HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.06.91MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Johnson Joe Dennison Leon Brooks Tom Speer John LeRoy Cathryn Welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Eddie Keith Helen Stairs Ben Dyal OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1301 and 1307 Park Avenue in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a change of use of non - conforming structures and reduction of width of landscape buffer (5' vs 10 Owner /representative: Sica Nacu. Sica Nacu, 1011 Oak Avenue, stated that they would like to change from a residential use to commercial use. There will be 14 to 16 parking spaces for the businesses or professional offices. Ms. Nacu stated that both buildings have one two bedroom apartmentsnts upstairs. She would like for the apartments to remain upstairs and will have the professional offices downstairs. The corner property will be used for professional offices, both upstairs and downstairs, whereas the other homes have apartments upstairs. 1307 Park Avenue has a two bedroom apartment which are in use now. Downstairs is intended to be used for a beauty salon or professional offices. Ms. Nacu stated that due to the fact that 1307 Park Avenue is set back to the alley, there is space in front and to the right of it in which they would like to build a driveway and provide parking for the offices. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE 2 Mr. Speer asked Mr. Marder if their plans include cutting a curb on Park Avenue. Mr. Marder stated that he has not seen a site plan or determined how the traffic should be oriented. One problem would be to make a left turn out. If anything, the City would be looking at right turn in and right turn out. Ms. Sonnenberg stated that the Plans Review Committee has not looked at a complete site plan as of yet. The City has tried to advise Ms. Nacu of the best layout that would be feasible for parking and the best configuration. Mr. Holloway has looked at the curb cut and feels it would be all right considering the traffic. Mr. Speer clarified that the home on the corner would be professional only, upstairs and downstairs, and asked how many parking spaces are expected onsite. Ms. Nacu stated that there would be approximately 16 parking spaces onsite. Mr. Speer asked if the alley would be used for ingress and egress. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there is one garage at 1301 which goes in on 13th Street, and 1307 comes in off the alley. Ms. Nacu stated that the only time the alley would be used for ingress and egress is for two cars, only. There was no one else present to speak in favor of the requested conditional use. In opposition was Mr. Don Major, 1313 Park Avenue, who stated that he has a commercial business next door. When planning his use, he tried to not disrupt the neighborhood as much as possible. His concern is having a 16 space parking lot adjacent to his property. Maybe a privacy fence would need to be erected. Mr. Major stated that his concerns included having a lot of traffic coming in so close without having any privacy. There is no buffer. Mr. Major requested that if there is to be a parking lot, that a buffer be provided for privacy. Mr. Major noted that the stucco wall will be taken down entirely. Mr. Major noted that Ms. Nacu has done a nice job done on the corner house. Harry Gillis, 1308 Park Avenue, spoke in opposition stating that he does not want the neighborhood disrupted and that he does not want to see it changed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE 3 Carman Nesti, 1306 Park Avenue, stated that she is all for new businesses but is opposed to having a 16 space parking lot on Park Avenue. Ms. Nesti stated that one idea is to have the parking lot behind the stucco wall. Wally Dietrich, corner of 14th and Magnolia, was present to speak in opposition. He stated that he has lived on this corner for 50 years, and that he is disturbed over the trend to disrupt the residential character of the neighborhood. The trend seems to be that most anything can go in on Park Avenue. He sympathizes with the people next to the property. Mr. Dietrich stated that they are not assured that some type of selectivity as to the type of tenants that would be going into this use. He noted that this property is for sale and the neighborhood did not know who is going to buy or what they will do with the property. Something has to be done to avoid some of the pitfalls that are ahead of the neighborhood. Mr. Speer asked if the houses across the street are all in the commercial restricted type zoning. Mrs. Sonnenberg said "yes, professional engineers are on the corner of 14th & Park and there is an adult living facility in this block ". Mr. LeRoy noted that the proposal is to have the parking area stay grass, and the only concrete is just for the 24' drive. Mr. Marder stated that the City does require landscaping around all sides of parking areas. There will have to be a 50' landscape strip at the end of each row of parking. Mr. Dennison noted that if the Commission was to approve this for a non - conforming use, a site plan would be required. This site plan would insure the review of the parking area, landscaping, and buffering. Mr. Brooks moved to approve. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Speer moved to deny. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dennison opposed. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg asked the Commission for an opinion concerning 408 E. 3rd St. regarding no room for parking on this lot. she stated the owner wants to live and have a small church downstairs. Upstairs, there are 5 rooms which will be used by boarders. Mr. Dennison noted that the parking problem would have to be taken care of first. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE 4 It was the decision of the Commission to send directly to the City Commission to see if they will waive the parking requirements. Mrs. Sonnenberg asked the Commission if they wanted cancel the first meeting in July because it falls on the 4th and carry everything over for the July 18th meeting. It was the decision of the Commission to carry everything over to the 18th of July and if there is a heavy catalog, to start the meeting at 6:00. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that Staff had approved the 3 lots for Silver Lake Industrial Park. Also, that Riverboat Plaza, the conditional use that was approved for the beer and wine license, staff has approved a site plan for an outside cooler storage with a chain link fence around it with landscaping (Type 2). Mr. Marder reported that he had received some second comments on comp plan. He has received a copy of comments that FDOT sent to DCA and that the comments are not too bad. There are some workable objections. Mr. Marder suggested that maybe a half hour worksession at the next meeting this month would be the time to fill the Commission in on all data received regarding the review of the comp plan. Mr. LeRoy moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Joe ennison, Chairman I .. I '"'ti Y FROM THE SANFORD CITY PLAAWER May 30, 1991 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of June 6, 1990 NACU - Request conditional use approval to permit a change of use from residential to office for a non - conforming structure and reduction of landscape buffer width for proper zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial located at the southeast corner of 13th Street and Park Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned RC-1, Restricted Commercial and includes three two -story buildings. Site includes approximately 12,519 square feet. 2. Uses adjacent to site include a catering business /residence, an auto repair facility and various single family residences. 3. Recommend approval of the change of use to office based on similarity to existing nonresidential uses already established in the immediate area. Also recommend approval of the reduction of landscape buffer based on existing building configuration already located on site.