HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.03.90PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 3, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Tom Speer John Morris Helen Stairs Les Owens Joe Dennison Eddie Keith MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Dyal Leon Brooks OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The f irst item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a SC -3, Special Commercial zone, located at 206 S. Elm Avenue for the purpose of Multiple Family. OWNER /REP: Franklin Investment Group, Inc. Mr. Ken Stickler representing Franklin Investment Group stated that they intend to renovate and rent. They will be improving the existing structures to multiple family structures. There are two structures on this property and they plan to put in three rental units at approximately 1000 square foot each. Mr. Stickler stated that he did not understand all the zoning requirements that go along with a multi family use but that he will get with Mrs. Sonnenberg on all that is required. In opposition to the Conditional Use was Phyllis Starrett. She stated that there are enough rental units in the area. Her primary reason for opposition was because she felt they would be a weekly rentals with people coming and going. She never knows who her neighbors are or will be. Mrs. Starrett stated that she has lived in the area for 20 years. Also in opposition was Lois Straehler, 715 Magnolia Avenue. Ms. Straehler stated that she is opposed to this use being next to a single family area. This use will be abutting the Downtown Historic District. Multi - family is not an appropriate use for the home. Ms. Straehler would like for it to remain what it is. There are too many multi -homes in this area. These uses usually attract citizens that they do not want in the area. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 3, 1990 Page 2 The Chairman asked for a show of hands from the audience of people in opposition. Approximately 19 people in the audience were opposed to the conditional use. David DeVaughn, 701 Magnolia Avenue, was present to speak in opposition. He stated that he had lived at 505 S. Elm for 17 years. Multi - family will not help the area. There are junk cars in the yards with multi - family uses. He was personally against the Conditional Use. Ms. Theard Cherda, 717 Magnolia, owns the house that has a multi rental across the street. She is trying to prevent this from happening elsewhere. She stated that she is in an ongoing battle with cars racing and obscene fights. Glen Doman, 600 Oak Avenue, stated that this address had been before the Board for the Grove Counseling Service. It was turned down then and he would like for it to be turned down now. Georgia Stubbs, moved in the area 5 months ago, stated that she would like to preserve the atmosphere. There are a lot of problems across the street from her and she does not need any more. Mrs. Stairs moved to deny the Conditional Use. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zone, located at 2114 S. French Avenue for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Class 1: Sale of alcoholic beverages (beer & wine) in sealed containers for consumption off premises. OWNER: Donald D. & Gertrude Royer; representative: Angel M. Pagan, Jr. Angel Pagan, 2114 S. French Avenue, stated that he is trying to open a grocery and deli store. He wants a beer and wine license. There will be no facilities to sit and eat; it is strictly carry out. Everything will be taken out. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the recommendation from Police Chief, recommended approval. The City Ordinance #2078 may apply and the Chief would like for the applicant to be fully aware of this Ordinance. Mr. Dennison moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in favor. John Leroy opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone, located at 2623 Orlando Drive for the purpose of Expansion of a Nonconforming Structure. AINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 3, 1990 Page 3 OWNER /REP: Middle Properties, Inc.; c/o Coastal Mart, Inc. Jim Vandercrate, representing Middle Properties, Inc., stated that they would like to upgrade and modernize. They intend to meet the new landscaping requirements as much as possible. Mrs. Keith moved on approval. Seconded by LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial zone, located at 1011 S. Sanford Avenue for the purpose of Automotive Dealer Sales (Used). OWNER /REP: Horace Louis Orr & Associates, Inc. Horace Orr, 1011 S. Sanford Avenue, stated that he would like to sell used cars in conjunction with the business already in effect at this location by using a small portion for auto sales. Most of the auto sales business will be by brokerage. Mr. Orr stated that ultimately he would like to expand to the lot next door. There will be no more than 8 cars at any one time on the lot. There is plenty of space for parking cars at this location without using the alleyway. Mr. Orr stated that there are over 14 spaces in addition to the parking for 8 cars. 21 to 24 cars can be parked at this location. The major part of the business will be to find cars for people who want them. There may be an occasion to store a car there once in a while. There will be no working on autos. No mechanical work. The west of the building will be used by SEEDCO. The City had a lot of problems at 1109 Sanford Avenuebut the tenants are gone now and Mr. Orr now plans to develop this land into a parking lot and a garage. Larry Barnes, 1011 Sanford Avenue, stated that he was primarily here to explain the drawing as to the vicinity of the area around the proposed car lot. There are four commercial properties in operation at this end of Sanford Avenue. The City should encourage any type of use that is legal, rather than having it laying there dormant. He Supported Mr. Orr completely. Mr. Speer moved on approval for the parking of 8 autos for resale behind George Starke building for one year. Mr. Keith seconded. Mr. Orr stated that basically this was a one man operation. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a MR -2, Multiple - Family Residential Zone, for a church, daycare center, day school and multi - family use located at E. of Locust Avenue; South of Celery Avenue; W. of Mellonville Avenue. OWNER: William C. & Jack C. Demetree; representative: E1- Bethel MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 3, 1990 Page 4 House of Refuge, Inc., Elijah Richardson, Pastor. Elijah Richardson, 601 S. Sanford Avenue, Pastor, stated that he would like to use the property for a church, day care center, and a day school. Plans to have approximately 100 children at the day care center. The day school will be mostly kindergarten and preschool. Mr. Dennison asked how much property of the would be used. Rev. Richardson stated the complete 5 acres would eventually be used. Ms. Stairs asked if any of the use would be for multiple family dwellings. Rev. Richardson stated that there may be one or two homes built for the pastor living on the premises. The sale of the property is contingent upon the conditional use. Rev. Richardson stated that he is not familiar with the permitting problems he may have. Chairman Morris stated that staff recommends tabling until master plan is worked up. Rev. Richardson stated that he has no problem with tabling until the master plan is worked up and that Artis Woodard had been contracted for the engineering aspect of the plan. Mr. Speer moved to table until a master plan is submitted. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for the Sanford Birthing Center, a hospital /medical clinic use, located at 1512 W. 1st Street in a RMOI, Multiple - family Residential; Office - Institutional District. Owner: Rufus Kite - Powell, representative: Albert Land. Original approval April 20, 1989, expired October 20, 1989. Mr. LeRoy moved to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Stacy Jannis was present for representation. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Staff's recommendations included FDOT, DER, and St. Johns Water Management permits and the granting of requested utility easements. Ms. Jannis stated that they had no problems with staff's recommendations. The delay had been due to financial problems. Mr. Speer moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Speer stated that there are March of Dimes' yellow directional arrows still up on Scott, Virginia and Celery Avenues. Mr. Speer suggested having people put up bonds or cash to ensure the removal MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of May 3, 1990 Page 5 of the signs. Mr. Leroy asked about the set backs for the car lot across from Police Station and also how many cars are allowed to be parked out in front. Mrs. Sonnenberg is to check. Mr. Leroy made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 7:52 P.M. wer .... FROM THE SANFORI) CITY PLANNER April 27, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for May 3, 1990 FRANKLIN INVESTMENT GROUP/ BENEFIT TRUST - Request conditional use approval to establish multiple family uses in an SC -3, Special Commercial Zone located at the southwest corner of 2nd Street and Elm Avenue. 1. Site is zoned SC -3, Special Commercial District which is established in most areas of Downtown Sanford. Site appears to include single family residence and a garage apartment. 2. Various single and multiple family uses are located in the immediate area of site. Other uses in the area include a church and various businesses. 3. Recommend approval of conditional use request to permit multiple family uses based on similarity with uses already established in the immediate area. PAGAN - No recommendations are provided for requests to establish the sales of alcoholic beverages. COASTAL MART, INC. - Request conditional use approval to expand a non- conforming structure Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at the northeast corner of U.S. 17 & 92 and 27th Street. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes an existing convenience store with covered gas pumps . Site is located at the northeast corner of Orlando Drive (U. S. 17 & 92) and 27th Street (CR 475) . 2. Recommend approval of expansion of nonconforming structure subject to conformance with Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements and Schedule K, Sign Requirements. ORR - Request conditional use approval to permit a used car lot on property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at the northeast corner of Sanford Avenue and East 11th Street. I. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes a two -story building with limited parking. Site's land area is 5,850 square feet. 2. Various commercial buildings and vacant property are located in immediate area including used car sales. 3. Recommend denial of request to permit used car sales based on insufficient site area to conduct the proposed activity. EL- BETHEL HOUSE OF REFUGE - Request conditional use approval to permit a church, day care and day school and multiple family dwellings on property Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential located on the south side of Celery Avenue between Locust Avenue and Mellonville Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential, fronts Celery AvenuelEast 13th Street and is basically vacant at the present time. 2. Site is adjacent to various single family dwellings Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and MR -2, Multiple Family Residential. 3. Site is also adjacent to neighborhood commercial activities. 4. Recommend that the request for conditional use approval to permit a church, day care and multiple family dwellings be tabled until approval, approval with conditions and stipulations or denial can be based upon a Master Plan because of the proposed mixed uses, the need to coordinate each development phase and the relationship of the site to adjacent residential development.