December 11, 1992
TO: Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, Thursday, December 17, 1992, at 7 :00 P.M. in
the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for
property located at 2544 Park Drive in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for the sale of beer and wine for
consumption on premises with a restaurant (Class 5
Owner: The Party Machine
Representative: Thelma Mungen
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional, Use for
property located at 2707 S. Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of automotive
dealer sales (retail and wholesale) for a non -- conforming
Owner /representative: Lakhan P. Singh
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for
property located at 2610 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a single family
Owner: Murphy Veterinary clinic
Representative: J. Brannen Murphy
4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for
property located at 1901 Country Club Road in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automotive
dealer sales and automobile and truck repair and/or welding
Owner /representative: Meris Bereks
5. Consider the site plan for two detached signs for First
Spanish Assembly of God, located at 911 Palmetto Avenue in.a
GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District.
Owner: First Spanish Assembly of God
Representative: Pastor Augusto Avila
(Tabled November 19, 1992)
6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
7. Reports from Staff.
8. Approval of minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision
made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or
hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings
including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided
by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA
Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
December 14, 1992
To: Planni ng and Zoning Commission
S UBJECT : Regularly Sche duled M eeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, Thursday, December 17, 1992, at 7:00 P.M.
in the City Commis Chambers, City Hall, Sanford,
1. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for Heifer
Proj International, an office use, located at 803 W . 1 st
St reet in a G C - 2. General Commercial District,
Owner: Heifer Project Inter national
Re presentative . Dr. Bill E. Beck
ADVICE To THE PUBLIC: If a pers decides to a ppeal a decision
made with respect to any ratter considered at the a bove meetin
or hearing, he/she may need a verbatim record of the proceeding
including the testimony and evidence, which record is not
provided by the City of Sanford, ( FS 286-0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance t participate in
an of these proceedings should Contact the P ersonnel Office ADA
Coordinator at 330 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Helen Stairs
Mike Davis
John LeRoy
Leon Brooks
Cathryn welch
joe Dennison
Torn Speer
Ben Dyal
Cynthia Holt - Miller
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a Conditional Use for property located at 2544 Park Drive
in a GC-2. General Commercial zoning District, for the sale of beer
and wine for consumption on premises with a restaurant (Class 5
Registration). Owner; The Party Machine; representative: Thelma
Mrs. Thelma Mungen, 561 Fuller Ave., Deltona, stated that she was
requesting that the teen disco use be restored back to the original
use, a restaurant with beer and wine. Mr. Leroy asked the hours of
operation. Mrs. Mungen stated that if approved, it would be part
time. Currently the hours are 5:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Mrs. Mungen
stated that basically they will provide jazz and blues
entertainment with the restaurant.
Mrs. Welch asked that a letter she received in opposition to the
request be entered into the record (attached). The other members
had stated they also received a copy of the letter.
Mr. Freddie Mungen, 561 Fuller Ave., Deltona, was present to speak
in favor of the request. He stated that he was born and raised in
Sanford. As a youth, Mr. Mungen stated that there were not many
things to do and that he had opened the teen club because he knew
that the youth had no place to go. He stated that he knew there
were a lot of people in opposition to the request. Mr. Mungen
stated that this would be a new business and that there is a need
for a nice place for people to go.
Mr. Davis asked if the name would stay the same. Mr. Mungen stated
that the name would be changed. He stated that they would have a
variety of hot dogs and chicken wings. Future plans will include
the sale of beer and wine. The building will be fully inspected by
the Health Department and the food will be prepared on the
Mr. LeRoy asked about the recommendations of the Police Chief. Mr.
Mungen stated that he had spoken with the Police Chief and that he
Chief had advised him to hire two off -duty police officers.
Mr. Reginald Davis, 401 W. Seminole Blvd., stated, that he has known
the Mungens for a long time and that the Mungens are of outstanding
character. Mr. Davis stated that Mr. Mungen had demonstrated very
good crowd control with the teen club. He stated that an adult
club would be a very good move for Sanford. Rhythm and jazz with
an upgraded menu would be an asset to Sanford. Mr. Davis requested
that the Commission strongly consider approval of this request.
P A r.'P ?
In opposition to the request was Mr. Robert Welch, pastor of the
church on the same street as Party Machine, the corner of 25th
Street and Elm Avenue. He stated that his concerns are for the
youth and the serving of alcohol. Pastor welch stated that to
approve this request would be a disservice to the community.
Pastor Welch stated that he begs the Commission to refuse the
Valerie Weld was present and in opposition to the request. she
stated that she has lived across the street for 28 years. She
stated that she cannot help but think that this business would not
add to the existing businesses in the community. There are a dance
school, trailer park, day care, and a church in the neighborhood.
The atmosphere on this corner is anything but positive.
Calvin Day, resident of the mobile home park, stated that the Party
Machine location was a lounge G to S months ago and was in a bad
location. It is a disruption to neighborhood. Mr. Day stated that
there are 97 homes in the surrounding neighborhood and that music
would be playing for as long as 3; a.m. and up to 5:a.m. The
majority of residents are seniors, some are ill with prescribed
rest by doctors, Who cannot sleep at night. Mr. Brooks stated that
the music could not be heard through the building. Mr. Day stated
that this is a difference of opinion. Mr. Day stated that some of
the residents are on fixed incomes and cannot leave the area but
that those who can, have left. The residents are afraid to go out
at night. Their complaints are loud noises from automobiles,
drinking, parking on the mobile home site and behind on the north
side on the empty lot and on all streets, and the empty alcoholic
containers. Mr. Day stated that the Police Department has been
called out as many as 2 or 3 times a night. Mr. Day stated that
the park residents are begging that the request be denied.
Lynn Sucker, Nice President of the bank that owns the property,
stated that the bank has no concerns with the request. The site
was used as a restaurant with a beer and wine license several years
Audrey Tilleson stated that the neighborhood had a very bad
experience with a bar and asked that the Commission to check with
the Police Department about points in the letter.
Phil Debose, a musician contacted by Mungens, stated that he is new
to the area. He stated that the band would not be a party band.
Ralph Parker, who lives on lot 23, 200' away from the Party
Machine, stated that he has to close windows and to turn on the TV
to sleep. Mr. Parker stated that there are problems every time
this establishment is opened. It is a juke joint, a beer joint.
All is well and good as a restaurant but to serve hot dogs and
chicken wings, it is not'a restaurant, but a beer joint.
Cindy Brooks, 109 Longhorn, stated that there is parking and
littering and all types of activity around the area. She stated
that the building needs to be upgraded and that parking should
align with Elm Avenue. Ms. Brooks stated that with a liquor
license things may get worst.
Mr. Fred Mungen stated that he had paid two police officers for
security purposes. The antique shop put up no parking signs
stating that offenders will be prosecuted. He stated that he did
not intend to run a juke joint but a restaurant with the sale of
beer and wine. The foods will be upgraded from fun type foods.
This will be a place where people can go out enjoy nice soothing
Mr. LeRoy asked what the seating capacity was. Mr. Mungen stated
200. Mr. Mungen also stated that a parking waival had been given by
the City Commission to use the right -of -way.
Based on the past uses of the building, Mr. Brooks moved on
approval. Mrs. welch seconded. Four in favor. Mr. LeRoy opposed.
Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a Conditional Use for property located at 2507 S. Sanford
Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the
purpose of automotive dealer sales (retail and wholesale) for a
non - conforming structure. Owner/ representative: Lakhan P. Singh.
Lakhan Singh, 233 S. Aberdeen Ave., stated that he customizes
approximately two cars a month with select customer orders and
rebuilds motors. He stated that he has a retail license to sell
cars. Mr. Singh stated that the gas pumps are roped off. He would
like to sell cars on the premises. The cars will be displayed on
the 25th Street side. Mr. Singh stated that he has 15 or 20 spaces
in back to park automobiles for repair. He would like to display
1 or 2 cars for sale.
There was no opposition present in the audience. Mr. Davis moved
on approval with the condition that a maximum of two vehicles be
displayed on Sanford, Ave. Mr. Brooks added that no display would
be on 25th Street. The motion to approve failed to pass by a vote
of 2 to 3. Planning and Zoning does not want additional auto
business in the area based on staff's recommendation.
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a
Conditional Use for property located at 2610 Orlando Drive in a GC-
2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a single
family residence. Owner: Murphy Veterinary Clinic;
representative: J. Brannen Murphy.
Brannen Murphy, 165 Lake Mary Blvd., stated that he was requesting
a conditional use to allow a single family residence. This is the
site of the old Bennett motel. Originally, he wanted to convert it
to part of the a veterinarian's office but could not. Dr. Murphy
stated that he had built a new facility and was now using part of
this site for storage. He stated that one of his employees would
live in it and he would use two rooms for storage. Dr. Murphy
stated that the single family residence would be used by two people
in the same household not two separate households.
Mr. Brooks moved on approval based on staff's recommendations for
a single dwelling unit. Seconded by Mr. Davis. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a Conditional Use for property located at 1901 Country
Club Road in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the
purpose of automotive dealer sales and automobile and truck repair
and /or welding establishment. Owner /representative: Meris Bereks.
Meris Bereks, 147 S. Lakeview Dr., Longwood, stated that he plans
to put cars there for wholesale,. car repairs, and a welding shop.
Mr. Davis asked Mr. Bereks if he had a business now. Mr. Bereks
stated he had owned a business in New Jersey for 23 years in
ironworks, and 8 gears in car the business. He stated that he
opened shop on Aloma about a year. Mr. Bereks stated that he is
aware that staff had recommended denial because of proximity to
residents and across the street and to the east.
Mr. Davis moved on denial based on the incompatibility with the
business with the area based on staff's recommendations. All in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for two detached signs for First Spanish Assembly of God, located
at 911 Palmetto Avenue in a GC-2.. General commercial Zoning
District. owner: First Spanish Assembly of God; representative:
Pastor Augusta Avila. (Tabled November 19, 1992).
Mr. Brooks made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr.
Davis. All in favor. Motion carried.
Pastor Avila, 2791 Richmond Ave., Sanford, stated that they need a
sign to advertise the church, especially for people passing through
Sanford so they will know that it is a spanish speaking church.
Pastor Avila stated that they would like have 4 signs, two attached
signs on the building and two detached signs, one on Sanford Avenue
and one on Palmetto Avenue.
Mr. LeRoy stated that he has a problem with 4 11 x4" posts and 4
sheets of plywood. He would like to see the signs made of more
permanent materials. Mr. Leroy stated that there is a new sign at
13th Street and oak Avenue and he would like to see this quality of
sign installed. It should be more permanent than wood.
Mrs. welch moved on approval of the site plan for location of the
signs with staff to approve the design of the sign as a more
permanent sign but not be cost prohibitive. Seconded by Mr. Davis.
All in f avor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was the site plan for a detached
sign for Heifer Project International, an office use, located at
803 W. 1st Street in a GC -2, General Commercial District. owner:
Heifer Project International; representative: Dr. Bill E. Beck.
Mr. Beck stated that when the office moved, they brought the sign
f rom Atlanta and would like to install it. Mr. Beck showed a
picture of the routed redwood sign. He stated, that the Heifer
Project is an international nonprofit organization that provides
livestock throughout the world for food. This is the
administration office and there will be no livestock.
Mr. Brooks moved on approval with 50 square feet of landscaping.
Seconded by Mrs. welch. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Brooks moved to approve the minutes as circulated. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Leroy questioned the landscaping for the auto business on 26th
Street and Sanford Avenue.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M.
HPle St As., Acting Chairman
From the Director of Planning and Development
December 10, 1992
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of December 17, 1992
THELMA L. MUNGEN - Request conditional use permit to establish Class V Alcoholic
Beverage Sales on property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 2544 Park
NOTE: Because the City Commission cited a lack of findings in remanding this
request back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the below findings are
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, includes an existing building with
paved parking and is adjacent to two local streets.
2. All property adjacent to site is Zoned GC -2. Adjacent uses include the
following: mobile home park, quadraplex apartments, a church, used furniture
sales, automobile repair, day care, dance studio and a single family dwelling.
3. Several years ago the City Commission granted right of way use to utilize the
public land along the northerly property boundary for parking.
4. The building is a nonconforming structure because of building setbacks. As
a corner lot fronting two streets, it should be set back 25 feet from each
street. The setback from Park Drive is 12.6 feet. The setback from Elm
Avenue is 9.32 feet. This information was obtained from a Plat of Survey for
Bank of Central Florida dated May 26, 1988 on file in the Department of
Engineering and Planning.
LAKNAN P. SINGH - Request conditional use permit to establish automobile dealer
sales (retail and wholesale) for a nonconforming structure located in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zone located at the southeast corner of State Road 46/25th Street and
Sanford Avenue /CR 425.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and presently contains a building with
no side yard setbacks.
2. There are no automobile dealer sales establishments along 25th Street in the
immediate area of the site at the present time. Various automobile dealer
sales establishments are located on Sanford Avenue, generally south of 26th
Page 2, December 10, 1992
Street. The location of the existing building does not conform to existing front
yard building setbacks and does not provide sufficient land area to permit
proper display of vehicles.
3. The site is adjacent to a gasoline service station with automobile repair
activities. The service station is owned by the same owner as the site.
4. Recommend that the request to establish automobile dealer sales be denied
because the City should continue to prevent automobile dealer sales from
being established on this segment of 25th Street and based on the existing
deficient configuration of the building on the site which does not provide
sufficient area to display vehicles.
J. BRANNEN MURPHY - Request conditional use permit to establish rental dwellings
on property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 2620 Orlando Drive.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes two or three dwellings
fronting French Avenue /Orlando Drive.
2. Uses adjacent to site include offices in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zone,
various retail sales, services and offices located in GC -2, General Commercial
Zones and vacant land and single family dwellings located in SR -1 Zoning.
3. Recommend approval of the request to establish rental dwellings because the
existing buildings appear to be designed for such use and the general character
of the area.
MERIS BEREKS - Request for conditional use permit to establish auto sales and
service or iron welding shop for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located
at the southwest corner of Country Club Road and Hardy Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, includes a small existing building
located centrally on the 15,625 square foot site and fronts two local streets.
2. Site is adjacent to a convenience store and vacant lands Zoned RC -1,
Restricted Commercial.
3. Site is adjacent to various single family dwellings Zoned SR -1, Single Family
4. An industrial area that includes various wholesale and manufacturing facilities
Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial and MI -2, Medium Industrial is located west
of site. Automobile repair and equipment repair activities are also located in
the general vicinity of this primarily industrial and commercial area.
Page 3, December 10, 1992
5. Recommend denial of the request for establishing automobile sales and service
or an iron welding shop because of the incompatibility of such uses with
residential uses already established in the immediate area. Welding and
automobile repair activities are already more appropriately located in the
nonresidential area west of site. The City should encourage the location of
automotive uses in areas already established for such uses and discourage
such uses from encroaching upon established residential neighborhoods.