HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.15.93FR OM THE LA AID DE VEL OPMENT CO ORDINA TOR r', - Ll July 8, 1993 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planing and Zoning Commission, 7 :00 P. M. , Thursday, July 15, 1993, in the Cit Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider revisions to the Land Development Regulations of the City of Sanford changing the permitted use of land, including major revisions to inning Requirements in Schedule - Permitted Uses; to Schedule E- Additional Requirements for Specific Uses and to Schedule M- Environmentally Sensitive Lands. Representative; Jay R. Marder, AICP 2, Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 212 W. 1st, Street in SC--3, Special Commercial zoning district, for an indoor manufacturing use for custom made furniture. (Tabled -1 -93 ). Owner: Mike Moreno Representative: Debra Torres 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3851 S. Orlando give in a GC-2 , General Commercial zoning district, for the purpose of automobile and truck rental and indoor non - hazardous storage. Owner: Jaxon Investments' Representative: Jerry Hart 4. Consider the site plan for Sanford Lake Apartments, a 14 unit multiple - family use, located at 1900 w. 1st Street in a RM0 , Multiple- family Residential - Office Institutional zoning district. Owner: Lake Monroe Associates, Ltd. Representative: Raymond R. Eraddick Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 6. Deports from Staff. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above muting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of tho proocedinp including the teatimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the Ck of Sanford. (FS 256.0105). Peens with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel ofd ADA Coordinator at 330-5626 hours in advance of the muting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 15, 1993 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Helen Stairs Ben Dyal Mike Davis Cynthia Holt- Miller Cathryn welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Leon Brooks John LeRoy Tom Speer OTHERS PRESENT: Jay harder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the Agenda was to Hold a Public Hearing to consider revisions to the Land Development Regulations of the city of Sanford changing the permitted use of land, including major revisions to Mining Requirements in Schedule B- Permitted Uses; to Schedule E- Additional Requirements for Specific Uses and to Schedule M-- Environmentally Sensitive Lands. Representative: Jay R. Marder, AICP, Director of Planning and Development. Jay R. Marder, Director of Planning and Development, stated that the proposed changes were initiated by the City Commission. The City Commission wanted to change the way theapproval or denial for mining would come about. The changes reflect the removal of conditional use permit provisions under restricted industrial, medium industrial and agricultural zoning classifications. The request for mining or borrow pits will require a public hearing by the Planning & Zoning Commission for a recommendation to the City commission of a Planned Development Project Plan. Mr. harder stated that staff has tried to incorporate the requirements of Seminole County's mining operations and borrow pits into the proposed changes for the City. He stated that the City has fairly significant requirements for mining submittals now, but the proposed requirements have quite a bit more meat on the bone. Mr. Marder stated that the city has received updated reports of the wellf ield protection studies as developed by the St. John's River Water Management District. He stated that in the proposed wellfield protection requirements, staff placed a radius around wellf ields that require certain uses to be excluded and certain other uses to be conditional. Included are boundary conditions with a map that will become a part of this ordinance. The changes to the LDR establish a more realistic area around wellfields based on computer model studies. Mr. Dennison asked if the change would basically take it out of hands of Planning & Zoning commission and put it into the hands of the city commission. Mr. Marder stated that it would not be a conditional use but that the Planning & Zoning Commission would still see it as a planned development request and make recommendations to the City Commission. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of JULY 15 1993 PAGE 2 Mr. Marder stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission's action on this item would be to recommend that the City Commission consider it for approval, denial or with changes. It is a required hearing by the Local Planning Agency. Mr. Dennison questioned whether the setbacks are more or less stringent. Mr. Marder stated that the proposed changes are more stringent. The present regulations are generic regulations for buffering between residential and commercial land uses. The existing regulations, geared toward mining regulations, require a 50 minimum setback. This proposal requires a minimum of 100' from the property line and 200 from any land zoned residential. Mr. Dennison asked if a drainage retention pond would be considered mining and if it is defined in this proposal. Mr. Marder stated that retention ponds are not considered to be mining although a site development permit is required. This type permit would be accompanied by a site plan. Mr. Dennison asked if mining was defined in this proposal where there would be no doubt concerning retention ponds. Mr. Marder stated that there will be no doubt. Russ Gibson, Planning Technician, stated that he spoke with a waste permitting engineer with DER regarding the depths of borrow pits. He stated that he was told that there is not an agency within the State that regulates the depth of any mining activities. Mr. Gibson stated that depths of borrow pits are regulated by requiring 10 between the bottom of any pit, mine, excavation or lake pit and the top of the sub - surface limestone formation. Mr. Dyal moved to recommend approval as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 212 W. 1st Street in a SC -3, Special Commercial zoning district, for an indoor manufacturing use for custom made furniture. (Tabled 7- 1 -93). owner: Mike Moreno; representative: Debra Torres. Mr. Dyal moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mrs. welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Brian Torres, 3180 Maltby Dr., Deltona, stated that presently this is a one man operation making custom made country furniture out of his garage. He stated that he would like to move this business out of the garage to this site. Mr. Torres stated that approximately 15 of the building will be used and that there is no special wiring needed with no outside storage. Mrs. Stairs asked if there would be any retail sales. Mr. Torres stated that his furniture will be in several stores with no retail sales. Mr. Dyal questioned the use of loud noises of sags and other equipment. Mr. Torres stated that he uses a median table saw and other equipment that he presently uses in his garage. He stated that there are no loud noises associated with making the furniture. Mr. Torres stated that his hours of operation will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 5 days per week. He stated that he would be using the Fulton and Myrtle streets side of the building. Mr. Dyal asked if he anticipate any growth. Mr. Torres stated that in two to four years he could envision 2 to 4 employees. Mr. Torres stated that there will be no odor or smells because of the water base glue and stains. There are no sealants and no f lammables used. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval based on staff's recommendations. Seconded by welch. Mr. Dyal opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 15 1993 PAGE 3 The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3851 S. Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district, for the purpose of automobile and truck rental and indoor non - hazardous storage. Owner: Jaxon Investments; representative: Jerry Hart. Jerry Hart, 407 Lake Howell Rd., Maitland, stated that they would like to establish a U -Haul, moving center on the property with a mini- warehouse on the back side of the property. Mrs. Stairs asked about the existing building. Mr. Hart stated that this will be demolished with the erection of new buildings. Mr. Hart stated that on the front side of the property, they will develop a retail building. A 6' block wall with stucco will line the back side of the property for mini - warehouses. Mr. Hart stated that if zoning permits, on the side, an exterior wall for the warehouses will be used as a buffer wall. Mrs. Stairs asked if there would be security at night and lights. Mr. Hart stated 111 yes ". He stated that the storage will be for temporary storage. Storage of household furniture and items of this nature would be for approximately one month. The storage facility will be open during business hours only. William Coulombe, 900 Cherokee, stated that he and other residents would like a continuance until the homeowners can get a better description of what is planned and have some of their concerns addressed. Mr. Coulombe stated that the homes adjacent to the property did not receive notification. Nor. Dennison stated that if. the applicant was granted a conditional use, they would still have to come back with a site plan. Mr. Dennison explained that this is step one. Mr. Hart stated that they are verb willing to talk to the area residents. He stated that if the residents are concerned with noise on the back side of the property, it should not effect them. Mr. Turner, resident of Sunland, stated that they would like time to review this application. Mr. Turner stated that he was not notified. Mr. Marder stated that staff could have erroneously notified the wrong block of residents. Mrs. Stairs made a motion to apologize to the applicant and table this item until the next meeting. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Welch noted that the site plan can be placed on the same agenda as the conditional use. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Sanford Lake Apartments, a 184 unit multiple- family use, located at 1900 W. 1st Street in a RMOI, Multiple - family Residential - Office - Institutional zoning district. owner: Lake Monroe Associates, Ltd.; representative: Raymond R. Braddick. Claude Cassagnol of Bowyer Singleton, stated that he was representing the owner. Mr. Davis asked what kind of median cut would be on 46. Mr. Cassagnol stated that he has spoken with FDOT and that FDOT is to send comments concerning the application for the connection to SR 46. Mr. Cassagnol stated that from the discussion with FDOT, he thinks FDOT will require them to hake a left turn lane into this project. He stated that they had added median locations to the plan at the last review and that staff had requested them to contact FDOT. Mr. Cassagnol stated that his clients do not have any problems with doing the necessary improvements that FDOT require. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she thinks FDOT wants the applicant to align the center of the driveway with the median cut. Mr. Davis stated that he hates to see the project built without a left turn lane. Mr. Davis moved to approve with a left turn into MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 15, 1993 Dhr-V d the entrance. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. Mr. Dyal questioned the landscaping. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the required landscaping will be put in. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Commission has authorized City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to rezone the Feinberg property on Upsala. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended denial and the City Commission approved it. Mr. Marder stated that the southeast side of the property will have a stockade fence, the defined minimum square footage will be 1400, and that there will be a landscape fence on the Upsala Road side of the property. Mrs. Sonnenberg also reported that 1219 Park Ave. has been reopened as an auto repair business. The City Commission allowed them to reestablish the nonconforming use for auto repair. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P . M. y De icon , Chairman vNi. �Y' • From the Director of Planning and Development July 8, 1993 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of July 15, 1993 DEBRA TORRES - Request conditional use approval to manufacture custom made furniture in an existing SC -3, Special Commercial Zone located at 212 W. First Street. 1. Site is Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial and includes a warehouse type building that was once used as a train depot. 2. Uses adjacent to the site include banks and offices. Several warehouse buildings are located west of site adjacent to Elm Avenue. 3. It should be noted that any change to the exterior of the building's exterior will be subject to review by the City of Sanford Historic Preservation Board. Such review includes signage. Also, if approved, a change of use will require a site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to permit manufacturing custom made furniture based on the existing characteristics of the building already located on the site and similar warehouse activities in close proximity to site. Also recommend that a stipulation be placed on the approval to prohibit outdoor storage and display of materials and /or merchandise. Further, parking and /or storage of company vehicles shall generally be located in areas north of the existing building's setback from First Street. This provision is intended to prevent unsightly appearance from First Street. HART - Request conditional use approval to permit mini - warehouses and truck and trailer rental for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located on the east side of U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and north of Woodson Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and fronts an arterial roadway. Site includes approximately 4.7 acres and presently includes several small buildings. 2. Site is adjacent to a restaurant, a shopping center and vacant land Zoned GC- 2, General Commercial. Various gasoline service stations, convenience stores and automotive dealerships are located nearby. Site is also adjacent to existing single family dwellings Zoned R -1 A (county). 3. Central water and sewer facilities are available to the site. In terms of level of service considerations for U.S. Highway 17 & 92, mini - warehouses are a low traffic generator and are not anticipated to create a deficiency. 4. Recommend approval of the request to establish a truck and trailer rental center with mini - warehouses based on similar highway- oriented businesses already established in the general vicinity of site. Planning Recommendations, July 8, 1993, Page 2