September 25, 1992 M " �
To: Planning and Zoning Co mmission
SUBJECT: Regularly S cheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Co m mission , Thursday, October 1. 1992, a t 7:00 P.M. in
the city Commission Chambers, C ity Hall, San ford,
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone
property located at 1308 . 3rd Street from MR-3. Multiple
Family Residential to that of RC - 1 . Restricted Commercial.
Owner: Bernadette Smith
Representative: Denise chandler
2 . Guidelines for small parking areas.
3 . Any other business from the floor or the Commission members.
4 . Reports from staff
ADVICE TO THR PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at
the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and
evidence, which record is not provided by th City of S anford. (FS 286,0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact th
P ersonnel office ADA C oordinator at 330 -5626 48 h ours in advance of the meeting,
f :00 P.m.
Tom Speer
Ben Dyal
Leon Brooks
Cynthia Holt - miller
Cathryn Welch
Helen Stairs
John LeRoy
Mike Davis
Joe Dennison
Jay Mard.er, Director of Engineering and Planning
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 P.M. by Nice Chairman
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request to Rezone property located at 1308 W. 3rd
Street, from MR -3, Multiple Family Residential to that of RC -1
Restricted Commercial. Owner: Bernadette Smith; representative:
Denise Chandler.
Due to lack of representation and with it being early in the
evening, this item was placed second on the agenda.
The next item was a discussion of the guidelines for small parking
areas. Mr. Marder stated that the City has had an on -going stream
of small sites redevelopment changing from residential to an office
use. Staff felt that it was inappropriate for the City Commission
to be considering these requests for parking on these sites.
Planning and Zoning Commission can deal with these requests. Staff
felt that it would be appropriate to recommend the Commission do
this when revisions to the Land Development Regulations are
considered. This concept was reviewed by the Plans Review
Committee and the following guidelines were developed for Staff to
utilize when referring a plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission
for consideration:
1. Non - residential development of 1/2 acre or less.
2. Periodic, non - intensive use.
3. Conversion of an existing building such as residential to
4. If a car lot, not over ten cars for display.
The standards that Staff would generally recommend on such sites
would be:
1. Parking spaces to be defined in some manner, i.e.
curb stops, log cut timber, etc.
2. Driveways, aprons, handicapped spaces and aisle
associated with the handicap spaces to be paved.
Mr. Speer asked what standards do we use in making a decision for
a church, automobile, or a duplex parking lot as to whether it
would be a solid concrete, asphalt or a permeable surface or mulch.
How do we decide to do this? Mr. Marder stated that each situation
is unique and economics tend, to dictate the approach. The City
tries to work with the applicants and to come up with a workable
solution. Mr. Speer noted that he likes what the First Baptist
Church, downtown in the Historic District, has done with their
Page 2
parking. He stated, that the church has torn down approximately 5
houses on Park Avenue and they are mowing these lots and keeping
them green. Since this is only weekend and Wednesday night
parking, he would rather see some type of informal parking
arrangement rather than cold asphalt or concrete. The atmosphere
of a part -time parking lot for church services does not require all
the hard rigid rules that you would have for a Winn Dixie Plaza.
Mr. Speer noted that under a capital improvement program he would
like to see some considerations given to the restoration of Park
Avenue. All of the original brick is under the asphalt between 1st
Street and 13th Street. He stated that it would probably be just
as easy to remove the asphalt to get back to the brick.
Mr. Dal moved to remove Item #1 from the table. Seconded by Mr.
Davis. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she had spoken with the applicant and
notified her that the item had been tabled. The applicant, Ms.
Chandler, wanted to know the particular reasons why this had been
tabled and Mrs. Sonnenberg explained that there had been no
representation and told Ms. Chandler that it was necessary to have
someone here. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Ms. Chandler claimed she
had not received an agenda for the first meeting in time and Mrs.
Sonnenberg told her the date and time of the next meeting which
would be October 1, 1992.
Mr. Speer wanted the record to reflect that it was his observation,
as Vice Chairman of the Board, that there was no one present
representing the applicant nor was the applicant present. Also,
there was no public present to speak in favor of or in opposition,
to the request.
Mr. Dyal moved to deny based on inconsistency with the
Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Ms. Holt - Miller. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Dyal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by
Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Tom Speer, Vice Chairman
From the Director of Planning and Development
September 25, 1992
TO: Planning and Zoning Co
SUBJECT: Guidelines for Small Scale Commercial Paved Parking
The Revised Land Development Regulations provide the ability to consider improvements to
small scale parking areas pursuant to waiver provisions when such improvements are private,
i.e., not dedicated to the public. This provides the ability to refer such considerations to the
Planning and Zoning Co One of the advantages of this system is the "one -stop"
process for the applicant who will only need to attend the Planning and Zoning Commission
and avoid requesting approval from the City Commission. Excerpts of Standards for
Consideration of a Waiver are attached.
In the specific case of small scale parking areas, the following staff guidelines and standard
recommendation have been developed by the Plans Review Committee based upon consistency
with previous actions:
Guidelines for Consideration and Referral to the Planning and Zoning Commission:
1. Non - residential development of 1/2 acre or less
2. Periodic, non - intensive use
3. Conversion of an existing building such as residential to office
4. If a car lot, not over ten cars for display
Standard Plans Review Committee Recommendation to the Planning and Zoning
1. Some type of definition of the parking spaces must be provided such as railroad
ties, concrete curbstops, et cetera
2. The following areas shall be paved: driveways, aprons, handicapped space and
aisle associated with the handicapped space
In conclusion, the Pl nl in and Zoning Commission will begin considering requests to waive
pavement for small parking areas in the near future. The above guidelines and
recommendations are intended to provide a basis for sound and consistent action by the
SECTION 7.5 WAIVERS (excerpts)
C. Standards for Consideration of a Waiver. Before any modification or waiver may be
granted, the following findings shall be determined:
1. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the
applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties located in the
immediate area of subject property under the terms of this Ordinance and
would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant.
2. That granting the waiver requested will not confer upon the applicant any
special privileges denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures
located in the immediate area of the subject property.
3. That, if an alternative or modification of requirements is requested, such waiver
request provides for equal or better performance than the stated requirement in
this Ordinance. The Administrative Official may require a performance
guarantee in the manner set forth in this Ordinance and/or engineering under
signature and seal of a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Florida to
insure such performance.
4. That the grant of the waiver will be in harmony with the general intent and
purpose of this Ordinance and that such waiver will not be injurious to the area
involved or otherwise detrimental to the short -term or long -term public interest
or welfare.
5. That the grant of the waiver will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
and will not adversely impact the established level of service for any facilities or
services set forth in said Comprehensive Plan.
D. Administrative Official Action and Referral Upon Policy Question. If the request
for waiver regards a requirement or provision is that is not determined to be a technical
requirement by the Administrative Official, such a request for waiver shall be regarded
as a policy question. The Administrative Official shall have the authority to refer
requests for waiver regarding a policy question to the Planning and Zoning
Commission and/or the City Commission for action.
1. Referral To Planning and Zoning Commission. When the request for waiver
does not involve improvements that are dedicated, owned or maintained by a
public entity, the Administrative Official shall have the authority to transmit
such request for waiver to the Planning and Zoning Co for action in
conjunction with the subject plan or application involved in the request for
2. Referral To City Commission. When the request for waiver involves
improvements that are to be dedicated, owned or maintained by a public entity,
the Administrative Official shall have the authority to transmit such request for
waiver to the City Commission for action in conjunction with the subject plan
or application involved in the request for waiver. Action upon a request for
waiver involving improvements to be dedicated to the public shall be by action
of the City Commission.
3. Action Upon Waiver. In granting such request for waiver, the Planning and
Zoning Commission and/or the City Commission must make specific
affirmative findings respecting each of the matters specified in Paragraph C,
above, and may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, including
requirements in excess of those otherwise required by this Ordinance, which
shall become a part of the terms under which a Site Development Permit and
Certificate of Completion shall issue.