HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.21.90MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John Morris, Chairman Joe Dennison, Vice Chairman Ben Dyal Helen Stairs Les Owens MEMBERS ABSENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer Eddie Keith Leon Brooks OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Bettye D. Smith W. A. Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Due to a lack of quorum Mr. Dyal made a motion to waive the rules on public hearings. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. Mayor Smith stated how happy she was to be there but how sad to note this was the last meeting for Mr. Morris. She pointed out that he had served for nine years, many as chairman. Mayor Smith stated that the City was indebted to Mr. Morris in that he had guided the Planning and Zoning Commission through the process for comp plans, etc. At this point, the. Mayor presented to John G. Morris a plaque in appreciation of voluntary and unselfish service for the past 9 -1/2 years. Chairman Morris stated that it had beem his pleasure to serve on Planning & Zoning Commission and to serve the community as a labor of love. Mr. Morris stated that he appreciated both the Staff and the City Commission. Mayor Smith stated that she wished that he could serve longer but legally he could not. The first item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request for a change of land use for that property described as 3.401 Orlando Drive, lying east of Orlando Drive, south of Airport Boulevard and north of Americana Boulevard. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 PATE 2 Owner: Ishwar Naran; Representative: Howard W. Jewett. (Tabled June 7, 1990). Mr. Dennison made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Jewett, 618 E. South St., Orlando, was present to represent the owner Ishwar Naran. He stated that plans were submitted to City of Sanford for a 4- story, 71 room hotel. The property has been annexed into the City. Seminole County's zoning was commercial. Mr. Jewett stated that the intentions are to have a business type motel with no lounge or restaurant. Facility will be for overnight guests with no facilities for a longer stay. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested change of use. Due to a lack of quorum, Mr. Dyal made a motion to table. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial zone, located at 2502 Laurel Avenue for the purpose of Automobile & Truck Service use for a Speedway - Starvin Marvin Convenience Store with four (4) gasoline dispensing islands. Owner: Calogero & Carmela Baio; Representative: Henry Endrizzi. (Tabled June 7, 1990). Mrs. Stairs made a motion to remove from the table. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Endrizzi, District Engineer for Marathan, apologized for not having a representative present on behalf of Marathan. He stated that this will be a conventional self - service station. Starvin Marvin will be on the corner of French Avenue. Mr. Endrizzi stated that they are trying to design it so the alley will not have to be vacated. There will be a convenience store on one side and the pumps on the other. Both lots will be used. This facility will not be a truck stop; only automobiles. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested Conditional Use. Mr. Dennison made a motion to reinstate the rules of Public Hearings. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Dennison moved on approval of the Conditional Use subject to MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 PAGE 3 Staff's recommendations on the alley. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Since another Commissioner was in attendance and there was a quorum,Mr. Dennison made a motion to remove item one from the table and to recommend the approval of the land use change to community commercial. Seconded by Mr. Dyal and Mrs. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to Rezone from AG, Agriculture District to that of RI -1, Restricted Industrial District that property located at the East of Beardall Avenue, South of SR 46 West. Owner: Theodore & Ann Takvorian; Representative: Earl Showers. Earl Showers, Altamonte Springs, stated that a warehouse is planned for the property. Mr. Dennison asked if he was aware of the closeness of the airport and what did he plan to do. Mr. Takvorian stated that he intended to put in a 10,000 square foot per unit facility. He was aware of noise contour line and this facility would not fall within the noise range. No retail is planned. This facility will be no higher than 16' or single story. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested rezoning. Mr. Dyal moved on approval. Mr. Owens seconded. Mr. Dennison in opposition. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a SR -1, Single - Family Dwelling Residential District, located at 718 E. 7th Street for the purpose of duplex use. Owner: John & Rebecca Henderson; Representative: James A. Gray. Mr. James Gray, 1002 Celery Avenue, stated that he intends to use part of the existing building on the site. Presently there is 600 square feet structure on the lot. Mr. Gray understands that he may violate setbacks requirements. He plans to have two dwelling units, totaling 1600 square feet. In opposition was Ms. Barbara Dease, 701 E. 6th St. She stated that she was here representing the homeowners in the community. There would be transients on the street corners. The residents do not want them to come back into the area after managing to have the area cleaned up. This is a single - family area and they do not want a duplex into the community. A duplex would lead to transients MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 PAGE 4 and to dope in the area. When asked if the large 2 -story home diagonally across the street was a multi- family use, Mrs Dease did not know the occupants of this home. She said that sometimes people can't drive with so many transient selling dope, can't walk down the alley. Transients are stealing fruit, and burglarizing. Decent people are trying to raise children in this area. Ms. Joyce, 719 6th St., stated that she would like to see the area stay single - family. There are quite a few elderly in the area. On 7th Street there is a duplex with people are constantly moving in and out. The area residents are trying to rid what goes on on 7th St. Chairman Morris stated that this was a tough situation. on one hand we have decent people coming into neighborhood trying to improve the standards while on the other Planning and Zoning is trying to evaluate the impact its actions may have on the crime rate and the transient rate. Sometimes Planning and Zoning has to go on faith with what the applicants say they will do to uphold neighborhood. Staff's recommendation was for approval due to fact that there are multi - family uses in the area. Mrs. Stairs moved on approval. Mr. Dennison seconded. Mr. Dennison commented that he did not see how a duplex could cause so much trouble. If done properly, it should have a more stable clientele. The addition to the building would make it much nicer than it is. Planning & Zoning Commission cannot be responsible for policing, but would like to give him the opportunity for the duplex use. If done properly, could be an asset. Mr. Gray stated that he grew up in the area and understood the problem. He will try to have long term renters versus short term. He will require at least a 12 month lease. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site/ Engineering Plan for Airport Boulevard Car Wash, an automobile and truck service use, located at 2499 Airport Boulevard in a GC -2 General Commercial District. Owner: The Sandefur Companies; Representative: Dr. Storm L. Richards. Storm Richards. 1804 Maple, was present representing Stan Sandefur regarding the project. He stated that he will be following up with Seminole County as to the traffic. Mrs. Sonnenberg entered Staff's recommendations into the record. Mr. Richards stated that access will be from the shopping center. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 PAGE 5 Mr. Owens asked who actually owns the property, Sandefur and Spolski or Stan Sandefur. Mr. Richards said that Seminole County lists both, but it is actually owned by Stan Sandefur. Mr. Dennison moved on approval subject to final engineering plan approval; dedication of additional right -of -way to Seminole County; sidewalk to be at the new right -of -way line; details on the open cut at W. 25th Street; and tree specifications to be per Schedule J of the Land Development Regulations. Mr. Owens seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for the Paris House, a residential care facility use, located at 1310 Park Avenue in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial District. Owner /representative: Peter S. and Mary L. Parise. Mrs. Sonnenberg entered Staff's recommendations into the record. Mr. Dennison moved to approve the site plan. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for the First Professional Office Building, an office use, located at 303 W. First Street in a SC -3, Special Commercial District. Owner /representative: John A. Spolski. Mrs. Sonnenberg entered Staff's recommendation into the record. John Spolski, 136 High St., Lake Mary, stated that they have met and will exceed the City's requirements. Mr. Owens moved to approve the plan. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg presented a site plan for a canopy addition for LON Research as approved by staff. Mr. Marder stated that he had a meeting with DOT and discussed the level of service for 17 -92. DOT had used from Casselberry on up to 25th St. as high traffic volume. It seems that the traffic volume for southern part of the County was applied to Sanford. 17 -92 is at LOS "C" now while the Comp Plan has it at LOS "D ". We can maintain D be in good shape for the time being. Apparently legislty. Transportation funding passed the Legislature. They will restudy the section between 17 -92 and I -4. They are close having the whole thing. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1990 PAGE 6 Mr. Simmons gave an update on mall. He has been advised that DCA will appeal the development order issue. Affordable housing was not really addressed in the development order. They will need to create the same type of information that was required in the submittal of last year. Although they had been told then they did not have to. Mr. Simmons said he had worked with Mr. Morris for the past 5 years and had viewed him as the corporate memory. Miss Owens, Stairs, - Dyal, Dennison. "Wish you well. The floor was now open for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Dyal nominated Mr. Dennison. There being no further nominations, Mr. Dennison was elected by acclamation as Chairman for the forthcoming year. Mr. Owens nominated Mr. Speer as Vice Chairman. There being no further nominations, Mr. Speer was elected by acclamation as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year. Mr. Dennison made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Owens seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Chairman Morris stated that it has been a pleasure to work with members of the Commission and Staff. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. J hn Morris, Chairman FRS THE SAIIFORD CrrY P1,hNN= June 15, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for June 21, 1990 N ARAN - Request for a small -scale comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use from a County designation to a City designation for recently annexed property located on U.S. 17 & 92 south of Airport Boulevard. 1. Site is located on U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and is one of 5 -6 vacant parcels in the area between Airport Boulevard and Lake Mary Boulevard. Site encompasses slightly less than three acres. 2. Site is adjacent to various retail commercial sales and service establishments and automotive sales activities. 3. Utilities available to the site include City water and sewer service. While the subject segment of U.S. 17 & 92 is presently operating below the adopted level of service "D ", potential development of site will not significantly effect operating characteristics. 4. Site is presently designated "Commercial" in the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan. 5. Recommend that site be designated Community Commerce in Sanford's Future Land Use Plan based on comparable designation in County plan, existing commercial character of site and surrounding area at the present time and availability of services at the present time. MARATHON PETROLEUN COMPANY - Request conditional use permit to establish four gasoline service islands for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at the southeast corner of 25th Street (State Road 45 East) and French Avenue (U.S. Highway 17 & 92). 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and actually constitutes two sites divided by a public alley. Site on the west side of the alley includes a restaurant; Site on the east side of the alley includes two parking lots separated by a single family dwelling. The alley includes various above- and below - ground utilities. 2. Adjacent land uses Zoned GC -2 include various retail sales and service establishments and single family dwellings fronting 1 Laurel Avenue. 3. Recommend approval of gasoline service islands based on similarity of existing uses already established in the area and provided that any development activities related to the alley between the two portions of the site shall be subject to separate City approval. TARVORIM - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to RI -1, Restricted Industrial for property located on the east side of Beardall Avenue south of SR 46 East. 1. Site is Zoned AG, Agricultural and encompasses approximately 19 acres. Site is presently vacant. 2. Site fronts Beardall Avenue, a paved County road that appears to have a substandard pavement width (less than 24 feet). 3. Site is located in the aircraft approach and noise impact zones of the main east -west runway of the Sanford Airport. Industrial uses are generally compatible in such areas. 4. City potable water service is available on SR 46. Central wastewater service is not available or planned at this time. 5. Adjacent land uses and zoning include an airport runway (RI- 1) , airport -owned lands planned for commercial /industrial uses (per airport master plan, AG), conveyor manufacturing and repair activities (C -3, Commercial /Wholesale in county), wholesale seafood distribution (C -3) and vacant land (AG in city, A -1 in county). 6. Recommend approval of request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to RI -1, Restricted Industrial based on similarity of adjacent zoning districts, existing character of area and general compatibility of permitted uses with aviation activities. GRAY - Request conditional use approval to permit a two - family dwelling on property Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential located at the northwest corner of Locust Avenue and 7th Street. 1. Site includes approximately 5,800 square feet with a small existing building on the east side of site. 2. Adjacent uses include one - family dwellings, a residential building that appears to be a rooming house or multiple family residence and a fraternal organization. 3. Recommend approval of request to permit a two - family dwelling based on existing character of area and general policy of Planning and Zoning Commission to permit two - family dwellings in the surrounding area. iq