HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.02.93FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT NT COORDINA TOR November 24, 1993 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7 :00 P.M., Thursday, December 2 1993, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. 0 01d Sanford Regulations - Duany Code ". 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Planned Development Rezone from GC -2 and SR -1A, General Commercial and Single Family Dwelling Residential, to that of PD, Planned Development, for property located between French any# Elm Avenues and 15th and 18th Streets. Owner: City of Sanford Representative: W. A. Simmons 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial, to that of GC -2, General Commercial, property located at 2484 S. Sanford Avenue. Owner /representative: W. Donald Smith 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Planned Development Rezone from AG, Agricultural, to that of PD, Planned Development, for property located at 1200 Upsala Road. Owners: Leo Trapanier and Lois Paulucci Representative: Leo Trapanier 5. Hold a Public Hearing to conskJer an Application for Dimensional Variance in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the reduction of the required foot landscape strip to five feet along the 1 -4 frontage of the Mall for Lots 1, 2, 3 4 and 9. Owner: Seminole Towne Center, LP Representative: Thomas Schneider 5. Consider the Site Plan for Lot 10, Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat, an indoor storage use located at 100 Keyes Court in a RI-1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Investors Ltd/Melville A. Butt Representative: Terry L. Wolters 7. Consider the Site Plan for a detached sign for Leer Truck Accessory Center, an automobile and truck accessory sales and installation use, located at 3 763 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Merrill l=ynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, Inc., Custodian Representative: Gary Paduch 8, Consider the Site Plan for Clemons Produce Market, an indoor retail sales use, located at 2990 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: S.V. and Mary V. Joseph Representative: Calvin Clemons 9. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 10. Reports from Staff. 11. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a decision nude with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5828 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Ilk FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR December 1, 1993 b & TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, December 2, 1993, in the City Commission changers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA 1. Consider the Site Plan for a detached sign for Budget Car and Truck Rental, an automobile and truck rental use, located at 3096 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Mignonette W. Williams /George Imbimbo, Lessee Representative: Charles Hill 2. Consider the request of a waiver of the required landscape, per Schedule J, for Teen Challenge, located at 3706 Sanford Avenue in a RMOI, Multiple - family Residential - Office - Insitutional Zoning District. Owner: Teen Challenge of Florida Representative: Jerry Nance ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. WORKSHOP AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 2, 1993 6 P.M. CITY COMMISSION R CITY HALL CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA 1. gait Adult Entert iinrnent Regulations and Related Rev! sions to Land Development Regulations NOTE: Copies of the above-described materials will be available for review at the meeting. Such materials are on file and available for revie w at the Department of Engineering and Planning, Second Floor, City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida. ADACE TO THE PUBIC: If a psrsion decides to eppevJ a decision made with respect to any mater considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a werbedm record of proceedings, including the testimony and evidence with record Is not pmvided by the City of Sanford. (FS 280.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should cortr. the Personnel Office ADrA Coordlna r at 330 - 5820 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WORKSESSION DECEIVER 2 1993 6:30 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBER MEMBERS PRES Joe Dennison Mike Davis Helen Stairs John LeRoy Cathryn Welch Cynthia Holt - biller Ben Dyal Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT Torn Speer OTHERS PRESENT Jay R. Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Mr. Marder discussed the Related Revisions to the that the Draft Ordinance for Orange County. The entertairxment, The model provided that these use arder stated that this i changing a permitted use )raft Adult Entertainment Regulations and Land Development Regulations. He stated was modeled after an ordinance Prepared City rust provide a land use for adult developed to handle this type of land use be located in industrial zones. Mr, not considered a rezoning but that it is within a zoning classification. Nor. Dennison asked if this would be done in such a gray that it would not seem too restrictive, Mr, Marder stated that this would be handled by the City Attorney. Mrs. Welch asked why was this coming up now. Mr. Marder stated that the Law Enforcement Agency was pushing this. This type of business is not within the City limits now but there are indications that it is moving towards Sanford along 17-92. The Police Chief has asked that this be considered. Mr. harder stated that he has completed the revisions to the Land Development Regulations because the City Commission wants to move as quickly as possible on this. He stated that at the next meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission will be asked to make a recommendation to the City Commission. The City Commission will hold two public hearings. Nor. Marder stated that this is a permitted use in industrial zonings districts RI -1 and MR-2. The Commission may want to add some footnotes under the alcoholic beverage classifications. The City Attorney will be at the next meeting to discuss and answer any questions for the Commission. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 2 1993 7 :00 P.m. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS M PRESENT: John LeRoy Cathryn Welch Cynthia Holt - Miller Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Leon Brooks Helen Stairs Mike Davis MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Speer OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Regulator Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The first item on the agenda was the consideration of the "Old Sanf ord Regulations - Duany Code". Mr. Marder stated that the land use portion of the regulations has been removed so there won't be any rezoning or land use changes. This will primarily be handled by the Historic Preservation Board within the Historic District in the downtown area. The district is basically from 13th street to 3rd Street and from Sanford Avenue to Elm Ave. It encompasses 700 to 800 parcels. Mr. Marder stated that the codes are primarily intended to provide for historic, architectural guidelines to insure that renovations and new construction are in the same character as the various styles as originally constructed. Mr. Marder stated that these Codes are more restrictive than not having any and that we need some kind of regulations in order to maintain the character of the neighborhood. If someone wants to do something, they would go before the Historic Preservation Board. The Planning and Zoning Commission is being requested to make a recommendation to the City Commission. Mr. LeRoy moved to approve the Old Sanford Regulations - Duany Code as presented. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Davis in opposition. All others in favor. motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Planned Development Rezone from GC -2 and SR-1A, General Commercial and Single Family Dwelling Residential, to that of PD, Planned Development, for property located between French and Elm Avenues and 15th and 18th Streets. Owner: City of Sanford; representative: W. A. Simmons. Mr. Simmons, City Manager of Sanford, stated that he was representing the owner, the City. He stated that the City owns one lot which is not included within the proposed rezone request. The City is requesting Planned Development zoning for the entire piece of property. Several attempts at rezoning this property have taken place previously but were never for a planned development zoning district. Mr. Simmons stated that staff was requested to figure out a use for this property. Staff came up with a number of possible uses: a mix of recreational; public or semi - public for fire and/or police; and some type of commercial utilizing the frontage on French Avenue. All lots fronting on French Avenue are zoned GC -2 which is the highest commercial use. There is a problem with good commercial use for property which has a depth of one lot. The Camp Plan and Future Land Use shows commercial usage for a depth of two lots. The proposal for zoning to Planned Development allows maximum MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1993 PAGE 2 control on the part of the City during development. The decision to go with Planned Development was made carefully to provide maximum control by the City. Mr. Simmons stated that one objection by the residents was loss of control. Planned Development is better than keeping it zoned SR- 1A. He emphasized that a public hearing would be held by the City Commission on the 13th and the 27th of December. He reiterated that. there would be two more public hearings before a final decision is made on this request. Mr. Simmons stated that the French Avenue property is currently zoned GC -2 and SR-1A. The SR -1A property is intended for public and semi - public uses, probably for the Fire Department. He stated that the Fire Department location is not a good location. A secondary use could be for a replacement for the Police Department. If the Fire Department goes in, it would be nearer to 15th Street with the remaining property to be used for recreation. If the Police Department goes in, it would not leave much for the recreational aspects. He stated that Laurel Avenue would eventually be vacated because he could not envision Laurel Avenue functioning as a street. Mrs. Welch asked if this would be a commercial ground lease. Mr. Simmons stated that the City would anticipate selling the front portion of the property with the Planned Development zoning. The purchaser would come through the process of working with the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Commission for approval. Mr. Simmons stated that this piece of property would be like a spin -off with the City retaining the rest. There were approximately 12 people in -the audience in opposition. Sylvia Smith, 425 W. 18th Street, spoke in opposition to the request. She stated that she lives across the street from the field. She presented and read a letter to the Commission members asking that they postpone and table any decisions regarding this request until February. She stated that the holidays are normal hectic times with some residents having scheduling conflicts. Ms. Smith stated that the neighborhood in which she lives is of a historical nature and that area residents do not want any more retail commercial development. She stated that the intersection at 15th Street and French Avenue is a problem. Traffic would be impounded more so onto Elm Avenue if this is allowed. She stated that she does not want any development that will be a detriment to the area. She suggested that a meeting, outside of a public hearing, be held in order to come up with a better alternative. Susan Hughes,, 228 W. 18th Street, stated that there are many children that travel this area going to school. If this is allowed, there will be more traffic, more strangers, placing the children in more danger. She stated that she would like to see the property remain -as it is now. The field is utilized by so many people. The children that use this field are staying out of trouble. M. L. Rabun, 214 W 15th Street, stated that he was pleasantly surprised with the work that Mr. Simmons and his group have done. Eliminating the use of the eastern portion of this property for housing is a plus. The set up for public and semi - public uses is the best use. Mr. Rabun stated that the ability to use a portion of this property for a fire station would be impossible without major changes to the intersection of 15th Street, but that it is possible that the corner of 15th and French could be negotiated so that an agreement could be entered into by Checkers and the City for use of this intersection by the Fire Department. Mr. Rabun stated that the lots east of the zoned commercial strip should be retained within Tract 2 rather than in Tract 1. He also stated that the frontage of commercial lots should be contiguous with Checkers and the Bank. Mr. Simmons stated that this is a more formalized step than in any other type zoning. Staff will make itself available to the maximum MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1993 PAGE 3 extent possible. The exact locations of the fire station, police station and recreational areas have only been talked about and have not been made. Ingress and egress of vehicles will have to be considered very carefully. Ms. Smith reiterated that she does not want any more commercial property in the surrounding area. She requested that the Commission to vote against the request because of the commercial encroachment on the neighborhood. Ms. Smith also requested that it be settled now. She stated that she does not want to have to keep coming back. John Mercer stated that it is the responsibility Qf the Commission to do what is best for the City. This is a very valuable piece of property. It is not to the benefit of all of the citizens to not sell off a piece of this property. He urged the Commission to recommend approval of the request to the City Commission. Mr. Dyal moved to recommend approval as presented because it is in line the Comp Plan. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to Hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial, to that of GC -2, General Commercial, property located at 2484 S. Sanford Avenue. Owner /representative; W. Donald Smith. W. Donald Smith stated that the property is located on the northwest corner of 25th and Sanford Avenue. He stated that he would like for the property to be consistent with other surrounding properties. Mrs. Stairs asked for the concerns of area residents when this property was presented for convenience store approval. Mr. Smith stated that the concerns were that it would be a bar. He stated that he has not experienced any objections because of the rezoning request. Mr. Davis moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application to Planned. Development Rezone from AG, Agricultural, to that of PD, Planned Development, for property located at 1200 Upsala Road. Owners: Leo Trapanier and Lois Paulucci; representative: Leo Trapanier. Mr. Rich Holiday, 1560 Orange Ave., Winter Park, stated that he was present to represent the owners. He stated that this site consists of approximately 18.95 acres. The proposed use is for multiple family residential, 379 dwelling units, with two to three stories in height. There will be one entrance off of Upsala Road and one entrance off of Elder Road. Utilities will be by the City of Sanford and the property is not within a flood zone. Mr. Holiday stated that he would not know the size of retention pond until it is planned out, but that he believes it to be 15 %. Mr. Marder stated that the existing right-of-way is substantial to accommodate full drainage at this time. He also stated that in some point in time, in the future, there could be a need to four lane this road. Mrs. Stairs asked if this is concurrent with what we have now. Mr. Marder stated "yes, this development would not propose a problem ". Mr. Chuck Best, of Elder Road, spoke in opposition to the request. He stated that there will be 261 houses on the back end of this property. People will not drive all the way to the front of the development to use Upsala Road, they would use Elder Road. Mr. Best stated that basically, Elder Road is a one lane road right now. It is up to him and his neighbor to keep the ditches clean so water will drain. If the plan is to use Elder Road, something needs to done. He stated that considerations need to be given to the environment and that improvements should be made to Elder Road. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1993 PAGE 4 Jim Branch, Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, stated that they added the access onto Elder Road at the request of the City. He stated that they have no problems with not having access onto Elder Road. Mr. Branch stated that the drainage would be addressed in detail. The initial intent was to use an outfall to the Smith Canal. Mr. Best stated that he is in favor of the plan but that he is concerned about Elder Road. Mr. LeRoy moved to recommend approval subject to making the secondary access to Elder Road a future road when it is developed. Seconded by fir. Dyal. Mr. Davis abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider an Application for Dimensional in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the reduction of the required ten foot landscape strip to five feet along the 1-4 frontage of the Mall for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9. Owner: Seminole Towne Center, LP; representative: Thomas Schneider. Mr. Chuck Schneider, representing the owners, stated that the request is necessary because DOT has taken 8 acres of the Mall's property and that they have had to totally redesign the project. Mr. Dyal moved for approval. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for Lot 10, Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Replat, an indoor storage use located at 100 Keyes Court in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Keyes Seminole Industrial Park Investors Ltd /Melville A. Butt; representative: Terry L. Wolters. Terry Wolters stated that they had met all requirements except for the final computations on water retention. This would be done before permits are obtained. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval based on staff's comments and recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Leer Truck Accessory Center, an automobile and truck accessory sales and installation use, located at 3763 Orlando Drive in a GC--2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, Inc., Custodian; Representative: Gary Paduch. Due to lack of representation, Mr. Dyal moved to table. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site Plan for Clemons Produce Market, an indoor retail sales use, located at 2990 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: S.V. and Mary V. Joseph; representative: Calvin Clemons. Mr. Al Clark, representing Mr. Clemons, stated that this would not be a produce stand, but rather a produce store more or less. After discussion regarding traffic control devices being the responsibility of the applicant, Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented subject to staff's recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for a detached sign for Budget Car and Truck Rental, an automobile and truck rental use, located at 3096 Orlando Drive in a GC--2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Mignonette W. Williams /George Imbimbo, Lessee; representative: Charles Hill. Due to lack of representation, Mrs. stairs moved to table. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLtANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of DECEMBER 2, 1993 PAGE 5 The next item for consideration was a request of a waiver of the required landscape, per Schedule J. for Teen Challenge, located at 3706 Sanford Avenue in a RMOI , Multiple- family Residential-Office- Institutional Zoning District. owner: Teen Challenge of Florida; representative: Jerry Nance. Mr. LeRoy moved to table due to lack of representation. Seconded by Mrs. welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. welch moved to approved the minutes at circulated. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. It was unanimously decided that Mr. Davis would replace Mr. LeRoy on the waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. J e De ninon, Chairman FORM 86 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR I_ COUNTY, MUNIC[PAL AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS LAST NAME — FIRST NAME -- MIDDLE NAME ar ,LJ1'N(, ADDRESS I � IT BATE ON WHICH VO TE OCCU NAV Cat SOARIXXCffl IL, C 1 MIS 1 N AL �#C �t IT' ' R C'o m El w THE. 00ARD, OUNOIL. ('OM M I 5510N. AU 11-1UKIZ Y, UK LUMMI 1 1 GG VT% I WHICH I SERVL IS A UNIT OF: r 9. ► '1 C1 C OLINT OTHER 1,0 CAL AGENCY 'OU N'r�' N(► l: O�PUL�iCA��lVlS10N:�0� W~� 0 ,or �)'r I .f# M!2 ;/ My PU I: ELECTIVE AA?P01 WHO MIST FILE FORMA 19B This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other I ocal level o f government on an a ppointed or elected board, council commission, authority, or committee. it applies equally to members of advisory and non advisory bodies who are presented with a otin g conflict of interest under Sectimi 112.3141, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this law are mandatory; although the use o f this particular form is not required by lave, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by laver. Your responsibilities under the lam when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict'of interest will vary greatly depending on wh ther Y ou hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WIN SECTION l'1 . 4 , FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: person holding elective county, rr unicipal, or other local public office I1 ST ABSTAIN from votin orgy maser which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (ogler than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the -conflict: PRIOR TO THE VO BEING TAKEN by p stating to the assembly the nature of y our interest in the measure o n which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED T FFICE S: A on er holding appointive bunt , municipal, o r other local pu blic - off ice MUST ABSTAIN from voting on measure which p g pp inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (ot her than a government agency) by Whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate , in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR I TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. a The fbTm should be read publicly at the meeting .phor to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. IF YOU MADE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENC THE DECISION EXCEPT B ISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: * You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. • o u should comp lete t fo and file it w ithin 1 da after the vote occurs w ith the person res ponsible for recording the m nute� � of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. D ISCLOSURE F LOCAL OFFICE'S INTEREST 1 • I A L 2a hereby disclose. that o a measure cane or will come before my agency which (cheep one) inured to special private gain; or op o the special air t f •- # by whom I am retained. inured t p g , - N The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: olf - 1 1'4�rl - 'V j � � '1 r r c Date Fi led S ig nature NOTICE.: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.31' (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY I E UII EL 131 L U E CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR S USPENSION' FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION TION Il i SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A C IVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED S5 ,000. From the Director of Planning and Deveki pment November 24, 1993 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of December 2, 1993 CITY OF SANFORD - Request to Rezone from GC -2, General Commercial and SR -1 A, Single Family Dwelling Residential, to that of PD, Planned Development for the purpose of indoor retail use and public /semi - public uses on property located between French and Elm Avenues and 15th and 18th Streets. 1. The site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and GC -2, General Commercial and consists of undeveloped platted lots and undeveloped right -of -way and alleys located between French Avenue /U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and Elm Avenue. Site includes approximately 11.45 acres. 2. Area adjacent to site that is presently Zoned GC -2, General Commercial includes a drive -in bank, a drive -in restaurant, truck repair, used automobile sales and a shopping center. Area adjacent to site that is presently Zoned SR -1 and SR- 1 AA, Single Family Residential includes existing single family dwellings and a middle school. 3. The Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area west of the undeveloped Laurel Avenue right -of -way (including site) as General Commercial. The area between undeveloped Laurel Avenue right -of -way and Elm Avenue is designated as Medium Density Residential - 15, i.e., fifteen dwelling units per acre. All City services and facilities are available to the site. 4. After purchasing the property and considering several land use alternatives, the City Commission of the City of Sanford has proposed to utilize the balance of the property (Tract 2) for Public and Semipublic Use. In general, public and semi- public uses are consistent within all Future Land Use categories of the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Element. The City has considered a recreational field house for the southerly portion 'of the site and public safety uses such as a fire station and a police station for the northerly portion of the site. Additionally, after considering the existing GC -2 Zoned area located between French Avenue and the undeveloped alley west of unopened Laurel Avenue, the City recognizes that that portion of the site is not of sufficient depth to adequately support commercial activities. Also, the highway frontage land is considered to be too valuable to utilize for the types of public and semi - public activities necessary by City government. Further, the City recognizes that a minimum depth of 200 feet is required for platting new lots adjacent to major arterial roadways such as French Avenue in order to provide for appropriate traffic circulation and adequate project amenities such as landscape and drainage. Therefore, the recommended 3.1 acre indoor retail commercial activity area (Tract 1) is provided in order to allow sufficient building setbacks, landscape and other site amenities for indoor retail use. 5. Recommend approval of the request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential and GC -2, General Commercial to PD, Planned Development based on the "Master Plan for French Avenue Property," overall consistency with the comprehensive plan's Future Land Use Map, ability to conduct indoor retail land uses on Tract 1, similar commercial uses in the immediate area adjacent to Tract 1 and general compatibility of public and semi - public uses in the immediate area of Tract 2. W. DONALD SMITH - Request to Rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial, to that of GC -2, General Commercial for property located at 2484 S. Sanford Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial and is located at the northwest corner of State Road 46/ S.E. 25th Street and Sanford Avenue. The site includes an existing principal building with various additions and covered storage areas, portions of which are enclosed with cyclone fence. The site is paved. 2. Adjacent uses include various single family dwellings Zoned RC -1. Other uses include a fruit and vegetable stand, automobile repair and a convenience store located in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone. 3. Recommend approval of GC -2, General Commercial Zoning based on GC -2 Zoning already established in the immediate area and existing commercial building already established on the site. LEO TRAPANIER /LOTS PAULUCCI - Request to Rezone from AG, Agricultural, to that of PD, Planned Development for the purpose of establishing multiple family residential use for property located at 1200 Upsala Road. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and includes an agricultural building along the south property line. Site includes almost 19 acres. 2. The "Master Plan, Upsala Road PD" reflects proposed multiple family residential use with 379 dwelling units at a density of 20 dwelling units per acre. The proposed land use intensity is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan which designates the area as "Westside Industry and Commerce." Westside Industry and Commerce provides for residential density of up to 20 dwelling units per acre. City services are available to the site although utility lines may need to be extended. 3. Adjacent land uses include various single family residences to the east and in 2 general vicinity of site and vacant land. An industrial park is located southeast of site and convenience commercial uses are located north of site on SR 46. 4. Traffic generation for 379 multiple family units is 3,032 trips per day. While Upsala Road is considered to be a minor collector and is not included in the City's concurrency management system, the latest count between SR 46 and Coastline Road (entrance to Sanford Central Industrial Park) is 3,197 (1993, Seminole County Engineering Department). Capacity of the road is 15,000 (Level of Service D). Therefore, the additional trips caused by the proposed development will not degrade the present level of service. 5. Based on recommendation of City staff per the number of units, two points of access be provided, one on Upsala Road and one on Elder Road. Specifically, access to Elder Road is recommended as a future point of ingress /egress to the development. Recognizing that it would be unfair to require the developer to construct all of Elder Road from the site to SR 46, a condition of approval should be provided that, once Elder is constructed to the property line, the developer /owner /successor to the project shall complete the road to the site and provide appropriate driveway connections for the use of residents. This recommendation is made with the recognition of the future configuration of SR 46 -- the cross -over at Elder Road will remain open while the two open cross- overs between Upsala Road and Rinehart Road will be closed (per six laning due to Seminole Towne Center). Because of the number of units, it would be desirable for residents of the project to be able to access the development easily while traveling easterly on SR 46 without having to contribute to congestion at the SR 46 /Upsala Road intersection. 6. Recommend approval of the request to rezone to PD, Planned Development based on the Upsala Road PD Master Plan, consistency with the Future Land Use Plan and availability of urban services. Also recommend that a condition of development approval be the construction of access to Elder Road and construction of that portion of Elder Road adjacent to the site at such time as the segment between the properly and SR 46 is constructed /improved. SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER, LP - Request for a Dimensional Variance in a PD, Planned Development Zoning District for the reduction of the required ten foot landscape strip to five feet along the 1 -4 frontage of the Mall for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9. 1. The Site is Zoned PD, Planned Development pursuant to the Seminole Properties Planned Development Project Master Plan. The request regards that portion of the site that is proposed for a regional shopping center and parcels that will be immediately adjacent to the center. 2. The site is basically vacant at the present time. 3. The applicant has submitted a document attached to the application entitled "Variance Request, City of Sanford Land Development Regulations for Seminole Towne Center." The applicant proposes that a variance to the City's ten foot wide landscape strip adjacent to Interstate Highway 4 be reduced to five feet. The 3 applicant states that the Florida Department of Transportation has condemned land in order to provide for the expansion of 1 -4 (and the interchange with the Seminole Expressway/Western Beltway). 4. Based on the Standards for Consideration for Dimensional Variances set for in the LDR (Section 3.11 (13)), the applicant appears to have met the criteria. Specifically, the taking through condemnation of a portion of the site "... did not result from the action or negligence of the applicant." 5. Recommend approval of the proposed dimensional variances for a five foot rather than a ten foot landscaped buffer adjacent to Interstate 4 based on compliance with dimensional variance standards as stated in submissions by the applicant. 4