HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.06.90MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAFERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dennison Helen Stairs Ben Dyal Tom Speer John LeRoy Cathryn Welch Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Eddie Keith Les Owens OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator The first item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from AG, Agriculture District, to PD, Planned Development District, and to approve the Master Plan for Southridge PD, a mixed use commercial Planned Development located north of CR 46A, south of Oregon Avenue extended westerly, I -4, and Oregon Avenue extended southerly. Owner: Viola H. Kastner; representative: D. Gary Dickens, AICP.(Tabled - August 16, 1990). Mr. Dyal made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Gary Dickens, Ivey, Bennett, Harris, Walls, was present for representation with Mr. Bill Stoller, the consultant to the Kastner family regarding the PD. Mr. Dickens stated that with regards to the Southridge PD, is a site of approximately 31 acres. The proposed development includes approximately 80,000 square feet for commercial, approximately 20,000 square feet for medical offices, 175 multi - family units, and 275 hotel units. Mr. Dickens stated that the site is basically north of County Road 46A and is bisected by the proposed future Rinehart Road. The hotel will be located directly adjacent to I -4 in a high intensity designation to the north. Then presumably the developer would step down to mixed commercial office designation. Then crossing to the southside of Rinehart Road would be the triangular shaped commercial area. Directly behind the triangular shaped commercial area would be a multi - residential parcel. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 2 Mr. Dickens stated that they have reviewed Staff's recommendations and that they have no problems with the recommendations. Mr. Dickens stated that he had be f ore him a memorandum dated August 21st from the City Planner regarding the Kastner Southridge Property. He stated that specifically there are five conditions, several broken down in sub - conditions. The first relates to the current zoning of the site, size of site, present use - presently vacant, major power line traverses the site on the northeast/ southwest. With regards to the Master Plan, access points serving these parcels are shown based on agreements between Kastnez family and Seminole County, who will have jurisdiction over Rinehart Road. This agreement sets up access points approximately at 660 spacing and 330 for right -ins and right -outs. There will be no intermediate access openings. The Planner has also recommended that the access points basically be reflected as shown on plan and has mentioned that the Seminole County will have jurisdiction over the road. The third point is that site is adjacent to land zoned agricultural and is basically in keeping with surrounding uses. The fourth point is the fact that a plan amendment will be required for this property. The proposed amendment for this site reflects a designation as regional commerce. Regional commerce encourages high intensity mixed use development in the I -4 area. The proposed mixed uses contained in the Southridge plan are consistent with the regional commerce designation. Item 5, Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: a) the project shall be developed substantially in accordance with information, data, and plans contained in the Southridge Master Plan and supplemental information unless otherwise directed by the recommendations; b) the traffic circulation plan for the site shall be submitted with the Site Development Plan and shall reflect the transportation requirements for each phase of construction; c) Rinehart Road shall be dedicated with a 140 right -of -way in accordance with a joint facilitation and infrastructure agreement accepted by Seminole County; d) prior to selling, leasing or dividing, it shall be platted; f) master drainage plan shall be submitted with the site plan; g) landscape requirements for Rinehart Road shall be the same as per the Land Development Regulations for roads designated as arterials; h) Planned Development zoning is contingent to adoption to second annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 1990; i) if construction has not commenced with 5 years of the effective date of approval of PD zoning, then the PD zoning shall expire unless extended by prior approval by the City. Mr. Dickens stated that he has no problems with the stipulations made by the City Planner. i INUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 14EETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 3 Mr. Speer inquired as to the FPL easement and asked Mr. Dickens why he was applying for PD under the FPL easement. Mr. Dickens stated that this is a 200' easement and though this strip of land constitutes a no mans lands for structures, it can be used for parking, roads, and dry retention. Chairman Dennison entered into the record a letter in favor of the rezoning from Everett Huskey. There was no one else present in favor of or in opposition to the requested rezoning. Chairman Dennison stated that he had received letters from neighbors in the area and that the neighbors had shown some concerns, which Mr. Dennison believes most of the concerns are being addressed. Mr. Dyal moved to approve the request with Staff's recommendations. Mrs. Stairs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from AG, Agriculture District to PD, Planned Development District and to approve the Master Plan for Northgate PD, a mixed use commercial Planned Development located south of SR- 46, west of Standley Road, east of I -4, and north of Oregon Avenue. Owner: Viola H. Kastner; representative: D. Gary Dickens, AICP. Gary Dickens representative, 122 E. Colonial, and Bill Stoller, consultant with the Kastner family. Mr. Dickens stated that this property is located directly south of SR 46, directly west of the alignment of Rinehart Road. This property reflects a mixed high intensity uses. These uses will very definitely compliment the current proposed uses. Existing future land use designation is regional commerce. This property is approximately 63 acres in size and contain a series of parcels many of which on the north end of the property would be oriented toward commercial uses, further south there will be multi - family residential and on the very south end there is a relatively small medical parcel. The property sums up to be 290,000 square feet which is comparable to a super center type development. In terms of a medical office, the plan is for 115,000 square feet. Apartments are planned for 16 units per acre with a total of 320. Mr. Dickens stated that Staff comments and recommendations are basically the same as for the Southridge project. Access points are subject to a joint agreement with Seminole County. The access with Oregon Avenue development does not show any direct access to SR 46. Staff notes the fact that we have presented a preliminary traffic analysis that reflects the fact that the roadways will operate at an acceptable level of service, Level of Service D. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 4 Mr. Stoller stated that he had done some work on helping facilitate the Rinehart Road dedication and to work and coordinate with the City and the Seminole Town Center project on Oregon Avenue. Mr. Stoller stated that Viola Kastner had recorded an easement from SR 46 through her property and the portion of Oregon Avenue which the agreement between Seminole Town Center and Viola Kastner, that she was to give, has already been given. Ms. Kastner has done her part with one exception, we have an agreement to agree that certain access points would be the very best points to help facilitate the mall site with access. Mr. Dickens stated that they had no problems with Staff's recommendations. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the proposed rezoning. Mr. Marder noted for the record that Staff had received comments from Seminole County for the previous project and this one. Mr. Speer asked if the specific requirements on Page 2 of Seminole County's letter would be made a part of our recommendation and stipulations for approval of this PD. Mr. Marder stated that he had read the comments and generally believe that we have the requirements covered, but it is up to the Planning & Zoning Board as to what is recommended to the City Commission. Mr. Marder stated that the plan the County received was an older plan that included a street that is eliminated from the plan that the Board is reviewing now. He stated that the proposed Airport connector street reviewed by Seminole County was basically an east /west street on the south side of the Northgate project. The plan before you now does not reflect this street. Mr. Dennison asked at what time does this street come into play. Mr. Marder stated that this is somewhat of a function of the mall and their need for access to Rinehart Road. This is something that the mall will have to deal with. However, we do have in our Comprehensive Plan policy to connect between the I -4 area and Airport Blvd. sometime with an east /west connector street. Ms. Welch stated that she has concern with the comments made by Seminole County as to the access points. Mr. Stoller said that points have been agreed to with Seminole County and that these comments are inconsistent with things that have already been worked out. Mr. Stoller asked that the motion to approve not take into account the County comments that were received at the last moment and simply reflect the comments of City Staff. Any development issues that are valid could be worked out. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 5 Mr. Stoller stated that regarding the Smith Canal the development criteria of the City and the St. Johns River Water Management District is a pre -post 25 year 24 hour storm where one cannot discharge any more into this Canal than is currently being discharged into it. Chairman Dennison noted for the record that we have a letter dated September 4, 1990 to the Mayor from the County Commission and that the planners have addressed all issues in this letter. A motion to approve with the City Planner's recommendations was made by Mrs. Stairs and seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from MR -2, Multiple - family Residential District to RC -11 Restricted Commercial District, property located at 2590 Sanford Avenue. Owner /Representative: Virgil Gracey. Due to lack of representation, Mr. LeRoy made a motion to table. Seconded by Mrs. Welch. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the continuation of the Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for a church, day care, day school and multiple - family dwellings on property in an MR -2, Multiple - family Residential District, located on the south side of Celery Avenue, east of Locust Avenue and west of Mellonville Ave. Owner: William C. & Jack C. Demetree; representative: El- Bethel House of Refuge, Inc., Elijah Richardson, Pastor. (Tabled - May 3, 1990). Mr. LeRoy made a motion to remove this item from the table. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion carried. Rev. Richardson, 601 Sanford Ave., Pastor of E1 Bethel House of Refuge stated that he had brought in the master plan to show the use of the land for the purpose of building a sanctuary, day care center, school and possible multi - family units on the property. Rev. Richardson stated that they are willing to meet any requirements from the City for this parcel, i.e. drainage and holding ponds. Mr. Leroy asked the proposed seating capacity of the sanctuary? Rev. Richardson stated 240. This tract of land is approximately 5 acres. Mr. Brooks asked if this property has been acquired? Rev. Richardson stated that they are withholding closing until a Conditional Use could be obtained. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 6 Mr. Brooks stated that this property is surrounded by a lot of individual homes and noted that it abuts a two -way highway, Celery Avenue. The School Board has decided to use Hopper Elementary as an administrate annex with their form of daycare with buses in and out during the year. Mr. Brooks asked Rev. Richardson how would this traffic effect his development. Rev. Richardson stated that the purpose of the Conditional Use is to build a sanctuary, this would be the first phase. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the proposed request. Mrs. Sonnenberg entered into record the Plans Review Committee recommendations. A motion to approve with Staff's recommendations was made by Mr. Dyal. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr. LeRoy in opposition. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use request for a public service structure, an equipment building and free- standing antenna use, for property located at 3051 Narcissus Avenue in an AG, Agricultural District for Bell South Mobility. Owner: W.A. Hoffman, Trustee; representative: Stephen H. Coover. Mr. Stephen Coover, 3825 Beardall, Sanford, agent for Bell South Mobility stated that they are requesting a free standing tower to assist with cellular mobile communications. There are problems in Sanford regarding car phones. Bell South Mobility is trying to improve the capacity and coverage of the system. The closest two towers are Winter Springs and Deltona. There is no capacity problem today but there will be in the near future. This is something that is vital to the area; everyone, virtually, going to cellular phones. Mr. Coover stated that he Director and considered the Coover presented a letter f problems to the placement c FAA approval is required a negotiating with FAA for had met with Steve Cook, the Airport tower in relation to the Airport. Mr. rom Mr. Cook indicating that he had no E the tower where it's been requested. nd has been notified. Bell South is . 280 foot tower height. Mr. Coover stated that they will have to go before Board of Adjustment next week to discuss the height issue and a small setback variation. Mr. Coover is aware that he will have to come back before Planning and Zoning Commission for site plan approval. Mr. Coover stated that basically this will be a small pre -fab MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 PAGE 7 building, and a tower. They have tentatively leased a piece of property from Mr. Hoffman, the owner. The site is close to a RailRoad yard with surrounding property being agriculture. There are a couple of houses in the area within several hundred yards of the place. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request. Mrs. Stairs made a motion to approve contingent on all permits. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request for an Alcoholic Beverage Sales use, Class 3 Special, for E1 Sar Tex Mex Restaurant located at 1532 S. French Avenue in a GC- E, General Commercial District. Owner: First Willshire Corporation; representative: Frank Aranza. Frank Aranza, owner of Tex Mex Restaurant, stated that at present he has a beer and wine license. Presently there is 1800 square feet and is enlarging restaurant to 2700 square feet, an additional bay. Mr. Aranza is proposing to have a seating capacity of 150, presently there are 82 seats. There was no one present to speak in favor of or against the request. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the Police Chief said he had no objections to this use as long as it meets all City Codes. Mr. Dyal made a motion to approve. Mr. Brooks seconded. Mr. LeRoy in opposition. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request for Preliminary Site Plan approval for PAC Development Apartments, a 244 apartment complex located in Placid Lake Tr "B" in an MR -3, Multiple - family Residential District. Owner: PAC Development, Inc. representative: James A. Murray, P.E. John Deamud, Lochrane Engineering, stated that they have some comments from Staff and are beginning to incorporate those comments into the final documents. This is a 244 unit apartment complex located in the Placid Lake Plat known as Tract B. It is adjacent to Airport Blvd. and Live Oak Blvd. Mr. Deamud stated that they have had some communication with Seminole County as to the access to Airport Blvd. Mrs. Sonnenberg entered into the records Staff's recommendations. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 Page 8 Mr. Dyal moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for the mixed --use of a 20 -seat restaurant, a pharmacy and a medical out - patient service for the Suellau Building, located at 501 -505 East First Street in a GC -2, General Commercial. Owner: David & Elizabeth G. Suellau; representative: James F. Mairs. James Mairs, 395 Bernard Ave., Longwood, representing Rev. Suellau, who is the owner of the building. This is an existing commercial center. They are putting in a restaurant for one of the tenants, and are resubmitting the site plan. Mrs. Sonnenberg explained that what was before the Board before was a conditional use to service alcoholic beverages. At that time there was not enough parking in the area, and the Board decided that it would be carry -out only because he did not have parking for 20 seats, so what he has had to do is to get a variance for the number of parking places. The City Commission waived that to allow him to utilize the existing parking on the site and then the overflow would be at the City parking lot across the street. The City Commission has waived that so he now meets adequate parking for a restaurant. This is what he is coming in for is a 20 seat restaurant. What you would be doing is changing it from a carry- out to a sit down restaurant. Mr. Dyal moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Speer stated that about a month ago the Utility Department tore up the alley behind the old Ritz Theater. Telephone lines were knocked down and businesses were out of phone service from 1 -2 1/2 business days. Now that the city has discovered buried telephone lines, Mr. Speer suggested that signs of buried cables be put it to avoid this from happening again. Mr. LeRoy asked if anything could be done about the high weeds and grass at the old Freedom Bank. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they have been notified by the Code Enforcement Officer and it is in the procedure now. Mr. LeRoy stated that there are two trailers at the overpass with people living in them. Mrs. Sonnenberg is to speak with the Code Enforcement Officer on this. Mr. Speer stated that an employee of one of the downtown stores told him that she suspects people are sleeping overnight in MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/6/90 Page 9 automobiles behind the Speer building and Powell Office building in the alley area. Mrs. Sonnenberg is to contact the Police Department regarding this. Mr. Dyal made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the City Commission has authorized the City Attorney to prepare a rezoning for the King property as GC -2. The site plan for the Ken Kern conditional use for the enlargement of a non - conforming structure has passed engineering approval. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. II I I I " J IF — 31, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT. • Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 6, 1990 1. KASTNER - SOUTHRIDGE - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to PD, Planned Development for property generally located on the north side of County Road 46Al25th Street and east of Interstate 4. 7. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and contains approximately 31 acres. Land is basically- vacant at the present time. A major power line traverses the site. 2. Southridge Master Plan dated August 8, 1990 proposes development of four individual tracts with land uses and acreages summarized as follows: Land Use Acreage Square Footage Units Hotel 7.35 275 Rooms Commercial/Office 10.74 143,000 S.F. Multiple - Family 12.7 175 D. U.'s Proposed access to tracts includes a system of full access points with median crossings and limited access points with right- in/rightout only onto Rinehart Road. The applicant has submitted traffic analysis data that states that the project, at buildout would generate 12,201 dally trips with 7,484 net daily trips. Including the first phase of Seminole Mall and assuming a level of service of "D" based on 1989 -90 FDOT standards, the analysis reflects generally acceptable operating conditions on major area roads. It should be noted that Seminole Properties' Development Order requires the construction of Rinehart Road at four lanes and other related improvements. Rinehart Road Extension will be a County facility. 3. Site is adjacent to land Zoned Agricultural that includes vacant land, a funeral home and several single family dwellings. 4. Pursuant to the proposed Second Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1990, site is proposed to be designated as Regional Commerce in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Regional Commerce encourages high intensity, mixed use development in the 1-4 area. Proposed mixed uses included on the Southridge Master Plan are consistent with the Regional Commerce designation. 5. Based on consistency of proposed uses and their density and intensity with the Regional Commerce designation plus similarity with adjacent approved development proposals, recommend approval of the Southridge Planned Development rezoning with the following stipulations and conditions: a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Southridge Master Plan and supplemental information unless otherwise directed by the recommendations enumerated below and as may be amended from time to time as provided by procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations. b. A traffic circulation for the site shall be submitted with site development plan. Such plan shall reflect internal circulation within the site and transportation requirements for each phase of construction. In addition, such plan shall be amended as necessary to accommodate each increment or phase of development. In and of itself, amending the traffic circulation plan shall not require an amendment to the PD Master Plan. C. Rinehart Road shall be dedicated as a 140 foot right -of -way in accordance with a Joint Facilitation and Infrastructure Agreement accepted by Seminole County. d. Access to the site along Rinehart Road shall conform to a Joint Facilitation and Infrastructure Agreement accepted by Seminole County. e. Prior to selling, leasing and/or otherwise dividing the land into parcels, tracts, lots or other similar interests, the site or portion of site in question shall comply with the City's subdivision plan review procedures. f. A master drainage plan for the site shall be submitted with the site development plan. g. Minimum landscape requirements for Rinehart Road shall be the same as set forth in the Land Development Regulations for roads designated as Arterials. 2 h. PD, Planned Development Zoning is contingent upon adoption of the Second Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 1990. i. If construction has not commenced within five years of the effective date of approval of PD, Planned Development Zoning, then the PD, Planned Development Zoning shall expire unless extended by prior approval by the City. Should PD Zoning expire, the land shall revert to AG, Agricultural Zoning. 2. KASTNER - NORTHGATE - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to PD, Planned Development for property generally located at the southwest comer of State Road 46 and Standley Road. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and contains approximately 65 acres. Existing land uses include agriculture, vacant land and wetlands. A large drainage canal known as Smith Canal, traverses the site. A single family dwelling and agricultural buildings appear to be located on site. 2. Northgate Master Plan received by the Department of Engineering and Planning on August 24, 1990 proposes development of twelve individual tracts with land uses and acreages summarized as follows: Land Use Acreage Square Footage Units Commercial 31.18 290,000 S.F. Office/Medical 6.54 115,000 S.F. Multiple- Family 19.42 320 D. U.'s Proposed access to tracts includes a system of full access points with median crossings and limited access points with right- in/right -out only. Access is proposed on realigned Oregon Avenue next to the proposed Seminole Mall and Rinehart Road (presently known as Standley Road). The applicant has submitted traffic analysis data that states that the project, at buildout would generate 33,282 daily trips with 17,243 net daily trips. While not reflected on the Master Plan, an east -west Airport Road Connector that would be located on the south side of the site is referenced in the Seminole Properties Development Order. By including the first phase of Seminole Mall and assuming a level of service of "D" based on 1989 -90 FDOT standards, the analysis reflects generally acceptable operating conditions on major area roads. It is also noted that Seminole Properties' Development Order requires the construction of Rinehart Road as four lanes, SR 46 to six lanes, Oregon Avenue as four lanes and other related improvements. 3 Realigned Oregon Avenue is anticipated to become a City street. Rinehart Road Extension will be a County road. 3. Site is adjacent to the Seminole Properties mall site to the west which is zoned PD, Planned Development. Highway commercial uses are located north of site in C -1 and C -2 commercial Zones in the unincorporated area. Site is also adjacent to land Zoned Agricultural that includes vacant land, a kennel and several single family dwellings. 4. Site is designated as Regional Commerce in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Regional Commerce encourages high intensity, mixed use development in the 1 -41SR 46 area. Proposed mixed uses included on the Northgate Master Plan are consistent with the Regional Commerce designation. 5. Based on consistency of proposed uses and their density and intensity with the Regional Commerce designation plus similarity with adjacent approved development proposals, recommend approval of the Northgate Planned Development rezoning with the following stipulations and conditions: a. The project shall be developed substantially in accordance with the information, data, plans and commitments contained in the Northgate Master Development Plan and supplemental information unless otherwise directed by the recommendations enumerated below and as may be amended from time to time as provided by procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations. b. A traffic circulation plan for the site shall be submitted with site development plan. Such plan shall reflect intemal circulation within the site and transportation requirements for each phase of construction. In addition, such plan shall be amended as necessary to accommodate each increment or phase of development. In and of itself, amending the traffic circulation plan shall not require an amendment to the PD Master Plan. C. Rinehart Road shall be dedicated as a minimum 140 foot right -of -way in accordance with a Joint Facilitation and Infrastructure Agreement accepted by Seminole County. The developer shall cooperate to dedicate Oregon Avenue as a minimum 120 foot right -of -way. d. Access along realigned Oregon Avenue within a distance of 660' south of State Road 46 shall be limited to right -in- right -out only. e. Access to the site along Rinehart Road shall conform. to a Joint Facilitation and Infrastructure Agreement accepted by Seminole County. n Prior to selling, leasing andlor otherwise dividing the land Into parcels, tracts, lots or other similar interests, the site or portion of site in question shall comply with the City's subdivision plan review procedures. g. A master drainage plan for the site shall be submitted with the site development plan. h. Minimum landscape requirements for the aforementioned streets shall be the same as set forth in the Land Development Regulations for roads designated as Arterials. If construction has not commenced within five years of the effective date of approval of PD, Planned Development Zoning, then the PD, Planned Development Zoning shall expire unless extended by prior approval by the City. Should PD Zoning expire, the land shall revert to AG, Agricultural Zoning. 3. GRACEY - Request to rezone from MR -2, Multiple Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted Commercial for property located on the east side of Sanford Avenue north of East 26th Street - 1. Site is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential and includes and one - family residence located on two lots. 2. Site is adjacent to existing RC -1 Zone which includes residential and commercial uses. Site is also adjacent to various one - family dwellings Zoned MR -1, Multiple Family Residential. 3. Recommend approval of request to rezone to RC -1, Restricted Commercial based on City policy to approve RC -1 Zoning in the immediate area and existing RC -1 Zoning already established adjacent to site. 4. RICHARDSOIV EL- BETHEL HOUSE OF REFUGE - Request conditional use approval to permit a church, day care and day school and multiple family dwellings on property Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential located on the south side of Celery Avenue between Locust Avenue and Mellonville Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential, fronts Celery Avenue/East 13th Street and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Site is adjacent to various single family dwellings Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and MR -2, Multiple Family Residential. 5 3. Site is also adjacent to neighborhood commercial activities. 4. Recommend that the request for conditional use approval to permit a church, day care and multiple family dwellings be tabled until approval, approval with conditions and stipulations or denial can _-bebased- upon -a Master Plan because of the proposed mixed uses, the need to coordinate each development phase and the relationship of the site to adjacent residential development. NOTE This recommendation was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 3, 1990. The Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the request. 5. BELL SOUTH M_ B� - Request conditional use approval to permit an equipment building and an antenna structure up to 280 feet above ground in an AG, Agricultural Zone located on Narcissus Avenue. 1. The site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and includes a one - family dwelling. 2. - Sit@ is adjacent to RI -T, Restricted Industrial MI -2, Medium Industrial Zones which are basically vacant at the present time. Various scattered one - family dwelling homesites are generally located in the area of site. 3. As a point of reference and comparison, it is noted that the antenna located at the radio station on Celery Avenue east of Mellonville Avenue is 277 feet In height 4. The conditional use request was referred to the Central Florida Regional Airport staff for review regarding aircraft flight patterns. The request does not appear to conflict with existing flight patterns. Establishing a tall structure will formally involve the Federal Aviation Administration which will review the application and refer the application for a tall structure to all interested parties such as the Central Florida Regional Airport at Sanford. 4. Recommend approval of the request to establish an antenna of up to 280 feet tall in an AG Zone located on Narcissus Avenue based on existing character of the area and no adverse impact upon aviation. 6. ARAZA - Request conditional use approval to establish a class three alcoholic beverage sales establishment in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located at eh Winn Dixie Shopping Center on U.S. Highway 17 & 92. No recommendation is provided for this type of request. D