HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.17.94FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDXNAT February 11, 1994 TO; Planning and Soniny C SUBJE Tx Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning o m�aasion, 7: 00 P. M Thursday, February 17, 1994 in th e City C ommission Chamb City Hall, San ford, Fl A 1 H old a Pu bli c Hearing to consid a Sm Scale Comprehensive Pl Amendments to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Land Use Flan, Representative Tay R.. M arder., A.1. .P. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 701 - 715 S. Orlando Drive in a G -, General C ommercial Zoning District for the purpose of the sale of alcoholic beverages, Class 3 - Special, in conjunction with a restaurant. Owner; Chuni Lal Holdings Representative: Petar Rude 3. Hold a Public Dearing to consider a request for a Conditional U se and a Site P lan for property located at 110 N . French A venue In a GC General Commercial Honing District, for the purpose of temp outdoor manufacturing. Owner: W areco Oil Company Representative a David J. McAfee Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at the corner of 3rd Street and Myrtle Avenue in a S- 3, Special Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of automobile, motorcycle and truck repair with warehouse and storage. Owner: Names and Nancy Terwilleger Representatives: Charles and Deborah Nort 510 Consider the Site Plan for the First Baptist Church, 519 Park Avenue In a S -1, Single Family Residential Zoning District. Owners First Baptist Church Representative: William L. Colbert, Chairman, Board of Directors Discuss proposed changes to ordinance No. 3195, Adult Entertainment Code - onconfor -t�ng Uses and variances. Con sent A genda. An other business from fl oor or Commissi Memb ers. Re ports from St aff. 100 Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides t o appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearIng, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record i s not provided by the City of Sanford. ( 286.0 105) . Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office AD A Coordinator at 330 -5626 hours in advance of the meeting. rr I T L I FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINA TOR February 17, 1994 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P. l., Thursday, February 22, 1954, in the City Commission Chambers, city Hall, Sanford, Floride ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA Consider the request for the use of chain link v ithin the required front yard setback for a single - family residence for 2216 Hartwell Av. in a SR -1 Single - family Residential Dwelling district. Owner /representative: Stephen Jones ADDENDUM TO THE CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for Sanford Auto Salvage, a junkyard use, located at 1101 Albright Road in a MI-2, Medium Industrial district. Owner: Ever Spring, Inc. Representative: Wendell Stoksett 2. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for Cals Produce, a roadside fruit and vegetable sales use,, located at 2990 Orlando Drive in a GC-2, General Commercial district. Owner: Sonny& Mary .Joseph Representative: Calvin Clemmons ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If s person decides to appeal s decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, -he may riled tr verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR February 11, 1994 TO : Planning and zoning Comm SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, February 17, 1994 in the City ConmIssion Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Consider the Site Plan for a detached "Cessna Pilot "enter' sign for L Coate Aviation, located at 1 725 Manger Rosa in a RX -1, Restricted industrial zoning district. Owner: Sanford Airport Authority Representative: Edwa r uro u ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. I f a person decades to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286,0105)o Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office AAA Coordinator at 330 -5626 hours in advance of the meeting. Y P1 y H • s I F •{ f, Mw, sx r a' rr -r •r0 'f log aa iii aa i i i ' 41f TT 1 14T� H U, � "WT "Iw T � ��� �� y i � I U., ':j J. Ly 1- r LL Ll J� Y 1 i 1 9 -.e TO Planning and Zu s.ii m cS �1 r, 5 � ' t 7'1 "' f w rw ,f T! ' 'rF ':�.. t �.. ,� �. .. L� r` .. i i 1 1 Y� / / 1 f'" 1 " e% 0`/ 7 7 r% L„� 1� # 1 L.i ■� L wNi :� ti. L tom.: -.L LA C1 L• cons r at 1 on a dd 4 1 1.. # L r l L.r i fY' L. Z LJ i J + ., .� �. .r . . tr1 /`w �fi �" � � .1 11 -%A � 71 /"r 1 I #.r_ d ,.. Y) ± � t I L. 1 11 L 4 1 -1 L1 } i i i 11 # 7 � f� f'+ � �. ti� ti ■ .'� V f' Li 1 L �..e I. J 111 1 1 � j t 3 -L .� 1, i i L 1 L: 4--. L- 1 i 1r-d r'f .y. 441 ': �:� •� � + . 15 'rf�,�{'�' �'��{'' x� � ' y.' � +tip `_•� ' {' I , r'�'� � r'�: 1 .1�F .hl' �'�� �'�i Jr,I{ f"r r "� r - . � ": , r 5 v • - ti'. r . � � y i d - �� 4 '. , ' �� p. Y P1 y H • s I F •{ f, Mw, sx r a' rr -r •r0 'f J MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17 1994 7:00 PeM. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT Cynthia Holt- Miller Tom Speer Helen Stairs Leon Brooks John LeRoy MBERS ABSENT Joe Dennison Cathryn Welch Ben Dyal Mike Davis OTHERS PRESENT Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7':30 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Representative: Jay R. .harder, A.I.C.P. i Mr. Marder stated that the purpose.of this Amendment was to brie annexed properties into the Comprehensive Plan; thereby creating change to the Future Land Use Plan Map. Mr. Gibson stated tha changes include two lots on Sanford Avenue in the Monroe Meadow area; Park Avenue, south of the mobile home park; a propose annexation is on 17 -92 near Wal -Mart, behind the tire store (for city utilities services); as well as the single family dwelling at 25th street and Old Lake Mary Blvd., an industrial site on W. 1st Street, a church and a single family home on CR 46A, an agricultural site and two sites for right -of -way purposes and two other single amily homes and a duplex for water services. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. Mrs. Stairs abstained. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2701 -2715 S. Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of the sale of alcoholic beverages, Class 3 - Special, in conjunction with a restaurant. owner: Chuni Lal Holdings; representative: Petar Rudez. Petar Rudez, 2701 -2715 Orlando Drive, stated that he owns Sergio's Italian Restaurant, located within the Wal -Mart Plaza. He stated that he has been at this location for four years. He Mould like to move to this new location. His hours of operation will be from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Seconded by Ms. Holt- Miller. Mr. LeRoy in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use and a Site Plan for property located at 110 N. French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of temporary outdoor manufacturing. owner: Wareco Oil Company; representative: David J. McAfee. Dave McAfee of Wentzville, Mo., was present for representation. Mr. Speer asked if he had read the recommendations of Staff. Mr. McAfee stated that he had and that he had a problem with the time limit and the screening recommendations made by Staff. He stated MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1994 PAGE 2 that the mobile store should be completed within 45 to 60 days. He stated that he is requesting the use of a cyclone fence and would like to keep the area as open and secure as possible. He stated that they will be building a mobile convenience store that will be equipped with everything from soda to popcorn machines, and all kinds of equipment that go into a convenience store. Mr. McAfee stated that this store will not be remodeled at this time. This is a vacant piece of property behind the Wareco store that will be used for the construction of the mobile store. The purpose of the mobile is for when a store is being remodeled. The mobile will be used for the upgrade without inconveniencing the store. Mr. Marder stated that it has been the City's policy to prevent outdoor storage and display and the visibility thereof. At this location there are no existing outdoor manufacturing or display activities. Mr. McAfee stated that the storage building is a rented 40 -foot trailer and that it would be taken away when the construction is completed. He stated that he is requesting cyclone fencing and that they would probably leave the fence when completed. Mrs. Stairs asked if this mobile would be brought back to the site for storage at any time. Mr. McAfee said that the only time that it would come back would be to remodel the store. Mr. LeRoy asked if a security person would be temporarily living at the site. Mr. McAfee stated that they had no intentions of doing this. Mrs Stairs stated that mobile stores can be purchased already assembled. Mr. McAfee explained that this will be a one of a kind trailer, a convenience store on wheels. Mrs. Stairs moved to deny. Motion died for a lack of second. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval with the condition that there not be any fencing at any time around the property. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mrs. Stairs opposed. Motion carried.. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at the corner of 3rd Street and Myrtle Avenue in a SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of automobile, motorcycle and truck repair with warehouse and storage. Owner: James and Nancy Terwilleger; representatives: Charles and Deborah North. Charles North, 662 Marlin Road, winter Springs, stated that he would like to build a storage warehouse facility for the operation of motorcycle and automobile repair. He stated that this would be a 5000 square foot building. The sale of the property is contingent on approval of this request. Mr. North stated that all repairs would be done inside. The bays will be 1000 square foot. There will be no sales. Al Polfer, 227 E. Hornbeam Drive,- was present to speak in opposition to the request. He stated that he owns the home to the west of this property. Mr. Polfer stated that his tenants, at this location, have 3 small children. He asked about the noise, hours of operation, restrictions, garbage pick up, and the problems with rodents. Mr. North stated that his hours would be from 9:00 to 6:00, Monday through Friday. He stated that there is currently a motorcycle shop in close proximity. with the insulation in the building, the noise will be minimal. He stated that he would place the repair of motorcylls in the bay at the end of the building away from the home. There will be 10 roll up doors. Used oil will be stored in 55 gallon drums in the building using safety Kleen for disposal. Mr. Marder stated that this is outside of the Historic District. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1994 PAGE 3 Mr. Brooks moved on approval based on staff's recommendations and statements of fact. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for the First Baptist Church, 519 Park Avenue in a SR -1, Single Family Residential Zoning District. Owner: First Baptist Church; representative: William L. Colbert, Chairman, Board of Directors. Based on a request from the applicant, Mr. LeRoy moved to table. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the discussion of the proposed changes to Ordinance No. 3185, Adult Entertainment Code - Nonconforming Uses and Variances. Mr. LeRoy moved to table the discussion due to the lateness of the hour. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The first item on the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the request for the use of a chain link fence within the required front yard setback for a single family residence for 2216 Hartwell Avenue in a SR -1, Single Family Residential Dwelling District. Owner /representative: Stephen Jones. Stephen Jones, 2216 Hartwell Ave., stated that he would like to install the fence because he has two small children on a busy road. He stated that all of his neighbors have chain link fences. Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Items on the Consent Agenda included: 1) Consideration of the Site Plan for a detached Cessna Pilot Center sign for LaCoste Aviation, located at 1725 Hanger Road in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Sanford Airport authority; representative: Edward Duroux; 2) Consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Cals Produce, a roadside fruit and vegetable sales use, loca ed at 2990 Orlando Drive in a GC--2, General Commercial Zoning Dist ict. owner: Sonny and Mary Joseph; representative: Calvin Cle ons; 3) Consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Sanford Auto Salvage, a junkyard use, located at 1101 Albright Road in a MI -2, Medium Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Ever Spring, Inc.; representative: Wendell Stocksett. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval of the consent agenda items. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. LeRoy moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8 :15 P.M. T m Speer Acting Chairman