HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.15.93FROM THE BAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR April B, 1993 TO: Planning and zoning commission SUBJECT Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7: P.M., Thursday, April 15, 1393, in the City Commission Chambers, city Hall, Sanford, Florida AGEN 1. c onsider a conditional use re quest for a dimensional variance of the special Lake Monroe Building Setbacks, S chedule c for Sailpointe Apartments, a 256 apartment use located at 401 W. S eminole Bl . in a SC-3 S pecial C ommerc ial district. Ow ner: Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Compan Represen D avid B. L awrence 2 . Consider the site plan for an addition to the clubhouse of sailpointe Apartments, a multi-family use located at 401 W. Seminole B1. in a SC- special c ommercial district. Owner: Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company Representative: David B. Lawrence 3 . c onsider the P reliminary Plat for Seminole Towne Center a regional shopping center, located at Zoo T owne C B1. (O regon v.) in PD Pl anned Development district owner: Seminole Towne Center Limited Partnership & Seiiiiii0le Investors Re presentative: Thomas J. Schneider, V.P. 4 . Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 5. Reports from Staff. 6 . Approval of minutes. . ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. if a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect t. any mater Cl n i eyed at the abovE meeti ;ig or haring, h e ma reed a verbatiE reC rd e'L the proceedings imCIuding t" to !'.imewn aril eviden which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (PS 256, 105) , PERSONS WITH DI ABIIITIE NEI'DING A xST WCE T PARTHIPATt IN ANY Off' THEE P ���EDI�� ��GIIL� G HTAC�' TH PERSONNEL FFICF ADA CO RDINAT"OR AT 330 48 HOURS ICI ADVANCE OF THE EFTIK7" MIN[JTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1993 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Hen Dyal Leon Brooks Helen Stairs Mike Davis Cathryn Welch Cynthia Holt - Miller HP.R.S ABSENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer OTHERS PRESENT: Hill Simmons, City Manager Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Chairman Dennison called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. The first item considered was the Preliminary Plat for Seminole Towne center, a regional shopping center, located at 200 Towne Center B1., (Oregon Av.) in a PD, Planned Development district. Owner: Seminole Towne center Limited Partnership & Seminole Investors; representative: Thomas J. Schneider, V.P. Chuck Schneider was present and stated that he was representing Seminole Towne center Ltd. Partnership. He stated that this is a preliminary plat and that he had not prepared a formal presentation. Mr. Schneider stated that he had reviewed with City Staff, at a Plans Review Committee meeting, comments that various City Departments had prepared. He stated that although this is a request for approval of the preliminary plat, a number of various requests are being studied, i.e. setback requirements and green space requirements for out parcels. Signage is another issue that is being considered for variances. Mr. Dennison stated that parking spaces and a couple of other things have already been considered. Mike Davis stated that there are several items on list from staff, and asked if there were any items that Mr. Schneider took exception to. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Staff had discussed these items with the representatives at the PRC meeting and had agreed that these will be taken care of in the engineering review. Mr. Marder stated that although this plan is a preliminary subdivision plan, looking at it, it is more of a site plan. Items were included on the plan; so, Staff commented on those items. Mr. Marder stated that this is more of a detailed plan than a preliminary plat. Mr. Schneider stated that the comment regarding the street lighting for the east -west connector road was not proposed. He stated that Seminole Town Center Limited Partnership feels this is a burden that should be put on the owners of the adjacent property, not the Mall developers. He stated that this is off site, but they are trying to work this out with the City Administration. Mr. Marder commented that regarding the street lighting issue, City Staff determined that the street lighting needs to be there. It is an integral part of the Mall project. He stated that the City lights all streets and believes this is appropriate. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1993 PAGE 2 Mrs. Stairs asked if all conditions are not agreed upon, should the Commission should specify those that are not. Mr. Dennison asked, „ what is the Commission being asked to approve tonight and what is the status of the negotiations.' Mr. Marder stated that subject to further resolution of the issue of street lighting on the east -west connector road could be included in the motion. Mr. Simmons stated that the issue of the street lighting has come up and that it is a still to be resolved issue. There are still some other things also that are still to be resolved. If this is the only thing that is still be resolved, Mr. Simmons suggested that since this is a preliminary plan approval, the Commission include in its motion the verbiage, "subject to the resolution to all of the items on the list." He stated that he was not sure where we are going in regards to the street lights. It is still to be decided if Mall is ultimately to end up paying for the street lighting. It could be subject to an agreement that the Mall be reimbursed by others who would utilize the improvements. Mr. Simmons stated that one way or the other, all items will be resolved. Mr. Tom Schneider stated that at the PRC meeting, they had gone through all of the items on the list. The only problem is with the item on Sheet 5. Item 3, with regards to the street lighting. Mr. Schneider stated that the problem is whether there will be a developers agreement or a reimbursement agreement for the lights. He stated that there is no problem with whether the lights are going in or not, the lights will be put in, but rather with on the agreement. He stated that the Partnership agrees with everything else on the list. Mrs. Stairs moved for approval subject to the attached conditions with the exception of Item 3 on Sheet 5 until it is resolved. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was a conditional use request for a dimensional variance of the Special Lake Monroe Building Setbacks, Schedule G for Sai 1pointe Apartments, a 256 apartment use located at 401 W. Seminole B1. in a SC -3, Special Commercial district. owner: Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company; representative: David B. Lawrence. David Lawrence of Forum Architecture was present for representation. He stated that this will be modernization and renovation to the existing clubhouse. He stated that it is a necessity that an addition be made to the clubhouse so that they will be able to compete with other like facilities in the area. Mr. Lawrence stated that the only available space to do any renovation is within the Lake Monroe setback. He stated that 1075' is to be added and that they would be violating the code by 1.2. Mr. Dennison asked Mr. Lawrence why a variance is needed. Mr. Lawrence stated that the structures were built and designed under the old codes. The planned renovation is not in compliance with the present codes. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this is a lake setback of 100' with only a percentage that can be built in there. Mr. Lawrence stated that this is a pre- existing condition. The number of units will not be increased. They will be adding more club house facilities to include an exercise room. He stated that the proposed facility meets the intent of the code and does not negatively impact adjacent properties. It is designed to prevent a wall of buildings and will not blocking any view. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1993 PAGE 4 eliminate the need for dumpsters while putting some green space back. The compactors are sealed containers which makes the site cleaner and do not leak like so many dumpsters. Mr. Marder commented that he understood that sidewalks would go all the way around this site. Mr. Lawrence stated that they have no problem with installing sidewalks all the way around the property line. Mr. Davis moved for approval subject to sidewalk on all rights-of- way, and on -site traffic controls as recommended by Staff. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mrs. Stairs opposed. Motion carried. Mr. Dyal roved for approval of the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Ms. Holt-Miller, Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder noted that the Waterfront Planning Project is Saturday, April 17th and that a wonderful program planned. Mrs. Stairs noted that the kick -off for the Mainstreet Program is Monday at the Civic Center. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Commission had reviewed the preliminary plat for Mayfair and indicated that the sole vehicular drive to the site would intersect with Kaywood Drive, Alternate B that was presented to the Commission. Also, that the City Commission had authorized a teen dance at the Party machine. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the City Commission had approved the use of mulch for off-street parking for the Vintage Cottage. oe D unison, Chairman