HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.16.90MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Cathryn Welch Ben Dyal Helen Stairs Joe Dennison Eddie Keith Tom Speer MEMBERS ABSENT: Leon Brooks Les Owens OTHERS PRESENT: Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Jay Marder, City Planner Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Representative: Jay Marder. Mr. Marder stated that the primary reason for this Comprehensive Plan Amendment is because of two property requests: 1) property located on Silver Lake Drive and, 2) property located on County Road 46A near I -4. For this Plan Amendment considerations were given to urban services and infrastructure. Information about the City and the Urban Service Area was compiled in three ways: a) for the City only, b) the unincorporated area around Sanford, and 3) a total for the entire urban area. This way, we would know and understand the impact of lands annexed into the City. Basically, the additional sites that are added are simply annexations that are placed on the docket. The site on Silver Lake Drive includes an 80 acre tract as well as another 40 or 50 acres southerly that was recently annexed. The other sites include areas near I -4 and CR 46A, Beardall, Brown Avenue off of Airport Blvd., a lot north of the Pinecrest Elementary School, and a site off of Lake Mary Blvd. near the Groveview Apartments. The City Commission will consider this Plan Amendment on August 27th subject to Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendations. Then it would be transmitting to MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1990 Page 2 Department of Community Affairs. Mr. Marder stated that this Plan hopefully would be adopted in December. Mr. Dyal made a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from AG, Agriculture, to MI -2, Medium Industrial District, that property located south and east of the intersection of Silver Lake Drive and Ohio Avenue. Owner: Thomas McDonald, Trustee; representative: William Hutchinson. Mr. McDonald, 109 W. Commercial, stated that he is the Trustee /owner and requestor for this property. He acquired, as Trustee, this property in 1981. The north 160 acres were brought into the City as Agriculture. In 1982 he requested that the westerly 80 acres be rezoned to industrial, which was granted. Mr. McDonald stated that he has spoken to the "spokesman" of the previous objectors and that he has stated that they do not have any objections to the rezoning because of what Mr. McDonald has done with the property as of now. Mr. McDonald plans to bring in good, clean industrial uses. Mr. McDonald stated that Invacare, the second largest builders of home hospital beds, is near this site. Invacare has expanded and the operations is a very good one. This is the type of business that will be at this site. Mr. McDonald stated that the business would provide good jobs and City taxes. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the request. Mr. Keith moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to Rezone from AG, Agriculture, to PD, Planned Development, and to approve the Master Plan for Northgate PD, a mixed use commercial planned development located south of SR -46, west of Standley Road, east of I -4, and north of Oregon Avenue. Owner: Viola H. Kastner; representative: D. Gary Dickens. The Chairman stated that owners have requested that we table this rezoning because of some problems with the legal description. There were two people in audience in opposition to this request and one person in favor of the request. Mr. Keith asked if any letters concerning this request could be held over for the next meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1990 Page 3 Mr. Simmons stated that the requestor's have specifically requested that Northridge be withdrawn and that the next item, Southridge, be continued. Mr. Simmons stated that with the withdrawal of Northridge it would have to be re- advertised; but that with the continuation of Southridge, it would not have to be readvertised for a Public Hearing. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to Rezone from AG, Agriculture, to PD, Planned Development, and to approve the Master Plan for Southridge PD, a mixed use commercial planned development located north of CR 46A, south of Oregon Avenue extended westerly, I -4 and Oregon Avenue extended southerly. Owner: Viola H. Kastner; representative: D. Gary Dickens. Mr. Speer moved to continue until September 6th Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the request for the approval of the site plan for a 3 unit motel, located at 401 Palmetto Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Stephen C. Coover, Trustee; representative: Charles M. Cameron. Mr. Steve Coover, 230 N. Park Avenue, owner /trustee, was present for representation. He stated that he was not the equitable owner, but the legal owner. The previous request for this property was for a conditional use to have an apartment complex. Mr. Coover stated that he was here tonight requesting site approval for a motel, two story designed for four units. This building has four of everything, i.e. bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. The request is for a three unit motel because of the area for parking. An additional parking space has been created on an alternate parking plan by City Staff and entitles the applicant for a four unit motel. The front and side yard setbacks are non- conforming. This property is non - conforming based on City Codes. The property, in the past, was used for a motel, and no variance is required for the size of the property nor the setbacks. Mr. Coover then entered into the record the Assistant City Attorney's opinion regarding the effective date of the new Land Development Regulations provisions as they relate to the non - conformity of the building that was existing and being used as a motel in December, 1988, the effective date of the new Land Development Regulations (attached). Mr. Coover stated that a site plan has been submitted with an alternate parking plan. All codes have been met. Mr. Holloway, City Staff, did not like the parking layout that was submitted and MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1990 Page 4 he came up with the alternate. Mr. Coover stated that he did not care what parking layout is adopted but under the alternate, they would be allowed to apply for a four unit motel, instead of 3 units. Mr. Charlie Cameron stated that the dumpster pad would be half a block up the street, on the northwest corner of the alley, 117' west of the property. Mr. Cameron also stated that there would be no daily rental of the property and that there would not be any tourist rental. This rental would apply to people looking for more facilities than what is available at the Gables Hotel. Mr. Speer stated that the it appeared on the original site plan to have a 5 -foot buffer on the south side. Now it appears that the 5- foot buffer has been reduced to 1 -foot. He also asked Mr. Cameron is he still planned to put in the wood fence. Mr. Cameron stated that the buffer had been reduced to 1 -foot and that the wood fence is in existence now. Mr. Cameron also stated that the alternate parking layout had been recommended by City Staff as being more feasible. A parking space size of 10x20 is in excess because of so many smaller cars. Mr. Cameron anticipates 50% of the units will have one car, the other 50% will have no cars. Mr. LeRoy asked where would the handicap ramp be to get access to this building. Mr. LeRoy stated that all public buildings must have handicap access. Mr. Cameron stated that if it was mandatory that he would no problems putting in a handicap access and a handicap parking space for the first floor units. Mr. Leon Reed, 404 Palmetto Avenue, stated that he lives across the street, and that he had no problems with what Mr. Cameron was requesting for this building. He said that at present no one is living here and it now creates problems. Anything would be better than the vacancy causing problems. Mrs. Sonnenberg read Staff's recommendations: Engineering - recommend for approval - recommend alternate parking layout (more workable configuration); Fire, Police, Public Works, Utilities - O.K.; Zoning - Planting by house - 30" o.c, 24" high, buffer 30" o.c., 30" high, o.k. Mr. Speer moved for approval as amended by the alternate parking plan. Seconded by Mr. Keith. Opposed were Mr. Leroy, Ms. Welch, Mr. Dyal and Ms. Stairs. In favor of the motion were Mr. Speer, Mr. Keith and Mr. Dennison. Motion failed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1990 Page 7 like an extension or reapproval. Mr. Speer moved to extend approval for Safety Kleen until March 1, 1991. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg asked if the Members could call, by noon, if they would not be attending the meeting instead of Staff making reminder calls. Members agreed that they would call. Mr. LeRoy made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:00 p.m. �' H Q4��Ef� Joe Dennison, Chairman FROM THB sANFORD CITY PLmnum August 14, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for August lb, 1990 McDONALD/HUTCHISON -- Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to MI- 2, Medium Industrial for property located at the southeast corner of Silver Lake Drive and Ohio Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and appears to be vacant at the present time. Southerly portion of site appears to evidence wetland vegetation. 2: Site is adjacent to land Zoned MI -2, Medium Industrial which includes vacant land and developed industrial uses. Site is also adjacent to land Zoned SR -1A and AG, Agricultural which includes various scattered homesites, vacant land and agricultural uses. 3. Pursuant to the proposed Second Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1990, site is proposed to be designated as Regional Commerce in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Regional Commerce encourages high intensity, mixed use development including continued industrial development the Silver Lake Drive area. Proposed industrial zoning is generally consistent with the Regional Commerce designation. 4. Recommend approval of request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to MI-2, - Medium Industrial based on similarity with existing adjacent zoning and uses plus the City's policy of permitting industrial uses south of Silver Lake Drive in the area.