HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.03.91MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1991 7 :00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer Eddie Keith Joe Dennison Ben Dyal Jerry Johnson Helen Stairs Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Cathryn Welch OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Planning & Development Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The next item to be considered was a request for a Rezone for property located on the west side of Sanford Avenue, 1 /8th mile north of Lake Mary Boulevard from AG, Agricultural, to that of MR- 2, Multiple Family Residential. Owner: Shannon - Whittle Construction; Representative: Bo Simpson. Bill Miller, 108 Robin Road of Altamonte was present for representation. He stated that he appreciates the recommendation made by Staff. Mr. Miller stated that, at this time, there are no specific plans for development of this property. They are thinking along the lines of 6 to 8 units per acre. When plans are being considered, they will follow guidelines of city code. This property consists of approximately 13 1/2 acres . Mrs. Stairs made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Leroy and Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of a request for a Rezone for property located next to Waddle's B & W Market (south side) from SR -lA, Single Family Dwelling Residential, to that of GC -2, General Commercial. Owners /representatives: Marshall L., Betty, and Timothy waddle. Marshall Waddle of B & W Market was present for representation. He stated that he is not exactly sure of what he would like to do with MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE 2 the property as far as development is concerned. He would like to have the zoning changed and move the house off of the property. There are no immediate plans of development, but he would like to remove the house and have an empty lot. Mrs. Stairs noted that the house is seemingly in good shape. Mr. Waddle stated that he could not get the rent for it. It is a headache. He stated that he would probably open it up to parking. May build on it later, but he is not happy with the way it is now. Present to speak in opposition was Mr. Joe Petras, 1309 Sanford Ave., adjacent property owner. He stated that for the past year, he has not been satisfied with tenants either. The tenants were storing junk vehicles on the property. Mr. Petras stated that he has his doubts about the house being torn down and having commercial property abutting his property. There is a residential buffer between his house and the market. Mr. Petras owns Lot 15 and 7 1/2 feet of Lot 13. He stated that he would like to have it as it has been for the last 50 years. There is and has always been a possibility of getting the same type tenants. Mr. Marder stated that staff's recommendations recommended denial of expansion based on existing residential character of the immediately surrounding character of the neighborhood and to prevent expansion of commercial down Sanford Avenue to that intersection. The Comp Plan would not have to be amended at this time if the rezoning is approved. Mr. Marder also noted that there could be an 8 -foot wall built. Mr. Speer moved to deny based on recommendations of staff. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Keith stated that he did not see why Mr. Waddle had to pay for a buffer and that he has a very legitimate request. Mr. Speer stated that he has sympathy regarding the rental situation, but the character of the neighborhood and the street should be protected. To allow this to be enlarged is not proper for this neighborhood nor the street. Mr. Waddle stated that his taxes are $806.00 and that he would not enlarge this into a grocery store. Mr. Speer stated that there could be other successors that the Commission could not get a promise from, and that the Commission should protect the neighborhood. Mr. Speer also noted that by being commercial, this property may be taxed larger. Mr. Waddle stated that this business has been family owned for 30 years. He has one son, and the property will probably go to his grandson and still be maintained as a family business. He is not trying to downgrade the area. Mr. Speer stated that it would be better as a vacant residential lot rather than a vacant commercial lot. Mr. Keith opposed to the motion, all others in favor. Motion to deny carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE 3 The next item for consideration was a request for a Conditional Use for property located 400 feet north of Highway 46A on Airport Boulevard on the west side, in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of a self- service car wash. Owner: Donald Evans; representative: Garnett White. Ed White, P.O. Box 2209, Sanford, was present for representation. Mr. White stated that he would like to build a car wash and passed around a picture so that the Commission would know what it is going to look like. He stated that this is not at the intersection but directly across from the entrance to Winn Dixie. Mr. White stated that the property is vacant. Mr. Dyal made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for a professional office located at 108 Chapman, in a RMOI, Multiple Family Residential - Office - Professional Zoning District. Owner /Representative: Donald & Judy Schreiner. Due to lack of representation Mr. Dyal made a motion to table. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item for consideration was the site plan for a detached sign to be located at 701 Cornwall, an industrial use, in a MI -2, Medium Industrial Zoning District. Owner /Representative: Elmer & Carol Smith. Elmer Smith stated that he would like to have a sign that would represent tenants located within this building. Presently, there is one sign for one tenant. Mr. Smith stated that he is aware of the sign ordinance and has no problem with complying with it. The sign is anticipated to be a bulletin board type sign with each tenant listed. Mr. Dyal made a motion to approve with landscaping. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the Comprehensive Plan Status Report presentation by Jay Marder, City Planner. Mr. Marder stated that there has been a considerable amount of progress made in doing the revisions to the Comp Plan. He stated that the City should have a complete copy by this coming Monday. There will be some expense because of the fact that we are having to fax back and forth to Tallahassee and phone calls. The State is not certain about the difference between the Comp Plan and the LDR. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE 4 The State has a tendency to lean more toward the LDR. Mr. Dennison asked if our plan in the same boat as Orange County. Mr. Marder stated "no ", that Orange County has been through the adoption hearing, been reviewed by the State and Regional Planning Council, which recommended that their plan not be approved. We are past the deadline with our Plan. We should have completed our plan and sent it to Tallahassee on 9/16. It has taken the consultant more than 90 days to make the changes. The shaded copy of the plan, which highlights the revisions, will be sent to the State. Every time we amend our plan we will have to go through the process of having the comp plan redone. Mr. Marder stated that he will be recommending to the City Commission that they continue their public hearing on the 14th to the 28th so that the State and the Regional Planning Council will have time for review. Mr. Dennison reminded the Commission of the workshop training class for zoning commissioners on the 30th of this month. Dwight Merriam, a land use lawyer, will be the speaker. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50. �W- 10F Joe D�finis­on, .� MA FROM THE SANFORD CITY P R September 23, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for October 3, 1991 SUDA. INC. - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to MR -2, Multiple Family Residential for property located north of Lake Mary Boulevard extension and west of Sanford Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural, contains approximately 13.5 acres and includes two .mobile.- homes. Site fronts Sanford Avenue. 2. Site is adjacent to an MR -3, Multiple Family Residential Zone to the west which contains a planned but not built cluster housing development. To the east the site is adjacent to an RI -1, Restricted Commercial Zone which contains an industrial building and vacant land. Site is adjacent unincorporated area to the north which contains agriculturally zoned and used land and single family residentially zoned and used land to the south. 3. The City's Comprehensive Plan reflects a "Neighborhood" land use designation which permits multiple family residential densities in this type of location. For informational purposes it is also noted that the City's revised Comprehensive Plan (not adopted) reflects a proposed Medium Density Residential - 15 land use designation. MR -2 provides for a density of up to 15 dwelling units per acre. 4. Recommend approval of the request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to MR -2, Multiple Family Residential based on existing multiple family residential land use commitments and anticipated density in the immediate area. SAUTH - Request conditional use approval to permit automotive repair and use of a nonconforming structure for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located on Sanford Avenue north of 13th Street. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and fronts on Sanford Avenue between 11th Street and Celery Avenue. Site includes approximately 7,137 square feet. Site is basically an existing building with a storefront on Sanford Avenue and a vehicle repair facility facing the paved lot to the north. 2. Site is adjacent to a paved lot being utilized for automotive repair activities. Automotive repair activities are being conducted adjacent to site in a GC -2 Zone. Various single family dwellings are located east of site and fronting Cypress Avenue. 3. Recommend approval of the request for conditional use for automotive and truck repair service and use of nonconforming structure for said use based on the similarity of proposed use with existing uses already established in the immediate area. Also recommend that all outdoor storage and/or display shall be visually screened from adjacent property and street right -of -way. FROM THE SANFORD CITY PLAAWER September 30, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Additional Planning Recommendation for Meeting of October 3, 2991 WHITE - Request conditional use permit to establish a self - service car wash in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located on the west side of Airport Boulevard between Country Club Road and County Road 46A/25th Street. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial, contains approximately 20,000 square feet and is vacant at the present time. 2. Land immediately north and south of site is vacant. Existing uses in the immediate area include a convenience store, lawnmower repair and sales, well drilling and a shopping center. 3. In 1990 a self - service car wash was approved at the northeast corner of Airport Boulevard and County Road 46A/25th Street. That site is presently vacant. 4. Recommend approval of the conditional use permit to establish a car wash based on the similarity of uses already approved in the immediate area and the existing character of the area at the present time.