassy Lake Rd., Clermont, stated that they operate over 50 sites in Orlando and have never had any interference problems. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING ' OF JUNE 16, 1994 PAGE 3 Mrs. Stairs stated that her main concern is with interference. Based on staff's recommendations she moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Valerino asked if the motion is with the stipulation that all natural vegetation remains. Mrs. Stairs stated "yes." All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional Use for property located at 50 and 60 Keyes Court in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District, for the purpose of a waiver of the land use compatibility requirements for a visual screen, Type 1 and a 25 buffer. Owner: Keyes Seminole Industrial Park; representative: Jack Munf ield. John Munf ie ld , 1180 Spring Center Blvd., Altamonte, stated that the lots are not very deep and in order to construct an adequate size building, the waivers are needed. Mr. Davis asked what is a waiver of setbacks. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there is a setback requirement when there is a residential vs. a commercial zone. when an industrial parcel abuts a residential parcel there is a type 1 visual screen and a 25' buffer requirement. Type 1 screen is a masonry wall, type 2 is a vegetative hedge. Mr. Davis asked if the setback would meet the code. Mr. Marder stated that the setback that they are asking for will meet code. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they will meet the normal 20' setback AND 5' buffer, but in land use compatibility they won't meet the 50' setback, or 25' buffer. Allan Bullock, Teen Challenge, 3707 S. Sanford Ave., asked the Commission to respectfully deny the request because of the zoning standards and because of the learning areas provided for the students of 'Teen Challenge. He stated that their primary concern is for the students. The atmosphere must cultivate learning. Each end of the four buildings, adjacent to the lots in question, represents four major areas for Teen Challenge. The end building represents the classrooms and the women's dormitory. This is 12' from the edge of the building to the fence line. The second building is the chapel. The third building represents the educational wingand building 4 is a one year men's residential facility and study area. Quiet on that end is very important. Mr. Munfield stated that Lot 5 will be leased to Sunstate Awning. Lot 6 is a speculation building with no tenant at this time. Mr. Davis moved on approval for type 2 visual screen and a 5' buffer as recommended by staff. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 3605 Orlando Drive, in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning District, for the purpose of allowing an increase in the number of freestanding/ detached signs from one to three for Seminole Centre. Owner: Kimco Development of Seminole; representative: Mark Trommsdorff. Kevin Hipes, Kimco Realty, 105 Aldean Drive, stated that the smaller, local tenants wanted more visibility. It would not be profitable to expand the pylon sign in front of the property. It was decided that two smaller directional signs would be better for the area. The smaller signs will help customers find the stores more easily and the tenants would be happier with a little more visibility. Ms. Holt- Miller moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1994 PAGE 4 The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional variance for property located at 2519 Palmetto Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a sideyard setback - 9' and 12' proposed, 10' required, and the parcel width at the building line - 50' proposed, 75' required. Owner /representative: Barry Hicks. Barry Hicks, 4999 Chickasaw, stated that Sanford Avenue is being proposed to be 4 laned and the building that he is in now will be tarn dawn. He has to move. Mr. Hicks stated that the building at 2519 Palmetto Avenue is 1' over to the north because he did not want to cut dawn 'a tree. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this is a non-conforming lot. Mr. Hicks will convert this building from a private garage into a place of business and he will have to come hack with a site plan. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that it was originally built for a personal use, but commercial property requires a 10' sideyard setback. The lot width for commercial lots is 75' and 60' for residential. Mr. Brooks moved to approve based on staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site plan for Seminole County School Board Administration Building located at 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd. in a GC -2, General commercial zoning district. Owner: Seminole County Schaal Board; representative: Dianne L. Kramer. Chris Birkeback was present for representation. She stated that she had. received comments from staff to which the architects have responded and agreed. She stated that they are hoping to break ground in August with a 10 month construction schedule. Mr. Speer questioned the vegetation, shrubbery and trees along Lake Mary Blvd. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they have a landscaping plan. The site will be adequately screened with a hedge and alternating Live Oaks. Mr. Speer moved for approval based on staff's recommendations. Ms. Stairs seconded. Ms. Halt - biller, Mr. Brooks, and Mr. Davis abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site /engineering plan for Lots 5 and 6, Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat, a wholesale /distribution use, located at 50 Keyes Ct. and 60 Keyes Ct. in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. owner: Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Investors, Ltd.; representative: Albert L. Land, P.E. Jack Munfeld was present for representation and stated that they are in agreement with staff's recommendations. Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Nor. Speer. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site /engineering plan for Discount Auto, a retail sales use, located at 2565 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner:' J. Harald Chastain; representative: Christopher D. Rieder, P.E. Chris Rieder of Orlando was present for representation. Mr. Marder stated that this was a very well put together plan. This will be at the Steamboat Willie's location. Mr. Riider stated that the old building will be torn down and that they will be constructing a 6500 square foot building. Some of the pavement will be deleted to MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1994 Dnr_7 q provide for more green space. There is no problem with the 10' easement request for utilities on French and Laurel Avenues. Mr. S. eer moved far approval. Seconded by Ms. Holt- Miller. All in favor . Motion carried Mr. yal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Ms. olt- Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. S. eer made a motion to call for a vote for a new vice chairman. Seco ded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. peer stated that his tenure as Vice Chairman of the Planning and oning Commission would end as of June 30, 1994. He made a moti n that the vacancy of the Vice Chairmanship of the Commission be f'lled by Helen Stairs. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Moti n carried.. Mr �ennison thanked and let Mr Speer know haw much his service was a ppreciated as a member of the Planning and Zoning commission. Mr. S peer stated that he has enjoyed being on this Board. He stated that he has learned much from being a participant and will enco rage others to sit and participate on boards to learn other peop e's viewpoint. Mr. Loyal stated that 9' parking spaces are the way of the wind. Mr. Speer stated that we must reconsider and amend the code to reflect the 9' parking space width. Mr. Davis agreed that the 9' is used a lot and it is evidently becoming the standard. Mr. Speer suggested a workshop be held to consider amending the Code to allow 9' parking space widths as the standard. There being no further business, the meeting a ' ourned at 8:30 p.m. Joe D nnison, Chairman FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL AND OTHER L OFFiCERS � LAST NAME—FIRST AME— .MIUI)LE NAME NAME OF BOARD. COUNCIL, COMMISSION, AUTHORITY. OR Cf)MMITTEk' ` THE HOARD, COUNCIL, ()UMMISSION, AV'fHpR1TY. UK COMMITTEE On . M,k,.._..(i AUURL- 'S WHICH I SERVE t5 A UNIT OF: �ICA :V'TY4 .: COUNTY � `- OTHER LOCAL AGENCY CITY n y '� s ('(lU1Jf1' ) NAME OF POLITiCAI. SUBDIVISION. M y POSITION IS' ;-.1 ELECTIVE � APPOINTIVE INFO MUST FILE FORMA 88 - This form is for use by an y person serving at the count city, o r other local levcl of government on an a ppointe d or elected board, c ouncil, co , mmission authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non - advisory bodies who are presented wit a voting conflict of interest under Section 1,12.3 Florida Statutes. The req uirements of this law are mandatory; althoug the p use of this articular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure rewired by law. Your responsib ►� es under the la when faced with a measure in which y ou have a conflict o f interest will irary g rea tly depending �b� on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, Tease pa c lose attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION IM M43 , FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: person holding elective c unt t municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to iss special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special p gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whore he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembiv the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAY AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: . A p erson holding appointive c unly, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly x voting n a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision b y oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND ND T MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE UENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You should complete and file this form before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the a enc r . he Morin should be read publicly at the meeting p rior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. IF Y MADE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. • Yon should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person re ponsible for recording th minutes o f the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. 4 " D SOLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICES I REST 1, hereby disclose that on: � 19 . a measure 'c me or will come before my a gency which (check one) inurc to my special private gain; or A � d .� inured to the special gain of b w hom l a retain h) The measure beforc my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: Date Filed Signature NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS O FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY RE UIRELf DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE F LL WIW�" IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE O R EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIV IL PENALTY NOT TO EMCEED S 5.000. FORM 86 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING COUNTY, MUNIC[PAL, AND OTHER LOCAL LAST N IN E — TA K5 1 TNA t CA4,r WHO Musr FILE FoRIA as CONFLICT FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS . il ' under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will var grea depending Your re on whether yo hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. A INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: Apg � person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his sp p ecial private g ain. E ach local officer also is prohibited from kno wingly votin on a measure which inures to the s pecia l gain of 2 principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. 1n either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE V BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assem the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; an WITHIN 15 OAFS AFTER THE V OCCURS by completing rid filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINT OFFIC A person hold - ing appointive c unty, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a treasure which inures to hisspecial private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly noting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by r om he is retained. p erson holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making an attempt to inf iuence the decision b � oral or �ritten cornmunicat'on, whether R made by Lhe officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO M AKE A ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION P TO THE MEETING T WHICH THE MOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agenc y, ie form should be read publicly ai the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. This form i for n. e b + an person serving at the county, city, or other local level of gove rnment on an appointed or elected board, council, commiss authority, or commit e. It applies equally to rrt tubers of advisory and non - advisory bodies who are presented w ith a voting co nflict of interest tinder Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The r quiremertts of this laver are mandatory; altt�ou h is articular forgo is n required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required b laver. k the use of th � . I IF YOU MAKE ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE E TIE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUS� ON AT THE MEETING: I + You s houl d disclose orally t he nature of your conflict in the measu before part w' vote occurs with person re risible for re ordit the rninutes You should orr�plet the form and file �t w it � days a fter tt�e the pe Po I of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. DISC OSUR OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTER !, ereb disclose that on 19 = . A me sure came or will come before my agency which check one) . inured to my special private. inured to the special gain of N The measure before my agency and the nat ure of my interest in the measure is as follows. by whom l am retained. f1 CQ W Lk jL A, Date Filed Signatu rfr NOTICE UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRE L DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES G RO U NDS FOR AN D MAY BE PU N IS HED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOW I IMPEACHMENT, T, REMOVAL O S USPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION,, REDUCTION SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A C PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED 55 ,000. From the Director of Planning and Development June 9, 1994 0 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of June 16, 1994 SKLAR/AFFORDABLE PAINT & BODY INC. - Request conditional use approval to permit an automobile body repair and paint business for property Zoned GC-2, General Commercial located at the northwest corner of First Street and Holly Avenue. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is presently utilized as a junkyard. Site is completely walled. 2. Uses adjacent to site include storage /warehouse, vacant land, residential uses and offices. 3. A existing paint and body establishment is located within one block of the site. Various automobile repair activities are also located within vicinity of site. 4. Recommend approval of the request to establish an automobile paint and body repair business for property located at the northwest corner of First Street and Holly Avenue based on similar automotive uses already established in the immediate area and general character of the area at the present time. SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - Request conditional use approval to permit excavation /construction ofstormwater management facilities within a secondary wellfield protection zone for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is vacant at the present time. Proposed use of site is a four -story office building. 2. Uses adjacent to site include various retail commercial sales and services and vacant land. 3. A portion of the site is located within the eastern edge of the wellfield protection zone associated with the City's wellfield located in Lee P. Moore Park in the Hidden Lake development. Many stormwater retention facilities and excavations have occurred in closer proximity to the wellfield than that proposed on the site. To date such existing excavations and retention ponds have not caused problems with the wellfield. Planning Recommendations - Page 1 4. Recommend approval of the conditional use to excavate and construct stormwater management facilities within a secondary wellfield protection zone for property located at 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard based on the preponderance of similar facilities already located closer than the proposed development and the associated absence of groundwater contamination or other problems to the wellfield in question. SEMINOLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - Request a dimensional variance to provide for fewer parking spaces, smaller parking spaces and a taller building than provided for in the Sanford Land Development Regulations for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is vacant at the present time. Site is proposed to be utilized as a office building. 2. Uses adjacent to site include various retail commercial sales and service establishments and vacant land. 3. The request to decrease the size of parking spaces from 10' to 9' in width is similar to recent requests for various commercial facilities such as Seminole Towne Center, Gateway Plaza and McDonalds restaurant. 4. The request to decrease the number of parking spaces is based on interior use of the proposed building as stated in information provided by the applicant. 43 additional spaces could be accommodated in the future if needed. 5. The request to increase the allowed height of the building is justified based on HVAC systems and roof parapet structures. 6. Recommend approval of all requests based on justification submitted by the applicant, similar approvals (parking space size) and existing character of the immediate area at the present time. BELL SOUTH MOBILITY - Request conditional use permit to erect a communication tower in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located 3825 Orlando Drive. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is vacant at the present time. 2. Uses adjacent to site include a gasoline service station, a drainage retention pond, single family dwellings and vacant land. 3. The proposed tower is to be located 146 feet from the property line abutting existing residential uses. 4. Recommend approval of the request to erect a communications tower based on sufficient distance proposed to separate the tower from existing residential uses and general nonresidential character of the immediate area north, south and west of the tower site with the stipulation that natural vegetation between the tower and tower building and the residential area to the east be preserved. Planning Recommendations - Page 2 MUNFIELD /KEYES SEMINOLE INDUSTRIAL PARK - Request conditional use approval to waive rear yard buffer and visual screen requirements for property Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial located in Keyes Industrial Park. 1. Property is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial and includes two lots in Keyes Industrial Park. 2. Site is adjacent to various developed and undeveloped lots in the subdivision that are Zoned RI -1. Site is also adjacent to a residential care facility that was rezoned from RI -1, Industrial to RMOI, Multiple Family Residential when the use of that site was changed from office to residential. 3. Recommend that request to permit a Type Two Visual Screen and a Five Foot Buffer be permitted based on the planned use of the site(s), justification submitted by the applicant and the existing character of the immediate area at the present time. KIMCO - Request a dimensional variance of signage requirements for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 3600 -3700 Orlando Drive. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes a shopping center with a major grocery store, a major discount store and other commercial goods and services. 2. The applicant requests a variance to sign regulations in order to permit two directory signs to be located in the parking lot. If granted the request would result in three rather than one free - standing sign with greater square footage in freestanding signage that presently permitted. 3. At the present time there is one freestanding or detached sign serving the site that identifies major tenants. Individual detached signs serve free standing adjacent uses including restaurants and a bank. 4. Recommend that the request for two directory signs be approved because the purpose for the directory signs does not conflict with and is generally compatible with the City's sign regulations' intent to limit the number of major detached signs located on the premises. HICKS - Request dimensional variances to minimum parcel area, setback, and parcel width at building line requirement for properly Zoned GC -2 located at 2519 Palmetto Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes an existing building that appears to be a garage fronting Palmetto Avenue. The applicant proposes to utilize the building for appliance repair. 2. Adjacent uses include hardware, a convenience store, and single family residential. Planning Recommendations - Page 3 3. Recommend approval of the requested dimensional variances based on existing zoning and adjacent commercial uses provided that all business activities including storage and /or display of appliances, equipment and materials shall be conducted indoors. Planning Recommendations - Page 4