HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.07.92WORKSHOP AGENDA
6.00 P.M.
i. Draft C n urren y Management Program
Administ Procedures - To be incorporated into administrative
section of Land Development Regulations.
B. Schedule Q - Level of Service Standards and Methodology for Calculating
Cnurreny to be added as a schedule in second section of Land
Development Regulations.
C. C n urren y Management Tables for Calculating Project Impact -
Spreadsheets for Traffic Circulation, Water, Server, Solid taste and
II* Rules of Procedure and Conduct - Continued discussion of draft.
Ill. Old or Other Business
NOTE: Copies of the above - described materials will be
available for review at the meeting. Such materiels are on
file and available for review at the Department of
Engineering and Plannin o r Second Floor,, City Full, City of
Sanford, Florida.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect
to any matter considered at the above meeting, he may need a verbatim record o f the
proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by
the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
May 1 , 19 9 2
TO* Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
7: 00 P. M. , Thurs day, May 7, 1992 , in the City Commission Chambers,
City Mall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Re zone from A , Agricultural,
to that of C -1, Restricted Commercial, property located at 150 Art Lane..
Owner: Bay Lake Mary Service's, Inc.
Representative: B . L. Adkins
2. Site Plan for Seminole County ]Mental Health Congregate Living Facility,
community residential home, located at 351 Bay Av, in a RMOI Multiple- family
Residential - Office - Institutional district.
Owner: S BCC Seminole Comm, Mental Health Leasee
Representative: George L. Powell
3. Site Plan for Noel and Joan Cameron's Auto Pants Store, a retail saps and
service use, located at 405 E. Celery A . in a GC -2 General Commercial
Owner/ representative: Noel Cameron
4. site Plan for Monroe Victorian, a bed and breakfast fast establishment, located at
1 011 Oak Av. . in a SR-1, Single-family Residential district.
Owner/ representative: Sioa Naeu
Site Plan for The Yard Stop, a retail nursery and shed saps use, located at
3857 Orlando Dr. in a GC-2 General Commercial district.
Owner: Jaxon Investment
Representative: : Ken whitmarsh
Any other business from floor or Commission Members.
7. Deports from Staff.
8. Approval of Minutes.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC C. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect
to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim
record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not
provided by the City of Sanford. FS 286.0105).
MAY 7 1992
6:00 P.M.
Tom Speer
Joe Dennison
John LeRoy
Leon Brooks
Cathryn Welch (6:30)
Helen Stairs
Ben Dyal
Jerry Johnson
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Marion Anderson, Secretary
Mr. Marder explained that the data whie the Commission had
received constitutes the City's Concurrency Management Program 1
administrative procedures level of rvice standards and
methodology for calculating concurrency, and concurrency
management tables for calculating project impact.
The administrative procedures which are very important has taken
stance which compares with other municipalities Orange County,,
Seminole County and the City of Orlando, only one principle
building per land use small be allowed per tract.
Mr, Denni -son asked if this starts at the pulling of a building
permit or where. Mr. Marder said that if it is a new subdivision
coming in, then we review it for cncurreney.
Mr. Dennison questioned the subdivision on Upsala that fell apart.
Mr. Sepielli is out of the picture. Suppose someone buys this and
buys the plans with it, where do they stand? Mr. Marder stated
that there is still a plan on our books. If they were going to do
the same thing, they will be concurrent. It does not matter who
the owner is. If they bought a piece and had several owners then
we would have to say no, the fragmentation would make it different
because this is not the gray it was approved.
Mr. LeRoy asked about the property near the Airport, Mr. Marder
stated that this would be vested because there is an approved site
plan. There is nothing that he could have out there that would
cause a problem as far as concurrency. If the site plan lapsed we
could have to make some adjustment because it would not meet the
level of service. If a subdivision fails its concurrenc
management, them we could develop a developers agreement.
Mr. Marder explained that the Application Section on page 4 is
basically when somebody submits a site plan or preliminary
subdivision plan, staff will review it and they will pay a little
extra for our review. when ' approved, the developer is reserved for
30 days of concurrency, . If he needs more time he could pay a
portion of his impact fees and still have the reserved capacity for
concurrency. At any rate, there is no need to reserve capacity and
there is-not a reed to have the provisions to reserve capacity. In
most cases, capacity is equated to impact fees. Right now we don't
have a problem with capacity for most of our facilities.
Schedule Q is an additional schedule amongst the many schedules
that we have in our Land Development Regulations. This one
provides the nuts and bolts of what we have to do.
Mr. Dennison asked why does a single family house generate more
trips than a multiple family. Mr. harder explained that based on
national, findings by the Institute of Traffic Engineers the number
of trips generated from a single family residence will be greater
than trips generated from multi - family residences.
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician reviewed tables for project
impact, He stated that with the linkage of the tables automation
will be available. The first table is the Transportation
oncurrency Table which has a listing of all of the roadway
segments taken from the Comp Plan. Each roadway segment there is
an established level of service standard, the minimum standard that
the roadway segment shall operate at as determined by the state.
There is a maximum capacity which these roadway segments can
maintain at a level of service. The level of service range from
through F. A being the highest or best and F being the worst or
most congested.. Levels of service A does not permit as many trips
per day as the lower level of service.
Potable water will be determined by the number of persons a
development will be associated with. The level of service is 161
gallons per day. with this standard we will be able to serve over
45,000 people. Peek day population as of 4/1/92 is 34,968.
Similarly, with the sanitary sewage system, the level of service is
147 gallons per day per person and we will be able to service
approximately 47, 075. No problems foreseen in the near future with
these services.
Solid waste is similarly structured. The recreation areas deal
with two different classifications: neighborhood parks: 2 acres
per 1000 persons, and community parks: 1 acre per loon persons.
The worksession adjourned at 7:00 P..
MEETING ' � of MAY , 1992
/ i 0 P•M•
John LeRoy
Tom Speer
Cathryn w elch
J oe Dennison
Ben Dyal
Leon Broo
Helen St ains
Je Johnson
Jay M arder, Director of Planning and Deve lopment
Bettie So nnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Russ Gibson, Planning Technician
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called' to order at 7:00 P .M. by Chairman D
The first item on the Age nda was a Public Hearing to consider
request to Rezone from A, Agricultural, to that of R - 1,
Restricted Commercial, property located at 150 Art Lane.
Owner B air Lake Mary Services Inc. representative B . L . Adkins
Scott Alan Johnson, 150 Art Lane, represent the request, stated
that he is the potential buyer under a contract to purchase the
real estate if the owner can obtain rezoning. He stated that he i
a lawyer and would like to make an office at this location. This is
not a high traffic location. There is commercial zon adj acent
to this site.
Mrs. Stairs asked ed r . Johnson if he is planning to do any type of
changes as far as paring is concerned for his clients. Mr.
Johnson stated that there is not adequate parking and he will b
submitting a site plan. The driveway is paved although the street
is not. Mr Johnson stated that he does not anticipate any
physical changes to the house. He will be putting in a relative
small sign i.e. 4x2. that will comply with the City of S anford
MEETING of MAY 7 1992
Mrs, Stairs moved on approval based on staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mrs. welch. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of a Site Plan
for Seminole County Mental Health congregate Living Facility, a
community residential home, located at 351 Bay Av, in a RMOI
Multiple-family Residential - Office - Institutional district.
Owner: CBCC/Seminole Comm, Mental Health (Leasee);
representative: George L. Powell.
George Powell, Architect, 120 E. Marks St., Orlando, stated that he
was present representing Seminole community Mental Health Group.
This will be a new building, across the street from the existing
Mental Health Crisis Unit. The property is owned by Seminole
County. The Community Health Group has worked out a long term lease
with the Mental Health Unit and will be constructing a 7,000 square
foot building. There will be 14 individual bedroom facilities with
a kitchen, dining, laundry, recreational space, and two live in
staff bedrooms. The clients will be on a temporary basis to be
trained to handle themselves out in the community. This facility
will be a home from 6 to 8 months for its clients. The new
facility is not taking the place of the crisis Unit, Mr. Powell
stated that the Site Plan has met all requirements of the City with
no need for variances or special exceptions.
Mr. Dyal asked about the sidewalk . Mr. Powell stated that the
reason for the requirement for the sidewalks is that the City
wanted a walk way from the county parking lot and the Mental Health
Center, The people going to this site will not be using the
County's parking; so, the sidewalk is not required.
Mr. J Berko, Dir ector of Seminole community Mental Health Center,
Cranes Roost in Altamonte, stated that this is being funded out of
several sources. or three years the center has been trying to get
funding for a n w facility. The Center has been working with
United way, HRS aid the County. Funding is coming from these three
groups. Reside is that will come in will be on medicaid or
disability, whic will help with the funding.
Mr. Dyal moved o approval as presented. Seconded by Mr. Brooks.
All in favor. M tion carried.
The next item on he Agenda was the consideration of Site Plan for
Noel and Joan Cameron's Auto Parts Store, a retail sales and
service use, located at 405 E. celery Av. in a GC-2 General
Commercial district. Owner /representative: Noel Cameron.
Noel Cameron, 405 Celery Ave,, stated that he would like to open an
automotive retail store. The building is renovated and ready for
business. Mr. Cameron stated that the forms are ready for the
sidewalks to be poured tomorrow morning,
Mr. Dy q the City Comm con regarding
paving. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the City Commission granted
Mr. Cameron's request for the unpave park sub ject to his having
to pare the complete drivelane through his property within 1
months. Mr. Cameron stated that the flare has been taken care of..
Mr. Dennison asked if everything else is done. Mr. Cameron said
"yes". He wanted to get the green light on the site plan bef ore he
bought any ,parts. Mr. Cameron stated that there is a parking and
an exit sign on the property now. A sign for the business will be
placed on the building, Mr, Cameron said there is an extension for
a sign and figured he can use the same extension for a sign that
reads "Auto Parts".
Mr. Dyal asked if customers will he cone in from the east side and
exit in the alley. Mrs. Sonnenberg said "yes, this is correct".
Mr, LeRoy questioned the residence on the site plan. Mrs,.
Sonnenberg stated that this is where Mr, Cameron lives . Mr, Speer
asked if this consisted of a parts stare in the front and
residence in the back. Mrs.' Sonnenberg said 'yes, he is just
changing the front to an auto parts store. He is keeping the same
Mr. Speer moved on approval based on staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried,
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for Monroe Victorian, a bed and breakfast establishment,, located at
1011 Oak Av. in a -1, Single-family Residential district.
Owner/representative: Sica Nacu
There was no one present to represent this item on the Agenda.
Mr. Speer moved to approve subject to staff I recommendations.
Seconded by Mrs, welch. Mr. Dyal stated that on previous items if
there was no representation the Commission tabled. After a brief
discussion Mr. Dyal moved to table until the next meeting.
Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan
for The Yard Stop, a ret ail nursery and shed sales use, l ocated at
3857 Orlando Dr. in a GC-2 General Commercial district. owner:
kJa on Investment, representative; Ken Whitmarsh.
Ken Whitmarsh, 716 Gracie Court, Deland, 32720, stated that he has
a business in Eustis and that this will be his second location. Mr.
Whitmarsh stated the business will be retail sales and service of
mulch and chips and nursery products. Theme will be a display of
sheds in the back with attractive landscaping. The entrance on the
north will be one -way and customers will exit on Woodson side. Mr.
Whitmarsh stated that he will be using the front 220 depth and the
whole width.
Mrs. Stairs questioned solid waste. Mr. Whitmarsh stated that he
will have a dumpster behind the building.
Mr, Speer moved on approval with staff's recommendations. Seconded
by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Brooks asked who owns the business on the corner of Celery Ave.
and Locust Ave. Mrs, Sonnenberg said that a Mr. Dimattio owns
this. Mr. Brooks stated that he needs to change his parking so the
traffic flow can be seem. someone needs to spear with him, Mrs.
Sonnenberg is to do so.
Mr. Drat asked about the builder with the 30 day extension that
wanted to build at the Airport. Mrs, Sonnenberg stated that he has
until June 6. Mr. Dennison stated that the developer is
considering moving his buildings back loo 1 to comply with the
contour lines. Mr. D1 asked what would stop hire from going out
there and building. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that if he has his
permits, there is nothing to stop him, Mr, Marder noted that he
has a lot of permitting to obtain.,
Mr. Dennison informed the Commission that he had received a letter
of resignation from Eddie Keith. Mr. Dennison asked if staff could
draft a letter of resolution to thank him for his service. Mr.
harder to draft something up.
Mrs, Welch questioned the pipes being laid on SR 4. 1r. Marder
stated that the pips are reclaimed water limes on the north side
and sewer is on the south side. Under the I -4 Bridge, DoT is
lowering the elevation under the bridge.
Mr. LeRoy asked about the convenience store at 25th and Hartwell,
stating that he is concerned about this being a school bus stop.
Mr. Sonnenberg explained that this is not a school bus stop any
longer. The owner had already purchased the kiosk. He asked if
Planning and Zoning would release this condition on the site plan.
He approached the school board to see if they could take it and use
it at any other location. He offered it to the City, Planning and
Zoning released this condition on the site plan.
Mrs. Sonnenberg is to check on the car lot at Sanford Avenue and
rd Avenue as to a car engine being on the premises, and the paving
and landscaping.
Also, Mrs. Sonnenberg is to check on the car lot on Sanford Avenue
on 26th street. She stated that the owner has been seat to Cade
Enforcement because he does not have a site plan. Mrs, Sonnenberg
will check with the code enforcement officer to see if the owner
has a hearing date set.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Staff has approved a driveway for the
Congregational Church on Park Avenue.
!r. Dyal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded b
Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.Me
Joe D6nnison, Chairman