January 2B, >9�
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M
Thursday, February 3, 1994, In the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Consider the request for the use of a chain - link fence with barbed wire for Cadel Auto Sales, Inc.,
an automotive dealer sales use (used) , located at 1215 W. 1 at Street in a C -, General
Commercial zoning district.
Owner /representative: Franci & Gloria Aviles
(Tabled 116/94)
2 . Consider the site plan for Lot 12, I orthstar Business Park, an office /Warehouse arehou.se use located at 501
- 511 Central Park Dr., in a R1 -1, Restricted Industrial zoning District.
Owner: Robach, Inc
Representative: Dick H lsumbach
3 . Consider the site plan for a detached sign for the Sanford Bays and Girls Club, a pu blic/semi-public
use, located at 919 Persimmon Ave., in a M R- , Multiple family Residential Dwelling District.
Owner: City of Sanford
Representative: Don E. Miller
4. First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1 GQ4
5 . Proposed Sign Regulations for U.S. Highway 17 & 9
6 . Any other business from floor or Commission members
7. Reports from staff
8 . Approval of minutes
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. K a parson derides to apps a derision made With respect to any matter considered at the above nvmdng cr hearing, h e
may need a ver baM m record of the proceedings Ind udng the teed mony and Wdenoa. which record Is not provided by to Clty of Sanford "288.0106}
Persons with disaUIites needing assietanc a to pwdapde 1n any of these proceedings should oantaot the personnel office A DA Coordnator at 330 8,
48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
January 31, 19942 7i �
T: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Sc heduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commissi n, 7:00 P.M.,
Thursday, February 3 1 994, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hail, Sanford,
1. Consider the site plan for a detached s ign for Sanford Christian Church,, located at 730 Up ala
Road in a A, Agriculture zoning district.
O wner: Sanford Christian Church
Representative: J. D. Seagrove
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing,
he mey need a verbatim record of the proceedings Including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS
Perms with disabilities needing assistance to particlpate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coor,dinetor at 0-
56 8, 48 hre in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Joe Dennison
Mike Davis
Helen Stairs
Cathryn Welch
John LeRoy
Tom Speer
Leon Brooks
Cynthia Holt -- Miller
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and Planning
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording.Secretary
The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request
for the use of a chain -link fence with barbed wire for Cadel Auto
Sales, Inc., an automotive dealer sales use (used) , located at 1215
W. 1st Street in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district.
Owner /representative: Francisco & Gloria Aviles; (Tabled 1/6/94).
There was no one present for representation of this request.
Mrs. Stairs made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by
Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Speer moved for approval of the request for the use of the
chain link fence with barbed wire for 2 years from this date, with
the condition that when the time limit expires, the applicant would
have to come back for an extension. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr.
Davis noted that there is a security problem on this road. Mr.
Marder stated that the applicant is not being asked to remove the
fence but to set the fence back and provide landscaping. Mr.
Brooks, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Speer in favor of the motion. Mrs.
Stairs, Mrs. Welch, Mr. LeRoy and Mr. Dennison in opposition.
Motion died.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for Lot 12, Northstar Business Park, an office /warehouse use
located at 501 - 511 Central Park Dr., in a RI -1, Restricted
Industrial zoning District. Owner: Robach, Inc.; representative:
Dick Holsumbach,
Dick Holsumbach was present for representation. He stated that he
is the owner of Lot 12 and that he had fulfilled all recommenda-
tions requested by Staff. He stated that he was not sure if the
sign would be mounted on the building or set out by the street.
Mr. Davis questioned the use of reclaimed water. Mr. Holsumbach
stated that he would attach to the reclaimed water lines as soon as
they become available.
Mr. LeRoy moved on approval subject to Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for a detached sign for the Sanford Boys and Girls Club, a
public /semi- public use, located at 919 Persian Ave., in a MR -3,
o nrzrr i
Multiple family Residential Dwelling District. Owner: City of
Sanford; representative: Don E. Miller.
There was no one present for representation.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this is a new sign. A brick company is
going to donate the brick and is doing the engineering for the
sign. The sign will be visible.to both sides of the traffic. Mr.
Marder stated that this will be a ground sign and that there is
nothing inappropriate about it.
Mr. Davis moved on approval as recommended by staff. Seconded by
Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried.
On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the site
plan for a detached sign for Sanford Christian Church, located at
730 Upsala Road in an AG, Agriculture Zoning District. Owner:
Sanford Christian Church; representative: J.D. Seagrove.
There was no one present for representation. Mr. LeRoy moved to
table. Mr. Marder stated that the sign had been discussed at staff
level and that there was nothing inappropriate about it. Mr.
Speer asked if staff could approve sign requests. He stated that
sign requests would be forwarded to this Commission if staff and
the applicant couldn y t core to an agreement. Motion died for a
lack of second. Mr. Brooks moved for approval. Seconded by Mrs.
Stairs. All in favor. Mr. LeRoy opposed. Motion carried.
Mr. Speer asked if there could be a consent agenda in which staff
has worked out recommendations for sign requests and the applicant
has waived coming before the Commission. He stated that when
there is a problem the Commission would be an arbitrator. Mr.
Marder stated that this could be tried for a while to see how it
goes and if successful, this could be one additional step in
expediting the developing . process. Mr. Speer suggested that the
Commission start with sign requests. Mrs. welch requested that
staff point out to the applicant that one member might table or
request that the applicant come in at the next meeting; or they
could attend the meeting and if pulled from the consent agenda then
they would be here to represent the request.
Mr. Bob Ruggiero, owner of Penthouse Cleaners in the walMart
Center, requested to be heard from the floor. He stated that he
would like to open an antique store on the corner of Sanford
Avenue and 25th Street in the old bait and tackle shop. He stated
that he needs to install shrubbery on the corner. The shrubbery
will come within 2 -feet of the curb. If the landscaping is
installed the way it is approved on the plans, pedestrians would
have to walk out in the street. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she
gave him a copy of the site plan when the convenience store request
was approved. It would be necessary for him to comply with the
existing site plan. Mr. Ruggiero stated that he would like to
redesign the landscaping by leaving a 5 -foot gap between the
shrubbery and the curb.
Mr. Speer stated that on the west side of Sanford Ave. there is no
sidewalk and he asked if the curb is the property line. Mrs.
Sonnenberg stated that there is a slight right -of -way because the
street is not entirely paved. Mr. LeRoy asked if the redesign of
the landscaping would stop cars from cutting the corner. Mr.
Ruggiero stated "definitely". He stated that his concern is the
safety of the customers and pedestrians. Mrs. Welch asked if the
reduction of width for the landscaping would put the building at
risk. Mr. Ruggiero stated that the way he would like to install
the landscaping on the property would not put the building at risk
if someone should cut the corner;
Mr. Ruggiero stated that he would like to open the store before he
puts i� the landscaping.. Mr. Marder stated that he would need a
certificate of occupancy before he could open. A temporary
certificate of occupancy could be issued.
Mr Spe': r stated that the landscaping shown on the approved plan is
3 -feet more to the east than what Mr Ruggiero would like to have
it and that it matches the saute radius for the street. He asked if
it cou d be marked on the site plan and approved tonight.
Mrs. Stairs moved to approve with the applicant revising the site
plan by making it a curvature instead of having it square; then the
applicant would take that site plan to staff and have staff approve
the plantings, as specified, and the curb design with the
completion of the landscaping within 30 days. Seconded by Mr.
Brooks. All in favor. Notion carried.
The net item on the Agenda was the discussion of the First Annual
Comprehensive Flan Amendment for 1994.
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician, City of Sanford, stated that this
included amendments to the Future Land Use Plan Map. The summary
outlines all of the significant factors involved. This was
packaged as a small scale amendment because each site is less than
10 acres and all of the sites together are less than 50 acres which
qualifies for small scale.
Mrs. Stairs questioned the little. spots along 46A that are not
incorporated. Mr. Gibson stated that Sites 2 and 3 have been
annexed. Annexations are processed by requests only and are mainly
for utility services. All proposed annexations were included
within this amendment.
The next item on the Agenda was the proposed Sign Regulations for
U.S. Highway 17 & 92.
Mr. Marder stated that signs are apart of U. S. Highway 17 & 92
Redevelopment Task Force. The City Comnussion referred this to the
Planning & Zoning Commission. CALNO is the organization of cities
and county and acts as a sounding board for each city. The idea is
for each city (Sanford, Casselberry, Altamonte Springs, Longwood
and North Orlando) is to agree on these regulations.
Mr. Marder requested consideration that the height limitations for
signs be 15 foot across the board. Mr. Speer requested that Mr.
Marder present a slide show regarding signs showing what he would
like to see as opposed to what we have.
Mr. LeRoy asked about the car lot on Sanford Avenue by Food Mart.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she. had spoken with the Building
Official so that this may go to Code Enforcement.
Mr. Brooks questioned the ingress and egress of Winn Dixie. He
stated that there is only one way in and one way out of the
building. He asked if something could be done because it would be
like a death trap with people trying to exit the building if there
ever is an emergency,.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15.
J e Den ison, Chairman