HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.05.92MINUTE
7:00 P.M.
Helen Stairs
Tom Speer
John LeRoy
Leon Brooks
Ben Dyal
Jerry Johnson
Joe Dennison
Eddie Keith
Cathryn welch
Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development
Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator
Manion Anderson, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by vice Chairman Speer.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Bearing to
consider a request to Rezone from MR-3, Multiple- Family
Residential, to that of RlI, Multiple Family Residential-Office-
Institutional, property located at 1006 W. 25th Street.
Owner: Lloyd C & Gloria Tate; representative: Becky Courson.
Due to lack of representation the Commission decided to move this
item to last on the Agenda.
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request
for a Conditional Use for property located at 400 A, B, & C west
Seminole Blvd. in a SC-3. Special Commercial Zoning District, for
the registration of three ( alcoholic beverage licenses for
consumption on board vessels that operate from site - alcoholic
bevera sakes - Class 3 Special.
Owner: Grand Romance, Inc.; representative: Nanci Yuronis,
Nanci yuroni, 433 N. Palmetto Ave., stated that their
accommodations included dining and entertainment with the sale of
alcoholic beverages. She said that they purchased the property on
Seminole Blvd. with plans of expanding their operation to three
ships. Currently, they have two ships operating.
Chairman Speer asked if the -docks are under contract with the
owners of the property. Ms. yur nis stated that they are the
owners of the docks.
Mr. Dyal asked if alcoholic beverages would be served only on the
ships. Ms. yur nis stated. "yes", that they have -ships now and
wanted to take care of everything now and not to have to Berne back
at a later date for the third vessel. Ms, yur nis stated that all
alcoholic beverages would be served and kept aboard the ships.
Mr. Dyal moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Four in
favor, Mr. Leroy in opposition. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to held a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at
1407 W. 13th Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District,
for the purpose of a convenience store, a change of use for a non-
conforming structure on a non-conforming lot and a waiver of the
required number of parking spaces.
Owner. Nations Banc Financial Services, representative. Hai Lam.
Norma Hobby, 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Orlando, was present for
representation. She stated that she has a buyer who is interested
in purchasing this property but would like to convent it into a
convenience store with the possibility of cooking foods. This will
be take out only with no nsite eating. Ms. Hobby stated that
there are some poles along side the building that they plan to
remove for at bast two parking spaces. The hours of operation
will be from 7:00 to .
Mrs. Stairs asked if the Commission would be getting a site plan.
Mrs, Sonnenberg stated "yes".
Dolly Thompson, 1406 W. 13th Place, was present to speak in
opposition. She stated that her property is located directly in
back of this property. She does not want her property used for
parking. Ms. Thompson stated that the area is already bad and that
a convenience store would cause more problems.
Mr. Dyal asked if the corner lot is involved in this conditional
use application and if there is room for a car to get to the back
of the property for parking. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the
corner lot is not involved in this application and that it is owned
by someone else. Mrs. Sonnenberg said that one oar at a time could
get into the back with room to park 3 cars. A convenience store
will take at least five spaces at this location. she stated that
officially and legally there is room for only one space in the
front with approximately 60 feet in the back of the building.
Mrs. Thompson stated that her property and this property backyards
meet with a couple of palmetto trees along the property line.
Mr. Speer asked staff if buffering is required. Mrs. Sonnenberg
stated " Mr. Marder stated that it would require a wall.
Mrs. Stairs stated that the property is not flat all the war across
the back and stated that possible it could be filled in.
Mr. Dal stated that he knows from past experience that traffic
will drive all across the vacant lot.
Ms, Thompson stated that the police have driven cars through her
back yard chasing people. There will be garbage and people
standing around. she has kids and does not want this to happen.
Mr. Marder stated that there would have to be a buffer between the
two uses, a fence or a wall. Mr. Da l asked how do we keep people
off the vacant lot. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that staff suggested
that the vacant lot be purchased for parking.
Dorothy Jelks, 1308 w. 13th Place, stated that she is concerned
abet the garbage and how this will be controlled and also the
Mrs. stairs stated that there is already a lot of garbage there and
asked if it is normally like this or if s . Jelks felt it would be
more. Ms. Jelks stated that she felt it would be mono.
Mr. Brooks stated that he has reservations concerning the
convenience store.
Mr. LeRoy asked if the City requires a dumpster for commercial
property. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there has to be garbage
Mr. Dural moved to deny because the property size was inadequate
for the use. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr. LeRoy opposed. All
others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for a church for the Sanford Christian Church, located at
p ala Rd., in an AG, Agriculture District.
Owner: Sanford Christian Church, representative. M. R. La enb ,
P.E. and Ralph Dorn.
Due to lack of representation, Mr. Dyal roved to table to end of
Agenda. seconded by Mr. Brook, All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was the site plan for an automobile
ELnd truck service (car wash) use for Lewis Edward White, l ocated at
3.751 W. Airport B1. in a GC -, General Commercial District.
Owner: Lewis E. White; representative: Conklin, Porter & Holmes-
Eng.,, Inc.
Ed White, 3601 S, Laurel Ave., stated that the directional arrows
will show how cars will pull into the back, and as the cars are
being washed, they will face the front and pull straight out, Mr,
White stated that the vacuums will be moved from the rear.
Mr. Dyal moved for approval of the site plan as amended with the
waiver of landscaping as shown and with final engineering approval.
Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mrs. Stairs opposed. All in favor.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan
for Tire Kingdom, an automobile and truck accessory sales and
installation use, located at 3500 Orlando Dr. in a GC -2, General
Commercial District.
Owner: Edward Meixsell, James serrabella and Patric] Walsh;
Representative; Robert E. Blenden, P.E.
Bob Blenden, 67 Freeport, Orlando, was present for representation.
Mr. Marder stated that the existing pavement and all loose gravel
would be removed for this site, All work would be done inside the
Mr, Leroy questioned the sign. Mr. Dyal asked if there was room to
bring in big trucks. Mr. Blenden stated that they don't use big
trucks; they use small truck or vans not serails. You cannot get
a semi on any of their other sites. Mr. Leroy asked about the
parking space calculation with a maximum shift of 10 employees,
Mr. Blenden stated that they will have one employee working each
bay and one employee in the front.
Mr. Brook moved to approve with staff's recommendations. Seconded
by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr, Brooks moved to table item one to the next meeting due to lac}
of representation. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion
P[-.F �
Mr Dyal moved to table Item 4 to the next meeting due to lack of
representation, seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Marder stated that the Commission would be receiving
information on the first annual comp plan amendment. There will be
not be a full workshop because it is not necessary, some policies
of the plan will be Changed. we will be substituting suburban
estates for general rural. Mr. Marder stated that the City i
trying to Coordinate with the same nomenclature and intent with
Seminole County. Most importantly is that we will change the
density to one dwelling unit per acre instead of 5 dwelling units
per acre. Mobile homes have not been considered because mobile
hones are not allowed in agricultural zoning districts.
Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Com has recommended
the name change of Kennel Road from Jewett Lane to Test 46 as it
runs to Aero Products to Aero Road.
Mr. pyal roved to approve the minutes as circulated. seconded by
Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried
Mr Speer requested that the Commission get some guidance from the
City Attorney as to how to verbalize motions, Mr. Mrr stated
that this can be done, may be as a workshop, very soon.
There' being no further business, the meeting adjourned at :15 P . M .
Tom Speer, Acting Chairman
so 0
rrom the Director of Planning and Development
February 28, 1992
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Recommendations for Meeting of (larch 5,1992
ALFRED H, CAN �_l�l - Request to rezone from R -3, (Multiple Family Residential to RM I, Multiple Family
Residential, O ffice and Institutional for property located on the northeast corner of Vilest 25th Street and
Chase Avenue.
1 Site is Zoned MR -3, Multiple le Family Residential, contains two platted lots of approximately 17,81
feat and is vacant.
2. Site is adjacent to various houses and duplexes located in MR-3 and RMI Zones, A n office located
in an RM01 Zone is located east of site.
3. It is stimate # that, given an approximate potential for 4 ,000 square foot one - story building, average
daily trip generation would be approximately 50, Therefore, no significant impact on the major and
minor street network is anticipated. Other services and facilities such as water and server are
The Future Land Use Plan Map for this area is Residential -ice Institutional. Therefore, the req uest
is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
5 . Recommend approval of the request for RMO1 Zoning based on consistency with the Comprehensive
Plan, similarity with adjacent zoning and uses and minimal impact of facilities and services.
GRAND ROMANCE, INC, - No planning recommendation provided for conditional uses involving alcoholic
beverage licenses.
H I LAM - Request conditional use approval to permit a convenience store and dimensional waivers for
a non - conforming structure located in a GC - General Commercial Zone on West t 13th Street between
O leander Avenue and Mangoustine Avenue.
1. Site includes approximately 7,000 square feet located on the south side of Vilest 13th Street. The
site includes a building that appears to abut the westerly property lime.
2. Uses adjacent to site include a vacant lot, various single family dwellings, a liquor store and a
barbecue restaurant.
Recommend approval of the request to establish a convenience store subject to the provision of a
minimum of five (5) off - street parking spaces (three {3} could be located in the rear yard) and
compliance with other LDR provisions to the greatest extent feasible.
March 5, 1992
TO: Planning and zoning Commission
Sanford Christian Church - 730 Up la Road
Recommend approval of the site plan subject to:
11 Final Engineering
2. landscape buffer on the south side adjacent to
traffic it ulation with curbing on drive lane
3. Turn - rounds for all parking areas
4. Curbing or curbstops by landscaped /buffer zones
5. All parking stalls to be 10 x 20 or 12 x 20' he)
Car~ wash for Lewis Edward white - 1751 W. Airport B1.
Recommend approval of the site plan subject to:
1. Subject to P & Z granting landscape buffer waiver of 4
on the south and north side of the property.
Tire Kingdom - 3500 Orlando Driv
Recommend Approval of the site plan subject to
1. Final Engineering
2. Recording of Cross Access and drainage easements prior
to C. 0.