HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.21.9211r3 FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR M.-EX 1 3, :19 9 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 7: 00 P.M., Thursday, May 21, 1992, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone from AG, Agricultural, to that of RC-1, Restricted Commercial, property located at 700 and 702 Lake Mary Boulevard. Owners: Elaine & John Clark and Lawrence Miklus & Charlynn Bourne. Representative: Sid Vihlen, Jr. 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3530 Sanford Avenue in a MR -1 & MR -1, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan affordable housing in conformity with See. 6.4 of Sanf ord's band Development Code as a condition of and in conjunction with conditional use approval. Owner/ representative: William R. Miller. 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 718 E. 7th Street in a SR -1, Single Family Residential Zoning District for the purpose of a change of use of a nonconforming lot and structure to a day care use; learning center for 2 through 5 year olds, tutorial. Owners: John & Rebecca Henderson. Representatives: Warren Little & Clara S. Farmer. 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2531 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile and truck repair of a non - conforming lot and structure. Owners: Richard & Gloria Dove. Representative: Armando Ortiz. 5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1407 W. 13th Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a change of use for a non - conforming structure and non- conforming parcel for a restaurant and fish market. Owner/ representative: Sydney Spence. 6. Consider the site plan for Monroe Victorian, a bed and breakfast establishment, (a boarding house use) located at 1011 Oak Av. in a SR -1, Single - family Residential zoning district. Owner / representative : Sica Nacu (Tabled 5- 07 -92) 7. Consider the site 1 engineering plan for Checker's Restaurant, a drive - thru restaurant use, located at 1501 French Av. in a GC -2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Victor Van Der Leeden / Mid- Florida Fast Foods of Sanford, Inc. Representative: James C. Branch, P. E. 8. Consider the site engineering plan for a parking lot expansion for Mincer Motors, an automobile sales use, located at 1801 French Av. in a GC -2 General Commercial zoning district. Ownerl representative: Gary and Diana Mincer AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 1992 PAGE 2 9. Consider the site plan for a detached sign for Cash America Pawn, a miscellaneous business and service use, located at 2397 French Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial District. Owner: Farm Fresh, Inc. Representative: Phillip E. Siekrei.n 10. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 11. Reports from Staff. 12. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21 1992 7:00 P .M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS RMWERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer Joe Dennison Helen stairs Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Johnson Cathryn welch Ben Dyal OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Russ Gibson, Planning Technician Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The first item on the Agenda was to Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone from AG, Agricultural, to that of RC- 1, Restricted Commercial, property located at 700 and 702 Lake Mary Boulevard. owners: Elaine & John Clark and Lawrence Miklus & Charlynn Bourne; representative: Sid Vihlen, Jr. Mr. Sid Vihlen, 670 Vihlen Rd., stated that he was present representing the two ownerships. The owners are requesting rezoning from SR -lAA to that of RC -1 which is compatible with the Comp Plan and compatible with the proposed commercialization of Lake Mary Blvd. Mr. Dennison stated that the site is next to commercial zoning. The request complies with the Future Land Use Plan and Staff has recommended approval. Mr. Vihlen noted that the property is located west of a shopping center and office building. Located to the east is what is commonly referred to as Gold's Gym. The two houses sit between the Cumberland Farms Store and the office shopping center. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations and the fact that the request is compatible with our Comp Plan. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3530 Sanford Avenue in a MR -1 & MR -1, Multiple Family Residential zoning District for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan affordable housing in conformity with Sec. 6.4 of Sanford' s Land Development Code as a condition of and in conjunction with conditional use approval. Owner /representative: William R. Miller. Bill Miller, 108 Robin Rd., Altamonte Springs, stated that this property had come before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a rezoning request which was approved. He stated that he has continued to work with Staff on the subdivision plan. He has some conditional use requests and asks that the Commission move on these: minimum lot size of 5,000 sq. ft.; building set backs: front - 20 side - 5 rear - 20 street side - 15 minimum parcel frontage on a street - 10 50 1 x100' lots; and minimum parcel width at building line - 50 Mr. Miller stated that the MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 1992 PAGE 2 total tract is 27 acres and is proposed for 108 single family lots, 4 units per acre. He said that they are proposing significantly less than what the current zoning would allow for the property. Mr. LeRoy asked if the list on modifications included waiving the recreation fee. Mr. Marder stated that the developer is requesting that fee be waived, which is in a category of information that the City Commission will act upon. Mr. Marder said that the Planning and Zoning commission could make a recommendation to the City commission if they so desired. Mr. Dennison asked if this had anything to do with bringing the homes down into the affordable housing category. Mr. Marder said "yes". Mr. Miller added that this is one element of information in line with the Department of Community Affairs which lists different types of things that would help reduce the cost. The size of homes will be from 850 square feet up to 1400 The price range has not been determined as of yet. They hope to bring in starting prices below $60,000. Mr. LeRoy asked if most of the things on Mr. Miller's request list will have to be granted by City Commission. Mr. Marder said "yes, particularly the construction/ engineering type requirements." Mr. Miller is asking the Planning and Zoning Commission to vote on the first page of his request. Mr. Speer clarified that the Planning and Zoning Commission will be acting on page 1 only, items 1 through 5. Mrs. Stairs moved to approve based on Staff's recommendations to include the modifications on page 1, items 1 through 5. seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr. LeRoy asked if the 100' lot size is approved, what kind of precedent will be set:. Mr. harder stated that this size reflects sizes that are similar to other developments and densities that have been approved i.e. the lot width on the Hidden Lake Townhouses turned into single family; and the proposal in the Lake Placid area are also similar in size. Mr. Marder stated that for the basic content of the development, it is reasonable. The density is less than one would have in multiple family development. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 718 E. 7th Street in a SR -1, Single Family Residential zoning District for the purpose of a change of use of a nonconforming lot and structure to a day care use; learning center for 2 through 5 year olds, tutorial. Owners: John & Rebecca Henderson; representatives: warren Little & Clara S. Farmer. Clara Farmer, 1115 Paul St., Orlando, stated that they would like to change the building to a christian learning center. The purpose is to help children develop for elementary school. At the end of the child's 4 years at this center, they will be able to read. Tutorial will be of all students, from elementary to college students. Ms. Farmer stated that she has talked to the neighbors surrounding the property and they are all for it. Mr. Dennison asked if there will be any renovations. Ms. Farmer said "yes, HRS rules will have to be followed." She will be getting information for the square footage for each child from HRS. HRS will come out and tell her what is needed. Ms. Farmer stated that at the most there will be 65 children. Each child is required to have a certain amount of space inside the facility. Mrs. Stairs stated that HRS requirements are rigid and expensive, i.e. number of bathrooms. She asked Ms. Farmer if she had looked into the financing. Ms. Farmer stated that she has looked into this and has talked with Congressman McCollum. She has a center MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 1992 PAGE 3 that is in operation in Orlando and has a general idea of what is required. Nis. Farmer stated that she wants to supply jobs to teenagers. Mr. John Henderson, Nis. Farmer's uncle and owner of the property, stated that he is in favor of this request and that Ms. Farmer will do well. Mr. Brooks moved on approval based on Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Leroy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 2531 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile and truck repair of a non - conforming lot and structure. Owners: Richard & Gloria Dove, representative: Armando Ortiz. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that when the building was built, Mr. Dove was granted a variance for the structure; so this is not a non- conforming structure, but it is a non - conforming lot. Mr. Armando Ortiz, Deltona, stated that he will not be working on trucks, just automobiles. There is plenty of room for vehicle circulation. He plans to do maintenance on automobiles only. There will be no transmission work or heavy automobile repair of this nature. Cars coming in in the morning will be picked up in the afternoon. Cars corning in will be solely by appointment. Mr. Ortiz stated that he proposes to put in an overhead door on the northern side of the building. Mr. Dennison asked if there will be one -way traffic. Mr. Ortiz stated that traffic will be coring in off French Avenue and will turn around and go out the same way. There is an alley behind property with a chain link fence. Mr. Ortiz stated that if there is any problems with the traffic circulation, he could take down the fence and make it one way exiting through the alley; but, he believes there is plenty of room for entrance and exiting on French Avenue. Dick Dove, owner and seller of the property, stated that he has been at this location for 24 years. He got a variance to set the building on the south side so there could be parking. Mr. Dennison questioned the adequacy of the size of the lot for cars coming in and turning around. Mr. Dove stated that there is no problem with cars coming in and turning around and going back out. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the Engineering Department asks that 24 driveway be as close as possible to the north property line with the remaining driveway to be restored to City specifications. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there is adequate space for a turn around. It is possible to turn around on the property subject to the improvements that the Engineering Department has requested. Mr. Ortiz stated that he could do the driveway as the Engineering Department has recommended. Mr. Speer asked if he would share the driveway and curbcut if the property to the north is developed. Mr. Ortiz stated that he had no problem with this. Mr. Marder stated that there is not enough land area to conduct the use that is being proposed. Mr. Ortiz stated that the present owner has been there for 24 years with no problems witk traffic. Mr. Marder stated that the present owner's use was for taxidermy and that this site does not have good circulation. with an automotive business, it will be jammed on the major arterial. The MINUTES PUNNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of MAY 21 1992 PAGE 4 use being requested is an automotive business which is oriented towards automobiles. Mr. LeRoy asked how many parking spaces is on site. Mr. Dove stated 7 or 8 and he has had as many as 15 automobiles there at one time. There is not a problem with traffic circulation and there have never been any auto accidents at this location. Mrs. Stairs moved for denial based on Staff's recommendations. Seconded Mr. LeRoy. Three in favor. Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dennison opposed. Motion to deny carried. The next item on the agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1407 W. 13th Street in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a change of use for a non - conforming structure and non- conforming parcel for a restaurant and fish market. Owner /representative: Sydney Spence. Sydney Spence, 1515 W. 18th Street, stated that he bought this property and has been cleaning it up. Mr. Spence stated that he will abide by all City rules. He found that the parking was a problem to do certain type of business. Mr. Spence stated that the person who owns the property next to his property, gage him written permission to use the land for parking. Mr. Spence also stated that the City advised him to fence off his side with a certain type post that would be 8x10 He has installed the posts and painted them yellow so that vehicles could very easily see them. Desiree Alexander was present to speak in favor of this request. He stated that he will be working with Mr. Spence and that they intend to sell fish, C. B. Franklin, 1014 Pecan Ave., was present to voice his concerns. Mr. Franklin stated that he did not have a problem with what Mr. Spence was proposing but that he is concerned with whether the City will follow through to make sure there is not another problem as at Southwest Road and 13th Street. Mr. Franklin stated that you don't have to know that there is a fish market at 13th and Southwest Road since there is such an offensive odor. Mr. Franklin stated that he does not want to be confronted with offensive odors and early morning trash collection at this location. The trash should not be collected before 7:00 in the morning. He would like Mr. Spence to control offensive odors. Mr. LeRoy asked Mr. Franklin as far as fish and a restaurant are concerned, what does he consider to be an offensive odor. Mr. Franklin answered fish odors. Mrs. Stairs stated that them was a restaurant there before and asked Mr. Franklin if he had a problem with this. Mr. Franklin responded no, that he is concerned with smelly fish. Mr. Franklin stated that before the restaurant served soul food and was well kept. Valerie Mitchell, 1306 W. 12th Street, stated that she agrees with Mr. Franklin on the smells and that there should be something done to control the odors. She feels the smells would gander through homes and request that something be done to contain the smells. Ms. Mitchell stated that Mothers Kitchen Restaurant was there before and it was more of a pleasant, neighborhood smell rather than an offensive smell. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 1992 PAGE 5 Mr. Spence agreed with ghat Mr. Franklin and Mrs. Mitchell says. He stated that he will not sell fish there and asked if he could open a regular grocery store. Mr. Speer moved on approval of the request based on Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Leroy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Monroe Victorian, a bed and breakfast establishment, (a boarding house use) located at 1011 oak Av. in a SR -1, Single - family Residential zoning district. Owner /representative: Sica Nacu. (Tabled 5- 07 -92). Mr. LeRoy made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. Sica Nacu, 1011 oak Avenue, apologized for missing the last meeting stating that she was out of town. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval based on Staff's comments. Seconded by LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site /engineering plan for Checker's Restaurant, a drive -thru restaurant use, located at 1501 French Av. in a GC-2, General Commercial zoning district. Owner: Victor Van Der Leeden /Mid- Florida Fast Foods of Sanford, Inc.; representative: James C. Branch, P.E. Jinn Branch, Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, also representatives from Checkers were present for representation. Mr. Dennison asked if they were familiar with the sign ordinance. Mr. Branch stated that they plan to comply with the signage codes and that they are working with Mrs. Sonnenberg and Mr. Marder regarding sign boards as to whether the sign boards will be classified as part of the business. Mr. LeRoy questioned the exit onto 17 -92. Mr. Branch stated that the entrance is at 15th Street and from the alleyway. He stated that they have an entrance and a right exit only onto 17 -92. The exit will be signed and designed for right turn out only. DoT and the City requested this. Mr. Branch stated that they are aware of Staff's recommendations. Mr. Speer moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site/engineering plan for a parking lot expansion for Mincer Motors, an automobile sales use, located at 1801 French Av. in a GC -2 General Commercial zoning district. Owner /representative: Gary and Diana Mincer. Gary Mincer, 381 E. Lake Mary Blvd., stated that this request is for 1807 French Avenue and that they will put a parking lot at this location. Mr. Speer moved on approval subject to Staff's recommendation for a 5' landscape buffer. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the site plan for a detached sign for Cash America Pawn, a miscellaneous business and service use, located at 2397 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 1992 PAGE 6 District. owner: Farm Fresh, Inc.; representative: Phillip E. Siekira. Phillip E. Siekira, 28 W. Michigan St., Orlando, stated that this request is for a sign for the business. Presently there is a sign, Butcher Block, that will be removed and replaced with a conforming sign with a planter below it. Mr. Siekira stated that they will be moving the sign back for the 5' setback. Mr. Speer stated that the drawing indicates additional verbiage. Mr. Siekira stated that this will be an illuminated, changeable copy sign. It will have an automatic timer with no blinking lights. Mr. Siekira works for the sign company and he did not know the hours of operation. Mr. Speer moved for approval. Seconded by Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. LeRoy asked what could be done to tighten up on the used car lots on Sanford Avenue. Mr. Marder stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the one at Sanford Avenue and East 3rd Street and the City Commission approved it. He asked if the Commission granted additional standards and criteria? Mr. Speer stated that so many people are working on automobiles inside buildings. The shade tree mechanics cannot work on automobiles because general motors have everything on computers. So the shade tree mechanics come in and try to work in buildings that are designed for restaurants, offices or taxidermy buildings. Mr. Marder stated that auto uses can present a problem in certain locations. The new Land Development Regulations are structured so the Planning and Zoning Commission will be the Board of Adjustment for commercial and residential uses. Mr. Speer also made note that the signage at Celery Avenue and Sanford Avenue, on a used car shop, is written all over the building and asked how can people write on their walls. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they are suppose to have a permit before they write on the walls. Mr. Dennison asked who is policing this. Mr. Marder stated that this f alls under the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement officer and she does approximately 3000 inspections per month. Mr. Marder stated that Staff is in the process of getting the revisions of the new Land Development Regulations printed single sided. He presented the Commission with a schedule consisting of holding workshops from here on out. Mr. Sonnenberg stated that Don Teasdale of the cremation service, would like to establish another location. He does not feel it is appropriate to go into GC -2 zoning but rather into an industrial area. Mr. Teasdale would like the City to put this into the new Land Development Regulations. Mrs. Sonnenberg requested the Commission to please consider this use during its review of the Land Development Regulations. Mr. Speer moved to approve the minutes as circulated. seconded by Mr. Leroy. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30. ee De ison. Chairman From the Director of Planning and De velopmen t May 15, 1992 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of May 21, 1992 SID VIHLEN - Request to rezone from SR -1 AA, Single Family Residential (See NOTE, below) to RC -1, Restricted Commercial for property located at the northwest corner of Lake Mary Boulevard and Driftwood Lane. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1 AA, Single Family Residential, fronts Lake Mary Boulevard and includes approximately 1.5 acres. Site includes two one - family dwellings and various out - buildings. 2. Uses adjacent to site include a shopping center Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, a convenience store Zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial and various two - family dwellings Zoned SR -1 AA, Single Family Residential. 3. The Future Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Plan reflects a Neighborhood Commercial land use designation for the site and surrounding area adjacent to Lake Mary Boulevard. 4. Recommend approval of request to rezone from SR -1 AA, Single Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted Commercial based on consistency with Future Land Use Plan and existing Zoning and uses already established in the immediate area at the present time. NOTE: While the existing zoning was noted incorrectly in the public hearing advertisement, the City Attorney has noted that because the proposed zoning and legal description were advertised correctly, the intent and purpose of notice has been adequately met. Advertisements for City Commission actions have been corrected. SUDA, INC./WILLIAM R. MILLER - Request conditional use approval to approve a preliminary subdivision plan called Monroe Meadows located in existing MR -1 and MR -2, Multiple Family Residential Zones for property located north of Lake Mary Boulevard extension and west of Sanford Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned MR -1 and MR -2, Multiple Family Residential (up to 8 and 15 dwelling units per acre, respectively) and contains approximately 27 acres. Site includes two mobile homes and various agricultural buildings at the Planning Recommendations Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 21, 1992 May 15, 1992, Page 2 present time. Site fronts Sanford Avenue. 2. Site is adjacent to unincorporated area to the south which includes single family residentially zoned and used land. To the east the site is adjacent to an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zone which contains an industrial building (electrical supply) and vacant land. Site is adjacent to fragmented City and unincorporated area to the north which contains various single family residential land uses. The Seminole County Expressway is being constructed to the west of site. 3. The City's Comprehensive Plan designation is proposed to be Medium Density Residential - 15, i.e., up to 15 dwelling units per acre. The overall density being proposed per the preliminary subdivision is 4 dwelling units per acre. Therefore the proposed preliminary subdivision plan is consistent with density and intensity standards in the Comprehensive Plan and complies with zoning. 4. The proposed subdivision is intended to be classified as "affordable housing" from the standpoint that the dwellings will be sold for prices and to buyers that meet accepted criteria for affordable housing in the Orlando Urban Area. The Preliminary Subdivision Plan reflects requests by the applicant to waive certain provisions of the City's subdivision requirements to permit narrower rights -of -way and other construction - related requirements such as 4' instead of 5' sidewalks. In accordance with " Standards for Consideration of a Waiver. contained in the Land Development Regulations, the waivers requested are being requested under the auspices of the Housing Element's Goals Objectives and Policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan related to the provision of affordable housing. Such waivers are considered by the Administrative Official after review by the Plans Review Committee made up of City staff. 5. Impact upon water, sewer, drainage, solid waste, traffic, and recreation facilities has been tested based on 108 dwelling units and an estimated 285 persons anticipated. Sufficient capacity is available for all services. However, it is noted that impact upon Sanford Avenue results in 99% of capacity. It is further noted that capacity of Sanford Avenue will be almost doubled when it is 4 -laned which is scheduled to commence within three years according to the Seminole County Capital Improvement Program. 6. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to establish an affordable housing development pursuant to the Monroe Meadows Preliminary Subdivision Plan based upon consistency with the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, adequacy of facilities and services and general compatibility with residential uses already established in the immediate area. Planning Recommendations Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 21, 1992 May 15, 1992, Page 3 WARREN LITTLE /CLARA FARMER - Request conditional use approval to establish a learning center (day care) for children aged 2 through 5 for property Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential located at 718 East 7th Street. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1, includes 5,850 square feet and an existing one -story building. 2. Uses adjacent to site include various one - family dwellings and a fraternal organization Zoned SR -1. 3. The proposed use of the site is not anticipated to impact facilities and services. 4. Recommend approval of the request to establish a day care facility based on existing character of the immediate area at the present time. ARMONDO ORTIZ - Request conditional use approval to permit automotive repair for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 2531 French Avenue. 1 Site includes approximately 6,870 square feet and includes an existing building that appears to be utilized as a taxidermy. A small chain -link fenced area is located in the rear /side yard. On -site circulation for vehicles is constrained. 2. Adjacent uses located in GC -2 Zoning include a gas station with convenience items and trailer rental, automotive parts sales, a fast food restaurant and one - family dwellings. 3. The proposed change of businesses at this site is not anticipated to significantly impact facilities and services. 4. Recommend denial of the request to establish automotive repair because the limited size of site coupled with the configuration of existing structure will prevent adequate onsite vehicular circulation for the intended use. SYDNEY SPENCE - Request conditional use approval to permit a change of use for a non - conforming structure and non - conforming parcel to establish a restaurant and fish market for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at 1407 West 13th Street. 1. Site includes approximately 7,000 square feet and includes a building formerly utilized as a restaurant. 2. Adjacent uses include small businesses, one - family dwellings and vacant land. Planning Recommendations Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 21, 1992 May 15, 1992, Page 4 3. Reestablishment of the proposed business at this site is not anticipated to significantly impact facilities and services. 4. Recommend approval of the request to establish a restaurant and fish market based on the similarity of businesses already located in the immediate area and similarity with former use of property.