HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.05.92FRONT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR C3ca - tc)i7Doia r 3 0 , 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Thursday, November 5, 1992, at 7:00 P . M . in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Future land Use Plan Map change for property located at 3706 S. Sanford Avenue in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: C & S Bank Representative: Jerry Nance 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 3706 S. Sanford Avenue from RI -1, Restricted Industrial, to that of RMOI, Multiple Family Residential - Office - Institutional. Owner: C & S Bank Representative: Jerry Nance 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1120 Florida Avenue in an MR -3, Multiple Family Zoning District for waiver of the required number of parking spaces, 88 required, 82 provided. Schedule H - Minimum Automobile Off Street Park Space Requirements. Owner: Seesurrun Representative: Willie Reed 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1345 E. 28th Street in an RI-1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District for the installation of a 1,000 gallon above - ground convaul.t fuel tank for an emergency generator. Owner: Sanford Airport Authority Representative: Ron Harless S. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4220 S. Orlando Drive in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District for the waiver of setback requirements, size limit variance for a detached sign - Schedule R- Sign Regulations. Owner: Grace Properties Representative: Tracy Heath 6. Consider the site plan for a 1,000 gallon above - ground convault fuel tank for an emergency generator for the Seminole County Sheriff's Department, located at 1345 E. 38th Street in a RI-1 Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: Seminole County Sheriff's Department Representative : Ron Harless 7. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for Shenandoah Village, located at 4220 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner-. Grace Properties Representative: Trace Heath 8. Consider the site plan for the Leipuner Office, located at 4215 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Grettel Leipuner and Rose Marie Polakoff Representative : Walter Leipuner ( Tabled October 15, 1992 ) 9. Consider a request for an extension of time for the approval of Beardall Industrial Park, 2511 Beardall Avenue. Approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on 11171 and approved a 6 -month extension on 6/4/ 92. 10. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 11. Reports from Staff. 12. Approval of minutes FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR November 4, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commisslon, Thursday,, November 5,, 1992,, at 7:00 P.M. in the city Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA 1. Consider the Preliminary Plat for Indian Trace, Ph 1, a 65 unit single- family phase of a Planned Development, located at 2215 Oregon Avenue in a PD, Planned Development District. Owner: Tackett Trust Representative: Keith E. Zayac, E.1., A.S.L.A. {Indian Trace PD Master Plan - approved 2115189 PH I Preliminary Plat - approved 2/1190 PH i Plat & Improvement Plans - approved 4/5190 - nor recorded PH I Off -site Improvement Plans - approved 6/1/90) ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he/she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. IFS 286.0105 Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 830 -5828, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINIMS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of NOVEMBER 5. 1992 7 :00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Helen Stairs Mike Davis Tom Speer Cynthia Holt - Miller Leon Brooks John LeRoy Cathryn welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Dyal OTHERS IN ATDANCE: Tay Marder Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Future land Use Plan Map change for property located at 3706 S . Sanford Avenue in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Owner: C & S Bank; representative: Jerry Nance/ Roger Winstead of Breedlove Associates of Winter Park was present for representation and stated that he concurs with recommendations set forth in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. He stated that they would also comply with the Director of Planning and Development's recommendations. In opposition to the request was Mr. John Wright. He stated that his mother lives on the adjoining property and that he has some questions regarding the type of detention center. He asked what kind of and the reason for a detention center? Mr. Wright stated that he is concerned with the commercial zoning in relationship to his mother's property. He stated that an unhealthy element would detract from his mother's property instead of bringing the value UP. Mr. Wright stated that they have been trying to sell her property. Mr. Wright noted that his mother has lived at this residence for 50 years and that it has been zoned residential for that long. He stated that this zoning would not be compatible. Jerry Nance, Executive Director of Teen Challenge Ministry stated that this was not a program that would be for detainees or prisoners or people from jail or anything like this. Teen Challenge is a 1 -year christian discipleship training ,school. There are times that courts may refer someone to Teen Challenge but they are not there against their will. They have to choose because it is a Christ centered program, a church organization. In the history of Teen Challenge, it has not had any problems with neighbors as it relates to the kind of programs. It is a bible school, or a training institution. Mr. Speer stated that he was not familiar with this organization and asked if this was a day time or over - night program. Mr. Dance stated that it is residential and would not have more that 100 people there. They would like to start off with 60 students. Students do not come and go as on a college campus setting. It is a disciplined programs. The schedule is controlled on a day to day basis. Students have free time, but this time is controlled. Counselors are on duty 24 hours per day. The age group is 18 and above. Mr. Nance stated that Teen challenge is in operation with the Orange Avenue Church of God, in Winter Haven and in Ft. Lauderdale. Mr. Speer asked if the organizations in Orlando and Winter Haven have 80 to 100 people involved. Mr. Nance stated that there are 40 in Winter. Haven and 14 women in Orlando. Both facilities will be MI NTITES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5. 1992 PAM? 9 combined at this location. This property is under contract to purchase subject to proper rezoning. Most of the clientele are from Orange, Seminole, and Volusia counties. Mr. Wright voiced. concerns regarding someone being sent to Teen Challenge that has committed a, felony. Mr. Nance stated it is a rarity that they receive a student through the courts. Occasionally, a student is received from the courts but they are in such a structured environment that they do not have the freedom to go roaming. The students are not behind fences but are highly supervised. Mr. Nance stated that there are 125 teen challenge centers throughout America. Mr. Nance stated that this is not a state funded but rather a private and church funded facility. It is not considered as correctional and IS not designed for rehabilitation; but is Christ.centered, a Bible study center. The students must meet the required criteria to be accepted. There would not be an HRS inspection but they would meet all criteria for County facilities relateing , to safety, hazards, fire, and all health inspections for food services. Mr. Wright asked what guarantee would be given as to the number of students would come from the police? Mr. Dennison stated that no one can guarantee that any felons would not be on this property. Mr. Dance stated that they receive 95 -98% referrals from churches. Typically, the students have been in a church environment. Mr. Nance stated that they are moving the facility in Winter Haven because the land has been leased and the owners are developing the property into a golf course trailer park. Because of the square footage here, it is more cost efficient to close the Orlando facility. As far as recreation in the evening, there are Bible study times and classes. A gentleman in the audience asked why would the zoning be changed in that one area when everything around it is commercial and industrial. The Chairman stated that it has been requested and the Commission is considering it. Mrs. Stairs mowed to recommend the change to the Comprehensive Plan based on the fact that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with - the overall Comprehensive Plan and goals and objectives of that Plan, Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr. Speer opposed. Motion carried. The neat item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 3706 S. Sanford Avenue from RI -1, Restricted Industrial, to that of RMOI, Multiple Family Residential - office- Institutional. Owner: C & 5 Bank; representative: Jerry Nance. Roger Winstead, Breedlove Bennis and Associates, 4301 Metric Drive, Winter Park, stated that they are in agreement with Mr. Marder's analysis and read. Mr. Marder's findings into the record. Mrs. Welch asked haw does this site relate to the noise contours of the Airport. Mr. Marder stated that they are quite a distance away. Mr. Nance stated that he believes this land use is very ideal for this type of program. He feels it will be an asset to the Sanford area and believe that in time the neighbors will be glad to have this facility here because of the type of programs and people that are apart of this organization. Mr. Ron Neal asked if a public school or private school came in if it would be institutional or educational. Is there a difference here or is it the same,? Mr. Marder stated that in the overall land use category schools are permitted in any of the land use categories and are mostly conditional uses in the zoning districts. The zoning would. not be changed but a conditional use would be granted. Mr. Neal asked if the occupants can come and go at will or are they restrained? Mr. Nance stated, that they cannot go and carne I 7TES PLAN KING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 199 PAGE 3 at will. Mr. Marder stated that we classify t his as a residential care facility which is permitted in multiple family zoning districts. Mr. Neal stated that his mother - in - law has lived here for 30 to 40 years and this has been an open space area for several years. He conveyed his concerns regarding security to the Commission. Mr. Dennison stated that with the interstate and other concerns, specifically the Handy way, that these would cause more concerns for security than what is being proposed. Mr. Speer asked Staff how did office buildings come into an industrialLY zoned area. How did Cardinal get to build office buildings across the street? Mr. Marder stated that the zoning permits offices to be constructed within industrial zones. Mr. Speer asked for what purposes could the office building be used i.e. architects, etc.. Mr. Marder stated it could be used for anything that we would classify as an office. Allen Bullock, 961 Waverly Drive in Longwood, stated that he is a licensed and ordained Baptist minister. He is also on staff with Teen Challenge. He stated that he has been around Teen Challenge for 19 1/ 2 years. Currently, he is the director of -development for Teen Challenge of Florida. Teen challenge makes the decision as to who is accepted in the program. There are not a lot of crazy people running around.. It is a Bible training facility. There are over 300 centers like this around the world. Mr. Bullock stated that he ran the largest network of Teen. Challenge Center in America in Riverside, California, There were 7 centers, 2 schools 2 churches, and a graduate school. The main facility was 28 acres in Riverside in the heart of the richest section. one area boarded.multi - million dollar. homes. He was at this facility for 5 1/2 years, had 180 men living at this facility plus some 40+ staff members. There were always some 200 to 220 people around this property. Of all the years that Mr. Bullock was there, there were never at any time any incidents within the community. There was great rapport with the community. Based on the staff ' s f inding and the f act that the rezoning request is consistent with the comp Plan, Mrs. Stairs moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr. Speer in opposition. All others in f avor . Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Pudic Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1120 Florida Avenue in an MR -3, Multiple Family zoning District for waif er of the required number of parking spaces, 88 required, 82 prorided. Schedule H- Minimum Automobile off Street Parr Space Requirements. Owner: Seesurrunf representative: Willie. Reed. Mr. Willie Reed manager of. Franklin Arms, 1120 Florida Ave., stared that the prior owner added an apartment to the complex. The req irement was 1.5 parking space per apartment and is now 2 per a a tment. There are 44 apartments p artments now a nd require 88 spaces. They can only provide 82. Thee was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request. Based on staff's recommendations, Mr. Leroy moved to 4pprove the request. Seconded. by Mrs Welch. A ll in favor. Mot }on carried unanimously. The j next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to can ider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 134 E. 28th Street in an RI - Restricted . , acted Industrial Zoning Dis rict for the installation. of a 1,000 gallon above - ground con ault fuel tank for an emergency generator. owner: Sanford Air ort Authority; representative: Ron Harless. Ran Harless - Acts Construction Company, stated that he was present reptesenti.ng the Seminole County Sheriff's office. He stated that the Sheriff's Department would like to upgrade the emergency gen�rator facility in case of a power failure. The State has PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 4 required the removal of underground fuel tanks. This will be a good looking above ground tank which will be replacing the underground. Mr LeRoy asked how could it look good. Mr. Harless showed pictures of other locations with the same type. tanks. Mrs. Stairs asked if the existing tank will stay in the ground at the present time. Mr. Harless stated "yes, until the new one is up and running". Acts Construction is not contracted to remove the tanks. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional use. Based on Staff's recorrnmendations, Mr. Leroy mowed on approval. Mrs. Stairs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. .The next item on the Agenda was to Mold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4220 S . Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the waiver of setback requirements, size limit variance for a detached sign -- Schedule K- sign Regulations. Owner: Grace Properties; representative: Tracy Heath, Tracy Heath , of Grace Properties, 1815 Lee Road, Winter Park, stated that they would like to relocate the existing main ID sign for the existing duplex apartments, now on a separate parcel. She stated that they only have a 30' wide parcel and would like to place the sign on the 5' strip of grassy area. All requirements will be adh red to except for the setback requirements. Mrs. Stairs iron Bred how this would affect any other property owners adjacent to :this property. Ms. Heath stated that there is two empty panels, one of which they are trying to be sell. The signage wou�d not affect anyone. Thee was no one else present to speak in favor of or against this request. Mr. I Speer moved to ap the req for the waiver of set PP qu back requirements and waive the sign size limitation based on staff's rec ?mmendations. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Diller. Opposed were Mr. LeRoy an d Mrs Welch. Cha les Hill, Image Signs and Graphics, sign contractor, stated that the request for the sign variance is 5 square feet. The actual sign in existence now serveing the property is 128 feet and is barely large enough to serve its purpose. 50 square ft is a minimum: request and it would be nicer if they could. get a larger size because of the setbacks and the way the land is shaped to give therh more visibility to this parcel. Mr. Speer stated that the motion was to approve and waive the exiting code and existing size limit so they can put up the sign they desire in size. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a 1, 000 gallon above- ground convault fuel tank for an emergency gen6r ator for the Seminole County Sheriff's Department,, located at 134$ E. 28th Street in a RI -1 Restricted Industrial Zoning Dis Owner: Seminole County Sheriff Department rep esentative: Ron Harless. Ron acts Construction, was present for representation. Mr . i LeRoy moved on approval.. Seconded by Ms. Holt Miller. All in favor. Lotion carried. The !next item was the consideration of the site plan for a detached Sig for Shenandoah Village, located at 4 220 Orlando Drive in a GC- General commercial Zoning g District. Owner. Grace Properties, representative: Tracy Heath. Tra y Heath, Grace Properties, stated that she has pictures of the sit . plan and sign which is tastefully designed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAr -. , p C; Mr. Speer made a motion to approve the site plan as presentedwith the understanding that the sign to be 10'6 1 /2 "x 4 1/2" and the setbacks to be as shown on the plan. , Seconded by Mrs. welch. All in favor. Motion carried The next item for consideration was the site plan for the Leipuner Office, located at 4218 Orlando Drive in a. GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. owner: Grettel Leipuner and Rose Marie Polakoff; representative: Walter Leipuner. (Tabled October 15, Mr. Leroy made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in favor. Motion carried. Water Leipuner, 522 Haver Lake Circle, Apopka, stated that there are two points of staff's recommendation of which he is concerned. One, staff has recommended the paving of the entrance gays and the parking lot. This is cost prohibitive. If paveing of the parking lot is required for 5 cars, its going to cost around $34,000 for engineering, construction, retention ponds, permits from the St. Johns River mater Management District, etc. It will not be a heavy use situation. Mr. Leipuner requested that approval be given for a permeable parking situation. Everything else asked for has been complied with. Mrs. Sonnenberg has asked for fire hydrant, and water & sewer agreements. The only other modification is on the landscape plan.. Being good neighbors, Mr. Leipuner stated that he did not want to block the Shenandoah Village sign with trees and shrubs. Mr. Leipuner requested that he not be required to put in the shrubs and trees blocking their sign. Proposed handicap parking will be paved. A handicapped person will be able to park on a paved area and move completely into the building on a paved area. A concrete apron will be put in for the driveway and they would like to mulch the proposed area. On the side of the building where the handicap designation is the existing drive that will be blocked with a curb stop and used for a handicapped person. So what is needed is a waiver on the rest of the paving. The Commission had waived the parking spaces but not the drive lanes at the last meeting for the conditional use. Mr. Leipuner stated he is requesting to eliminate the shrubs and trees along the entranceway, because this would completely block Shenandoah Village's sign, and along part of the front. Mr. Leroy moved on approval to waive the paved parking area and allowing them to use a mulch parking area, the handicap space to be paved, also to relocate the variegated. pittosporum hedge back to the edge of the mulch parking area leaving the laurel oaks out as shown on the submitted site plan unless under the power line subject to staff location. Seconded by Mrs. welch. Mr. Leroy moved to amend the motion to include waival of the installation of the sidewalk along Orlando Drive until such time as the property on either side of the subject property is developed or redeveloped.. Seconded by Mrs. welch. Mr. Speer, Mr. Brooks, and Mrs. stairs in opposition. Amendment carried. Motion carried as amended unanimously. Mr. Speer requested that staff give some guidance to applicants to be clear of what they are trying to do. Mr. Marder agreed that the applicants should be required to provide a plan that meets our standards then if they grant to argue that something different be done then they can do that. Mr. Brooks requested that the Commission. stop making exceptions and have some consistency. Mrs. Stairs agreed with Mr. Brooks when we do make one developer put in sidewalks and then arbitrarily give another developer a waiver on this. Mrs. Stairs stated, she has a problem with this. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of a request for an extension of time for the approval of Beardall Industrial Park, 2511 Beardall Avenue. Approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on 11/7/91 and approved a 5 -month extension on 6/4/92. ?`AINTITES PLANTING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 6 Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that a correction should be made on this agenda item. The 6/4/92 date was for a revised site plan, original approval was made 11/7191. Mr. Speer moved to table due to lack of representation. Mrs. welch seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the preliminary plat far Indian Trace, Phase I, 65 Unit, Planned Development located at 2515 Oregon Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Keith Zayac, Lochrane Engineering, was present for representation. Mr. Speer moved on approval of the preliminary plat. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Brooks moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Mrs. Stairs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Speer stated that someone is putting up a sign at Marina, where the big tree use to be. A big sign on Saturdays and Sundays that says "airplane rides" and heasked how did they get to do this. Mrs Sonnenberg stated that she did not know anything about this and will check into it. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that staff has approved a canopy cover for Safety Kleen Tank Farm. The City Commission tabled the denial for rezoning the School Board /Tidewater /Rick Hardwick property. Mr. Dennison reported that there is going to be some sort of seminar in the Civic Center on the 19th that has to do with zoning. He has been asked to come over and speak with the subject being "what do you expect of City Staff". There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. reconst /mca Jae ennison, Chairman vwia �Y.' From the Director of Planning and Developmen October 26, 1992 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of November 5, 1992 TEEN CHALLENGE OF FLORIDA, INC. - Request for a small -scale comprehensive plan change from Future Land Use Plan Map Designation of Industrial to Residential /Office /Institutional and rezone from RI -1, Restricted Industrial to RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional for property located at 3706 S. Sanford Avenue. See attached ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP CHANGE FOR "TEEN CHALLENGE" ACTS CONSTRUCTION - Request conditional use approval to install a 1,000 gallon above - ground fuel tank for an emergency generator for property being utilized by the Seminole County Sheriff located at the Sanford Airport. 1. Site includes an office building, associated parking and an outdoor storage area being utilized for equipment and vehicles. Site and surrounding area are Zoned RI -1, Restricted Commercial. 2. Various wholesale warehouse and miscellaneous industrial buildings are located in the immediate area. A tennis court is also located adjacent to site. 3. The airport generally evidences various tank storage equipment in various locations in close proximity to site. 4. Recommend approval of the request to install an above - ground tank at the Sheriff's Office at the Sanford Airport based on existing outdoor storage and similar activities already located in the immediate area. FRANKLIN ARMS APARTMENTS /SEESURRUN - Request conditional use approval to waive required number of parking spaces for multiple family dwellings located at the intersection of Santa Barbara Avenue and Florida Street. PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 2, October 26, 1992 1 A. Site includes a two -story apartment complex located in an MR -3, Multiple Family Residential Zone at the intersection of Santa Barbara Avenue and Florida Street. 1B. Site presently has 82 parking spaces. The City's Land Development Regulations require 88 parking spaces for 44 dwelling units. General observation of site reflects a lack of additional, undeveloped land area that would be necessary to accommodate additional parking. 1 C. The applicant is requesting a waiver because a storage area was converted to an additional dwelling unit during a previous ownership. This was brought to the City's attention when an additional address was needed. When the complex was originally built, it would have been required to provide 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The 82 parking spaces provided would have provided sufficient spaces for 54 dwellings. 2. Site is adjacent to existing one and two - family dwellings, multiple family dwellings and a lake. 3. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to utilize 82 rather than 88 parking spaces based on the fact that the apartment complex was built according to previous standards that would have accommodated the present number of dwellings, the lack of sufficient land to provide additional spaces and the general character of the immediate area at the present time. GRACE PROPERTIES - Request conditional use approval to vary setback requirements to establish an identification sign for an apartment complex located at 4220 South Orlando Drive (Shenandoah Village) 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes a small strip of land providing access to the Shenandoah Village apartment complex. The site is basically a strip of land that includes the access road to the apartments. The site is too small to meet minimum setbacks for placement of signage to identify the apartment complex. This situation occurred because the adjacent properties were divided and sold without regard to proper planning practices pursuant to the City's subdivision procedures. 2. Adjacent uses include vacant land and apartments. The tract immediately north of site includes the existing signage for the apartments. That tract is proposed to be utilized for an office pursuant to plans approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission during their immediately preceding meeting. PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 2, October 26, 1992 3. Recommend approval of the request for a variance of the setback requirements for signs based on existing configuration of parcels at the present time with the condition that all other requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations shall be met with regards to the identification sign for the apartments. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP CHANGE FOR "TEEN CHALLENGE" City of Sanford, Florida October 26, 1992 A. Land Area in Acres - Approximately 5 acres B. Existing and Proposed Use - The site was developed as a modular office complex by Cardinal Industries, a defunct manufactured housing company. The modules are similar to the company's multiple family and hotel buildings in that they are clusters of single story buildings interspersed with parking and landscaped areas. A total of 30,000 square feet presently exist on the site. Teen Challenge of Florida, Inc. proposes to use the site as a residential care facility that will house up to 100 persons which includes 10 live -in staff. C. Adjacent Use {See attached maps} - The present land uses adjacent to the site includes neighborhood commercial, light industrial and vacant lands. Specifically, a convenience store is located to the north of the site in an area Zoned GC -2, General Commercial that is designated Commercial on the Future Land Use Plan Map. An industrial subdivision that is presently vacant is located on the sit's west. Lots 8 and 9 of the Keyes Industrial Park combined with the vacant tract immediately south of the site is presently undergoing site plan review for a light indoor manufacturing use. A large interchange for the Seminole County Expressway is presently under construction adjacent to the western boundary of the industrial park. County Road 427 is being four -laned in the immediate vicinity of the interchange. The former Cardinal Industries manufacturing plant is located adjacent to the site on the east side of Sanford Avenue and is presently vacant. D. Existing and Proposed Land Use Designation - The site presently is designated "Industrial" which generally provides for wholesale storage and industrial use with offices and certain commercial activities. The applicant proposes to designate the site as " Residential /Office /Institutional" which will provides for office and institutional uses at an FAR of .35 plus multiple family dwellings at 20 or less units per acre. E. Existing and Proposed Zoning Designation - The site is presently Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial. The RI -1 Zone permits indoor wholesale storage and manufacturing activities. The applicant proposes to rezone the site to RMOI, Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional, in order to establish a residential care facility utilizing the existing office buildings. 1 F. Water, Sewer, Drainage, Solid Waste, Traffic, and Recreation Water. Potable water demand for the existing office complex is based on 12 ERU's which provides for 4,521 gallons per day (Based on 2.34 persons per housing unit as of 1990 times 161 gallons per day equals 377 gallons per dwelling unit times the potential number of additional dwelling units or ERU's). Potable water demand for the residential care facility will be 16,100 gallons per day (Based on 161 gallons per capita per day). Therefore the residential care facility will provide for a net increase in potable water facility demand of 11,579 gallons per day. Pursuant to the City's last plan amendment, available capacity through 1995 was 1.39 MGD. Therefore, the City's potable water facilities are capable of accommodating the demand that can be anticipated from the proposal. Sewer. Sewer demand for the present office facility is 4,128 gallons per day (Based on 2.34 persons per housing unit as of 1990 times 147 gallons per capita per day equals 344 gallons per dwelling unit times 12 ERU's based on FDER permit). Sewer demand for the residential care facility will be 14,700 gallons per day (Based on 147 gallons per capita per day. Therefore the residential care facility will provide for a net increase in sewer demand of 10,572 gallons per day. Pursuant to the City's last plan amendment, available capacity through 1995 was .97 MGD. Therefore, the City's sewer facilities are capable of accommodating the demand that can be anticipated from the proposal. Drainage. Existing drainage characteristics are not anticipated to change appreciably. The site drains to the south through a subbasin system that eventually connects to Lake Jessup. Anticipated constructions south of site mentioned above will integrate the site's existing drainage system in a manner that will provide retention /detention LOS to accommodate a 25 year, 24 hour storm event. Solid Waste. Additional impact will be 299 pounds of solid waste per day (Based on 2.99 pounds per day per capita). Pursuant to the City's last plan amendment, available capacity through 1995 at the county's landfill was 381,096 tons per day. Therefore the residential care facility will provide for a negligible increase in solid waste facility demand. As such, the county's solid waste facilities are capable of accommodating the demand that can be anticipated from the proposal. Traffic. Total citywide traffic impact for the existing office use would be 369 ADT's based on 12.3 ADT /1,000 Sq.Ft. (Based on ITE standards for trip generation). Anticipated traffic generation for the proposed residential care 2 facility, will be approximately 280 ADT's based on 2.8 trips per person (based on ITE standards for apartments). Therefore there will be a net anticipated decrease in traffic generation of approximately 89 ADT's. Recreation. The potential residential population of approximately 100 persons will create the demand for .3 acres of park land (Based on 3 acres per 1,000 persons or .003 acres times each person served by development; reflects one acre per 1,000 persons for community parks and 2 acres per 1,000 for neighborhood parks). Conclusion - The Teen Challenge program is classified as a residential care facility that would generally be further classified as an institutional land use. The site and the immediate environs is undergoing a transitional period. While certain light industrial activities continue to function in the area, the industrial land use pattern was established prior to the connection of Lake Mary Boulevard to Sanford Avenue two years ago. Also the expressway's imminent presence appears to provide greater visibility and accessibility that provide for a wider range of land use classifications in the immediate area. Further, the existing "modular" buildings on the site were originally designed for a multiplicity of uses. Based on the existing design of the buildings already located on the site plus the existing and transitional character of the area at the present time, the transition from an Industrial to a Residential /Office /Institutional Future Land Use Designation would be consistent with the Future Land Use Goals, Objectives and Policies of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan. In conjunction with the recommended approval of the small scale comprehensive plan amendment for this site, rezoning from RI -1, Restricted Industrial to RMO1, Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional is recommended based on the above findings and compatibility with the recommended plan amendment. -c3