October I, 1993
TOO Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Fleeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 P.M.,
Thursday, October 7, 1993, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Consider the Final Plat for Seminole Towne Center, a commercial subdivision, located at 200
Towne Center BI in a PD, Planned Development zoning district.
Owner: Seminole Investors, Inc. and Seminole Towne Center LJP
Representative: Thomas Schneider
2. Consider the Site Plan for Seminole Towne Center, a regional shopping mall, located at 200
Towne Center Blvd in a PD, Planned DEvelopment zoning district.
Owner: Seminole Towne Center LP
Representative: Richard Merkel
3. Consider the Site Plan for Florida Solar, an office warehouse use, located at 235 Coastline
Road in a FBI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district.
Owner. C.B.C. Industrial Park, Inc.
Representative: H. D. Holsumbach
Consider the Si#e Plan for Universal Mapping, an office /warehouse use, locate at 201 Tech
Drive in a RI-1, Restricted Industrial zoning district.
Owner: C.V.C. Industrial Park, Inc.
Representative: H. D. Hol urnbach
5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
6. Reports from Staff.
7. Approval of Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a deasion made with respect to any muter oonsidered at the above meeting or
hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the prooeedings including the tesfimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City
of Sanford. (FS 2W.01 05).
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to pa rficipate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator
at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting,
7:00 P.M.
Mike Davis
Leon Brooks
Joe Dennison
Tom Speer
Cynthia Holt - Miller
Cathryn Welch
John LeRoy
Helen Stairs
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Final
Plat for Seminole Towne Center, a commercial subdivision, located
at 200 Towne Center Blvd. in a PD, Planned Development zoning
district. Owner: Seminole Investors, Inc. and Seminole Towne
Center L /P; representative: Thomas Schneider.
Mr. Tom Schneider stated that he was representing Seminole Towne
Limited Partnership and Seminole Towne Center Investors. He stated
that they were requesting one small modification to the plat. Mr.
Schneider stated that the .2 acre parcel around the wetlands (TR.
18) needs to be annexed into the City and that it would be done as
soon as possible.
Mr. Dennison asked if this was the small piece of land on which a
sewer lift station is located. Mr. Schneider stated "no. The
existing lift station will be relocated to TR. 17". He stated that
they are resolving an exchange of land with the State. The Mall
has deeded to the State approximately .3700 of an acre and the
State has deeded to Seminole Mall .3700 of an acre.
Mr. Davis asked if the plat, as submitted, was correct. Mr.
Schneider stated "yes ".
Mr. LeRoy moved on approval with the recording of joinder and
consent of Seminole County for Tract 18. Seconded by Mrs. Welch.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for Seminole Towne Center, a regional shopping mall, located at 200
Towne Center Blvd., in a PD. Planned Development zoning district.
Owner: Seminole Towne Center L /P; representative: Richard
Tom Schneider represented the request. He stated that they were
requesting a modification to the first of staff's recommendations.
Mr. Schneider requested that the final parking detail be approved
through the administrative process. He asked that the commission
recommend the approval of the site plan conditioned upon the final
parking detail being approved at staff level.
Mr. Marder stated that the parking detail issue, due to the
engineering details considered at staff level, was being resolved.
The end islands need to be raised due to the traffic circulation
safety pattern.
Mr. Schneider stated that what was shown on the previous site plan
was that certain end islands would be raised and landscaped as
opposed to all end islands being raised and landscaped. He stated
that the issue is if unlandscaped islands are to be raised.
Mr. Speer stated that he didn't understand why City staff would
think about having the end islands raised 4 with concrete. Mr.
Schneider explained that the position taken by the City was that
the raised concrete islands discourages people from parking at the
edge of the ring road. Mr. Speer stated that the policing of this
was for the Police Department and the Mall Security. Mr. Schneider
stated that in other malls, typically they have raised islands
around curves and entrys. He stated that he did not think that
each island needs to be raised as opposed to the City wanting each
Mr. harder stated that City Staff had done a considerable amount of
research on the parking detail. This was a technical engineering
type detail and there are strong feelings on this at Staff level.
Various shopping centers had been reviewed and a clear example of
what not to do in a shopping center can be seen at the Altamonte
Mall. There is a considerable amount of uncontrolled and improper
parking. Parking in striped islands blocks the view of traffic.
It makes for a safer on -site vehicular circulation pattern to have
the raised islands with the stop signs where there is an access out
to the ring road.
Mr. Schneider stated that on the variance request for the
consolidation of landscaping, it specifically showed painted end
Mr. Brooks moved for approval subject to staff's recommendations of
items 2, 3,4 (attached) and based on having flexibility and
compromise of an amicable decision by both the developer and the
City on item no. 1. seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. Mr Speer asked
if a developer who accepts this type of decision on the site plan
can come back to the City if no agreement could be reached. Mrs.
Sonnenberg stated that they can always come back on an appeal. All
in favor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was the Site Plan for Florida
Solar, an office/warehouse use, located at 235 Coastline Road in a
RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. owner: C.B.C.
Industrial Park, Inc.; representative: H. D. Holsumbach.
Due to lack of representation, Mr. Speer moved to table. Seconded
by Ms. Holt--Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was the Site Plan for Universal
Mapping, an office/warehouse use, located at 201 Tech Drive in a
RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. owner: C.V.C.
Industrial Park, Inc.; representative: H. D. Holsumbach.
Due to lack of representation, Mr. Speer moved to table. Seconded
by Ms. Holt- Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.
Regarding the minutes, Mr. Dennison noted proposed changes on Page
3, first paragraph. The last sentence should read "fixed based
operation" not corporation. In paragraph 6, the last sentence
should read "There will be no other chemicals involved."
Mr. Brooks moved to approve the minutes with noted changes.
Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. harder explained that the cancellation of the worksession
regarding the old Sanford Regulations - Draft Revisions to Land
Development Regulations, was due to the fact that he had met with
representatives of the Sanford Historic Trust and recognized that
advertisements had to be completed and every property owner in that
neighborhood would have to be noticed. He stated that there would
be a workshop for the Planning and Zoning Commission on October 21
with a Public Hearing the first meeting in November. The City
Commission will hold their meeting on December 13th.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P . M.
3 oe - D6nnison, Chairman
October 7, 1993
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
RE: PRC Recommendations
Recommend Approval subject to the following condition:
Recording of Joinder and Consent of Seminole County for Tract 18.
Recommend App roval subiect to the following:
1. Remove the Parking Detail or show the end islands as constructed islands with appropriate stop
2. Provide a detail showing how the existing power poles, guy wires and proposed locations will
interact with parking stalls and drivelanes.
3. Identify the transit stop and detail any associated building improvements.
4. Provide calculations for percentage of open space (5% min).
Recommend Approval of the site plan only subiect to final engineering concerns
a. #5- both the note and the detail should show white for the stop bars while regulatory lines
are shown as yellow.
2. The sign for handicap parking fine should read "$100.00 - Fla Statute 316.1957."
3. The landscape requirement (Sch J Sec 2.3.A) along Upsala Rd. is for a 10' strip. A landscape
berm is suggested for permanent screening. Sanford Central Park also requires buffering on
Upsala Road. This should be coordinated with the park and the development. Note that no
access will be allowed from Upsala Rd.
4. Submit a copy of the DER /DEP permit for sewer.
5. Bore and jack Tech Drive; open cuts are not acceptable.
6. If the wet tap for the fire line is on the opposite side of Tech Drive, it is suggested that the
location be brought across to the center of the property to serve both halves of the property.
7. Suggest check dams for swale drainage.
8. Sidewalks are required for Upsala Road.
Recommend Approval of the site plan only subject to final engineering concerns
a. #5- both the note and the detail should show white for the stop bar while the regulatory
striping should be yellow.
2. The sign for parking fine for the parking detail should read "$100 - Florida Statute 316.1957."
3. The required 5' landscaped buffer has not been shown on the east side of the parcel line. Do
you intend to request a waiver? I would recommend that the hedge be waived, with the trees
to be installed.
4. Submit a copy of the DER /DEP permit for sewer.
5. Required curbing has not been shown throughout the paved area.
6. Suggest check dams for swale drainage.
7. A Developer's Agreenment will be required for the installation of the sidewalks for Coastline
Road when and if it is extended as an east /west connector road for the city.