HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.06.92MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR SUBJECT: REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 150 Art Lane in an AG, Agricultural Zoning District, for the purpose of an animal hospital. Owner: Edith F. Dougherty Representative: B. L. Adkins 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 730 Upsala Road in an AG, Agricultural Zoning District, for the purpose of a church facility and associated ministries. Owner: Sanford Christian Church, Inc. Representative: Ralph E. Dorn 3. Consider the Preliminary Plat for Sterling Woods, a 124 lot, single- family, detached home development, located on Loch Low Drive extension in a SR -1, Single- family Residential Dwelling district. Owner: Athena Associates, Inc. DBA Loch Lowe Prep School and A. B. Peterson Representative: Joan A. Cerretti- Randolph 4. Consider the site plan for Primo Foods, Inc., a food processing establishment, located at 956 Upsala Rd., in a RI- 1, Restricted Industrial District. Owner: Louis 0. and Alisa Noce Representative; Louis 0. Noce, President 5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members. 6. Reports from Staff. A. First Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1992. B. Land Development Regulations Work Program 7. Approval of Minutes. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105). MINUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1992 7:00 PeMe CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT John LeRoy Eddie Keith Joe Dennison Ben Dyad. Leon Brooks Helen Stairs Cathryn welch MFJOERS ABSENT Jerry Johnson Tory Speer OTHERS PREEN' Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P . * by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 150 Art Lane in an A, Agricultural Zoning District, for the purpose of an animal hospital. Owner: Edith F. Dougherty; representative: B. L. Adkins. B. L. Adkins, 610 S, Lakemont Ave,, winter Park, stated that there is an existing house which can be converted to a veterinary clinic. This will be converted to work out so that the living room will become the waiting room, the bedrooms will become exam rooms, etc. Ir. Leroy asked if the animal hospital would include boarding and a hospital, as well as the veterinary clinic. Mr. Adkins stated that they propose to use the facility as the Byhead veterinary clinic which will include medical services, immunizations, surgery, and boarding, the same as Dr. Iornick did for 20 years. Annette Harmon of 300 Art Lane stated that this property sits kitty corner to her lot. She wanted to know what considerations are given to county residents when the city does something? Example Dr, Kornick was not on Art Lane. will animals be boarded and how many? Ms, Harmon stated that it is not fair to Art Lane residents when the City incorporated and they are in the middle. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1992 PAGE Mr. Marder stated that the City has worked with the County and adopted a joint planning agreement for development adjacent to unincorporated limits and that both agencies are pretty much in sync. Mr, Marder noted that the landfills have been a problem but that Sanford runs a pretty good operation. The other landfill was in the County and finally has stopped. The City will stop before too long. Mr. Marder pointed out that the City has building setbacks, buffer requirements, site plan requirements, traffic circulation, etc. AG Zoning can have a lot of exemptions without review, building permits, etc. The impact that it will have on the Art Lane neighbors will be considered. Ms. welch asked if Mrs. Harmon was opposed. Ms, Harmon stated that she was not since she is not connected to this piece of property, but would like to have some consideration for noise. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the request for the conditional use, Ms. Welch seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 730 Upsala Road in an AG, Agricultural Zoning District, for the purpose of a church facility and associated ministries. Owner: Sanford Christian Church, Inc.; representative: Ralph E. Dora. Ralph Dorn, 214 Forrest Dr., Sanford, stated that he is an elder of the church and that they would like to build a church on this property. The church building on Airport Blvd. has been demolished. Martha van Sine, who lives across the street from the church, 710 Upsala, was told that she has to decide if she wants to be in the county or the city and asked what does she have to do as a property owner to stay in the county. The Chairman explained that this is not a hearing to annex property, that this is not a hearing to decide if she is going to be in the city. Ms, Stairs moved on approval of the conditional use. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the Preliminary Plat for Sterling woods, a 124 lot, single-family, detached home development, located on Loch Low Drive extension in a SR -1. Single- family Residential Dwelling district. Owner: Athena Associates, Inc. DBA Loch Lowe Prep School and A. B. Peterson; representative: Joan A. Cerretti- Randolph. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of FEBRUARY 6, 1992 PAGE Joan Randolph of Harling and Loeklin, 850 Courtland, Orlando, stated that this will be a 124 lot, single family detached home development. They plan on paving the access from Lake Mary Blvd. Water and sewer will be provided by the City of Sanford. waiver requests have asked for a 60 easement with a ' paved right -of- ay with permission for a non - standard road design; wetland buffer reductions; sidewalks on one side of Street " south of the subdivision and on interior streets. Documentation for ' of pavement and a swale in the remainder of the 60 easement has been provided. wetland buffer re quirements has been satisfied on the north side adjacent to the lake.. Ms. Randolph stated that Mr. Petersen has a house on the lake. Presently, the dock is out of wafter with much water fluctuation. ' buffer is being requested here. Ms. Randolph explained that at one time this was a wetland but it has been severely impacted. dirt road has cut through. They are working with St. John Management District to mitigate and improve and to use as a retention area. Ms. Randolph explained that Street "All to Lake Mary would only require a sidewalk on one side because it does not serve any houses south of the subdivision to Lake Mary Blvd. Through the tract it would have a side walk on both sides. Internal streets would have sidewalk on only one side. Mr. Marder commented that everything looks pretty good but Staff would like to reserve the right to loop at the engineering and to look at the placement of all the facilities within the o' easement. The general drainage concept, lot sizes, etc. meet all the requirements for a preliminary plat. Mr. LeRoy adked if staff had a problem with the buffer reduction requrest and was told "No," because the area have been severely impacted. Mr. LeRoy asked if there will be a buffer around the lift station? Mr. Marder answered "yes" althought most of it is below the ground and not visible from the street. The City has to have access. Street A will tie -in to Lock Low. Mr. Leroy moved on approval of the preliminary Galan subject to staff recommendations and recommendation of the waiver request. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Primo Foods, Inc., a food processing establishment, located at 956 Usala Rd., in a I -1, restricted Industrial District. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6. 1992 PAGE 4 Owner: Louis o. and Alisa Noce; representative; Louis o. Noce, President. Mr. Dyal moved to table due to lack of representation. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. on the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of an amendment to the site plan for the 199 Express, a fast-food restaurant, located at 2521 French Avenue in a GC-2, General Cormmercial District, Owner: DIH, Inc.; representative: Robert M. Morris. Robert Morris, W. 25th, stated that this had been Frozen Delight, then Chicken Kind, and was now 199 express. He stated that a little lady hit the fence with her car; so the fence was removed along the alley and the area was paved. Chief Gailey has no objection as long as the alley is kept clean. The Street Department would life to leave the fence down. The area is paved where the fence was. The addendum to the lease states that they must ]peep the alley and the drive dean; therefore, the tenant must police it daily. Mr. Keith moved on approval. Seconded by Ms. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Morris asked that it be noted on the record that a citizen is very happy with the staff and the way in which they operate. the way From the floor, Mr . Black, 805 W. 1st St., Sanford, stated that he would like to change his site plan to go ahead and enclose the porch, He stated that he has a building permit but needs a site plan amendment. He has had complaints about merchandise on the porch. Mr. Black stated that he has closed it in sp that nothing shows from the street. He would like to ]peep it closed. Mr. Keith asked if there will be any other sign other than what he has. Mr. Black stated that the Commission approved a 4 1 x 8 sign, but he would like to have a 3 x 8 He does not want anything that looks gaudy. The sign that was there was temporary. There is no sign at this time. He removed the sign the first of year. Mr. Black stated that he was located on Sanford Ave. for 22 years, the corner of 5th and Sanford. He stated that he is not trying to have a big business. There are 12 people who rent appliances from him. Ms. welch asked if the Commission could ask for additional landscaping in front of the garage?. Mr. Black stated that he would put in two trees, one on each side. MINUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of FEBRUARY , 1 PAGE A notion was made to approve modifying the siteplan with some additional shrubbery per code requirement, 3 x 8 sign and 2 trees. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The first item under reports from Staff was the First Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 19920 Mr. Marder stated that the City just adopted the plan and now it rust be amended. Some changes would be: GR - density 1 /5ac changed to 1/lac and called Suburban estates to coordinate with county plus any annexations that have occurred since April. The second item under reports from staff was the Land Development Regulations work Program. An on -going work program with Bolin and Associates to revise the Land Development Regulations (LD is in the works now. The LDR needs to be modified and changes considered. The Concurrenc Management is in a rough draft and we should have it in the near future. Mr. Marder stated that this would probably be one of the more simpler systems with new terminology, words, etc. If the Commission has any concerns for the revisions, please let Mr. Marder know. Mr. Dennison wished to make the Commission aware of a piece of property end of the runway that is in the tape -off area. The Commission should be aware of the zoning and other considerations; e. right -of -wags, easements, noise contours, etc. and should ask if the developer is aware of these considerations. Mr. Dyal asked if we should have to police these considerations, and if so, does the owner lose all rights of development? He wanted to know why wasn't the City Airport Authority here to represent its interest. They received a notice about the rezoning, but not the site plan. Mr. Marder stated that Industrial zoning is usually all right around an airport. Perhaps we should give a copy to the authority during review. Ms welch stated we should put this requirement into the LD. Mr. Marder stated that we intend to integrate several land use regulatory committees and functions into LD1 ; for example, the Historic Preservation and Airport zoning Boards. He noted that no one says anything about the airport zoning regulations except when the airport applies f or a grant. Then, the city verif ies that regulations are in place. The Historical Board is well defined. Mr. Keith started that the Commission should be aware of safety concerns around the airport and not allow residential uses. Mr. Dyal moved on approval of the minutes as circulated. Mr, Brooks seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of FEBRUARY , 1991 PAr1r Mr. Brook expressed concerned about people turning into Baggs Market blocking t r a f f i c . ' It is not safe and should be changed. Can we send a request to the state regarding the safety concerns? There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:100 e lnnion # Chairman own as From the Director of Planning and Developmen, January 31, 1992 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of February 6, 1992 SAN FORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH, INC. - Request conditional use permit to establish a church with related uses for property Zoned AG, Agricultural located on the unrest side of Upsala Road. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and appears to include two one - family dwellin and Various out - buildings. Site includes approximately seven acres. Sign age on the site indicates the intent to utilize the site for a church. 2. Land used adjacent to site include Various one - family dwellings and Vacant land. 3. At its January 1 , 1 g 2 meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission approved church - related administrative offices for the site. Recommend approval of request to utilize site for a church with related uses based previous approval for similar uses and existing character of the area a t the present timer BAYHEAD LAZE MARY SERVICES - Request conditional use permit to establish an animal hospital for property Zoned AG, Agricultural located on the crest side of Art Lane. 1, Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural, includes a one - family dwelling and an out building. Site encompasses one acre. 2. Site is adjacent to RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning with includes a day care center, a neighborhood shopping center and Vacant land. 3. Site is adjacent to land Zoned AG, Agricultural which includes vacant wetlands and one - farnily dwellings. 4. Recommend approval of the request for an animal hospital based on the site's proximity to neighborhood oriented commercial uses and general character of the immediate area at the present time.