HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.06.90MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION - CHAMBERS Members Present: Eddie Keith Ben Dyal Leon Brooks Jerry Johnson Helen Stairs Joe Dennison Cathryn Welch John LeRoy Tom Speer Others Present: Jay Marder, City Planner Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Small Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan for property located as the North 3 acres of the East 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 (less the east 25 ft. for road right -of -way) of Section 33, Township 19, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more generally described as 956 Upsala. Owners /representatives: John and Zoryada Poland. Mr. Marder stated that the reason the applicant was not present was because he was not notified and that he would answer any questions that the Commission had. The Commission had no questions and Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use for property located at 915 West 3rd Street in a MR -2 zoning district, to have a carnival, (temporary amusement facility) January 28 through February 2. Owner /representative: Rev. Elijah Richardson There was no one present to represent this request and no one present to speak in favor of this request. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of 12 /6/90 Page 2 Ms. Linda Williams, 830 Valencia Ct. N. was present to speak in opposition. She stated that she has a 19 year old son, 13 year old son, and a 6 year old daughter. She is adamantly opposed to a carnival that would be 25 to 30 feet from her back door. Ms. Williams stated that the amusement is scheduled during school hours, and that it would interfere with normal routines and behavioral acts. Ms. Williams stated that when the carnival attempted to set up, before obtaining a permit, she found it to be distasteful and humiliating. She stated that she had observed activities which could be described as being of a nature that adults should do in private. She had spoken with a Police Officer and he had mentioned the rise in vandalism, burglaries, etc. during these types of activities. Ms. Williams stated that she had learned from a newscast in November of carnival in Jacksonville which had a shooting. She stated that the San Lanta residents have enough problems taking care of routine citizenship and raising a family without having a carnival this close to their residences. Ms. Williams stated that there are four women located near the lot where the carnival will be that are single parents. One neighbor is a diabetic, very ill, and is in no condition to survive this type activity. Due to the fact that there was an error in the advertisement, Ms. Stairs made a motion to reconsider after it has been readvertised. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. There were two other people in the audience that were in opposition to the request and requested that they be notified when the carnival would be heard again by the Commission. The next item on the Agenda was the consider the site plan for Park Avenue Catering Services, Inc., a single - family residence and commercial service use, for 1313 Park Avenue in a RC -1 zoning district. Owner /representative: Don Major. Mr. Major, 1313 Park Avenue, was present for representation and stated that the area that will be used commercially will be the garage area which is to be converted into a kitchen. They would be operating out of the back of facility. The front part of the house is being used as a breezeway now, but would be enclosed with solid windows and louvers. The sharpening service that was there is gone and that door, which was used as an entrance for the sharpening business, will be permanently closed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of 12/6/90 Page 3 Mr. Major stated that he is not proposing any changes to the site. It is quite an attractive and well laid out floor plan and he did not want to change it. Customers will come to the office only and the preparation of food will be prepared in the kitchen only. Food will be delivered off -site via a van. Only one vehicle will be used. Mr. Major stated that this is not a large scale catering operation, it is strictly a "ma and pa" operation. Husband and wife will be running the business and preparing food. There will be no employees. Mr. Keith moved on approval. Seconded by Ms. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plans for Denny's, 3771 Orlando Drive, in a GC -2 zoning District. Owner: Falcon Group, Ltd.; representative: Dwight DuRant, P.E. Mr. Dwight DuRant, Zebco & Associates, Ormond Beach, stated that they propose to construct a 4500.square foot building adjacent to the newly constructed McDonalds. Access to the McDonalds' property would be shared. A cross access easement has been provided by McDonalds and Denny's is requested to provide half of this easement. An entrance /exit will be made onto 17 -92. Mr. DuRant stated that the vacant property adjacent to the Denny's site is being looked into as a restaurant facility, and that a cross access easement with Denny's is inevitable. Mr. DuRant stated that a driveway permit from DOT has been applied for, and that DOT did have some modifications, i.e. tapered entrance /exit. There is a 12 -foot egress /ingress utility easement, and there is a 15 -foot is a temporary construction easement. Mrs. Stairs had concern as to the ingress and egress of Denny's parking facility. She stated that she did not want to see the entrance and exit layout for Denny's as that what was approved for McDonalds. Mr. Marder stated that this site is reasonable the way it is laid out. Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Keith. Mr. Dyal opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of 12/6/90 Page 4 The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for an addition to Page School, located at 118 West Airport Boulevard in a MR -3, Multiple- Family zoning district. Owner's Agent: Cornell Arterbury. Mr. Cornell Arterbury, Cranes Roost, Altamonte Springs stated that he was present to represent the Page School. He stated that they would like to make an addition to school by utilizing a modular building. This modular building is in compliance with all codes and zoning restrictions. The modular building is State certified. The old church building will not be touched. The building will be located to the west of the existing pool. There will be just one building, approximately 5700 square feet. Mr. Arterbury stated that, presently, the building area is completely clear of any trees. This area has been used as a playground. Landscaping will be done on the Airport Blvd. side and around the perimeter of the building and irrigation has been provided for. Mr. Arterbury stated that this building would support 10 additional classrooms and would accommodate 15 to 18 children,to a class. Mr. Marder recommended continuous shrubbery, around the building, for landscaping. Mr. Arterbury stated that they would comply with all buffering requirements. Mr. Dyal moved on approval with proper landscaping. Mr. LeRoy questioned handicapped access. Mr. Arterbury stated that "yes, there would be handicap access that included a 25 -foot paved span in the front of the proposed building that would be ramped ". Motion seconded by Ms. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Stairs asked if Staff could heck the corner of Elm and 10th to see if a business is being operated there. Mr. Marder to check. Regarding Staff comments and recommendations, Mr. Marder stated that a shed at Regatta Shores was approved by Staff. Mr. Marder commented that we are on schedule for the Comp Plan Review and Adoption. Schedule. A Department of Community Affairs representative, Tony Rant, is coming into Sanford next week, and he will run some figures and suggestions by Mr. Rant to see what his ideas are. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of 12/6/90 Page 5 Mrs. Stairs made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dyal. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Joe Dennison, Chairman ,►� �� FROM THE SAAWORD CITY PLANNER November 27, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of December 6, 1990 POLAND SMALL -SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - Request to amend Future Land Use Plan of City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan from High Intensity Planned Development land use designation in Seminole County Comprehensive Plan to Regional Commerce in Future Land Use Plan of City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. 1. Site was recently annexed into the City of Sanford and contains approximately three acres. The site fronts Upsala Road. Because the site is less than three acres, It may be added to the City's Comprehensive Plan as a small -scale amendment to the future land use map. The short process for small -scale comprehensive plan amendments contrasts with the twice per year comprehensive plan amendments that must be reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs prior to adoption. 2. Site is adjacent to an industrial park that is designated Regional Commerce in the City's plan. The site and surrounding unincorporated lands are designated High Intensity Planned Development in the Seminole County Plan. Regional Commerce and High Intensity Planned Development are both mixed use future development areas and are considered to be compatible and equivalent in terms of major policies and standards. 3. The anticipated impact of development of this site upon facilities and services including roads, drainage, potable water, sanitary sewer and solid waste is anticipated to be insignificant It should be noted that all facility and/or service Impacts will be considered and dealt with as conditions and/or stipulations during the development plan approval process. 4. Recommend approval of request for a small -scale comprehensive plan amendment from High Intensity Planned Development in the Seminole County Plan to Regional Commerce In the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan based on consistency between the county and city plans and existing development trends in the immediate area at the present time. Planning Recommendations for Meeting of December 6, 1990 Page 2 EL- BETHEL HOUSE OF REFUGE. INC._ - Request conditional use permit to conduct a temporary amusement facility in an MR -2, Multiple Family Residential Zone located on East 13th Street. 1. Site is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential, contains approximately 5 acres, is located on the south side of 13th Street /Celery Avenue and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. The applicant specifically requests permission to hold a carnival from January 28 through February 2, 1991. 3. Various single family dwellings are located north and south of site in areas Zoned MR -2 and SR -1. 4. Recommend approval of request to hold a temporary amusement facility between January 28 and February 2, 1991 based on location of site and general character of the immediate area at the present time.