HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.05.91MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Ben Dyal John LeRoy Eddie Keith Helen Stairs Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Speer Jerry Johnson OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Cathryn Welch? The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider the request for an accessory residential dwelling unit for a security guard for Loch Lowe Preparatory School, located in a SR- 1, Single Family Residential Dwelling District at 1190 Lake Mary Blvd. Owner: Athena Associates, Inc.; representative: Barry P. Hershone, President. Barry Hershone, President of Loch Lowe Prep, 2325 Roanoke, Lake Mary, stated that they would like to erect a residential unit to be used as a guard house for someone to live in. They have been broken into 5 times. $15,000 in losses have been reported. There have been 4 unreported incidents in which student monies have been taken. Mr. Hershone stated that they need a guard. Mr. Hershone did not present a site plan at this time. There was no one else present to speak in favor of the request. There was no one in the audience in opposition to the request. Mr. Keith asked what size would the building be. Mr. Hershone stated approximately 70' x 14 Mrs. Stairs asked if this would be a manufactured house. Mr. Hershone stated "yes, this would be a stuccoed, manufactured house with the residential character matching the other buildings. Mr. Hershone stated that this structure would be installed at ground level and would meet DCA requirements. Mr. Keith moved on approval. Mr. Brooks seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 2 The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Aero Products, a manufacturing /warehouse use, located at 700 Kennel Road, in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial District. Owner: Scott Barnes; representative: John Reynolds. Mr. LeRoy made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. John Reynolds, Engineering Design, was present to represent the owner. Mr. Reynolds explained that this lot is not in the industrial park but rather that it is one lot away from the industrial park. He stated that it could be on Coastline Road if it was extended easterly. Mr. Marder explained that it is the City's concept to link the west to the east, not necessarily by Jewett Lane, but may be by a brand new access way of some sort. Mr. Dennison asked if the planned access was by Jewett Lane. Mr. Reynolds stated that they are planning access from Kennel Road. He explained that Kennel Road is an unimproved road but that they are planning on bringing in the water lines and extending the road. Mr. Reynolds explained that there is 1300 feet of road to access the property. The road would have to be raised from the present level because of the closeness of the water line. Mr. Reynolds stated that they must build to current standards if want to build in city . Mr. Dyal questioned the traffic flow. Mr. Reynolds stated clockwise and that a 16 wheel fire truck can maneuver without any difficulty. Mr. Reynolds stated that this will be a metal building with a brick facade. Mr. Keith asked what does Aero Products do? Mr. Reynolds stated that they are one phase manufacturers. Mr. Reynolds explained that Aero Products receives ambulance chassis from Reid Ford for installation of the ambulance box which sits atop the chassis. Also, Aero Products sells supplies to equip to ambulances. Aero Products anticipates a work force of 46 employees. Mr. Reynolds stated that Aero Products has an established business in Longwood which includes approximately 30,000 square feet with 30 employees. Aero Products owns approximately 10 acres but will only develop 5 acres. There will be 65 parking spaces and approximately 46 employees. Mr. Dyal made a motion to approve. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for E1 Bethel House of Refuge, a church use, located at 1001 Celery Avenue in a MR -2, Multiple - Family Residential Dwelling District. Owner: E1 Bethel House of Refuge; representative: Mike Davis. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 3 Mike Davis of Conklin, Porter, and Holmes Engineers was present for representation. He stated that the construction of the church would be broken up into 2 phases with grass parking. The 2nd phase would consist of more parking. The sign is part of this site plan approval request. Mr. Davis stated that the church would be providing a left turn lane which would require Celery Avenue to be widened. The retention will be to the east of the building which is intended to be dry and will overflow into the City's system. There will be City water and sewer. Mr. Keith moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Lill Champ Food Store, locate at 2990 Sanford Avenue in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial District. Owner: Lill Champ Food Stores, Inc.; representative: Roger Williams. Kenneth W. Soday, Quality Sign Co., 5160 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, stated that this will be a brand change to Jiffy /Lil Champ. They are going from single pole to dual pole. This will be 25' in height which is in line with the ordinance. Mr. Dyal moved on approval subject to Staff's comments, 5' setbacks and no greater than 25' in height. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Li'l Champ Food Store, located at 1920 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Li'1 Champ Food Stores, Inc.; representative: Roger Williams. Kenneth. W. Soday, Quality Sign Co., 5160 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville was present for representation. Mr. Dyal moved on approval with Staff's recommendations, 5 setback, and 50 square foot landscaping. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Stairs complimented Mr. Dennison on doing a good job as Chairman. Also, she stated that the anticipated closing date on 606 Park Avenue would be on the 9th or the 11th with a site plan to follow. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder informed the Commission that the APA is going to have a conference on land law. The speaker will be Dwight Merriam, Attorney. Mr. Marder stated that he felt it would be a good deal for the Commissioners to attend and that the City would fund the attendance of the meeting, if anyone is interested. Mr. Marder stated that this conference is designed for Planning & Zoning training with very qualified instructors. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 4 Mr. Marder reported that regarding the joint planning agreement with Seminole County, the City Commission discussed, on August 27, several things that had to be done; show Land Use Equivalency Chart, the City's land use zoning, and the County's land use zoning. The City and the County is trying to accomplish a means whereby when property is annexed into the City and has equivalent land use, then development can take place without amending the Comp Plan. The City has agreed to work with the County in reviewing areas that have impact, regarding traffic especially. Mr. Marder stated that most of the roads are in relatively good shape. Unofficially, the City and County are looking at models for I -4 improvements necessary to insure that the 46 interchange is more than adequate for a mall. Mr. Brooks questioned the rationale for another ramp to dump off Douglas? Mr. Marder stated that the plan is proposed to 4 -lane Douglas and straighten up Markham Woods Rd. The Springs residents are not tax payers. Mr. Dyal asked if the Commission had seen preliminaries. Mr. Marder said "yes, only preliminaries". What has been allocated in the overall cost is not adequate, everyone recognizes that there is not enough money to do all improvements necessary. The preliminaries do not touch up 46 A. Mr. Brooks asked why did they not bring the expressway around the lake instead of through the middle of the City. Mr. Marder stated that there were serious environmental concerns, and that it couldn't get through Deltona. Mr. Marder stated that it would be impossible to build I -4 now because of the environmental concerns. There being not further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45. ** Although not at the meeting, these minutes were reconstructed and typed on April 1, 1992 by Marion C. Anderson. ' r FROM TILE SA WORD C Y PLAAWER August 30, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendation for Meeting of September 5, 1991 ATHENA ASSOCIATES - Request conditional use permit to establish an accessory residential dwelling unit for security in an SR -1, Single Family Residential Zoning District located between the Hidden Lake and Groveview subdivisions north of Lake Mary Boulevard. Site is known as the Lock Lowe Preparatory School. The site includes various one- story buildings that are generally clustered on the lakeside portion of the site. An open area of approximately 100 feet in width along the easterly property line appears to be utilized for recreation purposes. Site is approximately 23 acres. 2. Site is adjacent to a small lake, vacant land and various single family dwellings Zoned SR -1A, Single Family Residential. 3. Recommend approval of request for an accessory residential dwelling unit based on the existing residential character of the area at the present time. Also recommend that the proposed dwelling maintain a minimum 50 foot building setback from existing residential units in the Hidden Lake subdivision. This recommendation recognizes that the use of buildings may change over time and that the residential unit should be located in a manner that would facilitate its being integrated into the school for classrooms or another school function.