HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.07.91MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer Joe Dennison Eddie Keith Ben Dyal Helen Stairs Jerry Johnson Leon Brooks Cathryn Welch OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a professional office use for Documentation Related Services, located at 108 Chapman Ave. in a RMOI, Multiple - Family Residential - Office - Institutional District. Owner: Donald R. Schreiner & Judy A. Schreiner; representative: D. R. Schreiner. (Tabled - 10/3/91). Mr. LeRoy made a motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Due to lack of representation, the Commission unanimously agreed to move this item to last on the agenda. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Beardall Industrial Park, an industrial use, located at 2511 Beardall Avenue in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial District. Owner: Theodore and Ann Takvorian; representative: Charles M. Madden, P.E. Charles Madden, Civil Engineer, 300 Garfield Ave., Winter Park, stated that his client is primarily looking at developing industrial warehouse space. At the present time, his client does not have anyone interested in leasing space at this facility. Mr. Madden stated that he does not know if his client is ready to start this development. This project will be phased, one building at a time. Mr. Madden stated that his client may choose to build out the development but would like to complete Building A first to see how this goes. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 PAGE 2 Mr. LeRoy asked how many bays would be included in the first phase. Mr. Madden stated that in all probability, his client is looking at 10 bays. Hopefully it will be one user but it could be broken up in wall sections to support more than one user. Mr. Dennison stated that the location is at the end of a runway at the Airport and asked why his client would propose to build at this location when there are no tenants or any particular use. Mr. Madden stated that his client is serious about this development and that his client feels that this is an appropriate use, and with airplanes coming in and out, there wouldn't be any other use. Mr. Dennison asked if the clients were aware of the guidelines and height restrictions for building under a runway. Mr. Madden stated that the plans were submitted to the Airport Authority and that the Airport Authority does not have any problems with this development. His client is fully aware of the height restrictions. The final architectural drawing have not been prepared but the development will be a tilt up type construction. Final architectural drawings have not been prepared. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the site plan as presented. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for the Grand Romance, an office building and boat dock use located at 399 W. Seminole Blvd. in a SC -3, Special Commercial District. Owner: Nanci S. Yuronis; representative: Wesley E. Blount. Bill Sternberg, one of the owners, J. Jackson with Blount- Sykes, were present for representation. Mr. LeRoy asked why is the water meter to be on the northside of Seminole Blvd. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Mr. Sternberg is intending to build docks on that side of Seminole Blvd. and that the Utility Director did not want to have to cut through Seminole Blvd. and have a service line running under Seminole Blvd. Mr. Dyal asked how would people get across Seminole Blvd. Mr. Jackson stated that they had suggested putting in a cross walk with a light. 500 is the highest number people that have been on the Grand Romance at any one time. Mr. Marder stated that the City owns the seawall and right -of -way. Mr. Dyal asked if the City would be liable in any way for pedestrians crossing Seminole Blvd. Mr. Dyal stated that he has concern also with cars parking along the street. Mr. Dyal asked Mr. Sternberg if he had any concern with people crossing to enter the Grand Romance. Mr. Sternberg stated that the way they bring people over is not in a way that MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 PAGE 3 would have people just dribbling over in bits. He stated that they have a holding area and that they would bring people over all at once. A boardwalk will eventually be built extending over the seawall. Mr. Johnson asked how did the passengers, who normally ride the facility, come by bus or what. Mr. Sternberg stated that the senior citizens usually come by coach and in the evening, most people come by private automobiles. He stated that there are 108 private automobile parking spaces and 6 coach spaces. The Grand Romance usually service about 2,000 people per month. Mr. Sternberg stated that the proposed office space will include 5,000 square feet on the upper level and 5,000 square feet on the bottom level. Eventually, the upper level will be rented out. Mr. Sternberg stated that some type of lights could be provided if liability is a concern. Mr. Speer stated that he feels it is an undue burden to have them put in a controlled light to regulate traffic. Mr. Sternberg stated that if the need arises he will do something in the future but he would like to see how it goes for now. Mr. LeRoy asked what is included in the first phase. Mr. Sternberg stated that the first phase consisted of the parking area, retention ponds, lighting, parking stops, and the garage area along the west end on the property which one will house a commissary for deliveries coming into the boat and be used for office space for now, and then converted to 4 garages. The boat docks and pilings, bringing the utilities across the road, and putting in the holding areas for the walks would be next. Then the actual office building would be completed, which will be phase 2, probably to be completed in two years. Mr. LeRoy asked about the sign included in the first phase. Mr. Sternberg stated that this will be a small sign to be on a canopy on the future garage. Ms. Stairs made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Speer and Mr. Brooks. Opposed by Mr. Dyal and Ms. Welch. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for the Lil' Champ Food Stores, a retail sales use, located at 690 W. Airport Blvd. in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Zyderveld Joost, Tr.; representative: Edward K. Fewox. Mr. Tully, St. Johns Engineering, was present for representation. Mr. Dyal asked if plans to landscape the entire corner was included MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 PAGE 4 and stated that Mr. Tully's clients had agreed to it. Mr. Speer asked if the City had received the cross access easement agreement. Ms. Sonnenberg stated that the City has not received it, but that a building permit could not be issued without it. Mr. Johnson made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for K -Mart Expansion and Food Lion, a retail sales use, located at 3101 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Sanford Property Group; representative, A. Tom Harb, P.E. Tom Harb, Harb Engineering, stated that this shopping center was designed in 1979 and was designed to include a Food Lion. The expansion includes putting in the Food Lion and K -Mart will expand the garden shop and 13,000 square feet. Food Lion is 31,500 square feet. Ms. Sonnenberg read Staff's recommendations into the record recommending approval subject to: final engineering; receiving drainage data before work commences; cross access easement; 2 four - way stops by the garden shop and landscape island alignment; additional dumpster locations; additional traffic controls; sidewalk extensions; and handicap parking spaces to be distributed throughout the site which is to be uniformly accessible to the building by the shortest possible route. Mr. Harb stated that he has no problems with staff's recommendations with construction expected to start by the end of November or early December. Mr. Keith moved on approval with staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for a residential and professional office use, located at 1301 Park Avenue in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial District. owner/ representative: Sica Nacu. Sica Nacu, 1307 Park Avenue, stated that there will be a stucco wall on Park Avenue, grass parking, and a 6 -foot wooden fence as a buffer for the neighbor immediately to the south. She stated that Staff recommended an impervious concrete driveway with grass parking. Ms. Nacu stated that she had also requested grass parking because of the historical district. Mr. LeRoy asked where would the signage be. Ms. Nacu stated along the driveway. That this will be a very small sign on Park Avenue, MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 PAGE 5 something in relationship to the neighboring catering business sign. Ms. Nacu stated that eventually she will get rid of the renters upstairs and have all retail sales. Mrs. Sonnenberg requested that Ms. Nacu mark the location of where the sign will be on the approved plans. Ms. Welch made a motion to approve the impervious driveway with grass parking. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Welch made a motion to approve the site plan as presented. Seconded by Ms. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was an extension of the approval of the site plan for Lot 9, Northstar Business Park, Ph 2, located at 500 Central Park Dr. in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial District. Owner: Northstar Business Park, Ltd; representative: William S. Stoller. (Approved 8/16/90). Bill Stoller, Northstar Business Park, stated that he is requesting an extension of time due to economic distress. He is asking for a 6 -month extension and intends to break ground the first week in December. Mr. Dyal moved to approve 6- months as requested. Seconded by Ms. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of an extension of the approval of the site plan for Safety Kleen, an industrial use, located 600 Central Park Drive in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial District. Owner: Stoller -Oyler Properties, Inc.; representative: William S. Stoller. (Extension of original approval to 3/1/91). Mr. Stoller stated that he was representing Safety Kleen. He stated that Safety Kleen does not have their permit from DER and that this is the only holdup. He stated that 6- months would solve the immediate problem. Ms. Stairs moved to extend for 6- months. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for the Higgins House, a bed and breakfast use, located at 420 Oak Avenue in a SR -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential District. Owner: Robert M. Ditmore; representative: Walter Padgett. Mr. Walt Padgett, 420 S. Oak Avenue was present for representation. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 PAGE 6 Ms. Sonnenberg stated that the Padgetts need to get permission from the City Commission for on- street parking or to request a waiver. Mr. Padgett stated that when the sign is sketched out, he will bring it to the City and to the Historic Trust for approval. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval subject to on- street parking or a waiver. Seconded by Speer. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a daycare center use located at 419 Park Avenue in a SR -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential District. Owner: Board of Trustees of First United Methodist Church of Sanford, Florida; representative: D. Michael Kyle. Carol Reid and Michael Kyle were present for representation. Ms. Reid stated that there will be 61 children at the center. Mr. Speer moved on approval. Seconded by LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. At this time, the Commission heard from Mr. Schreiner, representative for the first item on the Agenda. He stated that he would like to put in a consulting business, reviewing medical records for insurance companies, and will have up to 4 employees. Mr. LeRoy questioned the sign. Mr. Schreiner stated that the State requires them to display a sign. He would like to put the sign in the window. Mr. Brooks made a motion to approve. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder noted that the Comp Plan was adopted by the City Commission on October 28, 1991 with very few changes. Ms. Stairs commended Mr. Marder on an excellent job of keeping Commissioners aware on what was happening with the Comp Plan. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Joe Zennison, Chairman