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1. Draft Land Development Regulation Revisions Dated May, 1992
* Staff Recommended ReViLsions
• Handouts to e provided at meeting,
11. Rules of Procedures and Conduct - Continued discussion of draft.
111. old or other Business
NOTE: Copies of the above - described
maters wM be available for review at the
meeting. Such materials are on file and
available for review at the Department of
Engineering and Planning, Second Floor,
City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida,
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: if a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect
to any matter considered at the above meeting, he may need a verbatim record of the
proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by
the City of Sanford . (FS 296.0105
June 26, 1992 ?4*rollo
TO Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, 7:0 P.M., Thursday, July 2, 1992, in the
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Floridan
1. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider a Notice of Zoning
(Permitted Use ) Change, such revisions being revisions to
the Land Development regulations of the City of Sanford.
Representative: Tay Marder
1. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider a request for a
Conditional Use for property located at 1407 W. 13th Street
in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District for the
purpose of the sale of beer and wine (Class ) for
consumption on premises in conjunction with food sales.
owner/representative: S y d ney S pence
2. Consider the Site Plan for a restaurant for property located
at 1407 W. 13th Street in a GC-2. General Commercial Zoning
Owner/representative: Sydney Spence
3. Any other business floor or Commission Members.
4. Deports from staff.
5. Approval of Minutes
ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision
made with respect to any smatter Considered at the above meeting
or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings
including the testimony and evidence, which record is not
provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105).
MEETING of JULY 2, 1992
7:00 P.M.
Cathryn Welch
Jim Brooks
Joe Dennison
Ben Dyal
Leon Brooks
Helen Stairs
Tom Speer
John LeRoy
Mike Davis
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a Notice of Zoning (Permitted Use) Change, such revisions
being revisions to the Land Development Regulations of the City of
Sanford. Representative: Jay Marder.
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development stated that the
Planning and zoning Commission has been reviewing the revisions to
the Land Development Regulations. Already in place are major
components of this regulation necessary to enact Concurrency
Management. The Airport Zoning Ordinance and the Historic
Preservation Board are integrated into the Land Development
Regulations plus many other minor changes and additions that are
necessary in order to comply with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr.
Marder recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission transmit
this as revised to the City Commission for their required two
Public Hearings of July 13 and July 27.
Mrs. Welch asked if the height of fences and walls was being
changed or specified. Mr. Marder stated that it was being
specified. Mrs. Welch as if Schedule F, regarding appearance, was
being deleted. Mr. Marder stated that there are about three or
four pages that the consultant placed in the book that were geared
to manufactured homes. After review with the Building Official, we
did not feel it to be necessary. Mrs. Welch asked what was being
changed regarding barbed wire and chain link fencing. Mr. Marder
stated that we have always prohibited barbed wire in required
buffer areas. Presently, we prohibit the chain link within the
buffer. Now we are moving both back to the building setback. Mr.
Marder stated that basically there would be a five or ten foot
landscape strip, or the buffer. Then, further back there is the
building setback. Mrs. Welch asked if we have the same prohibition
for residential. Mr. Marder stated "no, we have never had this.'
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the City has had a prohibition on
barbed wire in residential; but when we did the first original Land
Development Regulations, somehow or other it was overlooked. The
City does not prohibit chain link on residential property.
Mrs. Welch asked if we are doubling the size of the signs for non-
residential subdivision. In reviewing, it was felt that it was
justifiable for a business park /industrial park to make the signs
larger. Mr. Dennison stated that we need to be able to read the
signs and that the proposed size would not detract. It does not
effect retail.
Mrs. Welch asked if the we should specify whether it be household
or per capita when referring to medium area income in section 4 -A1
and B1 in the affordable Housing Section. Mr. Marder stated that
in Applicability of Section 2, medium area income defines family.
Mrs. welch asked how do we know that as stated in Section 3 -b.3
such modifications or deviations shall result cost savings that are
passed on to the consumer. Mr. Marder stated that the developer
has the burden to show how cost savings would be passed on. How to
monitor each development over a period of years is the question.
Multi - family projects will likely have federal controls based on
federal involvement; but single family will be harder to do. For
Monroe Meadows we will get information on each buyer. It was
suggested we use federal housing verbiage to conform on medium
family income or medium household income.
Mrs. Stairs moved to approve the revisions and transmit to the City
Commission. Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
1407 W. 13th Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District
for the purpose of the sale of beer and wine (Class 5) for
consumption on premises in conjunction with food sales.
Owner /representative: Sydney Spence.
Mr. Sydney Spence, 1515 W. 18th St., explained every step he has
taken in order to have a restaurant located on this property. He
stated that he is trying to establish his business following the
rules of the City. The owner of the property on the west side of
Mr. Spence's property has given him written permission to use 50 x
140' lot for parking. Mr. Spence explained that the left side of
the property will be used for handicap parking and the right side
for other customers. He has installed stop signs, handicap signs,
etc. Also, on the left side of the property he has installed
railroad ties as a fence between the properties. The dumpster is in
the back with collection at special times so it will not effect the
parking on the property.
Mr. Dennison asked Mr. Marder to elaborate on a Class 5 - beer and
wine license. Mr. Marder stated that Class 5 is the type of
license permits the holder to serve beer and wine with food service
Mr. Spence stated that he will have food in this establishment
which includes chicken, french fries, special . dinner orders, a full
service menu. Mr. Spence stated that this will not be a store,
just a restaurant. Mr. Dennison asked how many seats. Mrs.
Sonnenberg stated that he has to have at least 20 seats. Mr.
Spence stated that he will be able to seat 20 people. Mr. Dyal
asked if the license required a percentage of food sales. Mrs.
Sonnenberg stated "no ". Mr. J. Brooks asked Mr. Spence why he
wanted to sell beer and wine. Mr. Spence stated that he needs
something to add to the business without changing $8 or $9 per
meal. He does not believe it will make it without the beer and
wine. Mr. L. Brooks asked if the type of license Mr. Spence is
requesting allows people to come in off the street and buy beer and
wine. He clarified that beer and wine is only to be served in
conjunction with food and on the premises. Mr. Dyal asked Mr.
Spence the hours of operation. Mr. Spence said he had not given
much thought to the hours but that he would abide by the City's
rules. Mr. J. Brooks asked Mr. Spence if he had given any thoughts
to either church people or family people who would like to bring
their children to this restaurant. Mr. Spence stated that he would
divide the seating so that a person would not have to associate
with drinkers. Mr. Dennison told Mr. Spence that the intent of the
ordinance is that the beer and wine be served in conjunction with
eating; not to have a bar per se because of the separation of
Mr. Leon Wilson, 1418 W. 13th Street, stated that there are enough
beer gardens on 13th Street now. Mr. Wilson named them all. Beer
bottles -are thrown up and down the streets and the residents have
to clean them up. Mr. Wilson stated that he is apposed to the beer
garden but he is in favor of the restaurant.
Mr. Dyal clarified that the beer and wine would be in the
restaurant and not brought out in the street. He objects to
walking out with a beer. Mr. Dyal stated that he was in favor of
a restaurant with no beer and wine.
Mrs. Roslyn Redden, 1412 W. 13th St., stated that she is opposed to
the sale of beer and wine. The previous restaurant was fine.
There are too many beer and wine establishments on 13th Street now.
Mrs. Redden stated that this establishment could not be manned 24
hours a day and that there is no way to separate the customers.
People stand outside and the area is dangerous. She owns Tony's
Bar on the other side of the street.
Melvin Barnes, 1420 W. 13th St., stated that the serving of beer
and wine is not necessary. Drinking on the streets only gives
another place to stand and shoat. Three or four places already
serving beer and wine. Mr. Barnes stated that the restaurant is
o.k. with him but not the sale of alcohol.
Mr. Dennison asked how many in the audience were in opposition.
Nine were opposed; two were in favor.
Mr. Spence stated that Mrs. Redden was the owner of the
establishment across the street from his request and she was doing
the same thing but speaking against him. He said that he is trying
to sell in a different kind of a way.
Mr. Spence added that selling only food was verb slow and he needed
to add to his business. Mr. Dennison stated that no one was
against the restaurant, only against the sale of beer and wine.
Mr. Spence stated that across the street from his property is a
barbecue business that only sells on Thursdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays. Mr. Spence asked what else can he sell to help his
In opposition was GMs. Carrie June, 1607 W. 7th St. She stated that
she holds the license on Tony's bar across the street. lbs. June
stated that no one is keeping him from doing a business. Mother's
Kitchen did not serve beer and wine and did a good business.
Mother's Kitchen was closed due to taxes, not because business was
slow. She stated that a restaurant is fine but that she is against
the sale of beer and wine.
Mr. Alexander, in partnership with Spence, stated that he thought
it was unfair to prevent Mr. Spence in getting a weer and wine
license just because of the competition. He stated that every
morning Mr. Spence picks up bottles purchased in other places. Mr.
Alexander stated that he felt others are preventing Mr. Spence in
getting his license.
Mr. Dyal stated that he had eaten at Mother's kitchen many times.
Mother's Kitchen did not lose restaurant because of slow business
but because of taxes. Mr. L. Brooks stated that the Commission
should not tell a prospective business owner what to do with his
business. It sets a bad precedence.
Mr. J. Brooks asked bother Weaver why she started Mother's Kitchen?
There was no nice place for black folks to eat; therefore, she
opened Mothers Kitchen. He stated that he saluted Mr. Spence for
opening up a restaurant, but that there was already a lot of
alcohol on 13th street and that we did not need another one.
Mother's Kitchen provided a wholesome atmosphere to 13th street.
A restaurant is an excellent idea; it is good for the whole area.
Mr. J. Brooks stated that alcohol would deter families from coming
into the area.
PAr-.R 4
Mrs Stairs moved on approval because the Commission does not have
the ability to limit the approval because of the number of other
licenses in the area. Mr. L. Brooks seconded. Mrs. Welch, Mr. J.
Brooks, Mr. Dennison, and Mr. Dyal in opposition; therefore, the
motion failed.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a
restaurant for property located at 1407 W. 13th Street in a GC -
General Commercial Zoning District. Owner /representative: Sydney
It was asked what would happen if the owner took away the use of
the other parcel, since Mr. Spence does not own it. Mr. Marder
stated that he could use the property without the additional
parking. The Board could say that if he loses the use of the
westerly lot, the site plan would revert back to the original plan.
Mrs. Stairs suggested he obtain a lease for a dollar a gear. Mr.
Spence said he has right of first refusal. The land is in both her
name and her family's name.
Mr. Dyal move on approval to approve the site plan as presented.
If he loses the use of the property, either from day one or down
the road, the use will revert back to the original site plan that
shows the parking in the front and in the rear. Mr. Dyal based his
Motion on the fact that the Commission has no assurance that
,parking on this lot will come to be. Mrs. welch seconded. Mrs.
Welch asked if this motion is defeated would Mr. Spence have an
approved site plan. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated "no ". Mr. Dyal amended
the motion subject to final engineering and subject to approval of
unpaved parking by the City Commission. Mrs. Welch seconded. All
in favor of the Amendment. Motion carried. All in favor of the
motion as amendment. Motion carried.
Mrs. Stairs moved to approved the minutes as circulated. Mr. Dyal
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Dyal noted the Commission approved a convenience store at
Airport and Hidden Lake with a barrier to be left as natural as
possible. Now there is no barrier. Planning and Zoning is
notified after the fact. We cannot necessarily solve this because
we do not always know 1005 of what is going to happen. Mrs.
Sonnenberg said they were required to dedicate additional, right of
way. They had to move their retention pond.
Mr. Marder asked if Planning and Zoning did not want to have
approval of alcoholic beverage sales. Mrs. Stairs felt it was not
up to the Planning and Zoning Commission to address the number of
licenses or that they had the right to limit the numbers. The
Commission cannot let public - opinion sway them if they know what
the legalities are. Mr. Dyal did not agree with the comment that
it was necessary for Mr. Spence to have alcohol.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P . M.
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