HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.16.93I T L I -� . r 1 f. Yl FROM THE COORDINATOR LAND DEVELOPMENT September 10, 1993 V$ TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission,, 7 :00 P.M., Thursday, September 16, 1993, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hell, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1 . Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 315 Magnolia Avenue in a S -, Special C ornmerial Zoning District, for a waiver of the required number of parking spaces; 13 required, 7 provided. O wner: Central Florida Legal Services Representative: Treena Kaye 2 . Consider the request for are extension of the approval of the site plan in which the applicant was not required to p ave seven parking spaces, for Temporary Living Center, a health out- patient function and daycare use,, located at 519 Palmetto Avenue in a G C-2, General Co mmercial Zoning District. Owner: Seminole County School Board Representative: Kathleen Turner (Tabled 09102/93) Consider the site /engineering plat for the Jett -Aire C orp raltion Office and Hanger C omplex' a public /semi- public use, located at 100 Jett -sire Ct. in a RI -1 + Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Sanford Airport Authority /Jett -Aire Corporation, leasee Representative: Kevin Sp lski 4 . Consider the site plan for a convenience store located at 24$4 Sanford Avenue in a R -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District. O wner: W. Donald Smith Representative: Dilip Patel b. Consider the request for a waiver allowing a chain link fence in the front yard of 523 Plumose Dr., a single - family residence, located in a SR-1A, Single- family Dwelling Residential Zoning District. Owner/representative: Lyman C. Blanchard 6 . Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 7 . Reports from Staff. B. Appr of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. IFS 286.0105). Persons w ith disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -58219 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Tom Speer Helen Stairs Mike Davis Leon Brooks John LeRoy Cathryn Welch MEMBERS ABSENT Cynthia Holt - Miller OTHERS PRESENT: Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Bettie B. Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional variance for property located at 315 Magnolia Avenue in a SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning District, for a waiver of the required number of parking spaces; 13 required, 7 provided. Owner: Central Florida Legal Services; representative: Treena Faye. Treena A. Kaye, Managing Attorney, was present for representation. She stated that Central Florida Legal Services would like to add 280 square feet to the existing building. She stated that the seven existing parking spaces are adequate for their needs. The request came about because of the proposed addition to the building. The building is not in compliance with current regulations. Robert Hambrick, architect, stated that the Legal Service is in accordance with the Cade of 1986. The building, as it stands today, is not in conformance with today's standards. At today's standards, 7 parking spaces would be needed to bring the building up to code with the addition. Mr. Dennison asked ghat is the purpose of the proposed 280 square feet. Mr. Hambrick stated that it will be two storage rooms. Mike Davis stated that there are some on- street parking available in the area and asked if these spaces are ever used. Nis. Kaye stated that occasionally, clients use the on- street parking but the spaces are never used by the 5 staff members. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval based on Staff's findings. seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request for an extension of the approval of the site plan in which the applicant was not required to pave seven parking spaces, for Temporary Living Center, a health out- patient function and daycare use, located at 519 Palmetto Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 PAGE 2 Zoning District. owner: Seminole County School Board; representative: Kathleen Turner, (Tabled 09/02/93). Mr. Dyal moved to remove from table. Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Katrina Boone, 519 Palmetto Avenue, was present for representation. She stated that they are requesting an extension based on the fact that they are trying to determine whether they will stay at this location. If they decide to stay, they will pave the seven parking spaces. Ms. Boone stated that contractors are presently processing bids to determine how much work needs to be done to the structure and how much it will cost. She stated that they have looked into modulars and restructuring. Ms. Boone stated that they are requesting an extension until they can get the final information from the contractors and engineers. She requested a one -year extension. Mrs. Stairs stated that this building is within the Historic District and noted that the issue of tearing it down would have to be addressed. Ms. Boone stated that she realized this and stated that she will be contacting the Historic Preservation Board. Mr. Dyal noted that there was no representation from the Historic Preservation Board. Mr. LeRoy asked if there was a fee for a request for an extension. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there was no fee. Mr. Brooks stated that this is a non- profit organization willing to work with this Board and the Historic Preservation Society and that he had no problem with the one -year request. He stated that this is a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Speer moved on approval for a one -year extension. Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site /engineering plat for the Jett -Aire Corporation office and Hanger Complex, a public /semi- public use, located at 100 Jett -Aire Ct. in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. owner: . Sanford Airport Authority /Jett -Aire Corporation, lessee; representative: Kevin Spolski. Kevin Spolski, 2800 Carrier Avenue, stated that Jett -Aire is an existing corporation, currently located in a 10,000 square foot structure at Central Florida Regional Airport. He stated that they are currently working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for a grant that is being considered and should be finalized within 14 days. Jett -Aire specializes in corporate aviation. Mr. Spolski stated that they plan to have two 24,004 square foot hangar facilities. Employment will start out at around 44 people. One hangar will store large aircraf ts. Currently, Jett -Aire houses 10 jets. With the new facilities, the intention is to house up to 20 to 30 corporate aircraf ts. Mr. Spolski stated that the existing roadway will be redone and brought up to City standards. The main entryway will be on the northside of the Airport off S.R. 46. The St. Johns River Water Management District, FAA, and Bristol Chiles Engineers have reviewed the plans and all are in agreement. Mr. Spolski explained that the Bureau of Indian Affairs enacted a program in the early 1990's for small businesses that have Indian ownership. Bob Dose is an Indian and the president of Jett -Aire. He stated that Jett -Aire will be providing more jobs and will bring in a first class facility. He explained that this is a private corporation that will not interfere with the Central Florida Regional Airport. This project will cost between $3 1/2 to 4 million. Kevin Spolski stated that he has no problems whatsoever with any of Staff's recommendations. He stated that they plan to comply with all of Staff's requests. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 PAGE 4 feet from the property line. Ms. Perkins stated that her concerns included jets going in and out all times of night and increased traffic. Mr. Spolski explained that there has to be someone there around the clock for convenience and for the security of anyone entering the Airport. Mr. Davis moved to recommend approval of the site plan subject to Staff's conditions (attached). Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mr. Brooks opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a convenience store located at 2484 Sanford Avenue in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District. Owner; W. Donald. Smith; representative: Dilip Patel. W. Donald Smith was present for representation. Mr. Davis asked if the dumpster pad would be located in the northwest corner of the property. Mrs. Sonnenberg explained that the Public Works Department would go on -site to find the best location for the dumpster pad. Mr. Smith explained that an elderly lady lives on lot 19 and that her garage is located at the very southwest corner of her property. She has to cross his parking lot to get into her garage. Mr. Smith stated that he was trying to work it out so that she could keep using her garage. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the best way was to leave it up to the Public works Department as to the best location of the dumpster pad so that it would not interfere with the garage. Mr. Smith stated that the hours of operation would be from Barn to 8pm. Mr. Speer moved for approval of the request with the waiver of a buffer along the line of lot 20 subject to Staff's recommendations and with the Public works Department to decide the location of the dumpster pad. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the request for a waiver allowing a chain link fence in the front yard of 523 Plumosa Dr., a single - family residence, located in a SR -1A Single- family Dwelling Residential Zoning District. Owner /representative: Lyman C. Blanchard. Lyman Blanchard, 523 Plumosa, stated that his car was stolen two weeks ago along with keys to everything. He stated that the thief has come back to his property five times. He explained that he is being stalked and needs protection. He stated that the fence is for security purposes. The fence will be 5 feet high. The Police Department has investigated but has had no results. The fence will be located 30 feet behind the sidewalk. Mr. Speer moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. opposed was Mrs. Welch. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Commission approved the recommendations of the Board regarding Seminole Towne Centex and the two requests for alcoholic beverages sales. She noted that Dewitt Excavation withdrew their request regarding the borrow pit. Also, the city Commission waived the 2000' distance between alcoholic beverage sales and a church for Beer 30. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval of the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried.. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P . M. J e Denn'son, Chairman _ FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINA TOR September 16, 1993 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission RE: P & Z Meeting of 09/16193 RECOMMENDATIONS Site /engineering plan for Aire -Jett Corporation Office and Hanger Complex, locate at 100 Jett- Aire Ct. in an RI -1 Restricted Zoning District. Recommend site plan approval subject to the following conditions being addressed prior to engineer plan approval & permitting: a. The Legal Description does not agree with note 20. b. Stop bars and signs are required at the intersections of drive lanes, road ways etc. The stop sign for Jett-Aire Ct. at S.R. 46 shall be 30" High Intensity while the private ones shall be 24 ". C. There is no detail for the widening of the existing 14 foot asphalt road to 24 feet. It will require an i-1/2" asphaltic concrete over an 8" limerock base on a 12" stabilized subbase. All roads and drives that are intended for use by heavy duty trucks shall require the same specifications. d. The islands between the parking stalls are to be protected by curbing as well as the radii as they transition into the driveways at the north and south end of the parking stalls. e. The gray water line as shown does not exist. A note and calculations for potential take - back should be provided, when and if available becomes available. f. Note 14 states that 300 gallon foam tanks to be located at the riser location next to each hangar building. Show locations of both tanks and risers with appropriate details. g. It is an existing blow -off not a 2" water meter west of FBO office. Move adjacent to the double detector check assembly area. Show location of 2" meter for water service and laterals. h. Do the dashed lines at the east and west drives reflect electronic gates or a continuation of the fence? i. Please complete the Concurrency Management System Project Review Worksheet for the level of services for sanitary sewer, potable water /fire flow, drainage facilities by facility type, solid waste, and traffic circulation. 2. Site plan for a convenience store located at 2484 Sanford Av. in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District for Dilip Patel. Recommend site plan approval subiect to the following: a. Dumpster location as approved by Public Works, b. Traffic controls, C. Landscaping, d. Signage for loading area.