July 29, 1993 �
TO: Planning and Zoning C ommission
SUBJECT: Regularly Sc heduled Meeting of the Pl anning and Zoning
Co mmission , 7:0 P.., Thursday, August 5 ,, 1993, in the
City Commission C hambers, City Hall, Samford, Florida
1. Ho a Public H earing t cons ider a request for a Conditional
Use for property located at 3851 S. Orlando Drive in a GC-
General Commercial zoning district, for the purpose of
automobile and truck rental and indoor non - hazardous storage.
Owner: J axon I nvestments
Representative: Jerry Hart
(T 7/15/93)
Mold a► Public Hearing to consider a request for a C onditional
Use for property located at 2565 French A venue in a GC-
General Commercial zoning district, for the sale of alcoholic
beverages Class III (special).
Owner: J. Harold Chastain /Vicorp Restaurant
Representative: Joseph Whitaker
3 . Consider the site plan for a detached sign for the First.
United Preschool and Child Care a daycare use, located at 41
Park Air. in a SR - 1, Single- family Dwelling Residential zoning
Owner: First United Methodist Church
Representative Fred Gaines
Any o business from floor or Commission lembers . +
5 , Reports from Staff.
Approval of Minutes
ADVICE TO THE M111 C. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above nxm ft or
hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testier any and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of
Sanford. (FS 286.0105).
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should conuma the personnel off= ADA Coordinator at
330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
August 5, 1993x
� °73
TO Pl and Z onin g Comm
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zonin
Commission, 7 :00 P.M. Thursday, August 5, 1993 in the
City Co11 mission ChaInbers, C i ty H all, sanf o Flor
1 . Cons the site pl f an addit to an ex isting sign
for Tangel Square a retail sales and ' service use located. in
a GC-2, General Commercial District at 19 — 1910 Frei
A venue.
owner: Michaei Tangel
Re presentat ive : S cott Caddell
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a dEcision lade With respect to any natter , �onsidEra-d i
the above meeting or hearing, he m ay need a verbatim record of the pros edin.gs incilul t1he tes im 15y iI :d
evid ence, w hich record is not provi by the C i ty of S anford, ( FS 236.0105
Persons with disabilities needing assist to participate in ai!y o f these pr coed -n 1 c;',.,ta . t t ht
personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5526 48 hours in advance of the Meeting,
7.00 P.M.
Tom Speer
Helen Stairs
Leon Brooks
Mike Davis
Ben Dyal
Cathryn Welch
Cynthia Holt- Miller
John LeRoy
Joe Dennison
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Vice Chairman Speer called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a'Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
3851 S. Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning
district, for the purpose of automobile and truck rental and indoor
non - hazardous storage. Owner: Jaxon Investments; representative:
Jerry Hart. (Tabled 7/15/93).
Mr. Dyal made a motion to remove from the table. Mrs. Welch
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Jerry Hart, 407 Lake Howell, Maitland, stated that they would like
to construct a U -Haul moving center. The center will include a
retail center in front and mini - storage units at the rear of the
property. Mr. Hart stated that he had met with the surrounding
neighbors and that they had addressed their concerns.
There was no one present to speak in opposition.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Welch.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
2565 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district,
for the sale of alcoholic beverages Class III (special). owner:
J. Harold Chastain /Vicorp Restaurant; representative: Joseph
Joseph Whitaker, 234 Morton Lane, minter Springs, stated that he
had started his operation about 10 years ago and has two other
restaurants. Alcoholic beverages are to compliment the meals only.
Mr. Whitaker stated that at the New Smyrna location, alcohol
comprises only § to 10% of sales. He stated that as long as he has
y been in business there have never been any problems.
Mr. Davis asked the hours of operations. Mr. Whitaker stated that
the restaurant will open at 6:00 in morning for breakfast, and
will close at 10:00 at night. He stated that he will start
serving alcohol at lunch time. He stated that they received an
award for the best looking building in the City of New Smyrna and
was awarded a Silver Spoon Award in Ocala.
Mr. Davis asked if there would be a separate lounge. Mr. Whitaker
stated that, so to speak, there is a lounge approximately 8 wide
14 long. It used to be a service bar. It has 8 seats in it.
Mr. Whitaker stated that the establishment does not push liquor.
Alcoholic beverages are by table service only. Mr. Speer asked if
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of August 5, 1993
Page 2
the restaurant would be monitored by the food /liquor ratio. Mr.
Whitaker stated "yes ". They must maintain 51 food sales, 49%
alcoholic; but that they have.never exceeded 12 %.
Mrs. Stairs moved for approval. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All
in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for a detached sign for the First United Preschool and Child Care,
a daycare use, located at 419 Park Av. in a SR -1, Single - family
Dwelling Residential zoning district. Owner: First United
Methodist Church; representative: Fred Gaines.
Mark Kyle, 2460 Reed Ellis Rd., Osteen, was present for
representation. He stated that the existing sign is about to fall
apart and needs to be replaced. He stated that the Church has a
daycare center on the other side of the block which has no sign at
all. Mr. Kyle stated that they are requesting two signs. One on
Park Avenue and one on Magnolia Avenue. The signs will be on the
Church's property, not in the right -of -way.
Mrs. Sonnenberg noted that the Church is allowed to have a 32
square feet sign on each street side. one is 32 sgyare feet and
the other is approximately 21 square feet.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Holt -
Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.
on the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the site
plan for an addition to an existing sign for Tangel Square, a
retail sales and service use located in a GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning District at 1900 -1910 French Avenue. owner: Michael
Tangel; representative: Scott Cordell.
Scott Cordell, 104 Wax Myrtle Dr., stated that he is in the sign
business and was present representing the applicant. He stated
that Mr. Tangel wants to add an additional space on the existing
sign. The sign is in the front of the building and will be under
the minimum square: footage. He stated that the sign is a welded
structure consisting of two 4" posts. Under the existing sign
boxes, the applicant wants to add brackets for a non - lighted sign.
The additional sign Mould be 11.55 square foot. This will make the
total sign 74.45 square feet. They are allowed 75 square feet for
a detached sign.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that at 613 E. 1st St., Thomas Greene's
office, the City Commission authorized the use of mulch parking for
one year, subject to review at the end of one gear.
Mr. Dyal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Brooks
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Dyal questioned the trailer on 1st Street which has a full
length sign by the thrift shop. Also he questioned the house just
before you get to Bagg's Market, which has a high antenna.
Mr. Speer questioned the Ritz Theater as to what is being done.
Mrs. Sonnenberg said she would check on these items.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 P. M.
rn Speer Acting Chairman
From the Director of Planning and Development
July 19, 1993 ,f{
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of August 5, 1993
HART - Request conditional use approval to permit mini - warehouses and truck and
trailer rental for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located on the east side
of U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and north of Woodson Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and fronts an arterial roadway. Site
includes approximately 4.7 acres and presently includes several small
2. Site is adjacent to a restaurant, a shopping center and vacant land Zoned GC-
2, General Commercial. Various gasoline service stations, convenience stores
and automotive dealerships are located nearby. Site is also adjacent to existing
single family dwellings Zoned R -1 A (county).
3. Central water and sewer facilities are available to the site. In terms of level of
service considerations for U.S. Highway 17 & 92, mini - warehouses are a low
traffic generator and are not anticipated to create a deficiency.
4. Recommend approval of the request to establish a truck and trailer rental
center with mini - warehouses based on similar highway- oriented businesses
already established in the general vicinity of site.