HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.02.90MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of August 2, 1990 ::00 P.M. City Commission Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Helen Stairs Ben Dyal Eddie Keith Cathryn Welch Tom Speer Joe Dennison MEMBERS ABSENT: Leon Brooks Les Owens John LeRoy OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dennison. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to Rezone from AG, Agriculture, to that of GC -2, General Commercial, that property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Mellonville Avenue and Airport Boulevard. Owner /representative: Walter E. King. Mr. Marder read Staff's recommendations: 1. Site is zoned AG, Agricultural and is presently vacant. 2. Site is adjacent to RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning, in the City of Sanford which includes the Sanford Airport, several two - family dwellings on Airport property and various industrial uses. 3. Site is adjacent to areas zoned R -lAA, Single Family Residential, and A -1, Agricultural, in Seminole County. Such areas include several single - family dwellings and vacant land. 4. Site is designated as a Regional Commerce Area on the Future Land Use Concept Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Regional Commerce provides for commercial, industrial and other uses. The Regional Commerce Area in the Sanford Airport MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Page 2 recognizes that primarily industrial, wholesale distribution and aviation activities are existing and anticipated. 5. Recommend denial of requested GC -2 zoning based on general incompatibility of retail sales and services uses permitted in GC -2, General Commercial zoning with adjacent industrial and residential zoning and existing character of immediate area at the present time. Mr. Walter King, 405 E. 14th Street, stated that he has had a number of requests to sell this property contingent upon a zoning change. Approximately one year ago, Mr. King asked that this property be rezoned for light industry. The Planning and Zoning Board said "absolutely not ". Mr. King has two or three prospects that would like to develop now but need the rezoning. Mr. King stated that this needs to be developed as commercial property. He would like to get something done on this property, but a change in zoning is needed to get decent development on this corner. Mr. King stated that this is a main intersection across the street from the entranceway of the Airport. One party has asked to have mini - storage warehouses developed here. Also, he has been approached with one or two other options. Mr. King stated that he has not been approached by anyone interested in developing multi- family. Mr. Dennison asked what other uses had Mr. King been approached on. Mr. King stated that he did not remember them all. One fellow wanted to run a swimming pool business, the mini- storage fellow, and some other fellow interested but could not remember what business. In opposition was Mr. Anthony Russi, 3355 S. Mellonville. He stated that he was speaking for a number of people who live in the area. Mr. Russi stated that there is industrial property on the Airport and on Cornwall Road. Everything between Airport Blvd. on the east and west side is residential. The area residents have invested a tremendous amount of money building residences. The residents realized that there was an industrial park located at the southwest intersection of Cornwall and Mellonville, which they understood and accepted, but the residents are opposed to any further encroachment of industrial zoning along Mellonville, south of Airport and south of Cornwall. Mr. Russi stated that the feels this piece of property could be zoned multi - family and the area residents would accept this. They are opposed to any commercial zoning. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Page 3 Mr. Billy Brumley, 3371 Whitner Way, neighbor of Mr. Russi, stated that he is opposed to the rezoning as requested. Mr. Jerry Holloway, 3311 Scarlet Drive, president of the Homeowners Association, stated that he was representing 18 homeowners, all within less than 1/4 of a mile from this property. Mr. Holloway suggested that they wait until they have something definite that would like to go in there. He stated that rezoning without knowing what will be developed here may be a detriment. He is strongly opposed. Mr. Keith moved to deny the rezoning request. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential, to that of PD, Planned Development, that property lying north of CR 46 -A, west of Upsala Road and east of Oregon Avenue. Owner: South Seminole, Ltd.; representative: Michael D. Wadley. Mr. Marder read Staff's recommendations: 1. Site is zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential, and PD, Planned Development, contains approximately 157 acres and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Existing Master Plan reflects a total of 718 dwelling units, with 118 units in the westerly SR -1, Single Family Residential zone fronting Oregon Avenue and 600 dwellings in the easterly PD, Planned Development zone fronting Upsala Road. An approved subdivision plat for the area zoned SR -1 had not been recorded at this date. Additional conditions and stipulations on the PD area state that development within 120' of Upsala Road be restricted to open space or uses permitted in the SR- lAA, Single Family Residential Zoning District and that the remainder of the area within approximately 635 feet of Upsala Road be restricted to single family detached dwelling units. overall gross density is 4.57 dwelling units per acre. Net density in the PD area is 8 dwelling units per acre. 3. Proposed Master Plan reflects a proposed gross density of 5.35 dwelling units per acre based on 840 proposed dwelling units and 157 total acres. Based on net residential land area of 105 acres, overall net density is calculated to be 8 dwelling units per acre. General Notes Number 9 proposes that the maximum net density per "neighborhood" or phase be 18 dwelling units per acre. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Page 4 4. Site is adjacent to existing MR--1, Multiple Family Residential, which includes various one and multiple family dwellings (Mayfair Meadows) and vacant land. MR -1 zoning permits a gross density of up to 8 dwelling units per acre. Site is also adjacent to SR -1, SR -1AA and MR -2 zones which contain various one family dwellings. A convenience store with gas pumps is located in an existing RC -1, Restricted Commercial zone adjacent to the Site's southeast corner. 5. The City's Planned Development Project regulations are designed to promote more efficient and compact land development while maximizing open space and related amenities. Therefore, while the uses and building types are intended to be flexible, greater buffers and building setbacks around the boundary of Planned Development projects are required in comparison to conventional zoning districts. Specifically, the minimum building setback from Upsala Road and Oregon Avenue would be 50 feet and 35 feet from all other parcel lines. In addition, the minimum depth of the required buffer from all parcel lines is 25 feet. 6. The City's Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan designated the site and vicinity south of the abandoned railroad /expressway right -of -way as a Neighborhood Area suitable for low and medium density residential development. Medium density is generally defined as between 7 and 15 dwelling units per acre. High density residential development of 16 to 40 dwelling units per acre are generally intended to be located in designated Commerce Areas. 7. Based on similarity with existing residential uses and related densities already established in the immediate area, recommend that the request to rezone from SR -1 and PD to PD, Planned Development, be approved with the following conditions and stipulations: a. The development shall be divided into two phases, a West Phase and an East Phase, divided by the undevelopable wetlands /open space area dividing each side. Each phase shall be limited to a maximum net density of 8 dwelling units per acre. No increment of development shall have a net density of greater than 15 dwelling units per acre. b. Based on the City's policy to maintain single family dwellings adjacent to Upsala Road, development within 600 feet of Upsala Road shall be restricted to be detached single family residential land use. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Page 5 C. Prior to the issuance of a site development permit for any and all phases of increments of development, the developer shall mitigate all off -site transportation impacts of the proposed development in a manner acceptable to the City pursuant to information and analysis prepared by the developer at the developer's expense. Mr. Russell Sepielli, 4020 New Cannon Street, Hollywood, stated that he had reviewed Staff's recommendations and would like to revise the request by reducing the request to 15 residential dwelling units per acre. The request does not vary at all from the original request that was granted back in February of 1989. Three stipulations were imposed upon the PD side; 1) overall density cannot exceed 8 units per acre, 2) brick or solid masonry wall to be built on Upsala Road, 3) easterly section be built as single family homes comparable to SRI -AA. Mr. Sepielli stated that 600 feet along Upsala Road will be built as single family homes. The brick wall will be along the entire 1200 feet frontage. Mr. Sepielli stated that they had previously agreed to build a block or solid masonry wall, but that they would prefer to do a block wall depending on financing. Mr. Sepielli said along Upsala Road there will be about 3 units per acre. $135,000 to $180,000 homes. There will be no driveways along Upsala Road. The first 600 feet from the parcel line of Upsala Road will consist only of single family detached homes. Internal roads and lots have not been laid out as of yet. Mr. Sepielli stated that they propose to handle traf f is by acceleration and deceleration lanes along Upsala Road on the west side. Preliminary planning shows (for some time in the future) another right turn -in and right turn -out by the convenience store to get into the subdivision. Also, future studies show some type of signalization at Oregon Avenue and Upsala Road. Mr. Sepielli stated that it has taken nine months to get a representative from Corp of Engineer to come and review site. It took another two months to get a report. Eleven months, total, to get a permit. Mr. Sepielli said that there is now a credit crunch going on but to bring in a lower cost product is out of the question. The sewer line will be put in at the developer's expense and a tap will be made into the existing water line. They would like to maintain continuity throughout the design of the development. At this time, surrounding homeowners requested that 'they be notified of site plan review. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Pam Mr. Keith moved on approval with staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. Mr. Speer opposed. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of a conditional use for property located at 2900 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial District, for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 3 (Sale of alcoholic Beverages for consumption on premise with a restaurant). Owner: Harold O'Steen; representative: Eugeniu Ventaratu. Mr. Eugeniu Ventaratu stated that he would like to put in an italian restaurant with very fine dining. Would also like to provide live entertainment, i.e. jazz piano player. He is asking that he be allowed to serve liquor, beer and wine in conjunction with food. Mr. Ventaratu stated that this establishment can accommodate 270 people. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the Police Chief has no objection to a full service restaurant. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Speer. Opposed by Mr. Keith. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Sanford Motel, a 71 room motel located at 3401 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Ishwar R. Naran; representative: Michael D. Cavanaugh. (Tabled on July 19, 1990). Mr. Dyal made a motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Howard Jewett, Ivey Harris Bennett Walls, stated that this facility will be next to the Fox Fire Restaurant. There will only be one curb cut. Immediately south of the property there is a culvert with a dirt crossing that will be used for access. Mr. Jewett stated that they have obtained a DOT permit for an extension of access from the car lot. Mr. Jewett has no problem with putting in a walkway to extend to the restaurant for customers who would like to get to the restaurant. Mr. Speer moved on approval with staff's recommendations particularly to use wastewater generated. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of August 2, 1990 Page 7 On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of an extension to the Site Plan for 301 and 305 Park Avenue, a parking lot use for 305 and 311 Park Avenue and a boarding house use for 305 Park Avenue located in a SC -3 zone. Owner/ representative: Al Woodruff. (Original Site Plan approval 5/21/87). Mr. Al Woodruff, stated that he has purchased the property, would like to clean up, put in landscaping and make 305 a boarding house. He now has contractual control of 301 Park Avenue. There will be 4 rooms upstairs with one downstairs. There will also be an apartment downstairs with one over the garage. Mr. Keith moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Mr. Speer and Ms. Welch opposed. Motion carried. Mr. Keith moved to approve minutes as circulated. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Dyal commented that he likes to see elevations on site plans. Ms. Welch asked if plans could be reviewed before each meeting. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the plans are being circulated within Departments most often right up till the time of the meeting, but that Ms. Welch was welcome to stop by anytime and she would try to have the plans for her. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 4 D6nniso � nC � hairm � an FROM THE SANFORD CITY PLAIUFER August 3, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for August 2, 1990 RING - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to GC -2, General Commercial for property located at the southwest corner of Airport Boulevard and Mellonville Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and is presently vacant. 2. Site is adjacent to RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning in the City of Sanford which includes the Sanford Airport, several two - family dwellings on airport property and various industrial uses. 3. Site is adjacent to areas Zoned R -1AA, Single Family Residential and A -1, Agricultural in Seminole County. Such areas include several single family dwellings and vacant land. 4. Site is designated as a Regional Commerce Area on the Future Land Use Concept Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Regional Commerce provides for commercial, industrial and other uses. The Regional Commerce Area in the Sanford Airport environs recognizes that primarily industrial, wholesale distribution and aviation activities are existing and anticipated. 5. Recommend denial of requested GC -2 Zoning based on general incompatibility of retail sales and services uses permitted in GC -2, General Commercial Zoning with adjacent industrial and residential zoning and existing character of immediate area at the present time. DAVIS - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential and PD, Planned Development to PD, Planned Development for property located between Upsala Road and Oregon Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and PD, Planned Development, contains approximately 157 Acres and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Existing Master Plan reflects a total of 718 dwelling units, with 118 units in the westerly SR -1, Single Family Residential zone fronting Oregon Avenue and 500 dwellings in the easterly PD, Planned Development zone fronting Upsala Road. An approved subdivision plat for the area Zoned SR -1 had not been recorded at this date. Additional conditions and stipulations 1 on the PD area state that development within 120' of Upsala Road be restricted to open space or uses permitted in the SR- lAA, Single Family Residential Zoning District and that the remainder of the area within approximately 635 feet of Upsala Road be restricted to single family detached dwelling units. Overall gross density is 4.57 dwelling units per acre. Net density in the PD area is 8 dwelling units per acre. 3. Proposed Master Plan reflects a proposed gross density of 5.35 dwelling units per acre based on 840 proposed dwelling units and 157 total acres. Based on net residential land area of 105 acres, overall net density is calculated to be 8 dwelling units per acre. General Notes Number 9. proposes that the maximum net density per "neighborhood" or phase be 18 dwelling units per acre. 4. Site is adjacent to existing MR -1, Multiple Family Residential which includes various one- and multiple - family dwellings (Mayfair Meadows) and vacant land. MR -1 Zoning permits a gross density of up to 8 dwelling units per acre. Site is also adjacent to SR -1, SR -1AA and MR -2 Zones which contain various one - family dwellings. A convenience store with gas pumps is located in an existing RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zone adjacent to the Site's southeast corner. 5. The City's Planned Development Project regulations are designed to promote more efficient and compact land development while maximizing open space and related amenities. Therefore, while the uses and building types are intended to be flexible, greater buffers and building setbacks around the boundary of Planned Development Projects are required in comparison to conventional zoning districts. Specifically, the minimum building setback from Upsala Road and Oregon Avenue would be 50 feet and 35 feet from all other parcel lines. In addition, the minimum depth of the required buffer from all parcel lines is 25 feet. 6. The City's Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the site and vicinity south of the abandoned railroad /expressway right -of -way as a Neighborhood Area suitable for low and medium density residential development. Medium density is generally defined as between 7 and 15 dwelling units per acre. High Density Residential development of 16 to 40 dwelling units per acre are generally intended to be located in designated Commerce Areas. 7. Based on similarity with existing residential uses and related densities already established in the immediate area, recommend that the request to rezone from SR -1 and PD to PD, Planned Development be approved with the following conditions and stipulations: 2 a. The development shall be divided into two phases, a West Phase and an East Phase, divided by the undevelopable wetlands /open space area dividing each side. Each phase shall be limited to a maximum net density of 8 dwelling units per acre. No increment of development shall have a net density of greater than 15 dwelling units per acre. b. Based on the City's policy to maintain single family dwellings adjacent to Upsala Road, development within 600 feet of Upsala Road shall be restricted to detached single family residential land use. C. Prior to the issuance of a site development permit for any and all phases or increments of development, the developer shall mitigate all off -site transportation impacts of the proposed development in a manner acceptable to the City pursuant to information and analysis prepared by the developer at the developer's expense. MENTURMM - Request conditional use approval to permit on -site consumption of alcoholic beverages in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone located at 2900 South Orlando Drive. 1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of request. 3