HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.02.92FROM THE LAND DEVEI COORDINATOR X!1 lk March 27, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT. Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Comm. ion , P . . , Thursday, April 2. 1992, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4201 Orlando Drive In a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile sales and service, Owner: A,r thu r E. & Phyllis Gr i rid l e. Representative: Albert Chiodi 2. Bold a Public Nearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1807 S. French Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile and truck sales-(used Owners /representatives; Gary & Diana Mincer. 3. Consider the Master Plan f r the phased addition of three classrooms for Loch Lowe Prep School, an educational facility located at 1190 Lake Mary Blvd., in a SR--I,, Single Family Residential Dwelling District, Owner: Athena Associates, Inc. Representative: Charles I. Smith, P.E. Consider the Site Plan for a detached sign for ITV 32 Food Market, a convenience store, located at 1800 French Avenue in a GO -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. Reports from Staff. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings includin the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. FS 286.0105)0 N MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1392 7:00 P.l. CITY COMMISSION HAM ER MEMBERS PRESENT John LeRoy Joe Dennison Helen Stairs Tam Speer Leon Brooks Ben Dyal MEMBERS ABS Cathryn Welch Eddie Keith Jerry Johnson HERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 4201 Orlando Drive in a C -, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile sales and service. Owner: Arthur E. & Phyllis rindle; representative: Albert Chiodi. Albert Chiodi, 1037 Windsong Circle, Apopka, stated that he would like the Commission to consider the Conditional Use for auto sales and service at this location. He stated that he had reviewed the recommendations of staff and found them to be favorable. Mr, Chiodi stated that his client is planning to build along 17 -. Mrs. Stairs stated that when she went by the property she did not see a posting Mr. Chiodi stated that the posting was high on the Tropic Park sign. Mr. Speer roved for approval subject to Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr, LeRoy and Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1807 S. French Avenue in a C-, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile and truck sales (used). MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of APRIL 2, 1992 PAGE owner /representatives. Garr & Diana Mincer. Gary M 381 E . Lake Mary B lvd., s tated that he is requesting a Conditional Use for 1807 S. French Avenue. He stated that he owns 1809 S. French and would like to make 1807 S. French Avenue a parking lot for his automobiles. Mr. Mincer stated that the house presently on the property will be taken down. He already has the demolition permit. Mr. Speer asked if the cedar trees will be taken down. Mr. Mincer stated that the trees will remain, they will not be taken down. Mrs. stairs moved on approval based on staff's recommendations. Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Master Plan for the phased addition of three classrooms for Loch Lowe Prep school, an educational facility located at 1190 Lake Mary Blvd. in a s -1, Bindle Family Residential Dwelling District. Owner: Athena Associates, Inc.; representative: Charles K. smith, P.E. Barry Hershore, Director of Loch Lowe Prep School, 2325 Roanoke, Lake Mary and Charles Smith, Semoran Blvd. Apt, 201, Altamonte, were present for representation. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that a waiver for the drive lane and parking spaces has been requested and will go before the City Commission. Until this waiver is granted, Staff is going under the assumption that the drive lame and parking spaces will be paved. If the waiver of the paving is accepted it would be approved under engineering as it is, and if It is accepted It will not have to come back before the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. Mr. LeRoy asked if the waiver is granted would retention have to be provided. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they would have to provide retention but only on the buildings, not for grassed parking areas. Mr. Smith stated that the owners would like to try to maintain a little country school atmosphere. Mr. Speer asked the estimated trips per day by vehicle on Art Lane, Mr. smith stated probably less than 100 per day. Mr. Speer asked how many cars park at the school. Mr. Hershone stated that there are only 10 students that drive, and that the school operates mini-vans. Chairman Dennison asked Mr. Smith if he could elaborate on the engineer's request for two -way traffic, Mr. Smith stated that the "INUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 2 ,- 1992 PAGE layout for the parking spaces was switched so that there would be proper internal circulation. Mr. Wendell Stocksett of 250 Art Lane, stated that Art Larne is presently being used by the people that live on this road by the City of Sanford for a recycling deal, Loch Lowe Prep and Pine Winds residents use Art Lane as an exit road to Labe Mary Blvd. some of the students that go to the school drive down Art Lame at a ridiculous speed. Most of the time the vans drive at a decent speed. Once in a while the vans go tearing down the road. Mr. tocksett stated that this is a dirt road and this creates a tremendous dust situation. He stated that children live on the street. Mr. Stocksett stated that he has talked to Mr. & Mrs. Hershone and that they have been very rice to hire and said they would take care of the problem. A couple of times the police have been called out there. Mr, Stocksett stated that Loch Lowe Prep also has a road that they use for access to the school, alone the side of Groveview Apartments, which also goes to Mr. Peterson's property. If Loch Lowe prep is going to be approved to build buildings, there is no reason why they couldn't use this as both are access road and an exit road, Mr. stocksett stated that they could do this and not use Art Lane. There is a cemented driveway which cones from Ridden Lake with a gate. If this could be opened, the school could use this paved road. Mr, Smith stated that the school has egress and ingress easements over both these fee simple parcels. Steven Iat enberg, 225 Art Lane, stated that the rain problem is that Art Larne is a wider and better road than the easement down the side of the apartments. Mr. Smith stated that if the date were opened to Pine winds Drive , then there would be more people at the meeting because of the traf f i impact to the Hidden Lake community. Mr. Her shone stated ' c: that they had agreed that this roadway would be used only in emergencies. He stated that they have immediately responded to complaints and have suspended some driving privileges. Seminole County has put out radar and has ticketed some of the youngsters. Mr. Hersho re stated that they have always done follow -ups, and that they have posted school workers out to monitor. If sterling woods is built, the developers have indicated that they would improve the westerly roadway into Loch Lowe for both in and out traffic. Sterling woods would build a gate at the entrance to Loch Lowe Prep that would be closed at the end of each day. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING F APRIL 2, 19 PAR 4 Annette Harmon, 300 Art Lane, stated that she has had good support from Loch Lowe, but that she is concerned for the children, animals, and maintenance of the road, Mr. Brooks moved for approval of the site plan only, seconded by Mr. Dyal. In opposition to the motion was Mr. Speer, Mr. LeRoy, Mrs, stairs and Mr. Dennison. The motion failed to pass Mrs. Stairs requested that Staff look into the road situation. Mr. Brooks stated that this Commission did approve the original site plan. Mr. Dennison stated that the Commission wants them to d something about the road and come back with a solution. Mr. Marder stated that the Commission may wish to table rather than to deny. Mrs. stairs stated that the facilities supporting the development was inadequate. Mr. Brooks stated that he did not agree with this. Mrs, Stairs moved to deny, without prejudice, ]used on the fact that there was not enough information to warrant granting the expansion until the Planning and Zoning Commission knew more about ingress and egress. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mr. Dyal and Mr. Brooks in opposition. Motion carried. Mr. Brooks recommended that the applicants take Staff recommendations and make an appointment with the city Manager or try to be at the next City commission meeting. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the applicant would have to appeal to the City Commission. Mr, Marder stated that it would be better if the Commission could work through it now. Mr. Speer stated that if the City maintains the road and uses monies for maintenance of this road for the past 4 years, then it is a city road. Mr. Speer made a motion to reconsider the motion. 2nd by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion to reconsider carried. Mr. Speer moved on approval of the site plan as presented based on the findings of staff with further stipulations that the applicants will prohibit student drivers from driving up and down Art Lame at all times and that the applicants will install a gate barring ingress and egress to school after hours. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy and Mr, Dyal . All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for LV 32 Food Market, a convenience store, located at 1800 French Avenue in a c -, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner: LV32 Corporation; representative: Tony Rodriguez. Mr. Tony Rodriguez was present for representation. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the sign meets City requirements. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 2. 19 PAGE Mr. Brooks asked the hours of operation and if school kids will be allowed in the store. Mr. Rodriguez stated that the hours of operation would be from 7:30 to 7:30 and school ]yids would be allowed in the store. Mr. Dyal moved on approval. seconded by Mr. Leroy. All in favor. Motion carried. Under reports from Staff, Mr, Marder stated that there has been a lot of progress made on the procedures for the Planning and Zoning Commission and a considerable amount of progress made on the Land Development Regulations. He stated that Staff is reviewing the proposals that Andres Duany has made. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Commission has authorized the rezoning for property on Sanford Avenue and has recommended approval and is going to record the plat for Silver Lake Industrial Par}. she stated that the City commission has reappointed Mr. Dyal, Mrs, stairs and Mr. Dennison for another term with the Planning and Zoning Commission and thanked them for accepting. Mrs. stairs inquired as to the status of -dart. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the site plan is being reviewed by the Building Department and that they have acquired all the permits that they needed. Mr. Speer asked if anyone could use the City of Sanford dumpsters that are around town. Mr. Marder explained that the dumpsters are signed up for by individuals needing dpster service and are for their individual use. Meeting adjourned at P. M e Joe Dehnison, Chairman From the Director of Planning SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of April 2, 1992 GARY P. MINCER - Request conditional use permit to establish (expand) used automobile sales in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located at the southeast corner of 18th Street and French Avenue. 1. Site presently includes a two story house on approximately 20,000 square feet. 2. Uses adjacent to site Zoned GC -2 include a used automobile sales lot, a convenience store and vacant land. Uses adjacent to site Zoned Single Family Residential include Sanford Middle School and two single family residences. 3. Recommend approval of the request to establish used automobile sales based on similarity of uses already established adjacent to site. ALBERT M. CHIODI. JR. - Request conditional use permit to establish used automobile sales and service in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located on South Orlando Drive. 1. Site includes 9 undeveloped lots in the Tropic Park subdivision totaling 6.8 acres. Site fronts U.S. Highway 17 & 92. 2. Various new and used automobile sales and repair facilities are located adjacent to site. Other uses adjacent to site include Flea World, a large flea market and a restaurant. 3. Recommend approval of the request to establish use automobile sales based on similarity of uses already established in the immediate area. TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission