HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.04.92WORKSHOP AGENDA PLANNINrg AND ZONING COMMISSION JJJNE 40 1992 611100 P ROOM, CITY HALL CITY OF SANFC)RD. FLORIDA I. Draft Land Development Regulation n Revisi n - Copy dated May,, 1992 enclosed; Large binders will be available for Commissioners at the meeting, II. Mules of Procedure and Conduct - Continued discussion of draft. III, Old o Other Business NOTE: Copies of the above-described materials will be available for review at the meeting. Such materials are on file and available for revie w at the Department of Engineering and Planning, Second Floor,, City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting,, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286-0105) FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDIAATOR May 29, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Keeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Thursday, June 4, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. in the city commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a Preliminary subdivision Plan for 14 Single-family Dwellings as a condition of and in conjunction with a Conditional Use Approval for property located at 195 Sir Lawrence Drive in a MR -2, Multiple- family Residential zoning district. Owner: Sunshine International Investments Representative: Houshang sabeti 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of an Indoor Manufacturing use, (to make lead fishing sinkers and objects for retail and wholesales sales) for Parkers Bait shop located at 1100 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General commercial zoning district. Owner: Faye M. Roberts Representative: Lance Parker 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a Two - family Dwelling in a non- conforming structure and a non- conforming lot for property located at 1000 E. lath Street in a SR -1, Single- family Residential Dwelling zoning district. Owner /representative: ,john W. and Delores. M. Anderson 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a Change of Use of a Non - conforming structure and Lot width, (Residential Home to Office and Waiver of Setback Requirements) for property located at 2442 Elm Avenue in a RMOI, Multiple - family Residential - office -- Institutional zoning district. Owner: Seminole Education Association Representative: Steve R. Earl 5. Hold a Discussion regarding Avigation Rights and obligations of the City of Sanford for Central Florida Regional Airport. Representative: /Stephen J. Cooke, A.A.E. 6. consider the request for a six -month extension of the Site Plan approval for Beardall Industrial Parr, a wholesale and storage use, located at 2511 Beardall Avenue in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. Owner: Theodore and Ann Takvorian Representative: Charles Madden, P.E. 7. Consider the Site Plan for an office Conversion for the Seminole Education Association, for property located at 2442 Elm Avenue in a RMOI, Multiple- family - office - institutional zoning district. Owner: Seminole Education Association Representative: John Reynolds 8. Consider the site Plan for Tropic Park Auto Mall, an automotive dealer sales use, located at 4201 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Arthur E. Grindle, Tr. & Phyllis A. Grindle, Tr. & A. E. Grindle, Jr. Representative: Thomas H. Skelton, P.E. 9. Consider the site Plan for an expansion to the parking lot for Buck's, a restaurant use, located at 1220 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2 General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Richard and Vivian Suck Representative: John Reynolds 10. Consider the Site Plan for the Party Machine, an indoor amusement use, located at 2544 Park Drive in a GC -2. General commercial District. Owner: Bank of Central Florida Representative: John E. Butler & Freddie L. Mungen 11. Any other business from the floor or Commission members. 12. Reports from Staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 288.0105) MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1992 7 :a0 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAFERS MEMBERS PRESENT Cathryn Welch Tom Speer Jim Brooks Joe Dennison Leon Brooks Ben Dyal Helen Stairs MEFERS ABSENT Jerry Johnson John LeRoy OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator The Commission welcomed Mr. Jim Brooks. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a. Preliminary Subdivision Plan for 14 Single - family Dwellings as a condition of and in conjunction with a Conditional Use Approval for property located at 195 Sir Lawrence Drive in a MR -2, Multiple - family Residential zoning district. owner: Sunshine International Investments; representative: Houshang Sabeti. Mr. Sabeti, 2307 Mt. Vernon, Orlando, stated that this parcel included 2 acres and that they could construct 30 multiple family units, but they wished to do smaller lots for 14 single family homes. The houses will have two bedrooms, two baths and will be priced in the 60's. The square footage is approximately 1070. In opposition to the request was Demetrio Sepulvada, 198 Sir Lawrence Dr. He stated that he has lived at this location for 13 years. He asked what would be done to control traffic and crime. Mr. Sepulvada stated that this area used to be peaceful but now is not. Traffic control takes about 10 minutes. Crime is bad with the park being so dangerous at night. With more people coring into the area, he wanted to know what would happen to those who already live there. Mr. Sepulvada stated that he objected because of the traffic control and the crime at night. He lives across the street from this request. Mr. Dyal stated that he could understand the concerns about traffic, but stated that the Commission could not do anything about crime. Mr. Dyal asked Mr. Sepulvada if he thought that 14 buildings would add to the crime and traffic control problems. Mr. Sepulvada stated 'yes ". Mr. Marder stated that the amount of traffic would not be significant. He stated that it was his understanding that there would to be some type of traffic control at Sir Lawrence and Lake Mary Blvd. Mr. Dennison stated that it is under the jurisdiction of the Police Department regarding the crime situation in the area. Bruce Acker, 194 Sir Lawrence, stated that he lives across the street from the vacant lot. He stated that the zoning Board erred because the area is too densely populated. Mr. Acker stated that four -gears ago, because his lot #5 faces Sir Lawrence, there was a MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4 1992 PAGE 2 problem getting in and out of his driveway at that time. It is a dead end street with no traffic light. 4- laning Lake Mary Blvd. won't help. Dumping more traffic onto Sir Lawrence with traffic coming from Groveview and with teenagers dodging traffic in the morning is not feasible. The value of the property in the area has depreciated because of Rosecliff Apartment complex. Mr. Acker stated that he feels that Sir Lawrence Drive has become overloaded. I Mr. J. Brooks stated that he understood the traffic issue and the property value. He stated that the applicant will not be getting the full potential of his property. Mr. Acker stated a traffic light couldn't hurt but he has been told that a traffic light couldn't be put there because the street isn't open at both ends. Mr. Marder stated that he understood a light might be put in but was not certain. He also stated that Groveview should have been connected with the other subdivisions. This development would be fitting into the last little piece of the Groveview area. Tom Dewey, 202 Sir Lawrence, asked if the units will be rental. Mr. Sabeti stated that they will be for sale. Mr. Dewey stated that he has a problem with congestion. He bought in this area for peace and quiet. Now it is too congested. Sometimes there are people asking for donations and transients asking for handouts. Renters nor transients care for the area like the owners do. Mr. Dewey stated that with the amount of people living on the street now, he believes that it is coaxed out. Mr. L. Brooks stated that everyone has . the right to come before the Commission and ask to use their property. Mr. Dewey stated that property values are going down and he believes it has something to do with there being too much use of the street there now. Judy Zipay, 103 Anthony Dr., stated that she purchased her home 12 years ago. She asked if the developers were going to put in a divider wall. Mr. Dennison stated that, looking at a drawing showing the privacy fences, the developers are going to fence and put in a retention pond between the houses on Anthony and the proposed lots with hedges between the property and the pond. Joe Pinto, 115 Hazel Blvd., stated that he would like to have the developer put in the same price homes that are in the area now. Mrs. Stairs stated that Mayfair Meadows has this type of mixed use and it was very successful. Mr. Dennison suggested that the Police Department be called about the crime and traffic situation. Mr. Dyal stated that he sympathizes with the residents in the area but the property was zoned this way when it was bought. Mr. Sabeti stated.that he understands the concerns and that there will be a buffer between the apartments and the houses. Mr. Speer moved to deny the request. Motion died for lack of second. Mr. J. Brooks moved on approval of the request. Mr. Dyal seconded. Six in favor. Mr. Speer in opposition to the motion. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of an Indoor Manufacturing use, (to make lead fishing sinkers and objects for retail and wholesales sales) for Parkers Bait Shop located at 1100 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Faye M. Roberts; representative: Lance Parker. Mr. Ray Parker of 402 willow Avenue was present representing Parker's Bait Shop. He stated that a machine would take up to 500 lbs of lead powered by a gas fired furnace. Everything would be contained in the building, with exception of the compressor, MiNUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE 3 exhaust or gas tank. The cast lead ingots came in 25 pound blocks. 5 pounds at a time are broken off. During the liquid state, all types of sinkers or weights are made. There is a melting temperature of 620 - 612 with alloys. If lead is bought dirty then it would have smoke, but since everything is done inside of building there will not be any smoke. Mr. Parker stated that lead gives off no smoke. Mr. J. Brooks asked how would someone know that it will be clean. Mr. Parker stated if pig lead is used it will not smoke. Otherwise they would have to vent, filter, etc. Mr Dyal asked if the idea is only to melt and not to bail. Mr. Parker stated "yes". Mr. Speer moved to approve the request. Mrs. Stairs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a Two- family Dwelling in a non- conforming structure and a non - conforming lot for property located at 904 Bay Avenue in a SR -1, Single- family Residential Dwelling zoning district. Owner /representative: Jahn W. and Delores. M. Anderson . Mr. J.W. Anderson, 1000 E. 10t St., stated that he would like to rent this property as a duplex. There is 1 light meter and 1 water meter. Mr. Anderson stated that he would like to have 2 light and water meters. There is no renovations to be done. Everything is ready. Mr. J. Brooks moved for approval of the request. Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for approval of a Change of Use of a Non- conforming Structure and Lot Width, ( Residential Home to Office and Waiver of Setback Requirements) for property located at 2442 Elm Avenue in a RMOI , Multiple- family Residential - Off ice - Institutional zoning district. Owner: Seminole Education Association; representative: Steve R. Earl. Mr. Steve Earl, 1316 Sassafras, stated that Seminole Education Association purchased the property to expand their meeting space. They own the adjacent property. Use of the property will be 2 -3 times per week with no summer use. Mr. Earl stated that they have requested a waiver of the side yard setbacks: they are only 6 off the north property line. Mr. Dyal asked what changes would be completed. Mr. Earl stated that they will close in the car port. The two meeting rooms will have wood siding. Rick Harris, 1972 Water, Maitland, on the Board of Directors, stated that they had run out of meeting space and purchased the property. They have sufficient parking space for the cars and there will be no public parking on 25th Street. Mr. Speer asked if the alley will be upgraded. Jack Reynolds, 180 Ridge St., Winter Springs, of Engineering Design, stated that they had submitted a request to not pave the parking area or the alley, but would widen the apron and stabilize the parking. There will be a stop sign and stop bar at the sidewalk. I Mr. Reynolds stated that this is a typical alley maintained by th� City. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION L TI OF JUNE 4 1992 Mr. Speer made a motion to approve the site plan as presented. Mrs. Welch seconded. Mr. J. Brooks abstained. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a discussion regarding Aviation Rights and obligations of the City of Sanford for Central Florida Regional Airport. Representative: Stephen J. Cooke, A.A.E.. Mr. Dennison asked Mr. Cooke to give the Commission a run down on what the Airport needs. Mr. Cooke stated that they had sent a letter to Bill Simmons concerning objection to Mr. Takvorian regarding runway and the concrete area for the overrun. Mr. Cooke showed the area. Mr. Cooke stated that avigation easement encompass most of the Takvorian property. Site plan approval would be a usurpation of the City deeded avigation easement. Mr. Cooke stated that the runway projection zone must be clear of vertical objects. The building, parking and landscape for the Takvorian site plan have been modified and appear to be acceptable. The Airport wants Mr. Takvorian to grant a noise easement. 767's and 727's will only be a few feet off the ground, approximately 100 feet and there will be tremendous noise. This noise will create problems. Mr. Cooke stated that the Airport is recommending that Mr. Takvorian put insulation in the building. Mr. J. Brooks asked if there could be any structural damage and if the City would be liable. Mr. Cooke stated that he could not answer but stated that it was not a hazard per FAA criteria. Mr. Speer asked why the Airport wasn't going south towards Lake Jessup. Mr. Cooke stated they were considering this but they were not proposing to go north over a runway. Mr. Dennison said that the E/W runway was the best runway because small planes have to take off with the wind. Large planes can tolerate cross winds. Mr. Dennison also stated that the aVigation easement goes with the land. The agreement to move the building to the east has addressed airports concerns. Mr. Dennison .suggested that an easement be granted the requirement for insulation since most noise is generated at take off. The next item on the Agenda was thie consideration of the request for a six -month extension of the Site Plan approval for Beardall Industrial Park, a wholesale and storage use, located at 2511 Beardall Avenue in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning district. Owner: Theodore and Ann Takvorian; representative: Charles Madden, P.E. Charles Madden, P.E., stated that he was present representing Mr. Takvorian, the owner. He stated that he had met with Steve Cooke and discussed the three items. He had contacted. Bristol Child Association, through Mr. Cooke, end field located the runway protection zone. Mr. Madden stated that the only things in the runway protection zone were retention and parking. Mr. Dyal moved on approval of the site plan. Mr. Speer seconded. Mr. Madden stated the avigation easement did not show up in title opinion. Mr. Cooke agreed to draw up a noise easement and have it recorded. When asked if it would appear in future searches, Mr. Speer stated that sometimes noise easements run with the land and sometimes only with the owner. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for Tropic Park Auto ball, an automotive dealer sales use, located at 4201 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE 5 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Arthur E. Grindle, Tr. & Phyllis A. Grindle, Tr. & A. E. Grindle, Jr.; representative: 'Thomas H. Skelton, P.E. Thomas Skelton, Tropic Park Auto ball Developer, stated that he had talked with staff and was to coo to the City Clerk to request to abandon the easements and then describe new easements with metes and bounds. Mr. Speer moved to approve with staff recommendations. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for an expansion to the parking lot for Buck's, a restaurant use, located at 1220 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Richard and Vivian Buck; representative: John Reynolds. John Reynolds, 180 Ridge Street, winter Springs, stated that they plan to have one less curb cut. An additional traffic light would be required to access Sanford Avenue, therefore they had a decided to eliminate the curbcut on Sanford Avenue and enter and exit from Celery avenue. They will modify the alley entrance on Celery Avenue. Mr. Speer moved to approve the site plan as presented. Mrs. Welch seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for the Party Machine, an indoor amusement use, located at 2544 Park Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Bank of central Florida; representative: John E. Butler & Freddie L. Mungen. Mr. Butler, 271 Howard Blvd., Longwood, stated that this property was formerly Marino's. He plans a young adult nightclub and game room. Patrons will be between the age bracket of 13 to 20. Cokes, hotdogs, and video games will be available. Mr. Butler stated that he is a Deputy Sheriff and his partner is a probation officer. Mr. Speer moved for approval.. Seconded by Mr. J. Brooks. All in f avgr. Motion carried. In other business from the floor, Mr. Marder reminded the Commission that they must make all motions based on the findings of fact. j J De ninon, Chairman