HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.18.92WORKSHOP AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 18, 1992 6:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION ROOM, CITY HALL !CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA I. Draft Land Development Regulation Revisions Dated Inlay, 1992 Draft Affordable Housing Provisions Other Staff Recommended Revisions IL Rules of Procedure and Conduct - Continued discussion of draft. III. Old or Other Business DOTE: Copies of the above-described materiels will be available for review at the meeting. Such materials are on file and available for revie w at the Department of Engineering and Planning, Second Floor, City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting, he may need a verbatim record o the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286-0105) AL FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR I P June 32, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:00 . M . , Thursday, June 18, 1992, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider the Land Development Regulation Revision, dated May, 1992. Representative: Jay R. Marder, .I. . . 2. Consider the site plan for Dave's Used Cars, an automobile and truck sales use (used auto sales, located at 2601 Sanford Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial district. owner: Eldean Howard Representative: David A, Brannon 3. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for First Union, a financial institution, located at 3603 Orlando Drive in a GC-2 General Commercial, district. Owner: First Union National Bank of Florida Representative: Stephen Spahr 4. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 5. Reports from Staff. 6. Approval of Minutes ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105). �jok FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR June 18, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Thursday, June 18, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA 1. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for the Seminole Gardens, an apartment use, located at 1600 W. 5th Street in a MR -3, Multiple - family Residential district. Owner: Earl Gorman Representative: Patrick Duranda ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1392 7 :00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MPMERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer Jim Brooks Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Cathryn welch Helen Stairs Jerry Johnson OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Chairman Dennison called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider the Land Development Regulation Revision, dated May, 1992. Representative: Jay R. Marder, A.I.C.P. The notice was not advertised on the proper dates; therefore, the Public Hearing could not be held. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Dave's Used Cars, an automobile and truck sales use (used auto sales), located at 2601 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial district. Owner: Eldean Howard; representative: David A. Brannon. Eldean Howard, 3515 Exeter Court, Orlando, stated that she is in the process of purchasing this site. She is asking for a waiver to use mulch instead of paving. Also, Mrs. Howard requested that the landscape strip be three feet instead of five feet and the buffer area to be five feet instead of ten. Mrs. Howard stated that presently there are cars there, but Mr. Brannon does not have his occupational license. He would like to use more of the lot than they have proposed. Mr. Marder stated that Staff does not have a problem with waiving the 10 buffer on the major collector street to 5' with one tree every 25' but that the Commission does not have the ability to consider the mulch parking. The City Commission would handle the parking request. Mr. Speer moved to approve based on Staff's recommendations and the Administrative Official's findings. Seconded by Mr. J. Brooks. Mr. LeRoy stated that if the mulch is not approved by the City Commission, there are trees on the property that needs to be saved. Mr. Speer moved to amend the motion that trees not be removed before consideration by Staff. Seconded. by J. Brooks. All in favor of amendment. Motion carried. All in favor of motion as amended. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a detached sign for First Union, a financial institution, located at 3603 Orlando Drive in a GC -2 General Commercial district. Owner: First Union National Bank of Florida; representative: Stephen Spahr. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE 2 Stephen Spahr, Peninsular Sign Company, Pinellas Park, stated that this request is for First Union Bank along 17 - 92. The existing sign will be removed, which is much larger in size. The Bank is converting from Southeast to First Union The monument sign at the rear of the property will be eliminated and replaced with a sign on the front with wall letters. The bank will not be on the big sign for the shopping center. The proposed sign is 5x10 as opposed to 8x13. Mr. Speer moved on approval subject to Staff's recommendations subject to landscaping. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor* On the Addend to the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a de ached sign for the Seminole Gardens, an apartment use, located t 1600 W 5th Street in a MR -3, Multiple Family Residential District: Owner: Earl Gorman; representative; Patrick Duranda. Patrick Duranda, Image Signs and Graphics, Winter Park, stated that this will be a monument sandblasted, good sign mounted between two concrete posts with no illumination. Mr. Speer moved f or approval with 5D sq. ft. of landscaping. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Since the regular meeting ended fairly early, Mr. Marder continued discussing Affordable Housing from the Worksession Agenda. He stated that one of the problems that the City had in considering the project called Monroe Meadows which is on Sanford Avenue, the preliminary subdivision plans were approved months ago, is how do we evaluate the eligibility of this project and how do we evaluate the physical improvement waivers that the developer has proposed. Staff sat down with the developer and negotiated the proposals that he had, i.e., the development is basically a circle with several connectors in between the circle. The developer wanted to diminish the pavement width and the right -of -way width for the connector streets as well as the pavement width of the circle itself. Staff had to negotiate because it was necessary for the City had to get the garbage trucks, etc. through; so, we compromised. We gave less that the developer requested. 'Instead of having a typical 24' wide stretch of pavement on the connector streets we agreed to 20 a 4' difference. Sidewalks are on one side of the street only. He wanted a different force main pump, but when we get the pumps we have to maintain them. Because of the maintenance costs, we have to standardize our inventory. The casing around the pump station will be different but not the pump ,itself. our Utilities Director cannot afford to have many different pump stations where different parts will be needed. We have to consider long terra maintenance for public maintained infrastructure. Mr Marder stated that the Minimum Standard Departures gives us the actual ability under the auspices of providing affordable housing to lower our standards to some extent to permit development. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P . M. Z::� De icon. Chairman FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL - AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLiC ' �q�NlE -F'I 1' NAME- M!L)l)Lk: NAME NAME OF BOARD, COUNCIL, ChMMISSION, AUTHORITY. OR COMMITTEE LA. NAME'-r NAMi-MIDDLE NAME d (J .V THE ..'_' _'_ _.,_. .. .. MAILIN(: AUURESS p/0 S r / L L4 [A C4L / U C1T 1' COUNT .00-1 DATE ON M'IiICH V()1'E CC REU .4, 4, ev THE ROA D , CO U N CI L . CUMM1351oh4. AU rKV 1, WHICH I SERVL IS A UNIT OF: .. c`s rY . : COU NTY i ' OTHER LOCAL L AGENC NAME of POLITICAL SUBDIVIS My POSITION IS.' L.. ELECTIVE APPOINTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 811 This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, o other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, it corx mission, authority, or committee. h applies equally to members of advi ory and nor - advisory bodies who are presented coup , with a voting onflict of interest under Section 112.3143,. Florida Statutes. The requirements f this law are mandatory; although g the use of this articular form is. not required by lam', you are. encouraged to use it in #sing the disclosure required by iaw. p Your rep onsibil }ties under the lain when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict . of interest will vary greatly depending on whether y -ou hold an elective r appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructs ns on this form before completing the reverse side and filing t he form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 142,34 3 FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public off ice MUST ABSTAIN from noting on a measure which inures to his special primate gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (ot her than a government agency ) by whore he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicl y stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and W ITHIN 15 D AYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. A OFFICER: A person holding appointive munici al, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which g unl p inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a gov rnment agency) b whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive Local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before snaking an) attempt to influence the decision b y oral or written communication, whether rrtade by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO II I5LUEI ICE THE DECISION PRIOR I TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A copy of t form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agent y. • The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration or the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. L S IF Y OU MAKE 1 ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION E XCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT T MEET NG. . You should disclose orally the nature o f your conflict in the measure before participating. • You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes o f the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. DISCLOSURE O F LOCAL OFFICER'S ' INTE 1ST I hereby disclose that n � 1 a) A measure came o r will come before my agency which (cheek one) inu ed to my special private airs; or inured to the special gain of by whom 1 am reta (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follow e e ' � ell C 0 7L C- G �l I..'r poouc- ate Filed do Signature NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY R EQUIREL DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, T, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, E i TIO , REDUCTION I N SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL: NOT TO EXCEED $5,000.