HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.18.91MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 18, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Johnson Helen Stairs Ben Dyal Joe Dennison John LeRoy Leon Brooks Tom Speer MEMBERS ABSENT: Cathryn Welch Eddie Keith OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The first item on the Agenda was the Review of the City of Sanford Grant Application to Department of Natural Resources to renovate the Athletic Field Lighting System at Pinehurst Park. Representative: Jim Jernigan, Director of Parks. Mr. Jim Jernigan stated that the Department of Natural Resources offers grants through out the State for acquisition, development or renovation of park land. The City is asking for a grant to renovate the lighting system at Pinehurst Park located at W. 24th St. and Marshall Avenue. The old lighting system was installed in 1954 and is in bad need of repair. Mr. Jernigan stated that the City is asking for a non - matching, $50,000 grant. One requirement of this grant is to bring the request before the Planning & Zoning Commission for review because the City does not have a recreation board as a vehicle for approval. A public hearing with the City Commission will be held in two weeks. Mr. Jernigan stated that the City is also required to get approval from the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and was approved today by telephone. Also, the City is required to get approval from the State Historical Society in Tallahassee. Mr. Jernigan stated that the lighting system will be state of the art as far as the neighborhood is concerned. It will focus on the ballfield and not disturb the neighborhood with lights. This system will be a no spill type lighting system. It will be a less costly operation with more lighting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18, 1991 PAGE 2 Mr. Dyal moved to recommend approval. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1121 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automotive repair. Owner /representative: Ronald & Beverly Smith. Ronald Smith, 105 Grovewood Ave., stated that he would like to put in a general automotive repair center. He is purchasing this property from Tom Ratliff. This site has been a garage before. Mr. Johnson asked what the hours of operation would be. Mr. Smith stated from 8:00 to 5:00. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested Conditional Use. Mr. Brooks moved to approve. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at the northeast corner of Airport Blvd. and Live Oak Blvd. in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of automobile and truck service use {self service gasoline pumps and the sale of miscellaneous automobile accessories and supplies. Owner: Joost Zyderveld, Trustee; representative: John A. Moseler. John Moseler, 2269 Lee Rd., Winter Park, 32789, stated that due to the fact that his office did not receive Staff's recommendations until July 16th, he is requesting a continuance of the consideration until the next meeting. Chairman Dennison asked if anyone in the audience was present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested Conditional Use. There being no one present, Mr. Dyal made a motion to table until the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for an office - warehouse building for Storage Craft, located in Sanford Central Park on Coastline Road in a RI -1 Industrial Zone. Owner: CBC Industrial Park, Inc.; representative: John Reynolds. Mr. Dick Holsenback was present for representation. Mr. Marder stated that the circulation on site has been questioned by Staff because it does not meet the City's specifications. This site plan will require trucks stopping on Coastline Road and backing in. All circulation has to be onsite. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18, 1991 PAGE 3 Mr. Holsenback stated that he had had a meeting with the City Manager and City Engineer and it was determined that the primary problems were that Coastline Road would be extended west to the new shopping mall. It will then become a major thoroughfare. Mr. Holsenback stated that there is an identical truck situation next door to this site. The tenant anticipates having one truck a month coming in, which would take a minute to back in off of Coastline Road. The owner is willing to sign an agreement stating that when the road is extended westerly he will shut down his truck operation. Mr. Holsenback stated that they are willing to prepare a document that Storage Craft will close down the truck operation when the road is extended either way. This will be a 6,000 square feet facility. Mr. Brooks asked if this agreement will include the one truck a month statement. Mr. Holsenback stated that it could be made a part of it. Mr. Marder stated that this is a through road right now. It is a major road in this development. The lots in this development were developed at a particular size. This site for Storage Craft is developed on half a lot, this creates some of the circulation problems. Mr. Don Bauerly, owner of the park, 1822 Meadowbend Dr., Longwood, stated that this development was constructed in 1984. The situation that exists with this lot has an identical situation next door. It creates no problem at all. Miracle Industries has an identical situation and pose no problem. One truck a month would not create any circulation problems for the park. Mr. Brooks asked what would happen when Coastline Road does become a thoroughfare. Mr. Bauerly stated that these roads were put in to serve the park; and also added that the roads were dedicated to the City for maintenance. Mr. Marder stated that the road going into the Northstar Business Park was planned as a connector road. Coastline Road is a good opportunity to cross to the west over to Rinehart Road extension. He believes that there will be an east /west street between Upsala Road and Rinehart Road and also between Rinehart Road and realigned Oregon Avenue. Mr. Marder thinks that it is going to be an east /west circulation path that will carry considerable traffic in the future. Mr. Speer asked why would a document be needed and asked why couldn't the motion stipulate that when the road is extended either way that this operation be void. Mr. Speer moved to approve the site plan with the stipulation that in the event Coastline Road in Sanford Central Park is extended MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18, 1991 PAGE 4 west of Upsala Road or extended east of its present platted location that the site plan will be automatically amended to prohibit the backing of trucks onto the location as shown on the site plan into the deep truck well. Mr. Leroy seconded. Five in favor . Mrs. Stairs and Mr. Dyal opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a Sign for Smith Associates, Inc. at 912 -918 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Owner /representative: Smith Associates, Inc. Due to the fact that this site plan was considered and completed on June 20, 1991, no action was necessary. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request for a six month extension of the Site Plan and Final Engineering Plan for Carriage Cove North Project. Approved 1/17/91. Owner: Lennar Homes; representative: Jon Hall. Mr. Tom Daly of Bowyer - Singleton stated that they are asking for an extension due to marketing situations. They have high expectations to start within the next six months. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval for a six month extension. Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Temporary Living Center, Inc., a medical health out- patient function (drug counseling center) and daycare use, located at 519 Palmetto Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Seminole County School Board; representative: Charlene D. Kelley. Charlene D. Kelley, stated that this facility will be used as a drug counseling center and for a day care use. Ms. Charlene Kelly, 36 North Park Avenue, Apopka, stated that she was here on behalf of Temporary Living Center. They have leased the Little Red School House from the School Board and would like to provide a center for treatment and education on drug abuse. Their clients are mostly women, poor, and with children. These are court ordered clients needing to get help. Ms. Kelley stated that the zoning code requires a certain number of parking spaces. There is not sufficient land around the site to comply with the parking requirements. They do have 7 parking spaces in back with limited access to the 7 spaces. This area could be mulched and used for parking if necessary. There are 9 spaces in front of the building. Their plans are to have 6 staff members on site daily. The women who come are poor. Many have lost their drivers license and do not have transportation of their own. Ms. Kelley stated that they are presently operating in Sanford at 13th Street and Park Avenue. Their lease is up and they need to be out of this facility by August 1st. Ms. Kelley stated MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18, 1991 PAGE 5 that what she is asking for today is a two year delay in paving the 7 parking spaces in back. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that prior to coming in for site plan approval, they got City Commission approval for right -of -way parking use on Palmetto Avenuee. Ms. Kelley stated that they will putting in $70,000 worth of renovations and have signed a 5 year lease. Mr. LeRoy moved to approve that we grant the extension of not paving the 7 parking spaces in the back for 2 years and approve the site plan as is. Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder stated that he has received a package from the Department of Community Affairs which included 33 pages of objections, recommendations and comments on the Comprehensive Plan. Also, that he has received a package containing 44 pages from the Department of Environmental Regulation. The Division of Historic Resources loved our historic considerations. Mr. Marder stated that what is needed is that we need to work on a transportation methodology. We have officially 60 days to complete all changes; but there are customary extensions that could be made. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. O jo i e ennison, Chairman FROM THE SANFORD CITY PLAIVNER July 12, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of July 18, 1991 SMITH - Request conditional use approval to permit automotive repair and change of use for a non- conforming parcel and structure for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located on Sanford Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2 and fronts on Sanford Avenue between 11th Street and Celery Avenue. Site includes approximately 7,137 square feet. Site is basically a paved area enclosed by a cyclone fence on the north, east and west and bounded by a vacant building on the south. 2. Site is adjacent to a vacant building, automobile sales and residential uses Zoned GC -2 and single family residential uses Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential. Automobile and truck repair uses are established at Sanford Avenue and Celery Avenue. 3. Recommend approval of a conditional use for automotive and truck repair service based on similarity of existing uses already established in the immediate area provided that all outdoor storage and /or display shall be visually screened from adjacent property and street right -of -way. NOTE: In a telephone conversation on July 11, 1990, the applicant stated that the request should have included adjacent property to the south (Lot 9) which includes the vacant building bordering the southern boundary of the site as noted above. LIL' CHAMP FOOD STORES - Request conditional use approval to permit automobile and truck service (self - service gasoline pumps and sale of miscellaneous automobile accessories and supplies) for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at the northeast corner of Airport Boulevard and Live Oak Boulevard. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Site is adjacent to apartments Zoned MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and vacant land Zoned GC -2, General Commercial. The intersection is signalized. 3. Other self service gasoline pumps are located northwest of site at Old Lake Mary Road and Airport Boulevard and southeast of site at U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and Airport Boulevard. 4. Recommend denial of a conditional use for self service gasoline pumps based on the existing character of the general area at the present time and the desirability of preventing the establishment of automotive and truck- oriented service facilities in the area between U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and Old Lake Mary Road. i FROM THE SANFORD CI77 PLAAWER June 10, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of June 20, 1991 BARNES Request conditional use approval to permit limited outside storage of vehicles in an RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zone located at the southwest corner of South Kennel Road and Jewett Lane. 1. Site is Zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial, includes approximately 9.5 acres and is presently vacant. 2. Adjacent uses are primarily vacant and agricultural lands. 3. Recommend approval of the conditional use request to permit limited outside storage of vehicles provided that all areas utilized for such storage are completely screened from all view angles.